"Weapons and coordination are not a problem. You can choose whatever you want when you open my arsenal. You can even take whatever you can. As for the retreat, you can rest assured. I have a helicopter under my command. There is a special channel in Myanmar. When you get on the helicopter and leave, no one will catch you. " Wu dengshuang quickly agreed.

Wang Yong and Lin Qianyan were slightly surprised. I didn't expect that Wu Deng managed to get the local snake to such a point that he even got out the helicopter and the special channel.

Is this still a local snake? It's almost half a local tyrant.

"But... The map of Kunde's residence is a little difficult." Wu Deng said with some embarrassment.


"You don't know, the first thing Kunde did when he came was to rebuild his house. A good garden house was transformed into a fortress. Different warning signals are arranged every night, with dozens of security personnel. Villa building is the use of high seismic materials, even shells may not be able to blast open. Besides, it is impossible for anyone to use shells in Rangoon. " Wu Teng shook his head and said.

Wang Yong is not surprised to hear that. With Kunde's timid and suspicious character, it is expected to transform his home into a fortress.

Kunde is almost the most afraid of death that Wang Yong has ever seen.

Even some heads of state are less secure than him. This guy just regarded himself as the president of the United States to protect himself. He only had to install a reconnaissance satellite to focus on monitoring the movement within 10 kilometers of the villa.

"It's more than that. It's said that Kunde's living room is equipped with a high-tech anti-theft door, so you have to brush your fingerprints to get in. If the intruder is forced, the alarm will be triggered. In the whole Kunde residence, no more than four people have the right of way. Three of them are Kunde and his two wives Wu Deng said again.

But the more you say it, the more ridiculous it is. Kunde is comparable to the Kremlin. Wang Yong has to learn from Tom and rely on various scientific and technological means to crack the security system.

"What about the other person who has the right of way?" Lin Qianyan interrupted.

"His name is bogang. He is an old subordinate who has been with Kunde for more than ten years. He is loyal to Kunde, and he has blocked the gun for Kunde. There is no possibility of betraying Kunde. "

In Burmese, bogang stands for an officer of the Department, but it is quite commensurate with bogang's position.

"There's no need to bribe him. We just need to get his fingerprints." Wang Yongdao.

Wu Deng shook his head: "it's not that easy. This bogang is almost the same as Kunde, which is extremely cautious. He must wear a pair of military white gloves when he works during the day, never leaving fingerprints. When he doesn't work at ordinary times, he also develops a special habitual action, which is to erase his fingerprints left on anything. For example, he takes a knife and fork to eat, and every few minutes there is a subconscious action to erase it. "

"This man... Is too careful." Wang Yong was also greatly shocked.

Not to mention that people's fingerprints are not so easy to leave.

Because people may leave fingerprints in daily life can be divided into three categories, the first category is obvious lines, that is, visible lines. Such as hand stained with paint, blood, ink and other items from the transfer, are usually printed on the fingerprint card as basic information;

The second type is molding pattern, which refers to the fingerprints found on soft materials, such as candles and clay;

The third type is latent fingerprint, which is formed by the transfer of body natural secretions such as sweat, and is not easy to find by visual inspection.

The fingerprints detected by ordinary police are of this kind. But there are also conditions. It doesn't mean that touching an object will definitely leave a clear fingerprint. You need sweat or grease on your hands to leave a fingerprint that's enough to collect.

However, bogang does not care whether he will leave fingerprints or not. If he touches his fingers, he will erase them. He is an overcorrected paranoid.

But this kind of "overcorrection" just blocks all possibilities. It's impossible to get his fingerprints.

But if we start from Kunde's wife, Kunde has just come back, and his two wives still don't block him at home? They don't go out at all. Even if you go out, there must be a large number of bodyguards. It's hard for Wang Yong to get close.

Neither bogang nor Kunde's wife is easy to deal with.

Even as an elite agent, Wang Yong is in a dilemma. It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. What she fears most is this kind of situation.

In fact, strictly speaking, he is not helpless. If he is given enough time and free space, he can stand in front of Kunde gate and crack the fingerprint lock for him.

Just like in the Hollywood movie ant man, there was a shot of breaking the fingerprint lock.

The protagonist sticks the fingerprints on the fingerprint lock repeatedly with adhesive tape, then sets them on a ring, pours liquid glue into it, and bakes them under the flame. After baking to a certain extent, he took off the solidified thin film, and the lens showed that a complete fingerprint appeared on the thin film. The protagonist then pasted the glue fingerprint chip on the fingerprint lock and successfully cheated the fingerprint identification system.

Of course, there is a certain deductive element in it. In fact, the fingerprints of this kind of tape are mirror fingerprints, which may not be recognized when they are used on the fingerprint lock.

However, as long as enough time is given, the mirror fingerprint can also be adjusted by special methods to form the original fingerprint.

But the premise of all this is to have enough time.

