Wang Yong helplessly looks at the back of Zhongyi disappearing. He wants to drive home regardless of Zhongyi. He is afraid that Zhongyi will turn around and fire himself.

Stay here. It's a parking lot. There's nothing to stay in. I don't know when it will end.

After thinking about it, Wang Yong strode to the group building. It's so dark outside. It's not as clean and bright as inside. There's a big chest front desk girl to see.

Wang Yong's swagger is like "I love the eldest and the second".

Two security guards at the door see Wang Yong's eyesight. They just want to stop and ask, but they are scared back by Wang Yong's arrogance.

"I'm Mr. Zhong's driver. Mr. Zhong left the documents in the car. Are you responsible for the delay?"

The two security guards backed back and said, "I'm not trying to stop you, I'm not..."

In this way, Wang Yong went to the main entrance of the building.

And just behind Wang Yong, a young man with a proud face is more attractive than Wang Yong.

When the security guard saw the young man, not only did he dare not stop him, but he even raised his hand to salute him. He yelled, "how are you, Mr. Sun!"

After shouting, a security guard also flattered: "Mr. Sun, Mr. Zhong just went in, not five minutes."

The young man nodded coldly and looked at the conference room on the fifth floor. I feel my cell phone as I walk.

"Hello, it's me. Is everything ready for you? Remember, when something goes wrong, I'll ask you! "

With a snap, the young man closed his cell phone, and a glittering Vertu letter stood out in the light.


Nokia is the world's first luxury mobile phone company. All Vertu phones are made by skilled craftsmen in Vertu factory. The keyboard alone is made of more than 150 different parts. Each key has a complicated process. At high temperature, the stainless steel mixture and pressure are injected into a larger mold. After cooling, the volume of each key will be reduced by 14%, forming a bevel keyboard.

Each key will be embedded in two gem bearings to enhance the dynamic design, increase the touch stability and accuracy, and bring users a unique feel and experience.

The ordinary version of Vertu generally sells for more than 100000 yuan, up to 900000 yuan.

That's the real flashy phone, not Apple's.

The man closed his cell phone and looked up at the front.

Suddenly a frown.

The front is the company turnstile. He is only one step away from entering the company. But a man took a step faster and walked into the turnstile.

"Well?" The young man let out a cold hum of displeasure.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and pulled the man's shoulder in front of him.

The man in front of him was immediately dragged to tilt his body, showing a simple face.

It's no one else. It's Wang Yong.

Wang Yong looks at the man strangely, some don't understand what the man means.

Can a walk get in the way of him?

The man looked at Wang Yong contemptuously, poked his finger on Wang Yong's shoulder and said, "which department are you from? I don't know if you can't walk in front of me when you are with Mr. Sun? Believe it or not, I let your department head open you! move out of my way! As a working dog, I don't know how to look at the boss's face. I deserve to be worthless all my life. "

Wang Yong was stunned. He didn't expect that there were such people in Zhong's group. This attitude can continue to work in the group company, which is quite beyond Wang Yong's expectation.

According to the favorite character, this kind of person should let him go on the first day.

With a smile, Wang Yong looked at the young man and said, "is sun always there? I don't know if you've ever heard a story

Wang Yong deliberately said that Mr. Sun could not pronounce clearly. At first glance, it sounded like "grandson".

But Mr. Sun didn't notice and said impatiently, "what's the story? I don't have time to listen to your story. "

"One day, Goethe, the great German poet, was walking in the park when he met a critic who opposed him on a narrow path. The arrogant critic said: 'do you know? I never give way to a fool. " Goethe said with a smile: "I am on the contrary. I like to give way to fools." Then he dodged and let the critic pass

Wang Yong side of the story, side to make way for a road, a natural wave.

"Please, Mr. Sun."

"You... Want to die! You're not going to work tomorrow! If I let you stay in this company one more day, I will not be sun! " After listening to the story, Mr. Sun was very angry.

It's the first time that he met such an employee. Which employee met him before was not respectful and polite? After all, he is a man who has the hope of becoming the son-in-law of the Zhong family, and his father is also a shareholder of the Zhong Group.

However, I want to teach this bastard a lesson, but I'm afraid I'll delay my work.

Today, the success of this matter is related to his position in the company.

After weighing the pros and cons, Mr. sun glared at Wang Yong and said, "wait for me! You look good! "

With that, he hurried to the company.

Wang Yong threw aside his mouth and said, "how can this man make complaints about this way?"

With that, Wang Yong followed Mr. Sun and quietly followed him.

Long time secret service work enables Wang Yong to judge a person's intention in the first time. What Mr. Sun said on the phone just now, and the hurry when he wanted to get angry but didn't have time to get angry in the face of Wang Yong, let Wang Yong conclude that the boy was not ready to do good.

This evening, a general manager level person to do bad things, who can be targeted? Can it be targeted at small staff?

If it's a small staff, they won't be here. Instead, they will choose the big bed room in the hotel.

