After hearing Wang Yong's words, the spoon nodded with deep understanding, and then yelled at the crowd according to the prepared trick: "he's teasing us! Tease the legal dignity of Greece a few years ago! Hit him

Ancient Greece is one of the earliest civilizations that gave birth to law. There is even a word for the laws that were born around this civilization.

"Ancient Greek law". Ancient Greek law is not a concept of national law, but in terms of other fields, it generally refers to all the legal norms existing in the ancient Greek world.

All Greek people, especially the citizens of Athens, are very proud of this kind of law created by ancient Greek civilization. Don't allow others to blaspheme and defile.

However, the fact that happened now undoubtedly angered the nerves of the Athenians to the greatest extent.

A father of animals, selling his own daughter for profit. This in itself is an insult to the ancient Greek moral civilization, but now what is even more unacceptable is that the father of the beast can walk out of the police station, get away with the law, and even provoke all the citizens.

This is intolerable to all.

In the past, mass violence needs a fair and aboveboard excuse.

And spoon words, no doubt give everyone a sufficient excuse.

Blasphemy of Greek law.


In an instant, the crowd gathered at the gate of the police station exploded, and countless people rushed forward, shouting the reason given by the spoon.

Originally, the police station was not well prepared for this emergency and did not organize sufficient police force to deal with it.

There were only a few policemen at the scene to keep order and protect Cyrus.

In the past, it was OK when there were few people, but as more and more people gathered, a few policemen were just like boats in the sea. It would be nice to ensure their personal safety, not to mention protecting Cyrus.

Boom, the police line of defense was broken in an instant, people rushed to crass like crazy.

The drivers and lawyers who came to meet Cyrus tried to stop the runaway crowd.

It doesn't help.

Especially the lawyer of Klaus, in the face of this situation, is still naive to threaten people with legal provisions.

"This is against the law! If anyone dares to move forward, I will sue him and tell him to lose his property! "

It works in front of a few people, but it never works in front of hundreds of people.

People all over the world understand and use the principle that the law is not accountable to the public.

What's more, even if the people in the front want to stop, they will be pushed forward by the tide of people, and there is no room to retreat.

"Bah! Dirty thing, it's you moths who have violated the Greek code and tried to threaten us with the law! Running dog! Hit him

There is no need for a spoon to coax Wang Yong, but someone shouts.

Rhythm was immediately driven, people waving their fists, shouting: "hit him! Hit him

The people at the front lost their balance when they were pushed and fell to the front.

The simple defense line built by the driver and the lawyer was suddenly broken. The two drivers and the lawyer, like two ants in the flood, were instantly scattered and fell to the ground.

Both of them turned pale and knew the horror of the stampede. They howled and crawled out with their hands and feet together, trying to get out.

But the crowd was pouring in so fast that the blind and angry people didn't notice anyone at all.

Drivers and lawyers are about to be trampled to death.

At this time, I see a ghost like flash into the gap, like a powerful bulldozer, instantly push away the people around, squeeze out a space.

Then, one by one, the man pulled up the driver and the lawyer, shaking his wrist.

The driver and the lawyer flied out and fell to the ground with a crash.

However, compared with being trampled to death, a fall is not worth mentioning at all.

Who saved himself? The driver and the lawyer turned around in a daze, trying to find a life-saving benefactor.

But the crowd is surging, where can I find it?

But they don't know that it's not others who saved them, it's the people who created this indignation.

Wang Yong.

There is revenge, there is complaint. Drivers and lawyers are not targets for revenge. Wang Yong doesn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. So we reached out and saved them at the critical moment.

At this time, the last goal is to live.

Crass kept retreating to the police station, although he looked a little flustered. But his eyes still have a trace of disdain.

He also grew up from the bottom, he knows the weakness of this kind of people.

As long as you hide in the police station, as long as the gunshot, the group of people will be scattered immediately.

It's just a plate of loose sand. There's nothing to be afraid of!

Cleus thought so, retreating faster and faster, about to retreat into the gate of the police station.

At this time, however, a stone flew out quietly and hit Chris on his knee.

Cleus suffered from eating pain. His leg softened and he fell to the ground.

This pause is already fatal.

The crowd immediately crowded in front of Cyrus, and the people shouting "kill him" waved their fists. To the side of cleus, the fist did not hesitate to fall, such as rain like covering the body of cleus.

In an instant, Cyrus was beaten to death and began to howl.

There is no more pride.

When the police officers who were watching the play saw this scene, they immediately knew that something bad was going to happen. There's a good chance that Chris will be beaten to death by an angry crowd!

