But Ziyu Fengqing sent not only these, but also two other things.

AK47 and RPG.

Together, these three things are known as the three artifact of the guerrilla community.

In this kind of small-scale confrontation, especially when the military strength of both sides is not a first-class power, having three artifact means great advantage.

"Artillery company, take the Rockets! All of them, target, front line, let's go Peng Jiasheng announced with full air.

Just listen to the voice of the soldiers below, and set out in full morale.

And so many rockets simply exceeded the number of allied artillery companies. The artillery company does not actually have many people.

Thanks to the special forces led by Peng Yin, who temporarily filled in and served as gunners, they managed to make up enough people.

In this way, the vast crowd set out for the front line. Behind them were the roaring artillery cars.

The scene was shocking.

The awakened residents of the old street all ran out, looking at the far away allied forces, one by one surprised.

"Commander Peng, what are you doing? Is it true that, like the rumor, we are going to retreat and give up on us? "

"No, commander pen is not that kind of person. Even if we retreat, we will be informed in advance. If you look at the direction the allies are going, where is it possible to retreat. It's clearly going to the front. "

"Is it going to be a big fight? Commander Peng wants to burn both jade and stone, or he has a plan. He can't understand it. He really can't understand it. "

The residents speculated about the movement of the Allied forces, but they were all at a loss, and rumors abounded.

In the end, a group of people didn't quarrel with each other, and they could only look at the direction of the allies, hoping to send back the good news.

Meanwhile, camp Kunde is dead. The sneak attack a few days ago greatly dampened the enthusiasm of these people.

What's more, Kunde, the supreme commander, fled directly to Rangoon the next day, ignoring all his subordinates.

The morale of the army is hard to gather and easy to collapse. Once there is any bad rumor, the morale will drop rapidly. Therefore, in all previous wars, there will always be relevant personnel responsible for spreading special remarks to combat enemy morale.

The commander who took over Kunde for the time being, of course, knew that this phenomenon was not good, so he issued a strict order to prohibit the spread of this kind of speech.

But blocking is better than sparing. The more sheltered it is, the more suspicious it is. This method makes the news of the commander's escape more real, and the morale of the soldiers directly drops to the lowest point.

At five o'clock in the morning, Kunde's men had just got up, sleepy and listless.

In recent days, the Allies seemed to have a tacit understanding with them. Both sides kept a wait-and-see state and did not take further attack measures.

Of course, the allies could not have taken any offensive measures.

With this kind of psychological advantage, Kunde's men are so carefree, and the military discipline is scattered.


Just then suddenly, a huge sound sounded in the distant sky, and some soldiers squatting and washing suddenly raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

The next second, these people were shocked, yelled and ran away.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack

"What a noise! What's the big deal with the Allied trash, even if they attack? Give me a point! " The officers came out of the barracks and scolded angrily.

But he casually turned his head, and after seeing the dense sky, he could not say such words any more.

This is more than a big move, it is a bug level blow!

Where did the Allies get these shells?

Without time to think about it, the officer fled with his pants in his hand.

A shell as dense as a locust doesn't have eyes when it's blasted. It won't open up just because he's an officer.

When is it better not to run away?

For a moment, Kunde camp was in chaos.

At this time, the top commander of the position was sitting in the room worried.

Because he just received a message that general kunder is dead!

For more than two hours, he never recovered from the shock.

How could general kunder die? If the caller is not someone he knows, he must suspect that he is cheating himself.

"What to do? What should I do? Will the next battle be fought? " The commander paced up and down the room, hesitating.

Before he knew it, he heard the noise outside and the strange sound from the sky.

"No!" After all, the commander was well-informed, and immediately recognized that it was the sound of rocket shells.

He swished out of the door and glanced at the sky. He was also shocked by the sight.

It was not until a guard pulled him and dragged him to the back of the bunker that he was saved.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shells landed one by one in Kunde camp, bombing the ground in gullies. Originally, there was an artillery position in Kunde front line, which kept suppressing the Allied forces.

Today, however, it's like paper. It's destroyed in an instant. It can't destroy these artillery, but it can turn the artillery position into a restricted area, which makes the artillery dare not enter.

It can be said that Ziyu Fengqing's 40 Rockets played a crucial role. Suddenly, they attacked unexpectedly and got the suppression effect at once.

If Ziyu Fengqing has not studied the situation of the two sides, Peng Jiasheng absolutely does not believe it. These weapons sent by Ziyu Fengqing are clearly targeted.

"Today's young people are more and more powerful." Peng Jiasheng looked at the scene of the firecrackers flying together and thought about it.

