In the flashing police car, a well-dressed man sat in the back.

Because of his identity, a group of police didn't handcuff him easily, but sat on both sides of him with some formality to prevent problems.

The man's face was cold, as if he didn't care what was about to happen.

From time to time, he raised his wrist to look at his watch and said carelessly, "please hurry up later. I have another party to attend. I hope I'm not late. "

The policeman sitting on his side mechanically replied, "Mr. Kress, if you are innocent, we will naturally release you according to the procedure. But before that, please cooperate with our investigation. "

Cyrus is the little girl's father.

At this time, he has changed into a famous entrepreneur in Athens. With his daughter, he quickly completed the accumulation of primitive capital and got the opportunity to join the upper class.

Until now, he did not regret his original behavior, and thought it was the best move he had taken.

Just the only thing that made him feel sorry was that the innocent daughter actually committed suicide. This annoyed him for a long time at that time. Fortunately, the relationship with Adonis, Andrew and others had been established and could not be separated. Otherwise he would have smashed his daughter's grave.

As for what happened today, although he was surprised, he was not worried.

Even he was a little happy.

Adonis all died, as if by Providence, for different reasons, but on the same day.

Kress never believed in ghosts, so he didn't think it was his cowardly daughter's revenge. It's just a coincidence.

And this coincidence inadvertently made him.

Once Adonis and others die, only he knows about the underground transactions and assets between them. It's all his. It's a windfall from God.

Thinking of this, Chris couldn't help smiling.

Creaking, the police car stopped at the gate of the police station. Chris was taken into the police station.

In fact, the only evidence the police have is a phone call between Cyrus and Adonis.

No one knows what the phone is talking about, let alone that the phone is related to the death of Adonis.

What's more, there's an alibi. Because at that time, he was at a lover's home, spending time with his lover and his little daughter.

The little girl is as like as two peas of her daughter, and the fear of her is exactly the same as that of her daughter.

Every time he ravaged her, Klaus thought of his daughter. This will make him have a different pleasure, let him have a sense of evil indulgence.

"After the hearing, we must go back and do it again! What a tempting goblin. " He said to himself as if there were no one else.

This also made the police who took the notes look at each other, embarrassed one by one.

This kind of thing is strictly against the law, but what's the use of the law for people like Klaus? Without concrete evidence, there is no conviction at all.

"Mr. Kress, that is to say, if you deny that you have called Adonis, you can find someone to provide you with an alibi?"

Chris nodded impatiently: "I've said it three times, isn't it true? You'll find out if you check it? And why should I kill Adonis? Adonis and I are very good friends. Everyone in your police station knows about this. Can't you also testify for me? "

When he heard this, the police stopped talking immediately.

No one's willing to testify to Chris, no one's even a little suspicious.

Soon, the hearing was over.

And the evidence that Klaus was not there came to an end. The woman Cyrus said did provide evidence. And the relevant surveillance video also proves that Chris never left the apartment at night.

"Another outstanding case. It's killing me The officer in charge of the case said with a headache.

Originally thought that we could find some clues from Chris, but the fact gave him a slap, and the clue was interrupted again.

"What about... Chris? Are you going to let it go? " A subordinate asked.

The police officer hesitated for a while, then said: "after all, he is a public figure. Let him go, but he has to be monitored 24 hours. You do it. "

Subordinates have to make orders, and they will implement them immediately.

And Klaus just sitting in the interrogation room, seems to have expected that he would be released.

"In the future, we can make a decision when we have a clear idea of this kind of thing! If I'm not in a good mood, I will sue your entire police station today! It's too much for you Chris patted a policeman on the cheek and said.

It's a big insult to the police.

But the police have no way, can only humiliating forbearance, but also nodded to send Chris out of the police station.

With a cold, cocky snort, Chris walked forward. Get ready to go back to your family.

Just as he came to the door, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps behind him.

Turning around, I saw the police officer in charge of the case coming quickly.

A few meters away, the officer yelled sternly: "Mr. Kress, we have a little more questions to ask you. Please go back to the interrogation room and continue to cooperate with us."

Chris instinctively felt bad, though he didn't know what was wrong.