It's obvious that they are either interested in the company's important information.

Wang Yong felt that he was a little sorry, so he was ready to "atone for his exploits" once.

Until Mr. Sun went up to the fifth floor and walked into the conference room, he didn't find Wang Yong behind him.

With a bang, the door of the conference room was slammed.

Wang Yong was blocked out, but he had nothing to do.

The door of the conference room was thick and heavy, and no sound could be overheard. It seems that special measures have been taken to prevent confidential negotiations from being overheard.

If I can't get in, what can I do?

Mr. Sun went into the meeting room, and now his intention is very obvious, that is, in view of his preference.

Wang Yong can't just watch Zhongyi be framed. He can't stand idly by in love and reason.

With a frown, Wang Yong had a plan.

Dong Dong, the door of the conference room was rocked by Wang Yonglei.

The negotiation just to be held inside was interrupted, and several senior executives at the meeting were all upset. Two Italian customers also shook their heads unhappily, and seemed to be dissatisfied with Zhong Group.

"Who?" Zhong Yi asked coldly. Signal an executive to open the door.

When the door opened, everyone was stunned.

I saw a strange face standing outside the door, with a smile on his face and a pair of eyes. When I saw Italian customers, I looked at their faces like I had never seen foreigners before.

"The guy who came from nowhere is dead." The executive who opened the door stroked his forehead.

I just wanted to drive this unknown guy away, but I heard a roar on the negotiation table.

"It's you! Security, call the police

But Sun Zong recognized Wang Yong.

"Call the police? Why call the police? I'm here to give something to President Zhong. " Wang Yong pointed to Zhongyi and said innocently.

"Give something to Zhong Zong? What are you? Get out of here! Or I'll call the police. " Sun zonggen didn't believe it.

Wang Yong put out his hand: "you didn't ask me which department just now. Now I can tell you that I drive for president Zhong. You're going to fire me, so fire me now. "

"... yes, he's your driver? Isn't your driver Lao Chen? "

Zhong Yi frowned and didn't understand why Wang Yong suddenly broke into the meeting room.

However, with her understanding of Wang Yong, although this guy is a little frivolous, he is not ambiguous in his major affairs.

There should be something important. Is something wrong with Zhong Xin?

As soon as Zhong Yi's heart was tight, he quickly said, "Lao Chen has something to do today and can't come. I asked him to take his place temporarily. Bring me my things. "

This is equivalent to recognizing Wang Yong's identity.

Mr. Sun was so angry that he sat back in his chair and stopped talking.

Wang Yong triumphantly went to Zhongyi and gently put a thing into Zhongxin's hand.

"Mr. Zhong, what you want."

Like to see the things in hand, almost angry smile. What is important is a soda cap.

It also says "thank you for your patronage.".

If it's "another bottle", I'm afraid Wang Yong won't give it to himself?

Like angry stare Wang Yong one eye, with eyes warning Wang Yong don't mess, here is an important occasion.

It's just that she hasn't finished conveying her emotion, and suddenly she feels a scratch coming from her palm.

But Wang Yong is drawing something in her palm with his fingers.

The palm of Zhongyi's white tender hand is held in Wang Yong's hand, and a finger constantly stirs in the palm of Zhongyi's hand.

This scene, how to see how ambiguous, love face instant red.

"Eh, this girl is still a big girl who has never been seen?" Wang Yong can't help but wonder at his favorite reaction.

"Let go!" Zhongyi was shaken by Wang Yong's mood and said in a vicious voice close to Wang Yong's ear.

"Watch out for cheating!" But Wang Yong didn't let go of Zhongyi's little hand, but also took the initiative to approach Zhongyi.

From the side point of view, the two people are like lovers biting their ears, very close.

In this scene, Sun Zong's eyes are angry.

When I heard Wang Yong's words, I found that Wang Yong had been rowing an "X" in his palm to warn himself.

"I see! Let go I'm so shy and anxious that I pull my hand away.

Wang Yong rubbed his palm reluctantly, as if he wanted to do it again.

"All right, Mr. driver. Your stuff has been delivered. Now you can leave the conference room. This is a confidential occasion, not one that you, a bottom-level employee, can participate in. " With anger in his eyes, President Sun told Wang Yong.

And these words immediately also attracted a few executives next to the chuckle.

Ridicule Wang Yong, a low-level employee, and make friends with Mr. Sun by the way.

"Ha ha." Wang Yong suddenly looked at the executives who laughed at him.

Just at a glance, those executives who claimed to be used to the big scene immediately sweat on their forehead, and no longer have a smile.

"What's the matter? That guy is just a low-level employee. How could he be so scared at a glance? "

Several executives thought with lingering fear, not knowing why.

At this time, I heard Wang Yong speak slowly.

"Who says I'm not qualified to stand here? Didn't Mr. Zhong tell you that I was not only Mr. Zhong's personal driver, but also Mr. Zhong's Italian interpreter? "

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