Shasha, Kunde's men walk carefully to the spillway.

They are local soldiers. Naturally, they know that the forest nearby is quite dangerous.

Myanmar is located in the tropics. Of course, all the forests are tropical rainforests. In particular, the towering trees, which hover upward in a coronal shape, can reach more than 30 meters.

Looking up, you can't see the crown at all.

Unfamiliar people may like to linger near the tree trunk, but it is the most dangerous place. Because Burmese python, a special product of Burmese territory, is perched on the trees. Once they find their prey, they will swim quietly, launch an attack suddenly and strangle it.

This line of soldiers dare not go deep into the forest, the biggest psychological obstacle is the fear of Burmese python.

Only the outlet of the sewer is in the forest, and the outlet is close to the river, which discharges all the wastewater of a city into the river.

As for environmental protection, a developing country is not entitled to worry about it.

"The sluice net of flood discharge is not damaged. It seems that the boy hasn't come out yet?" A soldier said cautiously.

They dare not get too close. The rainforest is dangerous. The riverside of the rainforest is even more dangerous.

No one knows if there is a Burmese python or crocodile swimming by the river.

"Then what? Is it right here? What if the boy didn't climb out of the pipe and died in it? " Some people are worried.

In that case, they would have to wait until the end of time, and even in the end they could not know whether Wang Yong was dead or not. Because the rats in the sewer will eat up the corpse, and the residue will not be left.

The team leader thought about it for a moment, and suddenly turned to look at the soldier who spoke just now.

"You go to the gate net."

The soldier was stunned and reluctant.

Who would have thought that a casual complaint would bring such disasters? Go to the gate net and have a look. It's easy to say. But who doesn't know it's a journey of death?

"Damn it The soldier scolded the team leader in his heart, but he didn't dare disobey the order of the team leader.

Only hard forward, step by step to stop the direction of the gate network.

Hua La, on the way, suddenly there was a shiver in the Bush, as if there was something in it.

Frightened, the soldier's face suddenly changed, the muzzle of the gun in his hand unconsciously turned, daddada swept out a string of bullets.

But after the bullet swept in, there was no movement except to knock out the leaves.

After waiting for a long time, I saw a tree frog fluttering its gills and roaring angrily, hopping and disappearing in the distance.

"Shit The soldier couldn't help scolding.

"Ha ha ha." The other soldiers burst into laughter.

"Laugh! There is seed for you

This immediately made the laughing soldiers shut up. No one wanted to die.

The detective soldier was calm and continued to rub forward a little bit.

For a long time, he finally rubbed the gate net step by step.

There was no more danger along the way, and the soldier was relieved.

Looking around for a week, the river was very quiet. There were no animals drinking water, and there were no Burmese boas hanging on the branches of the river. There are no crocodiles lurking under the water.

Everything is safe.

The soldier thought in his heart that his steps were much lighter.

He touched the net with the muzzle of his gun and did not move. It doesn't seem to have been damaged.

Of course, it's not ruled out that someone will open it and reload it.

To be on the safe side, the soldier bent slightly to observe the condition of the net.

Just as he bent down, he didn't adapt to the muddy underwater vision. Suddenly, he fell into the water.

"Ha ha ha, that fool!" The soldiers at the theatre in the distance laughed again.

Shouldn't a fool who can't bend well and fall into the water be ridiculed?

They did not know that the soldier did not fall by himself. But in the moment when he bent down, a hand stretched out from the bottom of the water and grabbed his hair.

It's like a Burmese Python's big mouth. It won't let go after biting its prey. Drag his body into the net.

How is it possible for the gate net to pass because of its small aperture? So the soldier hit his head on the gate net, as if he had hit the wall, with a roar in his ears and stars in his eyes.

He subconsciously raised the gun, difficult to put the muzzle to the direction of the gate net, want to shoot. But the barrel of the gun was seized and taken away.

And the other hand holding his head is as flexible as an eel, and it goes around the debris in the water and pinches it on his throat.


The soldier had a broken throat and died.

Wow, there's a man under the water. It's Wang Yong.

Wang Yong uses the soldier's corpse to cover his visual angle, grabs the wrist of the gun, shakes it, rotates it 180 degrees in the air, and the handle of the gun reaches Wang Yong.

Wang Yong hid the muzzle of the gun under the body, took a deep breath and dived into the water again.

When other soldiers in the distance saw the situation, they finally realized that something was wrong.

Who would float on the water instead of getting up?

There must be something wrong!

The team leader winked, and the whole team was on alert.

Move slowly to the gate net in formation.

Judging from the appearance of the scouts, it is obvious that they have already hung up. Otherwise, they won't be floating face down and motionless.

What we need to know now is what killed him. Man or animal?

There are so many unknowns in the rainforest, each of which means death.

