In Zhong Xin's crying, she told the whole story.

Originally, as early as a few months ago, Zhong Xin had been staring at the rats.

Not because Zhong Xin's sense of justice burst, but because Zhong Xin's deskmate was ruined by this group.

That is a good girl with excellent character and learning, pure, simple, kind, and a good singing voice. Because the family is not rich, so often go out to do odd jobs.

Later, Zhong Xin couldn't bear to see her so tired, so he recommended her to go to the bar to sing. Every night, she could make a lot of money and even supplement her family.

The girl is always grateful for Zhong Xin's recommendation, and Zhong Xin sometimes goes to the bar to watch her perform.

Until one day, the girl was invited by the manager of lose demon to give a performance because of her beautiful singing.

It was also that day that the girl was watched by a group of mice. The identity of high school students, coupled with the pure face, quickly let the mouse made up his mind.

Unfortunately, Zhong Xin didn't accompany the girl to the bar that day.

The girl alone was abducted and taken to the hotel under the design of mice and others.

As for what happened later, Zhong Xin is not very clear, can only guess about it.

It is estimated that the mouse and others forced the girl, leading to the girl's fierce resistance. Children of this age have a natural yearning for love and a firm longing for love. They will try their best to protect their virginity and their loyalty to love.

So the tragedy happened.

The girl jumped off the sixth floor of the hotel and died on the spot. This event immediately caused a sensation in Tiantai City, and countless speculations pointed to a possibility.

Someone tried to kill the girl, which led to her death.

In the early days, Tiantai police basically acquiesced to this statement, but unexpectedly, later the police changed their attitude and came to the conclusion that the girl committed suicide because of psychological problems.

This conclusion is not only believed by the girl's parents, but also by none of her classmates.

Zhong Xin is the one who doesn't believe it.

Driven by guilt and anger, Zhong Xin finds someone to investigate the monitoring of the lose demon bar. Although the monitoring is taken away afterwards, Zhong Xin accidentally gets a piece of information from a passing private car.

The car's dash cam happened to record the girl being taken out of the bar by mice and others.

Seeing this picture, Zhong Xin instantly understood the truth. Also secretly vowed to avenge the girl.

However, Zhong Yi did not know where to learn the intention of Zhong Xin, warning Zhong Xin not to mess. This matter she has been looking for someone to follow up, will certainly give a fair to the girl. The premise is that Zhong Xin is not allowed to interfere in this matter.

Originally, Zhong Xin also believed in Zhong Yi, thinking that Zhong Yi could really help the girl get revenge. She didn't understand until one day when she looked at her with a silent expression. Maybe the complexity of things is beyond the Zhong family's ability.

But she is not reconciled, not reconciled to a good friend so plainly died, not reconciled to bad people so free.

So she waited, waiting for an opportunity for her revenge.

Finally, she is looking forward to Wang Yong. When she saw that Wang Yong easily defeated the two bodyguards, she vowed to keep Wang Yong, no matter how her sister opposed. Whether the teacher has real talent or not.

Hearing this, Wang Yong couldn't help feeling his nose, a little embarrassed. At the beginning, he thought it was his own charm that made Zhong Xin cry and cry to keep himself. It turned out that Zhong Xin had such a mind.

This little girl can't be underestimated. Her heart is as deep as the ditch in her chest.

Zhong Xin naturally does not know Wang Yong's abdominal Fei, but continues to tell the story.

After she coerced Wang Yong into coming to the bar, she also deliberately didn't listen to Wang Yong's persuasion, and let the mouse and others cheat on her. Of course, she didn't know what the mouse would do, so she threw herself out. In fact, she is very dangerous, but out of the trust of Wang Yong, she put all her eggs in one basket.

It turned out that she was right. Wang Yong is really the one who can help her classmates revenge.

The mouse is dead. Although Qi an and Ma Li escape, Qi an is half disabled by Wang Yong, and Ma Li is afraid to contact this business from now on.

For this result, Zhong Xin although some regret, but also expressed satisfaction.

In her words, the first evil is to be killed.

"The first evil is to be put to death?" Wang Yong sighed in his heart and shook his head unconsciously.

Zhong Xin was young, but he didn't know that there was a bigger mastermind behind Qi an's words. That's the first evil.

Even Wang Yong has no confidence to be the chief villain. Only when we come out of the wall of the system can we be more aware of the horrors in that wall.

That complicated relationship of influence can not be cut off by one person with one knife.

But Wang Yong won't tell Zhong Xin about this kind of thing. Let a 16-year-old keep his trust and goodwill in the world.

At the end of the story, Zhong Xin fell into silence and didn't say another word.

On her face, she could not see the happiness of revenge, but the unconscious pain and guilt.

