Kunde was as frightened as a lost dog. He pulled away in a hurry and was about to run away.

And Zhang Jie spat blood and held out his hand to hold Kunde's clothes.

"Damn, labor and capital kill you!" Kunde couldn't run. Looking back, he said fiercely.

Then he touched a gun and aimed it at Zhang Jie's head to smash Zhang Jie.

But Zhang Jie was not afraid, grinning and bleeding: "I've endured humiliation for half a year, waiting for this day! I'm worth it

Kunde's eyes twinkled with fierce light, and he was about to pull the trigger.


A gunshot came, but it was not Kunde's muzzle, but Wang Yong in the distance.

A bullet went straight to kunder's gun finger. In this case of chaos, Wang Yong just like open hang, in the automatic rifle under the continuous vibration to ensure the incredible accuracy.

The bullet roared and hit Kunde's index finger. Kunde screamed. Not only his index finger, but also Kunde's whole right finger was broken.

Before he cruelly cut off Zhong Kui's finger, but now it is a cycle of cause and effect, or retribution back to him.

The pain of severed fingers is far greater than that of other parts. Kunde's whole face was deformed, making the sound of crying and howling.

Wang Yong, with a cold face, stepped forward. As he approached Kunde, he leaped forward, just like a tiger coming down the mountain. All his great strength was poured into the soles of his feet, and he fell down, crushing Kunde.


Kundeton spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his spirit was depressed. His face was like gold paper, but it was caused by massive bleeding in a short time.

While Kunde's other two shield soldiers struggled to get up and wanted to fight back.

Wang Yong is like a butcher who kills people without blinking an eye. Without even looking at the two people, the muzzle of the gun moved, and two fire snakes spewed out to send them to hell.

"Kunde, do you think of today?" Wang Yong looked at Kunde with gnashing teeth and asked.

He thought about revenge all the time. He had thought about what he would do when facing Kunde for countless times, but no matter how detailed imagination and rehearsal, he could not express Wang Yong's mood at this moment.

Many emotions surged into his heart together, and Wang Yong's hand with the gun trembled slightly.

It's reasonable to say that we can't talk nonsense in this case. It's reasonable to kill Kunde directly.

But Wang Yong has a strong desire in his heart. He doesn't want to be so cheap. Kunde must let him taste the pain before he can die.

In the past, when I watched movies, I felt that there was too much nonsense when the enemies of life and death were fighting. One side often turned over in this kind of nonsense. Wang Yong has never understood, but now he does.

Because that kind of hatred is really hard to vent in an instant, we must look at the enemy a little bit of fear, trembling, despair, in order to slightly ease the hatred.

Wang Yong wants to do the same.

Kunde seems to understand Wang Yong's mind. There is a sly light in his eyes. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

"Wang Yong, although I did handle that, I was also instructed. As long as you let me go, I can not only tell you who is behind it, but also give you a lot of money. That's enough money to make up for your brothers, and there's a lot left to make you happy all your life. " Kunde makes a sincere expression, as if he is really pleading with Wang Yong, asking Wang Yong to forgive him.

Said, seems to be to show that he is not lying, Kunde also with another good hand out of the mobile phone, swipe open an account, get in front of Wang Yong.

Wang Yong glanced slightly, only to see a series of 0 behind the account, enough to dazzle people. Moreover, the account is owned by Swiss bank and can be transferred freely without any interference. Even if Wang Yong took the money, it would not be found in China.

For an agent forced to retire, it's really a big temptation.

And Kunde also mentioned that it can compensate the families of his dead comrades, which will make Wang Yong's heart beat.

Wang Yong's cold face appeared a little loose, as if it began to melt, moved.

Kunde can't help but show a tiny smile on his face and secretly press the volume adjustment button on the next side with his mobile phone.

It seems like this move is to prevent the mobile phone from blacking out, but in fact there is another mystery.

There is a signal transmitting device connected inside. As long as you press it, a large number of people will come.

Kunde just needs to delay the time, transfer money slowly, and wait for the rescue.

At that time, don't say it's Wang Yong, and Lin Qianyan doesn't want to escape. The only pity is that even Zhang Jie dare to betray himself, but he has no chance to torture him.

In Kunde's heart, there were some sinister thoughts, waiting for the time to come.

Wang Yong squatted down slowly and looked at Kunde solemnly, just like talking to a kindergarten child: "general Kunde, do you think you can cheat a senior agent with this kind of trick? I'm sorry, I need money to make it myself. Your money is too dirty for me to use. Goodbye. "

With that, the gun barrel in Wang Yong's hand trembled, bounced up and stuffed into Kunde's mouth.

Kunde was caught off guard and wanted to say something, but he was blocked by the barrel of the gun and couldn't say anything.

This time there was real fear in his eyes, and there was no more false appeal.

He heard the murderous spirit from Wang Yong's words.

It's a pity that Wang Yong ignored his eyes at all. There was a touch of ridicule in the corner of his mouth, and his fingers pressed to the trigger.

"I hope you won't be reincarnated in the next life. It's better to be a dog than it is now."