The previous police officers just wanted to teach Kress a lesson and show their evil spirit. Who makes Klaus look down on others?

But they absolutely don't want to see Chris die at the gate of the police station, which will implicate them.


Immediately a police officer took out his gun and fired it into the sky.

However, although this shot was loud enough, it still seemed powerless in front of hundreds of people. After all, the focus of attention is not here, and many people even think it's just an ordinary tire burst.

Chris is still being beaten.

Although the scene is very large, only a few people around can actually meet Chris. At most, plus the sneak attack of a few feet, Chris was not enough damage to die. Chris will be saved by the police sooner or later.

This is not what Wang Yong wants.

"Spoon, it's your turn." Wang yongchong side spoon way.

Spoon eyes firm nod, quietly wrapped up the windbreaker, and then from the pocket to find a small thing.

"Go, you!" Wang Yong roared and pushed on the back of the spoon.

In a moment, the spoon became a shell out of the chamber and rolled into the crowd.

If the speedboat cuts the water wave, the crowd is separated by the spoon into a gap, fleeting, and then close again. The spoon disappeared in the middle of the crowd.

"Stop it! Everybody stop! Or we'll shoot! " The police station in the high pitched loudspeaker from the police warning sound, accompanied by two empty bullets.

This is finally received the effect, so that the crowd outside began to hesitate, began to hesitate, some people are going to retreat.

Wang Yong's brows wrinkled. Kress was not dead yet. At this time, the crowd could not disperse.

So he raised his voice, and suddenly he yelled at the policeman who had just rushed out of the police station with the equipment beside him! Launch

This cry is very difficult to distinguish in the chaotic environment, and Wang Yong deliberately gathered his voice into a bunch, such as Hongzhong and Dalu, and poured it into the ears of the police.

Hearing the order, a policeman was stunned and looked at the commander. There are also police detected that the voice is not right, expressed suspicion.

But the first two policemen reacted instinctively and threw out the * in their hands.

Two cylindrical objects suddenly flew into the crowd, and immediately began to burn after landing.

It's like a wet firewood, sending out thick smoke to cover the crowd.

Just now, the crowd who was still shouting about the tsunami suddenly died down. Without the shouting, there was only a constant cough.

A man rushed out of the crowd and fled to a place that could not be covered.

For a moment, the whole scene was in a mess.

Kless, however, was covered in smoke and temporarily secured. The people who beat him also began to run away and had no time to vent their anger.

"Saved at last! See how I'll deal with these stupid pigs in the future Cleus covered his nose and mouth, thinking angrily.

He stood up and tried to climb inside the police station.

But he did not notice, in the rolling smoke, there is a figure, not only did not escape, but close to him.

The man quickly came up to Chris and patted him on the shoulder.

Chris conditional reflex turned, did not expect to meet his heart is a burst of pain.

It was as if something sharp had penetrated his heart.

The sharp instrument was very deep, fast and fierce, and it punctured cleus's heart at once.

Cleus opened his eyes wide, stretched out his right hand weakly, pulled the man's shoulder, and seemed to want to question the man why he wanted to kill himself.

And the man didn't answer, just shook a picture in front of Kress.

In a trance, Chris saw clearly that it was a picture of a little girl.

The little girl's innocent smile, only the deepest part of the eyes with a touch of light sadness, always unable to erase.

It was the last time spoon saw the little girl. After that, the little girl committed suicide.

"Kathy..." Chris's lips hummed, calling out the little girl's name.

Kath, in Greek, means "pure man.". And Cyrus defiled the name with his own hands.

Brush, put away the picture, bow the spoon, turn and disappear in the smoke.

Klaus fell to the ground with a bang. He felt the wound in his heart and tried to pull out the sharp instrument that had been inserted into it. You can only feel a very short handle for a long time. However, the sharp instrument was completely submerged in his heart, leaving no room to be pulled out.

"It's time to come... I'm not reconciled... I'm not reconciled!" Cyrus let out a cry of despair, because inhaled * smoke, coughing violently.

But it increased the burden of the heart, making the heart wound expand rapidly, did not wait for the smoke to dissipate, Cyrus has eyes wide open, pupil diffusion, died.

Dust to dust, earth to earth. All the sins will come to an end, and only retribution will wait for them.

Retribution may not be from God, but also from mortals.

Just like Wang Yong and spoon.

Tick, tick. The sound of dripping water came from cleus' heart. The warm blood from his heart melted the stabbed weapon, and no trace could be found.

What the spoon pierced was an ice blade.

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