Obviously, she is still immersed in remorse. Blame yourself for not being able to protect your classmates, blame yourself for leading them to the abyss of death.

Seeing what was on Zhong Xin's mind, Wang Yong stepped on the brake.

The car stopped abruptly and stood still in the boundless wilderness.

The night is cool and windy. The boundless darkness envelops us, and only the sky above us shines with stars.

Slightly Leng next, Zhong Xin some don't understand why Wang Yong will suddenly stop.

Wang Yong turned his head and looked at Zhong Xin seriously. Suddenly he said, "Zhong Xin, what do you see when you look up at the sky?"

Zhong Xin looks up at the sky in accordance with what Wang Yong said.

"Stars. I see a lot of stars

"Well, anything else?" Wang Yong continued.

"What else? There is also the black sky, can not see the edge of the black Zhong Xin hesitated and then answered.

"Besides the stars and the sky?"

"Should it be gone? Mr. Wang, how do you ask this? Can you see anything else? " Zhong Xin asked.

Wang Yong smile, and did not directly answer, but with the night wind, gently sing a poem.

"There's a mystery you can't control / you can only act as a spectator / let that mysterious power / send signals from afar / send light through your heart / tonight, in hargee

In this desolate place far away from the city / next to a broad bean sized railway station on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau / looking up at the starry sky / at this time, the river is silent, the bird's wings are thin / the grass is growing crazily towards the stars / the horses forget to fly / the wind is blowing the open night is also blowing me / the wind is blowing the future is also blowing the past.... "

Wang Yong whispered and murmured.

Zhong Xin looked at the sky and listened to Wang Yong's poems. For a moment, he was a little crazy.

"At this time, the river is silent, the bird's wings are thin / the grass is growing crazily towards the stars / the horses forget to fly / the wind is blowing, the open night is also blowing me / the wind is blowing, the future is blowing, and the past is blowing... So beautiful. Mr. Wang, why can you see so many things, but I can't see them? "

Zhong Xin murmured, as if falling into the image of Wang Yong's recitation.

"Because I saw a very important thing through the starry sky." Wang Yongdao.

"What is it?"

"Heart. My heart. "

"Heart? I don't understand Zhong Xin shakes his head.

Wang Yong said with a smile: "Zhong Xin, please sit down. Today we will explain the first class. Mind is reason. "

"Mind is reason" is the opening sentence and the core of Yangming's theory of mind. The earliest concept was actually put forward by Lu Jiuyuan. Lu Jiuyuan believes that the heart is an all inclusive and omnipotent master, and all the standards of right and wrong, good and evil are the self reflection of the heart. Therefore, the essence of reason is in the mind. All you need to do is to reflect on what you want from the inside. There is no need to ask from the outside. There is no need to read. "

"Mr. Wang, what you say seems to be idealism. Our teacher has been criticizing idealism." Zhong Xin hears something wrong and says quickly.

Wang Yong did not directly refute Zhong Xin, but pointed to the sky and said, "look at the sky, do you see the stars?"

The clock nodded.

"Can you see the stars if I don't show you the sky?" Wang Yong asked again.

Zhong Xin shakes his head.

"This is the so-called mind is reason. All things are in the moment you see, into your heart, will exist in your cognition. This is not idealism, but a philosophical thought. In addition, now the scientific community is more and more accepting of Yang Ming's theory of mind. "

"For example, the famous theory of universal human choice is the best embodiment of Yangming's theory of mind. The principle of human selection holds that we exist in one of many models of the evolution of the universe. If we were not in the current model, that is, the universe would evolve in different ways, we would not be here. To put it simply, the reason why the present universe is like this is because what we see is that it grows like this. If we see an egg, then the universe may grow into an egg. Does it feel ridiculous? But this theory has won the approval of countless physicists, because it can explain many phenomena that could not be explained before. For example, both the energy level of the atom and the precise force of the weak nuclear force seem to adapt to our survival. The existence of carbon based organisms in the universe may be related to some parameter values. Assuming that these parameter values change little, then carbon based organisms may not exist. "

"I seem to understand. Mr. Wang, you mean that the heart is the starting point and the ending point of everything, even the universe is no exception. " Zhong xinruo said.

Wang Yongen said, but he didn't explain any more. Even if the theory is too complicated to explain clearly, Zhong Xin will not understand it. At this stage, it is enough to let her know that there is such a concept.

What's more, what Wang Yong teaches is Chinese culture, not astronomy. The ultimate goal of Sinology is to cultivate one's moral character, govern the country and level the world, not to explain the formation of the universe to students.

With a light cough, Wang Yong spoke again.

The reason why Wang Yong put forward the concept of "mind is reason" is just for the following words.

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