He first agreed, but his right hand reached into his trouser pocket, quietly dialed his lawyer's number, and simply said, "I'm in the police station."

He hung up and was taken back to the interrogation room.

It was not until he returned to the interrogation room that Klaus understood what had happened.

It turned out that the police station received an anonymous e-mail with an audio conversation between Chris and Adonis.

In the audio, the two people use a quarrel way to tell a heinous thing.

In order to please Adonis, Klaus gave his own daughter to Adonis, Andrew and gene!

This audio shocked all the police, and the officer in charge of the case was like a flash in his head, feeling that he had caught something.

Motive, that's the motive of Cyrus!

In order to cover up this dirty matter, Klaus must have killed the three men of Adonis by some means!

Since he can build a secret room, isn't it easy for him to make an alibi?

So there's definitely a big suspicion about Chris!

The police officer was excited and felt that he had caught the murderer. Next, as long as the surprise interrogation, we can definitely use the shortest time to solve this murder case!

"Come on, Mr. Kress. We already have absolute evidence. As long as you take the initiative to explain, we can submit your attitude to the judge and ask the judge to handle it at your discretion. " The officer lured.

But Chris didn't speak for a long time.

He was completely shocked at the moment. He never thought that his work was very secret. How could he be known by others?

The audio of this call is definitely not his. It is likely to be synthetic.

But that's not the point. The point is that the story in the audio is true!

As long as the police take this as a clue, they will find out the dirty deal between him and Adonis.

Even if Adonis wasn't killed by him, other charges would ruin his reputation. Hard to fight up everything, will become a mirror!

There were bursts of cool air in his heart, and Kress finally had a trace of fear.

However, he forced himself to control his emotions and said slowly, "I'm sorry, before my lawyer arrives. I won't say anything. "

The officer frowned. This kind of rich lawyer is the most difficult, in the absence of evidence, in the face of lawyers, really can't detain Chris because of this audio.

As a matter of fact, as the police officer expected, when Chris's lawyer arrived. The lawyer immediately seized on the lack of evidence and asked for his bail.

If it's a civilian, the police can find an excuse to detain him for a while. But Chris is rich, he can afford a huge bail, and a covetous lawyer team.

Finally, the police station can only reluctantly agree to the lawyer's request, and released Chris after he paid a lot of bail.

Kless is proud to smile, with a provocative tone to the police officer gently said: "want to check me? You're too young! I advise you to stop as soon as possible. Otherwise, when you find your boss, it's your day to go home! "

This made the police officer shiver, but what?

We can only order our men to follow the clues provided by the audio immediately. Strive to solve the case within 48 hours as required above.

What neither Klaus nor the police officer knew was that there was a place that received the audio earlier than the police station.

That's the biggest online forum in Athens.

This incident shocked the whole forum at that time and made all Athens residents angry.

They did not expect that there was such a cruel father in the world who could sell his daughter without hesitation.

This kind of person, simply does not deserve to live in the world!

Under the deliberate rhythm of some ID, the public opinion of the forum soon developed in the direction of how to punish Klaus.

Especially when netizens learned that Chris had been released on bail because of insufficient evidence.

During this period of time, the economic downturn in Greece has made people complain, and the great pressure of life has made almost everyone breathless. In particular, the government also announced the reduction of welfare, which made people angry.

As soon as the case of Cyrus came out, he could not help pushing this anger to the top.

People began to resent the incompetence of the government. It can neither save the economy nor guarantee the fairness and justice of the law.

A group of people nearest to the police station rushed out of the house in an instant and surrounded the door of the police station, protesting loudly.

At this time, Chris just came out of the police station, with a triumphant smile on his face and waving to people. I don't know what happened.

This kind of behavior was immediately understood as provocation by the angry crowd, and people responded to him with more angry curses, and all kinds of messy things began to smash through.

There are even impulsive young people rushing forward, trying to break through the defense line set by the police, to beat Chris.

For a moment, Kress couldn't move half a step. His car was clearly parked dozens of meters away, but it just couldn't get on.

"It was almost hot."

In the crowd, two men were wearing hats, the brim of which covered half of their faces.

But the voice of a mouth actually exposes two identities, it is Wang Yong and spoon.

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