The hard tree trunks were unable to support the Burmese Python's rolling. With a click, the branches broke and the Burmese python fell to the ground.

Burmese pythons are known for their huge size, generally weighing up to 91 kg. Burmese pythons will continue to grow throughout their lives. A large number of vertebrae proliferate, which makes them grow longer. Moreover, female Burmese pythons are larger than male ones.

For example, this female Python has a weight of at least 220 kg, which is close to the world record of 270 kg.

It's the weight and the rolling force that keep the branches going.

As soon as the Burmese python landed on the ground, it suddenly occupied a plate. The snake's head was high, and its eyes were staring at a bunch of soldiers with guns.

It has been in a state of madness after being shot. The purpose of predation is no longer to satiate, but to kill.

"Kill it!" At this time, the team leader also lost his sense and cried with panic.

The muzzle of the gun in his hand never stopped from the beginning, and there was constant fire. He was the first bullet to hit Burmese python.

Burmese python seems to know who is the biggest threat. The snake's head turns to the position of team leader, and its seven meter long body suddenly springs up.

After the air was completely stretched out, people realized what a terrible boa constrictor they had met.

The thinnest part of this Burmese python is as thick as a human waist! It can be imagined that being entangled with it can crush the bones of human body almost once.

The team leader was so scared that he turned around and ran away. He even had enough strength to nurse. He has never run at this speed in his life.

But no matter how fast it is, it is still the speed of human beings, which can not be compared with that of animals.

Burmese Python's attack uses the snake's toughness to bounce up. It's an exaggeration to say that it's faster than a bullet, but at least it's like a bow and arrow.

How can man run more than a bow?

In this case, the first reaction should not be to run away, but to quickly lean back and attack the snake's belly at the same time.

Unfortunately, the team leader chose the wrong strategy.

As soon as he had time to run two meters away, he had a pain in the back of his neck.

The Burmese Python's big mouth has bitten him.

The bloodthirsty Burmese Python's head swung, and the barb teeth pierced into the team leader's flesh, tearing off half of the team leader's neck.

Without waiting for the captain to land, the Burmese python bit him again. With a click, the team leader's neck was bitten off.

The other team members were shocked by the ferocious scene. They were stunned in the same place, and even forgot to run away.

Burmese python killed the team leader and turned to look at the other team members.

At this time, the team members reacted and pointed their guns at the python. The bullets poured out like rain, covering the Python's body.

The Burmese python suffered a loss once, and it seemed to have become an elite. It even hooked its tail on the branch nearby, and with the help of the elasticity of the branch, it drove its body back.

Then along the twigs and down, is a bite of a soldier, three or two will kill the soldier.

It's just that when it slaughters its target, it has to slow down. He was hit by other soldiers who were recklessly shooting. He reluctantly relied on the thick skin to support him. But there were more and more wounds on his body, and blood was smeared all over his body. I don't know whether it was from him or from the soldiers.

The movement on the shore soon attracted the crocodiles in the water.

After the crocodile finished eating the corpse, he found that there was still a lot of food on the shore.

Three crocodiles swayed their ugly heads and dived into the water as if they had disappeared.

In fact, this is the crocodile's preying trick. It swims under the water with only one pair of eyes exposed, quickly approaches the prey, then jumps up, bites the prey, starts to die, rolls over, and tears the prey with its teeth.

Crocodile's horror is not only in the water, but also on the shore.

The Burmese python was fighting with the soldiers, but he didn't expect that three cunning crocodiles came up quietly.

When the three crocodiles arrived at the shore, they did not move, such as three abrupt rocks. At first glance, they could not tell the true from the false.

Wang Yong in the gate net to see the soul stirring, at the same time awe inspiring in the three crocodiles cunning.

These three crocodiles are obviously waiting for the Burmese Python and the soldiers to lose both sides, and they are ready to make a profit.

"I'm a beast, and I know how to use tricks just like human beings! I can't. It's my plan to make profits. I can't be robbed by three crocodiles. " Wang Yong muttered in his heart.

Let's shoot crocodiles. Let's not say whether we can pierce the skin of crocodiles. Once we shoot, it will certainly attract the hatred of crocodiles and make them turn into King Yong.

So we must not take the initiative to challenge the three crocodiles.

It can only be provoked by others.

Thinking of this, Wang Yong thought about it. He suddenly opened his mouth and cried out in simple Burmese: "behind! Behind

The voice was rapid, like a companion reminding of a crisis.

Kunde, who was still alive, subconsciously turned his head and looked back, and immediately saw three more rocks by the river, as well as blinking eyes.

"Crocodile! The crocodile is ashore Cried the soldier who saw him.

He turned the muzzle of his gun and hit the three crocodiles in the eye.

It's a pity that the shooting method is limited. Not only did it miss the crocodile's eyes, but even the edge of the crocodile was not touched.

But this kind of action successfully provoked the crocodile. Three crocodiles can no longer hide, immediately fierce from the surface of the water, suddenly climbed ashore.