They're a little scared.

While Wang Yong shrank at the bottom of the water, holding the bottom of the gate net with one hand to ensure that he would not be exposed by the current, he pulled the trigger with the other hand, waiting for the small team to approach.

Finally, the team got close. But very experienced to maintain a certain distance.

This distance is just within the range. You can gather fire at any time. You can also turn around and run away.

Wang Yong sighed with regret. It seems that the plan of using corpses to set an ambush is not feasible.

Then there's another way.

The muzzle of Wang Yong's gun gently pushed on the corpse, and the corpse immediately got rid of the shackles and drifted down the river.

With the help of the sound of the water, Wang Yong fired several shots at the bottom of the water.

When the bullet was shot into the body, it immediately burst out a large mass of blood and dyed a piece of water red.

"It's moving! It's moving Cried Kunde's men“ Captain, do you want to bring it up? "

The team leader just wanted to nod his head and agree, but suddenly his face changed: "no! There's so much blood in the air! It's likely to attract Burmese Python and crocodile! Don't worry about the body, get out of here

The team leader's reaction was quick. He realized the danger at the first time.

It's a pity that they are still a little late. As a river overlord with a keen sense of smell, the blood gas in the river has already attracted the attention of several crocodiles.

They wagged their tails and moved several meters at a time. Only a few wagged their tails to the bottom of the corpse.

An adult's body is not enough for several crocodiles to share food. They are biting, fighting and falling into melee.

The strong blood gas spread farther and farther, and even attracted a group of water mice.

It's just that mice, a timid species, flinch when they see that it's the big crocodiles that are robbing them. Squeaking, he didn't dare to move forward for fear of suffering from the fish in the pond. He became an appetizer of crocodile brother.

When the soldiers on the shore saw this scene, their faces changed greatly. They were not in the mood to care whether Wang Yong was hiding nearby.

They're going to turn around and run.

Wang Yong lurks at the bottom of the water, sneers and floats up slowly. Spit out a foul air, murmur: "you really have patience! In that case, I'll help you! "

With that, the gun in Wang Yong's hand was fired continuously, and he didn't want to hit the key, as long as he could hit people.

Poop, poop, three soldiers in a row were knocked to the ground.

They screamed and realized that Wang Yong was really nearby.

He shot back in a hurry, but Wang Yong shrunk his head and went into the water again.

Crawling all the way, Wang Yong's body, not to mention how smelly, has the same smell as the water mouse who has lived in the sewer for a long time.

So the crocodiles in the water didn't realize the existence of Wang Yong at all, just tearing at the food.

Without hitting Wang Yong, Kunde's men ran in a hurry. Only three of them were shot, bleeding all over the place and unable to run. He can only ask his companion for help.

The other companions couldn't bear to reach out and pull them, but then they reached out and suddenly heard the soldier who had been shot roar: "overhead! Top of the head

The voice was full of panic and panic.

It's just that it's a little late. Before the soldiers can figure out what's on the top of their heads, they feel a pain in the back of their neck. Then they get off the ground and float up into the sky.


It seems that the cloth was cut by sharp scissors, and the back neck muscles of the soldiers were suddenly torn, and a thick fishy smell came out, accompanied by sticky liquid.

It's a Burmese python!

The soldier was shocked and then fell into despair.

Although the Burmese python has no poison, once it bites its prey, it can't get rid of it.

Especially when it's bigger than its size.

Adult Burmese pythons are at least five meters long. For example, most wild Burmese pythons are in this range.

Females are longer.

Unfortunately, it was a female Burmese python that attacked the soldiers at the moment, with a full length of eight meters. Generally perched on the tree trunk, the skin pattern is almost integrated with the tree trunk, and the natural camouflage color perfectly conceals the body shape, so that Kunde's men did not find it.

Only Wang Yong has discovered this female Python for a long time.

When Wang Yonggang said "calm down", he meant it.

Burmese pythons are highly aggressive only in two states. One is hungry, the other is feeling threatened.

Although the Burmese python was lurking and hiding just now, it didn't attack these soldiers as Wang Yong expected because it didn't feel the threat.

But after Wang Yong took the initiative to shoot and saw the blood, the Burmese python was summoned by the blood gas, and his instinctive reaction to the gunfire immediately attacked the soldiers under the tree.

The soldier in mid air had been swallowed by the Burmese python, and his body was bloody. I'm afraid it's already dead.

It's reasonable that the Burmese python won't take the initiative to attack others after catching the prey, but Kunde's men were scared out of their senses, and the bullet swept toward the Burmese python.

Just listen to a sound into the flesh sound, Burmese python skin in tenacity also can't resist bullets, suddenly burst out a flower of blood. Pain of it curled body, violently rolling up in the trunk.

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