"Italian translation?"

Wang Yong's words stunned everyone in an instant.

Even Zhong Yi was shocked. This guy really dares to say anything. If he says it's a driver, others will believe it. If he says it's a translator, who will believe it?

"Ha ha ha... This is the biggest joke I've heard this year. If you translate, I'll be a linguist! " Mr. Sun laughed.

And a man with glasses sitting next to Mr. Sun also laughed contemptuously.

He is the professional translator invited this time.

Now anyone who jumps out of the room dares to say that he is an Italian translator. Do you really think that translation is a lousy job?

"Wang Yong, don't make trouble! Thank you for reminding me. I'll pay attention. You go out first Even she didn't believe in Zhongyi. She approached Wang Yong and whispered to him.

Who knows, Wang Yong completely ignored the favor, but looked at the Italian translator and two Italians with a smile, saying a word.


As soon as the word came out, the glasses translation and the two Italians' faces changed.

"You are ill bred!" The glasses translator pointed at Wang Yong and said angrily.

The Italians are also very angry at Wang Yong.

Stronzo, Italian for "trash.".

Wang Yong says rubbish to three people, can three people not be angry?

"Why, three, what's the matter? I said there was a mass of rubbish on the ground. Why do you look like this? " Wang Yong said on purpose.

Then he bent down and picked up a paper ball under the table and threw it into the dustbin.

The glasses translator was speechless when he saw the scene.

He knew that Wang Yong was swearing, but he couldn't lose his temper at all. He could only eat Coptis and suffer.

And Zhongyi was shocked by Wang Yong.

Does he really know Italian? And a word to translate glasses to speechless, seems to be very proficient in Italian appearance.

A linguist has said that the most complex part of a country's language is slang. Wang Yong's ability to use intentional language shows that his level is not low.

This guy, and he won't?

Wang yongchong seemed to see the question of his preference. He said with a smile, "don't forget that I'm a teacher of Chinese culture. It's just a small skill to carve insects. Mr. Ji Lao, the late master of Chinese culture, is proficient in 12 Mandarin, and he is the only one proficient in tuhuoluo in the world. Compared with him, I'm not worth mentioning. "

Wang Yong sighed.

This is not a deliberate remark, but a real sigh.

Every time Wang Yong looks at Mr. Ji's translation, he will be greatly impressed. He is really proficient in 12 languages, not just in translation. A generation of Sinology masters can learn both Chinese and Western culture to such a degree that Wang Yong admires them.

Even grandfather Wang Yong highly praised Mr. Ji, saying that he was the first person in Contemporary Chinese culture. The two old men met each other too late in the past year. They talked all day and didn't sleep all night. We can see the feeling of loving each other.

It's a pity that the two masters of traditional Chinese culture died at the same time, which is a pity.

"Well, in that case. Then you can stay and take care of me. " Zhongyi nodded, but agreed that Wang Yong should stay in the meeting room.

But the two Italians were not satisfied with the decision.

Before Wang Yong's scolding had made them very unhappy. Now they have to let this vulgar guy stay as a translator. How can they be happy?

A bearded Italian stood up, gesticulating with fierce body language.

The man with glasses translated his words.

"He said that they would never allow such vulgar people to stay at the meeting, which is a violation of the spirit of the contract. If you insist, they choose to leave. "

This is very heavy, almost in the use of the contract to coerce Zhongyi.

There's Wang Yong without them, there's them without Wang Yong.

I'm in a dilemma. Can't we stop talking about this business?

Before Zhongyi made a decision, Wang Yong suddenly stepped forward and looked at two Italian customers.

"Vulgar? If I'm vulgar, what are you? As Italians, you don't know that it's impolite to stare at others when you speak, do you? Don't you know you should wear a three piece suit on a formal occasion? And look at this gentleman, tut Tut, purple tie! I wonder if you're Italian, even wearing the most annoying colors of the Italian people. You'd better look at yourself before you say others are vulgar. If I should go, I'm afraid you two should come with me. "

Wang Yong said in fluent Italian.

But this words export, two Italians' facial expressions instantly sink down.

They looked at their suits and the color of their ties, and at the same time showed a look of shame.

Wang Yong is right. He must wear a three piece suit when he attends such an occasion in Italy. A coat, a pair of trousers, and a vest. Now they don't wear waistcoats for convenience.

I thought it was Huaxia, and no one would find it. Who knows to be pointed out mercilessly by Wang Yong.

The bearded man with the purple tie quickly took off the tie and threw it into the dustbin.

If it wasn't for Wang Yong's warning, he hadn't noticed that it was a tie with lavender pattern. In Italy, purple is a taboo, people think that purple will bring uncertainty and bad luck, so they will not be able to choose the color purple.

It's just the change of environment after going abroad that makes the two Italians relax their vigilance and make such mistakes.

In fact, this is also a common problem of Italians. They are always absent-minded.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's our fault. I apologize. You are entitled to stay here. " Beard * up to Wang Yong a bow, said.

This is the characteristic of Westerners. The more severe you point out their mistakes, the more sincere they will apologize to you. Of course, the premise is that the mistakes you pointed out do exist.

Obviously, Wang Yong won the respect of the two Italians with his actions.

I can't help but feel relieved when I see things settled.

This business is very important for Zhong Group, which is an important opportunity to open up the Italian market. She really doesn't want the business to fail.

"Well, there's a saying in China that we don't know each other until we fight. Maybe we can become good friends with Mr. Wang Yong. Next, let's formally start the contract discussion. " Zhong Yi stands up and says.

The two Italians nodded and agreed.

Sun Zong and his glasses translator looked at Wang Yong with resentment, and they wanted to eat Wang Yong.

Wang Yong turns a blind eye and pretends to rub against Zhongyi. While smelling the faint fragrance from Zhongyi, he looks at the contract.

Zhongyi has never been so close to a man. I can't help getting used to seeing things.

Want to get rid of Wang Yong, but now Wang Yong is a translator, he can't help looking at the contract. Don't drive away, Wang Yong's heavy breathing stirs her back neck, making her a little impatient.

Half a day later, Wang Yong finally left Zhongyi and let her feel relieved.

The next process is very boring. It's nothing more than the negotiation of interests between the two sides.

After all, Wang Yong is not a professional business negotiation translator. Most of the time, he is still a glasses translator communicating with both sides.

This also makes the glasses translator very proud and feel that he has pulled back a city.

Aren't you a bull? Have the ability to continue to rush!

In the face of the challenge of glasses translation, Wang Yong yawned uninteresting and completely ignored it.

This makes the glasses translation feel lost.

After two hours of negotiation, the two sides finally worked out a satisfactory clause.

After the agreement is completed, both parties begin to sign the contract.

With a smile on her face, she seems to be very satisfied with the negotiation. Two Italian customers are also smiling.

It seems to be a happy ending for all.

It's just that some people just don't like the happy ending.


When he was about to sign the contract, Wang Yong suddenly reached out his hand and pressed the signature.

"Wang Yong, what are you doing?" Asked fondly.

But Wang Yong didn't answer. Instead, he grabbed the contract and held out his hand to two Italian customers: "do you mind if I compare the contract?"

Italian customers have not yet answered, but Mr. Sun is the first to speak: "you do your own translation work, what a mess! Are you free to intervene in such a big event as signing a contract? Get the contract quickly! "

Wang Yong narrowed his eyes and looked at Mr. Sun, revealing a deep smile.

This smile, let Sun general inexplicably flustered.

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