Many people think crocodiles are slow when they come ashore, just like turtles. In fact, crocodiles move quickly when they attack, and their powerful hind legs provide them with enough strength.

After all, it's the closest animal to dinosaurs, and it was a bully before it evolved into what it is now.

Three crocodiles in a fan-shaped fiercely rushed up, and the soldier who shot quickly retreated.

But there are wolves in the front and tigers in the back. You can hide in the front but not in the back.

The Burmese python was swinging his tail. He just heard a bang, and his thick tail fell on the soldier's back.

The soldier suddenly flew out like a broken kite and began to spray blood in the air.

A crocodile in the middle didn't expect that the food would fly by itself. He was slightly stunned. He jumped up immediately, opened his mouth and held the soldier in his mouth.

The soldier's thin body swings back and forth in the crocodile's mouth, like a carp without water. The crazier you swing, the faster you die.

Crocodile teeth will tear the body of prey into pieces.

The other two crocodiles saw that their brothers had food, so they were not willing to be outdone. Also is rushes up, regardless of 37 21, bites a person to start to swing.

The Burmese python lashed its tail wildly, slamming the ground and sweeping the bushes around it into baldness.

One of the crocodiles caught off guard and was hit by a throw. He almost fainted and his belly was up. He didn't slow down for a long time.

The other two crocodiles immediately put down their dying prey and ran to attack the Burmese python.

A scuffle between man, Python and crocodile officially began.

In addition to the scuffle, there is a potential hunter who is waiting for the best opportunity to shoot three birds with one arrow.

Although the Burmese python is the jungle overlord, it is still a bit helpless in the face of the siege of three crocodiles because of the injury.

Kunde's men, however, had little power to fight back in the scuffle. They were either bitten by crocodiles or thrown away by Burmese python.

In a short time, the team of more than ten people was completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

They originally wanted to catch Wang Yong Jiangong, but they didn't expect that they would eventually become the belly wrappings of boa constrictors.

"Si", Burmese python coiled its body, making a strong air flow sound. It's not as sharp as a snake, it's a blast full of air.

This is the way Burmese python threatens.

Warn the crocodiles to leave or they will look good.

And how can crocodiles fear Burmese python? If Burmese python stealthily attacks, it may also have a chance to hang the crocodile, but in a head-on confrontation, it can't be the crocodile's opponent at all.

The crocodile's head swinging speed surpasses the 100 meter sprint champion. As long as it bites the Burmese python, it can make the Burmese python feel miserable.

Besides, Burmese python has not only one crocodile in front of him, but three. More dominant.

Burmese python also knows this, although it is huge, far more than ordinary Burmese python, can face three crocodiles are not sure to win. In addition, it was injured and was not the opponent of the three crocodiles.

The Burmese Python's tail pounded on the ground anxiously, as if thinking about countermeasures.

The crocodile didn't give the Burmese python time to think about it. Three crocodiles swarmed up from three angles and launched an attack.

It's a fight in an instant.

The advantage of Burmese python is that its whole body is full of weapons, which can be swung or twined at any time. The main attack of crocodiles is occlusion.

As the most powerful animal, the crocodile can take away a large piece of the flesh of the Burmese python with one bite.

The Burmese boa tried to avoid this, swaying his body wildly to prevent the crocodile from biting him.

But the Burmese python was injured, and suddenly a crocodile bit it at the right time.

As soon as he bit, he never let go, and his head began to swing at a high frequency, unfolding the legendary roll of death.

The other two crocodiles were very quick to see the opportunity. They also bit the tail of the Burmese Python and began to tear.

The Burmese python hissed in pain, but it couldn't get rid of the bite of three crocodiles.

But under the head can only move, huge body rolling winding, like a mess, the three crocodiles are wrapped up.

The crocodile, on the other hand, insisted on the green hill.

For a moment, the boa and crocodile fell into a standoff, with only their rolling sound and splashing blood.

Wang Yong was stunned by this scene.

Looking at the attack of crocodile and python, Wang Yong's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Because he saw something different in it.

The crocodile's body suddenly opens its mouth to bite each other's vital action, but it is exactly the "sting the dragon" in the dragon shape. It's just that Wang Yong has never seen a man play "dragon sting on the ground" out of such a vicious state.

The movements of Xingyi boxing are originally from animals. To really understand the meaning of boxing, it depends on the animals themselves.

"It's a step dragon! I see. It's similar to the crocodile's death roll. It takes the fierce momentum of jumping and killing

"Well? The rolling posture of the Burmese python is similar to that of the snake! No, it comes from this. Burmese Python's muscles are always wriggling when rolling, which is to maintain its center of gravity. Shaking body rolling also need to make this kind of strength with uncertain center of gravity. Use the continuous rolling center of gravity to always suppress the opponent and break the opponent's center of gravity. "

"Fierce, the crocodile looks like a tiger again..."

Wang Yong is like a Wuchi, totally forgetting his current situation. He watched the fight between the crocodile and the Python and began to think about it.

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