"Alas Many sighs gathered together to form a torrent, which accurately transmitted the regrets of the people to Wang Yong's ears.

But Wang Yong seemed to have no idea. He blinked and asked the crowd, "what are you sighing about?"

That villain's face makes a whole group of people angry. They want to tear him.

Zhang Jie, in particular, trembles when he is angry. He points at Wang Yong's * and shakes a few times, making a clattering sound. He doesn't know that he thinks Zhang Jie is going to shoot Wang Yong.

Even Kunde said: "Zhang Jie, don't be impulsive!"

Zhang Jie glared at Wang Yong and said, "don't be proud! Even if you keep avoiding until six bullets are filled, one person will die sooner or later! At that time, it's time for God to open his eyes and clear up your troubles! "

Zhang Jie said this with awe inspiring righteousness, as if he was standing on the side of justice.

Wang Yong looked at him coldly and said, "you have the face to say these words. Are you really not afraid that the dead brothers will turn into ghosts to ask for your life?"

"I don't know if they can turn into ghosts, but I know you're going to turn into ghosts! Take it back

Two soldiers came up and pulled Wang Yong back.

On the table, Wang Yong loaded the bullets. At this time, there are already four bullets in it. If Wang Yong doesn't do it deliberately, Lin Qianyan's chance of shooting death is quite large.

This is the time to test the trust of both sides. One side must remove the bullet, and the other side must trust the other side completely.

Lin Qianyan stepped forward slowly, took the gun and shot. The movement is smooth and complete at one go.

As expected, there was still no bullet at * and it was an empty gun.

This time, there was no disappointment and a calm face. Only the pleasure of expectation and revenge surged in the deep of eyes.

They're waiting for six bullets to fill up.

At that time, there was no empty gun to avoid, and one of them was bound to be shot.

Lin Qianyan loads the gun, Wang Yong shoots it without damage. The fifth shot, still empty.

Ding, a bullet is thrown in front of Wang Yong.

This is the sixth bullet.

The time that all people are looking forward to has finally arrived!

This time, no one can avoid death, nor escape the call of death!

Wang Yong obviously knows this situation. His fingers holding the bullet in Lesson 6 tremble slightly. He holds the bullet tremblingly. He wants to aim at the only hole left, but he can't put it in.

Repeated several times, the bullet did not enter the warehouse smoothly.

With a click, the bullet fell on the table. Wang Yong nervously grabs it and fills it in the gun again.

This scene is undoubtedly a great relief for many people. Just now Ya is not also elated, a pair of villain ambition appearance? Why don't you go on now?

Pooh! you deserve it

With a down-to-earth attitude, people appreciate Wang Yong's panic with a kind of abnormal psychology.

Even every trembling of Wang Yong's fingers can stimulate a burst of pleasure in their hearts.

This kind of desperate situation is not always present.

On the other hand, Lin Qianyan was calm. In fact, she should be the most nervous and scared person.

Because after Wang Yong loaded the sixth bullet, it was her turn to shoot.

Her shot was mortal. Just pull the trigger, there's no way out.

But she was like a sage who had already seen through life and death. She was indifferent, even with a touch of relief.

For Lin Qianyan, it's the greatest happiness of life to be able to go with Wang Yong in this game until the sixth round and die under inevitable circumstances.

Because she realized a kind of emotion she had never had before, which is called love.

The flower of love blooming between life and death is more amazing and enchanting than ever.

Lin Qianyan's face was shining with this great light, like a bodhi tree realizing the Tao.

The string of thousand eye Bodhi on her hand moved without wind, making a jingling sound. The glass luster reflected the faint light and became a Buddhist relic like gem.

Half a day later, Wang Yong finally successfully loaded the bullet into the magazine.

Biting his lips, Wang Yong's eyes were full of pain. He didn't want to close the gun. He wants to delay indefinitely.

Seeing Wang Yong's thoughts, Zhang Jie sneered and said, "since you love her so much, it's better to do it yourself."

This was intended to stimulate Wang Yong to speed up, but it backfired. On the contrary, it was the same as Wang Yong.

There was a flash of joy on Wang Yong's face, as if he had found a solution. The protracted action suddenly speeded up and the gun was closed with a click.

The wrist fiercely raised, but it was against his forehead.

"Thank you for reminding me. Then I will bear it myself Wang Yong said solemnly.

"Wang Yong, no!"

Lin Qianyan yelled, pushed away the soldiers in front of him and jumped on him fiercely.

She grabbed Wang Yong's wrist and shook her head with tears on her face: "no, no..."

But Wang Yong seems to have made up his mind. He doesn't even look at Lin Qian. He stares at the front and says, "I'm dead. I hope you can live well. From now on, you have half my life. You can't die without my permission. "

"No..." Lin Qianyan sobbed weakly.

Tough as she is, she only cried twice since she was sensible. One time, her parents were killed, and the other time is now.

But her tears did not play any role in melting Wang Yong's mind.

Wang Yong pushed Lin Qianyan away and knocked him to the ground.

