Wang Yong gasped for breath and temporarily stopped behind a tree to escape.

Although the female deer helicopter has fierce firepower, it also has some obvious shortcomings. For example, the electronic equipment is backward, the fuselage is large, and it is easy to be hit.

And the most incredible thing is that the female deer can't hover.

An armed helicopter that can't hover is a tragedy in modern times.

Without hovering function, many functions of helicopter cannot be highlighted.

Because of this shortcoming, Myanmar was able to buy this helicopter from Russia. Otherwise, Russia will not sell it to Myanmar.

The commander of Myanmar has temporarily deployed this type of deer for hunting, probably considering the excellent adaptability and transportability of the female deer.

In tropical rain forest environment, the reliability of female deer is very important. It won't break down because of some environmental factors, just like the famous AK47, Soviet style products always have a rough durability. No matter how wasted, Soviet style military products can always maintain their performance in a stubborn posture.

Daddada, the helicopter seems to want to find a place to stop and put down the infantry.

But the terrain here is obviously not suitable, so we can only use the heavy machine gun to suppress Wang Yong.

In a short time, the trees on the edge of the rainforest were swept bald.

A large area of fallen leaves scattered on the ground, the ground just like an earthquake, all potholes.

Under the powerful fire, even the adult trees could not stand it and collapsed.

Wang Yong looked at the scene with awe in his heart.

We can only take a deep breath and go deep into the rainforest again.

The deeper you go, the more trees you have. For example, trees with a height of 30 meters can be seen everywhere. Their canopy will form a natural aircraft defense belt, which will bury all planes trying to enter the rainforest on the branches.

Wang Yong didn't believe that the female deer dared to chase in.

The female deer looked at Wang Yong running to the deep, and it seemed that she could do nothing.

Once Wang Yong completely ran in, it was as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack to search for a human trace in the dense forest.

At this moment, the female driver suddenly made a decision.

He pressed a red button on the joystick with a powerful hand.

With a bang, a * attached to one side of the female deer's fuselage came out of the cabin, broke away from the * mounting frame, and flew in the direction of Wang Yong's escape.

After hearing the roar, Wang Yong instinctively trembled.

He was too familiar with that sound, except for the sound of electric fire.

There are many kinds of * that female deer helicopter can mount, but the only one that can attack ground targets is phalanx anti tank *.

The missile is the first generation heavy anti tank * developed and equipped by the Soviet army, which has the first airborne models. Although the bomb has been discontinued, it is still in service and has been exported to Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Myanmar, for example, naturally bought a lot of these *. It plays an important role in actual combat. It is powerful enough to easily break through the steel plate of the tank and turn the tank into a pile of scrap iron.

The only drawback is that the maximum range is only 3000 meters, which is enough to attack Wang Yong.

Wang Yong broke out in a cold sweat. For a moment, his ears were full of the hum of * emission, his heart beat faster, and his brain was blank.

He has no time to think about how to avoid the phalanx. In the face of this powerful thing, the only way to survive is to run!

Run like hell!

The farther away it is from the center of the explosion, the more likely it is to survive.

Wang Yong's whole body Qi and blood run to the fastest speed, just like a steam locomotive. The piston runs wildly, exhausting a large amount of steam and driving the speed of the locomotive.

Wang Yong's legs swing in an almost deformed shape. From a distance, it looks like a galloping horse. From a close view, it looks more like a big spider with teeth and claws open.

Behind Wang Yong, * the roaring sound was getting closer and closer, and soon he got into the rain forest.


There was a loud bang. The phalanx * exploded where Wang Yong was standing, and a big fire burst out. The strong shock wave broke the trees around him, and the low shrubs were blown directly to the branches.

Like a mud rain, all over the sky is sticky mud.

There was a huge pit several meters deep in the explosion center. The surrounding land was burned to a scorched earth, and some small animals that had no time to run became mummies.

At the moment of the explosion, Wang Yong jumped forward and rushed to an unknown bush in front of him.

*The aftereffects of the storm inevitably spread to Wang Yong. Wang Yong only felt a huge wave of air coming from his back, and the whole person flew out like flying in the clouds.


Wang Yong fell to the ground and instinctively grasped the bushes on the ground with both hands to stabilize his body.

Who knows, under a grasp, the whole Bush is taken out of the soil, Wang Yong is like a stone ball, rolling down.

He was on a slope.

Wang Yong didn't know how long the slope was. He could only curl up his knees and elbows to protect the vital parts of his body and let his body roll down.

This is also a way to escape the pursuit of helicopters.

Bang, I don't know how long it took to roll. Wang Yong finally stopped rolling, hit his head heavily on a stone, and fainted in the dark.

