Guobang old street front.

Taking advantage of weapons, Peng Jiasheng's army moved forward quickly.

After several rounds of * bombardment, Kunde camp was almost ploughed into a flat land.

The whole camp smelled of barbecue, with broken limbs and arms everywhere, and howling.

The two lines of defense originally arranged by Kunde were pushed away in an instant. Kunde soldiers in the front trenches either died or became prisoners.

The camp on the last side is full of ruins, and the tents are all burning.

Although the falling frequency of the shell is much lower, the collimator is more accurate.

Obviously, the artillery of the Allied forces has occupied a very forward position. For the 107mm rockets with inferior range, to be able to shoot this kind of precision is to occupy the enemy's territory forward.

All the soldiers who saw it looked sad, as if they could smell the smell of death.


A soldier yelled and pressed a green faced soldier under his body before a shell fell.


The shell burst, lifting a large piece of broken soil, shrapnel whistling burst out, like a handle of sharp blade into the veteran's back.

But the soldier under him is safe and sound. He doesn't know what happened.

Knowing that he felt his clothes soaked in blood, he cried out and climbed out of the old soldier, shaking him and crying: "brother! Brother, wake up! Don't leave me alone

The voice was shrill, full of helplessness and hesitation.

He is only 16 years old and joined Kunde army with his brother for a living. At this age, he only imagined the war. Until now, he has not been on the front line.

I didn't expect that the first close contact war was in this situation.

The veteran vomited blood, stretched out his palm, touched his brother's head, and said with a smile: "run!"

The younger brother was still at a loss crying, crying and gnashing his teeth: "why do they have to hit us? Why kill my brother? I want revenge for my brother

The old soldier wiped the tears from his brother's face and gently explained, "because we beat them, too. Many of them died in our hands. You shouldn't be here. Listen to me. Run! Run

The old soldier almost used all his strength to roar in his brother's ear.

The younger brother has a blind obedience to his elder brother, especially when he is angry.

So he couldn't care to cry, instinctively stood up and ran in the opposite direction.

He didn't run fast and stumbled. He fell to the ground several times and got up again.

There were several veterans around watching the scene, and a touch of sadness flashed in their eyes. Everyone knows that escape is a capital crime, but none of the veterans stopped it or reported it.

In the corner of the fortification, an officer with a gun in his hand aimed at the young man who was running.

His hand with the gun is always smooth, and he has dealt with the traitors who have defected in battle more than once. But this time he was shaking.

After aiming at it for a long time, he suddenly pulled the trigger, but it went awry for 18000 miles.

When the boy heard the gunshot, he looked back and saw that the officer was aiming at him. He ran even more flustered.

Until the boy disappeared in the distant jungle, the officer's second shot could not be fired again.

He knew that the situation was over. Instead of shooting a teenager, it's better to keep the last trace of humanity for yourself in the war.

Turning back, the officer looked at the front line with the smoke of gunfire. There was a glimpse of the advancing allies.

Every advance is made with artillery fire, one round of artillery and one round of infantry cleaning. I believe that before long, the whole camp will fall into the hands of the allies.

There was a strange look in the officer's eyes. He suddenly stood up and walked slowly to the front line with his gun.

As I walk, I still have words in my mouth.

It was a sentence in a novel he had read. From the first sight, it was like a brand engraved on his heart.

To this day, I can finally read the words bravely.

"The long night is coming. I will watch from today until I die. I will not marry, I will not seal land, I will not have children. I will not wear a crown, I will not fight for glory. I will do my duty and die here. I am the sword in the dark, the guard in the Great Wall. I am the flame against the cold, the light at dawn, the clarion call to wake the dead, the iron guard to guard the kingdom. I give my life and glory to the night watchman. It's like this tonight. It's like this every night. "

With the last word, the officer yelled "kill" and rushed up against the fire.

In the face of life and glory, he chose the latter.

Allied artillery positions.

Peng Jiasheng stayed with the soldiers all the time. He liked a sentence Wang Yong had said to him, which was called "the son of heaven guards the country, the king dies.".

Wang Yong explained to him at that time that these ten words were an interpretation of the Ming Dynasty in China.

Because throughout the history of the Ming Dynasty, we will find that no matter how miserable the Ming army was or how critical the situation was, it never used women to exchange peace and never ceded land for reparations. Even if the mob army oppresses the city, even if the warra army besieges the capital, even if the emperor is unfortunately captured, they will never admit defeat.

Even the most ridiculous Zhengde Emperor Zhu houzhao knew that he fought against foreign aggression and won a great victory in Yingzhou. As for other kings, such as Longwu died in battle, Shaowu was captured and killed himself on a hunger strike, and Chongzhen was hanged in a coal mountain. All of them prove that the Ming Dynasty was a tough emperor.