It's just like in ant man, when the protagonist breaks the door, there is no one in the other's home, so let him do it.

But Kunde's residence won't, there will be a lot of security patrols, and there is no room for them.

This time, it seems that there is really no way

Wang Yong, the king of secret agents, frowned and found it difficult.

Wang Yong is constantly searching for possible methods in his mind, but all of them are extremely cumbersome. The easiest way is to directly cut off Bo Gang's finger and take it to unlock.

But that is obviously unrealistic. Wang Yong's goal is Kunde, not bogang. It's not worth the loss to scare Kunde away.

"What should we do?" Wang Yong rubbed his forehead and thought with a headache.

Wu Deng also saw Wang Yong's helplessness, and he sighed gently. This situation had been expected by him, because he had imagined more than once that he would find someone to kill Kunde, but it was difficult for him to fall on the security door.

Wu Deng is ready to contact the helicopter pilot and ask him not to go out at will these two days and to stand by at home at any time.

After dialing the phone, Wu Deng quickly communicated with the driver.

Wang Yong is staring at Wu Deng, half a day later suddenly eyes a bright: "by the way, that wave just use what mobile phone?"

"It should be an apple." Wu Deng thought about it and said.

In the age of smart phones, apple is undoubtedly the first choice for many people. Not only the local tyrants, but also the politicians all over the world.

Previously, it was revealed that the German prime minister's apple mobile phone was cracked. Every prime minister of a country is like this, let alone other people.

"Apple? God help me Wang Yong laughed and said excitedly.

"Why?" Wu Deng did not know why.

With a mysterious smile, Wang Yong took Wu Deng's mobile phone, put it on the table and asked, "boss Wu, please turn on your mobile phone."

Wu Teng looked at Wang Yong with a puzzled look. He didn't understand what medicine Wang Yong was selling in his gourd. He put out his finger and pressed it on the mobile phone. He used Apple's fingerprint unlocking system to open the mobile phone.

When Wu Deng turned on his mobile phone, he was also stunned and suddenly realized: "I see! You want to collect fingerprints from bogang's cell phone! "

"Yes! The mobile phone itself is the easiest thing to leave clear fingerprints, let alone the Apple phone with fingerprint unlocking function. As long as we set up a little more Bureau, we can steal his fingerprints. It will be easy to make an unlock fingerprint at that time! " Wang Yong explained.

"It's easy! I have an apprentice who has a good relationship with bogang. They drink and eat together from time to time. Moreover, he is now working in Kunde mansion. He is familiar with the defense of Kunde residence and can draw a map for you. I asked him to invite Bo gang out for dinner. You can direct how to deal with it. " Wu Deng said immediately.

This is a dark son he planted in Kunde's house. It hasn't been used yet. Now it comes in handy.

Then pick up the phone and start to arrange.

Soon, Wu Deng put down the phone and nodded to Wang Yong, indicating that everything was arranged.

Wang Yong smiles and talks with Wu Deng and Lin Qianyan about specific action plans.

At this time, Kunde was in the mansion.

Kunde was anxiously sitting in the living room, talking to a man in military uniform.

They seem to have some differences, Kunde face obviously with a strong dissatisfaction.

"General Ji, in any case, you must help me this time! I have been assured by Huaxia that they will never take part in the war in Guobang. You give me another batch of weapons, I can take Guobang in three days! Catch Peng Jiasheng! " Kunde stood up and assured.

But general Ji was not moved. He took a sip of tea and said slowly, "general Kunde, it's not that I don't believe you. As you know, the Chinese side has just issued a statement expressing its views on the Guobang war. You are here to tell me that Huaxia will not interfere. Isn't that self deception? Besides, last time you told me that you would take the old street in a week. But now it's two days since the Old Street won. Instead, you were beaten back to Rangoon by Peng Jiasheng. You really let me down

Kunde can't help but feel resentful when he hears the words, but what can he do? What general Ji said was true. He didn't win the old street in the prescribed time, and he came back in frustration.

Clenching his teeth, Kunde said again: "please help me again! This time, I promise that nothing will go wrong, and you know that there are internal differences in Huaxia. As long as I win Guobang, the internal differences of Huaxia will disappear immediately, and I can only choose to cooperate with us. In this way, if the general agrees to provide me with a batch of heavy weapons, I am willing to double the original price to show my sincerity. "

General Ji showed a touch of surprise on his face and was scared by Kunde's price. Double the price is not a small amount, Kunde boy made a windfall?

"Are you sure you can come up with so much money?" General Ji asked incredulously.

"Of course!" Kunde had a proud face“ I believe you will soon hear the news of Wu Deng's death. Of course, the Yangon Grand Casino will also change owners. Do you think such a big casino is not enough to pay for your military expenses? "

"You are cruel! Even the idea of a big casino! Well, if you do win the big casino, I'll help you again! " General Ji gave Kunde his thumb and said.

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