On the top of the slope, the forest in the distance is still emitting thick smoke. The whole rain forest is smoked into a stove by the fresh wood that can not be fully burned, and there are constantly animals who can not bear the smoke and flee.

Outside the forest, the female deer helicopter pilot looked at the place where the * exploded, wondering if the target had died.

It's reasonable to say that the phalanx * can be penetrated by a tank, so it's nothing to deal with a person.

And the driver didn't think that person could escape the "phalanx" explosion. As long as you can't escape, you can't survive.

But the order given by the leader is to see people alive and corpses dead. This kind of mindless answer will not satisfy the above.

So the driver had to take the risk and choose a place with relatively good terrain to make a forced landing.

After a long time, the helicopter finally managed to land. Seven or eight infantry soldiers on board quickly jumped out of the cabin and searched for the explosion site.

Tick, tick

Wang Yong, who was in a coma under the slope, suddenly woke up. Looking up, he found himself lying under a vine. Dew dripping from the leaves and fruits of the vine fell on Wang Yong's face and lips.

Wang Yong subconsciously put out his tongue and licked his lips, struggling to get up.

He grabbed the root of the vine and struggled to stand up. But the palm is abnormal tingling, obviously this vine stem has thorns.

But now is not the time to care about whether to stab or not, the danger has not been lifted. In case the enemy comes back, Wang Yong will really have no escape.

"Why? The fruit of this plant is interesting After Wang Yong stood up, he glanced at the fruit of the vine.

Very, very small pieces of fruit hanging on the vine, bright color, at the top of a small black spot area. The shape of the fruit is like a chicken heart, and the whole tree with green leaves is very eye-catching.


At this time, there was a sudden sound of feet stepping on branches above the slope. They were not like animals. It's like a group of people.

"It seems that the infantry carried by the female deer have got off the plane and are chasing inside! No, we have to get out of here Wang Yong thought to himself, looking ahead.

Because of the long-term warm weather and high rainfall, plants can continue to grow, resulting in dense and green growth of trees. The dark leaves cover the whole sky, and only a little sunlight penetrates through the cracks of the branches and leaves, providing light for the rainforest.

Woody vines can be seen everywhere. Some of them are as thick as 20-30 cm and as long as 300 meters. Along the trunk and branches, they climb from one tree to another, from under the tree to the top of the tree, and then hang upside down from the top of the tree. Epiphytes attached to the tree trunk and branches, like a thick green coat.

The most conspicuous is the kind of vines with chicken heart fruit that Wang Yong has seen. The fruit is swinging slightly, like a bright red star, which is very beautiful.

Wang Yong body a short, into the vine bush.

These plants can help him hide, so that the pursuers behind him can not control his escape direction.

"There it is

At this time, the soldiers who pursued Wang Yong heard the movement of Wang Yong and called out.

It's just that when they get to the top of the slope, they're in trouble. The slope is steep and long. If you roll down 300 meters, you'll have to peel the skin if you don't die.

"Can't you go down?" Someone asked.

Several soldiers showed hesitation in their eyes. It can be seen that no one wants to go down.

But if you don't go down, how can you do it?

Just hesitating, suddenly someone pointed to the vine under the slope and cried, full of panic in his voice.

"It's a chicken heart! A lot of heart balls

The rest of the soldiers also looked at it, their faces changed greatly, and they retreated a few steps in horror.

Jixinzhu is a special plant in South Asia. Because the seed is like a chicken heart. Although this plant looks beautiful, it is extremely dangerous.

Its seeds contain strong toxicity. Even at very low concentration, it can cause agglutination and hemolysis of red blood cells. It has strong irritation to mucous membrane and also produces toxicity to other cells.

If ordinary people chew 2-3 grains and swallow them, they will die. Once ingested by mistake, it will cause dyspnea, weak pulse, weak heartbeat, etc. in severe cases, it may die of coma, respiratory and circulatory failure, and renal failure.

The seeds of this plant are prohibited in most countries. It has been reported in the media before that someone once wore a chicken heart bead, which caused the whole wrist to fester and nearly amputated.

When the local people saw this kind of plant, they kept away from it, and no one could guarantee that they would not be attracted. In particular, there are fine spines on the vines of jixinzhu, which also contain toxicity.

That's why the soldiers were so scared that they didn't dare to pursue them.

"That man just went through the chicken heart cluster, didn't he?" Asked a soldier.


"In that case, there's no need to chase. There is no doubt that he will die! If he is poisoned by so many jixinzhu, he will not die unless he is superman. Go away Said the leading soldier.

So the group slowly withdrew from the rainforest and left the unknowable Wang Yong in it.

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