He had foreseen the end of the battle. The unruly Kunde soldiers could not organize an effective counterattack at all, and the collapse of their morale was even worse. They were too tired to fight against the allies.

It's only a matter of time before we win.

"Well, sir, what's the matter now?" Peng Jiasheng is a little distracted.


The incident of general Kunde's mansion has already alarmed the high-level officials in Yangon. A large number of troops and police forces have been dispatched to quickly surround the whole mansion.

Some people who knew that Kunde was dead secretly set up to snatch the interests left behind by Kunde.

There was chaos outside, but the place where Wang Yong stayed was extremely quiet. Only drops of water echoed in the sewer.

Wang Yong feels that he can't support himself any more. Now the blood gas in his breath has become heavier and heavier, and his crushed ribs have hurt his internal organs.

But even so, Wang Yong still dare not gasp, the consequences will be more serious.

"How long is it?" Wang Yong looked at the black pipe in front of him, and he was a little frightened.

He is really afraid that this pipeline is directly connected to the outside of Rangoon, which is tens of thousands of meters away. Wang Yong is absolutely impossible to climb so far. His shrinking bones can't last so long.

I'm afraid that before Wang Yong climbed out of the pipe, he would have died in it and become a rotten corpse. Even the flesh and blood are not left, will be eaten up by water mice.

Thinking of the disgusting scene, Wang Yong could not help shivering.

"No! Never die in this Wang Yong screamed from the bottom of his heart, speeding up the speed of crawling.

The Limited Wang Yong is supported by one breath, and has already gone through the limit of bone contraction that he can adhere to.

The breath of breath is more rich. Wang Yong feels that he can't hold on for more than ten minutes.

"Is heaven going to kill me?"

Wang Yong thought sorrowfully and looked up at the front.

The faint light in his eyes made Wang Yong's heart beat faster.

Although the light is very weak, although almost invisible, but Wang Yong or keen to see!

And not only the light, even the rotten air has become fresh, although the clear is still full of bad smell.

Wang Yong excitedly crawls forward, which means that the front is no longer the barrel pipe, but the wide urban construction sewer!

Sure enough, the underground pipeline system did not go beyond common sense, and still adopted the common design.

I think it's right. If it's all such narrow cylindrical pipes, in case of too much garbage, it's easy to form blockage. In order to avoid this situation, the one person high underground sewer must be built.

Puff, Wang Yong only feel body suddenly sink, like weightlessness in the elevator, the whole person fell down.

The momentum of the fall did not last long. Within one meter, Wang Yong fell into the water.

And Wang Yong's contracted figure also unfolded in an instant, and the feeling of holding back was swept away.

But finally climbed out of the pipe!

Squeak, a group of water mice screamed and ran past Wang Yong, splashing a piece of sewage.

But the blood gas on Wang Yong attracted them, which made them unwilling to leave too far away and regarded Wang Yong as edible food.

"Go away!" Wang Yong kicked a mouse that was trying to bite his trouser leg, looked at the wide water channel in front of him, and resolutely walked towards the exit.

Every step, Wang Yong ribs will come a burst of pain, it is squeezed broken ribs in pricking flesh.

Wang Yong tried to adjust his walking posture, trying not to let the broken bone pierce the important viscera, otherwise there would be no help.

The front is still very dark. As we approach the exit, the sewage in the sewer is getting deeper and deeper.

This is already the pipeline system of the whole city, not just one, but many.

Gradually, the sewage had gone through Wang Yong's chest and neck.

Wang Yong could only give up walking and began to swim. Although the smell is bad, swimming is actually more conducive to stabilizing the wound than walking.

I don't know how long I swam, but Wang Yong suddenly felt that the water was getting faster, as if there was a spillway in front of him.

And the light is getting brighter, you can see the dawn.

"Here we are! Here we are at last Wang Yong thought excitedly. At the moment, his mood is like the protagonist in Shawshank's redemption. It's hard to express his feeling of escaping from the world.

If it's not in the water, Wang Yong really wants to let off his feelings with a long roar.

"Well? incorrect! There seems to be a sound Wang Yong listened as he approached the exit.

Here is the exit. A steel mesh gate blocks the exit, and the water flows out of the mesh, forming a quagmire.

Far into the eye are all lush towering trees, trees spread vines, dense shrubs scattered growth.

It's a jungle.

And in the jungle came the sound of footsteps in this direction. The footstep is disorderly, the speed of running is inconsistent, and the sound of knocking with guns.

"Kunde's men are coming!" Wang Yong's heart is clear, his eyes are fixed on the outside, and the situation is still.

When he saw Kunde's men approaching, Wang Yong ignored the smell of sewage and took a deep breath. He dived into the water and disappeared in the muddy sewage.

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