When people see hope, the will to survive will be particularly strong.

Because no one wants to die, especially to live, there may be a better life waiting for him.

Qi an is in this state. He learned from Wang Yong the real method of quenching tiger and leopard's thunder sound, which is equal to seeing a smooth road to the great master of dark strength. He was very eager to live. From then on, he became famous.

When Wang Yong saw Qi an's eyes, he immediately realized that it was wrong.

How many times during the mission, those who tried to struggle with the trapped animals all had this kind of look.

Wang Yong didn't dare to wait for Qi an to come up with an idea. He tried again to get Qi an's result immediately.

At this time, a cry of pain came from the other side, but it was from Zhong Xin.

When the mouse saw that Qi an had been abused, he felt nervous for a moment. He couldn't help adding force on his hand and left a bloodstain on Zhong Xin's white neck. It hurt the heart of the clock.

And the bell heart this call, but also reminded the mouse and Qi an.

Almost instantly, they remembered that there was an ace in their hand.

Zhong Xin!

How did you coerce Wang Yong just now? Isn't that the little girl? Just confused by Wang Yong's outburst, I almost forgot that they were the coercing party.

"Oh, is that good? If you dare to be more powerful, I'll dare to let her taste it. Damn, stand up for me! " The mouse suddenly straightened up and threatened Wang Yongdao.

A flash of anger flashed across Wang Yong's eyebrows, but he was helpless. Can only slowly hind legs, slowly raise hands, do hand surrender.

Mouse see, can't help laughing up, toward Qi an nuzui: "don't you take the opportunity to teach this boy?"

That tone, however, is bossy. It seems that at this moment he is the Savior and the Savior of Qi'an.

Qi an hears this words, the eye is difficult to restrain to flash over a trace cruel color, but have no attack.

Instead, he laughs, as if he is totally wrong, and then suddenly flies a foot towards Wang Yong.

This foot is extremely hidden and vicious. The tip of the foot is straight. It is like a sharp blade that breaks the air and stabs at Wang Yong's heart.

The most vicious way to kill people, whether it's hands or feet, is to stamp words. In ancient times, swords, spears and halberds used to have a sharp point to pierce the body when fighting against the enemy. Because unless the strength of the wound is strong enough to cut off the enemy, it is difficult to cause fatal injury.

However, it is easy to hit the key with a sharp point.

National skill is to apply this to the fight of boxing and foot, creating the technique of poking.

Qi an's poke foot is obviously very powerful, which can be heard from the burst sound of breaking the air.

In the blink of an eye, Qi an's feet reached Wang Yong's heart. The mouse is also using his eyes to indicate Wang Yong. If he dares to hide, he will give Zhong Xin a knife immediately.

However, to the mouse's surprise, Wang Yong really dares!

It seems that he doesn't care whether Zhong Xin is alive or dead at all. Wang Yong's body twists two times like a snake, and Qi an's poke fails.

Wang Yong's arms swing in the air, like willows dancing in the wind, and like Gongsun sword dance with a high song. The posture is strange, but it has a fatal attraction, which makes people pay attention to Wang Yong's strange behavior.

The mouse was also attracted, but he soon recovered.

From the beginning to now, he has been cheated by Wang Yong too much. As soon as he became obsessed, he immediately realized that it might be Wang Yong's conspiracy.


It's still a little late.

The mouse just moved his eyes away, and a burst of air came out of his ear. It was like a bullet coming out of the chamber, and it came to the mouse's face in an instant.

The mouse's eyes were wide open in horror. Before he could even see what it was, he screamed and leaned back.

Because of the pain of eating, his hands habitually covered his face. The dagger in his hand fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

Originally, Zhong Xin, who was sobbing, responded very quickly. She rushed forward as hard as she could and got out of the control of the mouse. In the process, she also kicked the dagger away.

Let Wang Yong have to praise his student's wit.

At the moment, the mouse was covering his face, and the blood slowly flowed out from between his fingers. It looked terrible.

"My eyes, my eyes..." the mouse's cry of pain resounded in the night sky.

Just now, Wang Yong shot the mouse with a small stone bullet, seriously injuring the mouse's eyes.

And the small stone, is the second time Wang Yong was knocked down to the ground by Qi an, quietly clenched in the hand.

Since then, Wang Yong has planned the follow-up action. Just like every time he led the team to carry out the task in those years, he would make the most detailed plan to ensure the safety of his teammates.

Except for that one.

When the mouse was injured, Qi an responded almost immediately. Instead of attacking Wang Yong, he retreated as fast as he could.

Wang Yongcai noticed Qi an's action. Qi an had already exited for more than ten meters, but he fled to the direction of the car.

"Want to run? How could it be so easy! " Wang Yong gave a cold hum and made a force under his feet. He ran after Qi an in an instant.

Qi an didn't look back, but ran wildly. When he passed by the mouse, he suddenly flashed a fierce color in his eyes. He gently pinched the mouse's back neck and suddenly shook his hand to throw the mouse out.

