I don't know what happened in the bathroom.

At this time, Zhong Yi is telling the Secretary to file the contract and arrange the next production tasks for several senior executives.

Half an hour later, the arrangement was finished.

All the people are gone, only Zhongyi and Wang Yong are left.

Poor Wang Yong's eyes were bleary and he was about to fall asleep.

"It's over?" Wang Yong, aware of the wrong atmosphere, rubbed his eyes and asked.

Zhongyi looks at Wang Yong with a strange expression and nods.

"It's over. Just now... Thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would have a big fall this time. " Zhong Yi thanks Wang Yong.

Wang Yong waved his hand: "thank you. It's not practical. Just give me the overtime for tonight. "

Zhong Yi is stunned. In Wang Yong's eyes, this busy job is worth several hundred yuan of overtime pay.

"I said, one thing I don't understand. How could you just let that grandson take people away? Look at the speed of the security guard coming in. It's just amazing. It's obviously arranged. Can you bear it all? " Wang Yong asked.

But Zhong Yi sighed: "what can I do if I can't bear it? This company was founded by my father and some friends. Sun Xing's father had contributed shares, belonging to the senior level, and had great prestige among the company's senior citizens. In addition, Sun Xing's father was the leader of the road ten years ago. In recent years, although he has been trying to clean up, his influence on the road can not be underestimated. To start a company, you always need to use some special forces. So I can only bear it. "

"Well, it's not easy for you either." Wang Yong took a sympathetic look.

I didn't expect that there was such a complicated dilemma behind this seemingly arrogant young lady.

It's hard to be poor, but it's hard to be rich. Poor is afraid of not having enough to eat and drink, but rich is afraid of returning to the days of not having enough to eat and drink again.

No one in the world can live easily.

They were speechless to each other.

After a moment, Zhong Yi sorted out the materials in his hand and said, "let's go. I'll put it back in the office and go home. "

Then step out the door.

Wang Yong looked at the buttocks under the uniform of the bell, and could not help but Tucao, "no conscience, just make complaints about overtime pay.

Then he chased after Zhong Yi and said, "I should help you recover a lot of losses just now, right? It has to be eight digits, right? "

Zhongyi naturally knows Wang Yong's mind, but he just cares about the overtime pay. But deliberately pretending not to understand, he gave Wang Yong a smile and said, "guess."

As soon as Wang yongtou saw him, he liked to smile. Although he didn't fall in love with the country and the city in the legend, it's no problem to fall in love with a man who strengthened his company.

This iceberg woman has a pretty smile. Wang Yong murmured in his heart.

"I guess." Wang Yong took words and looked up at the ceiling“ That's it. "

"That's it?" Zhong Yijing asked“ How much? "

Unexpectedly, Wang Yong said two words to Zhongyi with a sly smile.

"Guess what."

"I feel like I can't control myself and I'm going to beat people to vent my anger.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wang Yong quickly used urine to escape.

Zhongyi then goes to his office.

Wang Yong just passed Sun Xing in the bathroom.

Sun Xing, who was destroyed by Wang Yong, suddenly stopped, just like a poisonous snake staring at the prey, and said with a penetrating smile: "boy, you are finished."

Frightened, Wang Yong's face changed. He touched the bottom in a hurry. After touching and patting his chest, he said, "I'm scared to death. I'm all right. How can you say it's over?"

"Shit Sun Xing found that he met a hob meat, salt and oil do not enter.

The threat didn't work, and he made me sick.

But Sun Xing, who grew up in a special environment when he was young, had never seen anyone. He saw more hob meat. In the end, they were all cut into pieces.

Wang Yong is no exception.


Sun Xing made a shot with his hand and pointed to Wang Yong's temple.

Then turn around and go.

The arrogance and ruthlessness before leaving made Wang Yong frown.

"This guy is a burnt tail snake. There is a Yin force in the bone. If you don't pay attention, you will be bitten by him. You have to be careful. " Wang Yong said to himself.

The burnt tail snake is the green bamboo leaf. The tail is scorched red and small, but it is silent when biting.

Wang Yong has seen bamboo leaf green in the jungles of Southeast Asia. It's the way they look when they bite.

After putting the water neatly, Wang Yong puts up his trousers and goes to Zhongyi's office, urging Zhongyi to go back quickly.

It's almost three hours since I drove out. Zhong Xin's class today is also a waste. Fortunately, it has laid a solid foundation for Zhong Xin. The enthusiasm of traditional Chinese culture buried in Zhong Xin's heart can lead her to learn.