Peng Jiasheng was deeply shocked when he heard about this incident. Since then, he has been more determined to strive for freedom and equality in Guobang. This time, he insisted on fighting in person and standing with the Allied soldiers.

Beside Peng Jiasheng stood a young gunner.

Just as an adult, he was still in University in other countries, but he had to go to the front line in Guobang.

Peng Jiasheng felt sorry for the boy, so he arranged for him to be a gunner. It's relatively safe.

"Fengzi, are you afraid?" Peng Jiasheng squinted at the smoke in the distance and asked leisurely.

The boy who called fengzai shook his head and nodded.

Peng Jiasheng could see that he was afraid. Every time he held * his hand was shaking, but even so, he was still able to quickly load * into the barrel.

"After this battle, we should be able to slow down for a while. I'll let you go home and get together with your family then, OK? " Peng Jiasheng comforted Feng Tsai.

But Fengzi shook his head firmly.

"Why?" Peng Jiasheng was surprised.

Clearly very afraid, why not leave the army?

Feng Zi raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes bursting with a touch of tender certainty.

He doesn't understand politics, he doesn't understand military. But he also has his own understanding. In the online game he played before joining the army, there was a line that moved him.

"Orcs will never be slaves!"

Feng Zai gave a heavy "um" sound, as if he was making a promise to someone. In his slightly childish voice, he solemnly called out: "orcs will never be slaves! It's the same with Guobang people! "

Peng Jiasheng was surprised, but then he felt an emotion rolling in his chest, which made his blood boil and made him ten years younger.

Peng Jiasheng suddenly waved his hand and cried out: "yes, Guobang people will never be slaves! Go

The Allied troops responded like a tsunami, and their morale was greatly boosted. They surged to Kunde camp.

Peng Jiasheng won the battle.

At the other end of the field thousands of miles away.

Wang yongru is a lost dog running in the tropical rain forest.

His injuries are getting worse and worse, especially internal injuries. The broken ribs have poked the blood out of the viscera, spitting is thick blood.

But Wang Yong can't stop, he can only keep running forward. There is also a female deer helicopter in the back. The female deer has four missiles and the pilot has three * available. If you do it again, Wang Yong will never run away.

In addition to *, there is another group of soldiers who are in hot pursuit. The only thing Wang Yong can use is the complex rainforest terrain and the dense vines.

Chi La, Wang Yong opened the vines in front of him. The thick vines entangled together have formed a wall.

"These little pricks hurt so much!" Wang Yong subconsciously tossed his palm, which was already covered with small thorns.

Just like the tiny wheat awn, in fact, it doesn't hurt, but I can't help it.

When Wang Yong got into the vine, he was suddenly enlightened.

There are no more vines in front of us. It's an open woodland. Towering trees have been extended to the endless end, do not know where to go.

Wang Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief, this time the pursuers behind should not be able to catch up, right?

Listen to the movement, in addition to the sound of leaves dripping, no other, it seems that really did not catch up.

Wang Yong wiped the sweat on his forehead, ready to take a little rest.

But before I sat down, I suddenly felt confused, and the vision began to rotate rapidly. All kinds of gorgeous colors, like a kaleidoscope, revolved in Wang Yong's eyes.

Wang Yong is just like blind, can only see full of color, can no longer see things around.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yong was shocked.

Suddenly at the foot of a stagger, not only eyes, the body also began to appear abnormal, the whole body is weak, as if the muscles and bones have been pulled out, standing unsteadily.

The heart thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thu. The whole body blood instantly boils up, rushing wildly in Wang Yong's blood vessels, and his whole body aches with a feeling that he is about to burst.

A moment later, Wang Yong fell to the ground and did not know his life or death.

But the toxicity of chicken heart beads finally broke out.

Although Wang Yong didn't wear or eat the seeds of jixinzhu, he didn't know how many fine spines he touched along the way.

The toxicity of thorns is not as good as that of seeds, but they can't stand much. Finally poisoned Wang Yong.

At this time, Wang Yong is like a terminally ill old cattle, constantly twitching on the ground, his face purple, shortness of breath. Several times, I almost couldn't breathe and just hung up.

As the soldiers who pursued said, those who were poisoned by jixinzhu will surely die. If there is a doctor on the spot treatment, Wang Yong may be able to save a life.

But this is a rainforest, but where to touch the doctor?

Don't know how long, gradually Wang Yong body stopped twitching, the whole person curled up into a ball, hands and feet purple, has begun to enter the stiff state before death.

If there was not a breath in his nose, he would think that Wang Yong was dead.

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