As a master of Tongbei boxing, his arm swing was very powerful. It seemed that the mouse of 130 kg had no weight in his hand, so he hit Wang Yong lightly.

But Wang Yong knows that Qi an's hand is very heavy. If he really thinks it's very light, he will be hurt by the subtle strength.

Ape through the back, practice is the wrist. Master's chop hand shake wrist, casually shake can hit steel shaft strength way. When it is added to an object, it can use the sharpness of concealed weapon darts.

Qi an uses the body of a mouse as a hidden weapon to stop Wang Yong. It's just that he uses his hand to shake his wrist.

The mouse's body was still flying in the air, and he could already hear the crisp sound of his muscles and bones shaking apart, almost surpassing the mouse's wailing.

Wang Yong sighed in secret, moved his steps gently and put out a Yu step to avoid the mouse.

But the mouse's body fell heavily on the ground, making a loud bang. In an instant, the dust was flying, and a flood of blood shot out, like a high-pressure water pump, forming a series of blood arrows.

The mouse is not willing to twitch a few times, but the throat sobs, there is no movement.

He tried his best to help Qi'an's mouse, so Qi'an squeezed the last trace of utilization value, and died here.

However, Qi an had already jumped into the car.

The woman named Mary had already started the car for the first time, and had already galloped out before Qi'an could sit down.

She knew that if she wanted to survive, she could only do her best to help Qi an. Otherwise, he will become Qi an's outcast like a mouse.

So she had been paying attention to the situation of the war for a long time. When she saw Qi an running away, she decided that Qi an would take a car, so she started the car first.

"Well done. Keep your mouth shut when you go back this time. Or I can't protect you. " Qi an extremely tired said.

Mary nodded with a smile in her eyes.

She was right this time. Qi an was obviously ready to push all the sins down on the dead mouse. From then on, it had nothing to do with them.


Mary stepped on the accelerator to the end. She just wanted to stay as far away from this place as possible.

"Miss Wang, they have run away!" Lying on the ground, Zhong Xin looked at the car far away and couldn't help saying anxiously.

"I can't catch up." Wang Yong squinted and shook his head“ And now the priority is to send you to the hospital, not to chase them. "

It has been more than an hour since Zhong Xin took the medicine. Although Zhong Xin woke up, the side effects of this medicine are very significant. Once the dosage is not controlled properly, it may leave some sequelae on Zhong Xin.

"I'm fine!" Zhong Xin said stubbornly, struggling to get up from the ground.

Just stand up for a moment, the body is suddenly a shake, a fall in the arms of Wang Yong.

His full chest touched Wang Yong, which made Zhong Xin blush slightly.

This scene, however, made Wang Yong feel that Zhong Xin was in poor health and insisted on sending him to the hospital.

In the end, Zhong Xin couldn't beat Wang Yong, so he could only get on the bus obediently.

And in the car, looking at the stars in the sky, Zhong Xin's face became slightly melancholy.

After a while, she suddenly looked at Wang Yong and said in a guilty voice: "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, actually I..."

Unexpectedly, Wang Yong suddenly interrupted Zhong Xin's words and said with a smile: "in fact, all this is your deliberate plot. You say you want to find someone to drink with you, but in fact, it's just for me to go to that bar with you. You knew that there were rats in the bar, and I guess you should have had contact with rats, or even secretly investigated them. But out of some kind of resistance, well, for you, resistance basically comes from your sister. Because of your sister's resistance, you can't use the power of the Zhong family to deal with the mice. So after you saw my skill, you hit me with the idea. You are really a bold student

Hearing this, Zhong Xin's expression was beyond description. His mouth was wide and his face was full of surprise. I can't believe that Wang Yong had already guessed the truth.

"Mr. Wang, how do you know?"

"There are many ways to know a person's real intention, including eyes, behavior and habitual behavior. Even in the process of the incident, the person's various on-the-spot reactions will expose the real intention. You're not a good actor

Zhong Xin is embarrassed to smile. It's true that her performance is not good, even a little bad. But even so, Wang Yong can see through the whole thing, also let Zhong Xin feel incredible.

Is Mr. Wang Yong really more than a common logistics soldier, as my sister said?

"Come on, don't guess. Tell me, what's the story behind it. " Wang Yong felt Zhong Xin's head and said.

Zhong Xin raised his head solemnly and said, "before telling the story, I want to apologize to Mr. Wang. I shouldn't have dragged you into such a dangerous thing. I'm sorry! "

"Sorry? Zhong Xin, remember, as long as you are still my student and I teach you one day, you don't have to say these three words to me. Since ancient times, only the son does not teach the father's fault, teaching students is the teacher's dereliction of duty, has nothing to do with you. And you as my student, only need to know one thing is enough, have difficulty to find a teacher! I'm Wang Yong's student, no one can move! No one is allowed to move

The voice is sonorous.

Words, but it is an instant to let the heart of the clock dancing tears.

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