With that, Wang Yong pulled the trigger.

Bang, the bullet comes out. It exploded in Kunde's mouth.

Kunde's head, like a ripe watermelon, burst with a bang.

The red and white objects are splashed all over the world. Wang Yong is the first to bear the brunt. He is splashed all over his head and face, rendering his murderous look more like a murderer.

But above Kunde's head, his eyes were wide open. He didn't believe that Wang Yong had killed him.

"Good! Good! Good

At this time, lying on the ground coughing up blood, Zhang Jie suddenly yelled three times, freely dripping.

But with his shouting, his injury became more and more serious, and the wound of being shot was bleeding.

Wang Yong didn't have time to experience the pleasure of revenge. He bent down and quickly pressed the most bleeding part of Zhang Jie's body.

Zhang Jie looked at Wang Yong and waved his hand feebly: "team leader, leave me alone. I can't do it... I've endured it for so long. I just want to wait for you to tell you the truth... "

When Wang Yong saw this, a trace of grief flashed in his heart. Of course, he can see that Zhang Jie is no longer good at this time. The bullets will blow up all the viscera. Now Zhang Jie is hanging by one breath. When that breath is released, Zhang Jie will die.

"Don't talk, I'll take you out! I'll wait until you're ready! This time I want to thank you for saving me Wang Yongdao.

Just now, the changes between the electric light and flint are not without reason.

Since Zhang Jie proposed to play the game, Zhang Jie began to lay out the layout secretly.

First, he pretended to threaten Wang Yong and Lin Qianyan with a gun, ensuring that he had a weapon that could be fired at any time.

Then he used the tone of scolding Wang Yong to suggest that when six bullets were full, it was the time for heaven to open his eyes. It's not Wang Yong, but Kunde.

As for the signal of action, it's very simple. It's Zhang Jie's chattering voice when he threatened Wang Yong.

It's a sign of dragon's back. Only dragon's back players can understand it. It's designed for this kind of situation where you can't gesture and open your mouth.

Wang Yong's keen understanding of Zhang Jie's intention, so when he pressed down the bullet in Lesson 6, all kinds of performances made people think that he was really desperate.

By the way, will come up to grab Lin Qianyan pushed to the ground, for her to create a good attack position.

Of course, Lin Qianyan was kept in the dark from beginning to end. But it turns out that there is a tacit understanding between Wang Yong and Wang Yong. In a moment, she understood the intention of Wang Yong and Zhang Jie and realized the anti killing.

In the living room, more than 30 soldiers were killed by the three men, but none of them survived.

The carpet of the whole living room was dyed scarlet, and the sole of foot could step out a pool of blood with a little force on it.

The ground is full of broken limbs and arms, like hell on earth.

Wang Yong picked up Zhang Jie and wanted to take him out.

But Zhang Jie pressed Wang Yong's hand and shook his head: "Captain, I really can't. Put me down... I have something else to tell you. It's very important. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to finish when I'm bumped. "

Wang Yong can only give up the idea of taking Zhang Jie and listen to what Zhang Jie wants to say.

"I did the drill. But I had to, because... Because they threatened me with their brothers' families! If they don't follow their orders, all the brothers' families will die, big or small, old or young. In that case, I really have no choice, Captain! I'm afraid, I'm afraid that they will really kill all the brothers' parents and wives. They are the devil, they can do it Zhang Jie's eyes were full of grief and indignation and said pathetically.

Wang Yong was stunned at the news. I didn't expect that there were such reasons behind!

The family members of the Longji team belong to confidential information, which is impossible for ordinary people to access. Why can people behind the scenes find out?

The enemy is in the temple! This is Wang Yong's first thought.

Besides, he is not an ordinary Temple official. He is probably a guy with a good background.

"Who is it?" Wang Yong asked with a chill in his voice.

But Zhang Jie gently shook his head: "I don't know. They're phoning me all the way. I didn't believe it at first, but I had to believe it when they reported the family addresses of their brothers and their members one by one. Over the years, I have been haunted by nightmares all the time. As soon as I close my eyes, I can see that my dead brothers are covered with blood and come to pay for my life. If it wasn't for waiting for you, I would have gone with my brothers. "

"After the desert war, I immediately inquired about the situation. I was relieved to learn that your body had not been found. Believe that you will live. You must be able to detect my abnormality and come to me for revenge. I'm the beacon of revenge. With me, you can find the right direction. "

Wang Yong's eyes flashed, and there were tears in his eyes. He once thought about countless reasons for Zhang Jie's betrayal, but he never thought it would be like this.

It can be imagined how he spent the past six months, the kind of pain, life is not like death.

"Captain, there's one more important thing... I got it from Kunde. He said that our team suffered from this disaster because of an intelligence!"

"Intelligence? What kind of information? "

"I don't know the details. I only know that the last three digits of the intelligence number seem to be 044." Zhang Jie replied.

“044?” Wang Yong frowned. The military's intelligence information is vast, and the number length is more than nine digits. Only the last three are a large number of searches, which are hard to find.

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