Because the nutmeg fruit is so much like a female part.

If it wasn't for Wang Yong, Zhongyi didn't find this.

"I didn't make it look like this. Why do you call me dirty?" Wang Yong is very aggrieved.

"Who asked you to say it!" It's true.

"I was shot while lying down. I meant it well. I just want to use the shape of this thing to tell you that nutmeg has another function

"Another function?" Fondly puzzled looking at nutmeg, suddenly thought of his abnormal state, seems to understand something.

"Yes. In fact, this nutmeg plant grows in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. In its country of origin, the spice has been used as a tonic. The aril of nutmeg can stimulate the intestines and stomach, increase appetite, and even mobilize the circulatory system of the human body and raise body temperature. Nutmeg contains myristol, which can excite and hallucinate. It's a toxic substance that can produce hallucinations when you eat a small amount of it, and you have a sense of happiness beyond reality. But it's the real seed that's more effective, because it's more nutmeg. "

"So, since Roman times, nutmeg seeds have become the core raw material of Cuiqing. In the 18th century, European gentlemen would carry nutmeg and grinding tools, ready to go to the boudoir battlefield. However, nutmeg seed toxicity is not weak, if you eat two seeds, you may die. It is estimated that there are not a few gentlemen who "died" in the boudoir. The so-called peony flower under the death, the ghost is also romantic, but also so

Wang Yong popularized the history of nutmeg.

After listening, his face suddenly became unnatural. It is obvious that the reason why she appears abnormal is because of the hallucinogenic and emotional effects of nutmeg.

Gently plucked the soil in the nutmeg pot, Wang Yong said: "the surface of the soil is relatively soft, and the sense of particles is very delicate. It's like a special grind. I can smell a faint fragrance from such a distance. It seems that the soil of this potted plant is also passive. It should be ground powder mixed with nutmeg. The other party is determined to win you. "

His favorite expression is constantly changing, and his eyes are full of anger.

Who is the mastermind behind this incident? I don't even have to think about it. Sun Xing is the only one in the group who dares to be so fond of it and has a plot for it.

If Wang Yong is not here today, he is likely to be busy in the office until around midnight. At that time, I was afraid that I had already inhaled too much nutmeg hallucinogenic gas, and the consequences were unimaginable.

Zhong Yi couldn't help shivering and didn't dare to imagine that kind of scene.

Someone who has been waiting outside for a long time will surely wait for an opportunity to come in and do something that makes people feel angry.

Zhongyi's face gradually became cold, and her eyes were full of evil spirit.

The woman in charge of half of Zhong's group is not a gentle lamb after all. Otherwise, how can we stay in the position of president for such a long time.

"Liu Li, come to my office." Zhong Yi picked up the phone on the desk, connected the Secretariat and said.

Then, I saw a woman dressed in a charming way push the door in.

As soon as I entered the door, I aimed at the pot of nutmeg from the corner of my eyes. My eyes stayed on the nutmeg for a while, and then moved away.

But this little action did not escape Wang Yong's eyes. Wang Yong looks at Liu Li playfully, ready to see a good play.

See how the cold faced mother tiger will deal with those who dare to design her.

"Have you done all you've been told?" Love is like a family routine, understatement of the question.

"The report to President Zhong has been finished." Liu Li blinked her eyes with a three-point flattery.

"Well, good. I still have a piece of information here. Please help me to sort it out. I have something urgent to go down. I'll be back in half an hour. Give me the information you've sorted out. " I like to say.

Liu Li nodded.

Zhong Yi pointed to his desk: "just do it here. I'm in a hurry."

Liu Li hesitated slightly, but did not question, but chose to obey the order.

See Liu Li began to collate information, love just mouth with a sneer, turned to leave the office.

Wang Yong couldn't help but praise the arrangement in his heart. This woman's good method not only taught Liu Li a lesson, but also pulled out a nail to kill two birds with one stone.

After Zhongyi went out with Wang Yong, he didn't go far, but stayed in an office next door and waited quietly.

In the president's office.

Liu Li skillfully arranges the data, this time the workload is not small. Like to ask her to complete in half an hour, but there is no room for laziness.

After a while, she perspired on her forehead, and the fine beads of sweat flowed to the tip of her nose, adding a bit of strange charm to her.

"Strange, why is it so hot?" Liu Li pulled her collar a little impatiently.

And this action not only did not alleviate her irritability, but let her heart suddenly rise up a sense of irrepressible.

"Oh ~ ~"

Liu Li doesn't like to be so patient. She has been attacked by the aroma of nutmeg for more than ten minutes and has hallucination.

Originally wear less body, in her deliberately tear down, become more exposed. A pair of restless hands are rubbing madly, and the expression of pain but happiness is fully revealed.

At this time, sun Xingzheng quietly came to the door of the president's office with a trace of thief smile.

As he approached the door, his heart beat faster when he heard the appealing voice coming from inside.

No matter what, slammed the door open and rushed to the woman with her back to the door.

The fire is burning, and a different kind of battle happens in the president's office.

"It seems we can go and have a look." Wang Yong's ears moved, and he was acutely aware of the movement coming from the next room.

With a cold smile like spatula light in her eyes, Zhongyi walks to her office.

"Are you two so mean that you are reluctant to spend money to open a house?"

Push open the door, like arms around the chest, light way.

This sentence almost scared the two souls away.

Like a pig arched in front of Liu Li's chest, Sun Xing suddenly raised his head. When he saw the woman's face, he was stunned.

"Why are you!"

"It's not her. Who else do you think it is?" Zhong Yi walks into the office slowly, like a forensic, looking at the two people entangled together with the eyes of dissecting animals.

That kind of look, makes people shudder.

"Mr. Zhong, I don't know what's going on, I really don't know..." Liu Li panicked, quickly dressed and said.

"I don't know. I only know that from today on, you are no longer an employee of Zhong Group. As for Mr. Sun, although I have no right to dismiss you directly, I will submit it to the board of directors for deliberation. " I love the cold voice.

With that, regardless of Liu Li's cry, she turns to walk out of the office.

"Oh, yes. Since you like this office so much, I'll give it to you. Go on. "

Love once again export Zhuxin, Yangchang away.

"Damn it! Labor and capital have been calculated by this rotten watch! " Sun xinglue thought about it and thought about it. He said angrily.

"Mr. Sun, you must ask for help. I can't do without this job. I also put this potted plant in Zhong's office according to your instructions. You can't tear down the bridge... "Liu Li hugged Sun Xing's thigh and cried.

"Go away! I can't do a little thing well. What's the use of you! Pester again, be careful that I sell you to Shiqiao lane as a chicken

Sun Xing kicked Liu Li away and left.

Liu Li sat on the ground, her eyes full of despair.

Out of the office of Sun Xing face is all murderous, from small to large, he has not suffered such a loss.

Today's well-designed plans all failed, and the culprit is the driver named Wang Yong!

"If a little person dares to challenge me, I'll let you know that no matter how powerful a little person is in Tiantai City, he can't break the sky. In the end, he can only turn into a pile of stinky meat!"

With that, Sun Xing felt out the luxurious mobile phone.

Only one sentence was said from beginning to end.

"Longtai Road, Audi A8L, men feed dogs, women stay."

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