"Good! Wonderful! That's what I love to see! " Kunde clapped excitedly.

At this moment, he felt the waiting value of the whole night! And Zhang Jie's idea is absolutely amazing!

When it's done, we must reward Zhang Jie! Kunde thought to himself.

"Zhang Jie, I can't avenge my brothers in my life. I won't let you go in the next life. Goodbye. "

Wang Yong turns to Zhang Jie and says indignantly.

Zhang Jie is arrogant looking at Wang Yong, two guns in his hand are pointing at Wang Yong: "old captain, go all the way. If you really can't do it, I don't mind helping you. "

"No need to..."

Wang Yong mouth three words export, wait until the word "Le" falls, but see the scene suddenly changed dramatically.

Zhang Jie, who has been mocking Wang Yong, shakes his left hand and throws his * into Wang Yong's arms.

The * of the right hand fired instantly, not at Wang Yong, but at Kunde's men around him.

With a strange smile, Wang Yong jumps up and catches the gun thrown by Zhang Jie.

As the body rolled on the ground, * burst out a violent sound like a string of bullets, and bullets poured out from the muzzle, forming a fire fan, enveloping the soldiers at Lin Qianyan on the other side.

And Lin Qianyan fell to the ground, just to avoid Wang Yong's bullet.

Obviously, she didn't expect this sudden change. She was a little stunned, but she immediately reacted. As soon as she rolled, her wrists turned into two Eagle claws, and two clicks, the wrists of the two soldiers nearest to her were broken.

The * in the soldier's hand also falls into Lin Qianyan's hand, Lin Qianyan a hand a gun, immediately began the ruthless shooting.

At close range, there's no need to aim. Whenever you see a figure, the bullet will follow. The percentage of hits is 100%, and one person will be shot by bad luck.

As a top killer, Lin Qianyan's figure is so strange. All kinds of bizarre actions are made, leaving dazzling figures in the light, making it impossible for people to aim.

On the other hand, Wang Yong and Zhang Jie cooperate and move faster.

The two men had a clear goal of cleaning up the soldiers around Kunde.

The narrow space was originally for the convenience of catching turtles in the urn and binding Wang Yong. Unexpectedly, in the end, it became a trap. Dozens of soldiers were crowded in the room, and there was no place to hide.

The clattering of bullets has turned the living room into a slaughterhouse.

The thick smell of blood wafts in the air and makes people feel sick.

After a while, the soldiers around Kunde were cleaned up. It's just that Kunde, who is always quick to see the opportunity, is no exception this time. As early as when Wang Yong and Zhang Jie launched an attack, he was all in the innermost part of the explosion-proof shield wall.

Originally, the shield wall around him was airtight, and the left, right, up and down were all blocked. Now Kunde retreats into the innermost circle and hides with the body of the shield soldier, making it more and more impossible to attack him.

The bullets hit the shield and crackled. Many of them even bounced off and turned into ricochets, almost injuring Wang Yong and Zhang Jie.

"Zhang Jie! You son of a bitch, how dare you betray me! I will make you pay for it Kunde hid behind the shield and roared angrily.

Zhang Jie sneered and did not speak.

But in the face of Kunde's bulletproof castle, there is nothing to do. Can't you just watch Kunde hide in it until the people outside find out?

But bogang is still outside. He has the right to enter.

Besides, the explosion-proof soldiers around Kunde had already poked out the gun barrel from the gap of the shield and started shooting Wang Yong.

The human flesh tank made up of explosion-proof soldiers will form an advantage sooner or later, compressing the space of Wang Yong's three men.

"Damn it, if only there was a *" Wang Yong scolded angrily.

*It may not be able to open the anti riot shield, but at least it can make these anti riot soldiers unstable and tear a gap.

It's just where to touch it at this time?

With a sigh in his heart, Wang Yong shot two soldiers hiding under the table to fight back, ready to retreat.

I can't kill Kunde this time. Next time, I'll save my life first. I'll leave the Castle Peak without worrying about firewood.

Before giving the retreat instruction, Zhang Jie suddenly yelled: "Captain, I have *"! I'll do it

Wang Yong was stunned. When he was wondering where Zhang Jie came from, he saw that Zhang Jie jumped up suddenly, and his legs burst out with great strength. It was like an eagle flying in the air, and it was like a shell coming out of the barrel, and it flew at Kunde.

The soldiers in the shield Castle adjust the design angle in a hurry, and one bullet after another shoots at Zhang Jie in the air.


Zhang Jieshi made a great effort and finally fell on the shield. The violent impact force made the whole shield Castle unstable in an instant, and there was a gap.

At the same time, Zhang Jie's body was bleeding, but he was shot. A bullet directly penetrated his back and exploded a terrible wound. You can see the broken viscera through the wound.

"Zhang Jie!"

Wang Yong's eyes turned red instantly. A series of bullets swept in along the gap of the shield castle. He heard the sound of popping, and two explosion-proof soldiers were shot.

With a bang, the two shields fell to the ground without support, and the shield Castle collapsed.

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