To the door, Wang Yong raised his hand just want to knock.

But I don't know why, Wang Yong made an obscene behavior.


It's like the sixth sense of protecting life on the battlefield. Without warning, Wang Yong bent down and aimed his eyes at the crack of the door.

This kind of feeling let Wang Yong have no time to stop his misconduct.

And through the door to see a scene, let Wang Yong take a cold breath, abdomen a hot instant rise.

I saw the narrow crack in the door, leaning against the desk.

Her face was slightly red, her eyes were flickering and blurred

Just then, Zhong Yi wakes up and pulls out his hand quickly. His face is full of shame.

Try to button up the clothes, and the casual touch when fastening the button makes Zhong Yi tremble.

Anxious, upset. A kind of confused mood rose in the eyes of the favorite, and finally broke the defense line of the favorite. I sat down at my desk

Gudong, Wang Yong swallowed his saliva.

I'm in love with you! Wang Yong, who witnessed the whole exciting scene, could hardly believe his eyes.

Can't you avoid the vulgarity of fondness? I can't help but release it?


Wang Yonggang thought, suddenly aware of the wrong.

Because the eyes that he had just released were blurred again, Wang Yong was alerted by this phenomenon which obviously violated his physiology.

Dong Dong!

Wang Yong knocked on the door hard and called out: "I love you! It's time to go home! "

Wang Yong's voice is like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning. When it comes to Zhongyi's ear, it makes Zhongyi wake up.

I feel the wet and muddy under my dress, and my face turns red.

He said, "right now! I'll change my clothes. Don't come in! "

While quickly sorting out the traces should not have.

After a long time, when he was almost conscious of his love, he called Wang Yong in.

Just smell that kind of breath in the air, like suddenly heart and cool half.

"He won't find out, will he? If it's found, it's broken! What happened to me just now? Why did I get lost? " I like to worry about it.

When Wang Yong came in, he felt as if he didn't notice anything and complained about Zhongyi: "what time is it? It's delayed for more than three hours. Well, we'll have to pay twice as much for overtime today. "

"Don't worry, you are indispensable." Like the heart a little flat, restore the cold voice said.

"That's good, that's good. Why, what is this? " Wang Yong is like granny Liu going into the Grand View Garden and looking around in the office of Zhongyi. When he saw a bonsai on his desk, he suddenly cried.

"It's like cardamom." Zhong Yi glanced at the bonsai and said.

This was brought in by the secretary this afternoon. He said that the previous pot of asparagus had withered. So I changed the pot of cardamom.

Cardamom years, this is a word that makes all women palpitate.

What's more, this pot of Cardamom is really beautiful, with its green leaves and split red core, forming a bright and moving color match.

So I didn't object to it. I left it.

"It's more than thirteen years old, and the top of Cardamom is in early February. Good thing. " Wang Yong praised.

But then the words changed: "but, do you know this Cardamom is not that cardamom?"

"What?" Like a Leng.

I didn't understand what Wang Yong meant by "this cardamom, that cardamom.".

"The two poems I recited just now are about cardamom. The last two sentences" it's better to roll a bead curtain on Yangzhou road when the spring breeze is ten miles away "to describe the blooming of cardamom. Do you think this thing in front of you can blossom ten li Yangzhou road? " Wang Yong asked, pointing to the pot of cardamom.

Like to doubt to see, indeed, this cardamom only fruit, where there are any flowers.

"Isn't this nutmeg?" Zhong Yi asked strangely.

"It's cardamom. But it's not our Chinese nutmeg. It's called nutmeg. " Wang Yong stares at the pot of cardamom and explains.

"Nutmeg? There are so many nutmegs. Well, there's no time for cardamom. Let's go home. I think Zhong Xin is already waiting at home. " After watching the pot of cardamom, she felt that the dry heat before hit her body again, which made her a little unable to restrain.

She was really afraid of making any indecent action in front of Wang Yong, which would be fatal.

But Wang Yong didn't seem to leave at all. Instead, he stared at the pot of cardamom and showed a funny smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Love the unhappy way.

"Laugh at you."

"What's funny about me, boring!" I like the way of some guilty. Did he find his own difference?

"I don't know that you have been calculated. What do you think this nutmeg fruit looks like? " Wang Yong picked a cracked nutmeg fruit, raised it to Zhongyi and asked.

Zhong Yi only looked at it, then turned crimson and kicked Wang Yong.


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