Wang Yong was stunned at the sound.

The speaker was Chazhang.

Tea chapter a face serious looking at this side, the expression is dull of some terrible.

It's hard to believe that it came out of his mouth.

"I thought you were just a bald tailed peacock who likes to show off his power. Now I apologize to you, you still have the most basic conscience. " Wang yongchong's tea chapter is solemn.

Chazhang frowned and said, "are you scolding me or praising me? Stop talking nonsense and bring him here. I just don't want to be treated like this when I get old. "

With that, Chazhang turned and went to his elegant room.

When the manager saw this scene, he seemed to find something hard to accept. His eyes were wide open and he couldn't believe it.

In his impression, many officials are afraid of this. Why doesn't the director of tea play according to the card principle?

What's more, it's equivalent to hitting the manager in the face in public. All of a sudden, the manager was confused.

What the manager didn't expect was that what made him even more confused was still ahead. And it's harder and more painful.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly there was a voice outside the door.

Then the door was pushed open and a man walked into the lobby.

Wang Yong is helping the old man to go to the tea Zhang Ya room. When he suddenly hears that someone has asked him to stop, he can't help but feel angry.

Is it over?

But as soon as he looked back, Wang Yong lost his temper.

Because it is not others who appear in front of Wang Yong, it is Mr. Gan that Wang Yong has not seen for many years.

Ganlaozi's appearance has not changed much, except for the wrinkles of old age.

Even though he hadn't seen him for many years, Wang Yong recognized him at the first sight.

"No one has to give in. I'll do another one." He said, with a cold, angry face.

Just in time to catch up with him, will see things through a general.

I used to listen to news reports about how unfriendly some restaurants were to their customers. Today I saw the same scene in my own restaurant. How can this keep him from getting angry?

"Old... Boss..." the manager turned white when he saw Mr. Gan appear.

The waiters were also silent, too scared to say hello.

Mr. Gan looked at them and said, "don't call me boss! My hotel doesn't have employees like you! I have told you many times that the essence of Yuquan tower lies in one "thick". Be kind, solid and virtuous. But what about you? What I did to an old man really chilled my heart! If one day I'm not the owner of this hotel and I get Alzheimer's disease, will you still drive me out? "

At the end of the day, Mr. Gan almost roared.

It can be seen that Mr. Gan is really angry to the extreme.

What he said is actually very likely to happen. He can't manage yuquanlou for a lifetime, and he can't guarantee that he won't change hands with others. If one day yuquanlou was changed hands, and he got Alzheimer's disease. In his habitual mind, he will definitely choose to come in and have a look when he passes by.

Wouldn't you have been treated the same way then?

When he thought of that scene, he felt sad and angry.

Take a deep breath, and press down the anger slowly. Mr. Gan points to the manager: "you are fired!"

Then he looked at the waiter: "as for you, if you are threatened, you will be given a chance to make a change. This year's bonus is fully deducted, and there is no chance of promotion within one year. If you want to accept it, stay. If you don't want to, leave with him. "

The waiter said in a hurry: "boss, I do, I do! I will make a good change! "

"Go to work." Gan Laozi waved his hand wearily and said.

The waiter left in a hurry.

The rest of the manager, numb as a cucumber, looks at Mr. Gan in disbelief and seems to doubt that all this is a dream.

It took a while for him to react, and he fell on his knees with a puff.

"Boss, I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong! Please don't fire me, don't! "

Cry, cry to more miserable, have many meals. It's just thunder and no rain. It's so miserable that there are no tears.

Wang Yong looked at the manager with disdain. He couldn't even act. I really don't know how he got to the position of manager.

"My decision will not change. I absolutely can't let the signboard of Yuquan building be destroyed in your hands! " Mr. Gan's determined way.

After hearing what Mr. Gan said, the manager finally collapsed and accepted the reality.

He sat on the ground for a long time, then slowly got up and walked out of the restaurant. It's pitiful.

But there must be something hateful about the poor people. If they didn't do hateful things in advance, how could they be reduced to the present pitiful situation?

"I'm sorry, gentlemen. The restaurant has such a thing today. I'm not good at discipline. I'm sorry to disturb your interest in eating. Today, all expenses are free, even if I compensate you. Sorry Mr. Gan bowed his hand to the onlookers.

One circle at a time, taking care of all the people, and then stop.

Mr. Gan's behavior is still very old-fashioned, but this kind of habit is exactly what modern society lacks.

Seeing this, the diners waved their hands one after another. Tiantai City, who does not know the reputation of the old man, yuquanlou reputation? Once in a while, don't worry about a little thing. We'll pay what we have to pay. "

"In that case, you don't want to give me the face to see someone again!" Mr. Gan shook his head and grinned bitterly.

They were embarrassed to thank Mr. Gan. They acquiesced in Mr. Gan's promise.

None of them need money, but they really don't care. It's just like losing their face to give them a free bill.

But in this matter, they are still happy to help Mr. Gan.

When the crowd dispersed, Mr. Gan turned to look at Wang Yong.

Wang Yong looked up and down and nodded: "OK, OK! Brother Wang has a good grandson! If I become a Buddha, everything I pass is bright. There is nothing good about it

Wang Yong smiles and doesn't speak.

Mr. Gan praised Wang Yong for his Buddhist heart and his ability to bring light to the places he passed by. This is a great compliment to Wang Yong, who doesn't know how to answer.

"Go and make food for the old man!" Said Mr. Gan, leading the way to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, master Jiang is cooking the last dish with a spoon.

He heard what happened in the lobby just now, but he didn't come out to see it.

One is busy, this sweet and sour carp can't control without his fire. Second, he has seen a lot of such things, and he is not interested in them. It's nothing but free food! What can I see! It's better to see Wang Yong and the chef being slapped in the face.

Master Jiang, who is in an inexplicable mood, can't help humming a ditty.

"Chef, here we are! Here we are A little apprentice suddenly ran over and called to master Jiang nervously.

"Coming? Oh, how dare you come! You have a lot of guts Master Jiang said sarcastically while carefully handling the fish in the pot.

Sweet and sour Yellow River carp has very strict requirements for the process, involving all aspects of the fire, taste, gouci, modeling, and ultimately to present not only the color and fragrance, but also the degree of fish tail upwarping.

The whole fish must have golden scales and red tails, just like the flying Hualong Koi, to be qualified.

Master Jiang talked, but his eyes did not dare to leave the oil pan.

"Where is the waste?" Wang Yong asked directly.

Master Jiang snorted with disdain and said, "are you serious? Very confident! I really don't believe that someone in Tiantai city can do better than my nine turn colon! Xiao Guo, cut the rest of his intestines! Let him not shed tears when he does not see the coffin

Mr. Gan came in with Wang Yong. Before he spoke, he heard his apprentice's sarcasm.

Instantly, he realized that no wonder Wang Yong called him. It seemed that he was in conflict with his apprentice.

If you don't see the previous scene, Mr. Gan may doubt what Wang Yong has done. But now, Mr. Gan is directly targeting his apprentice.

However, he did not say a word, but motioned other chefs not to talk too much.

He took a chef's hat, put it on and changed into clothes. Mr. Gan began to make nine turns.

Just listen to the sound of chopping. Mr. Gan quickly prepared all the ingredients, then opened the kitchen stove on the other side and began to cook.

Hua La, the materials are put into the pot, and the smell is immediately heard.

Master Jiang smelled the fragrance on his back. He was slightly surprised and thought, "you have two sons! The materials are very authentic! I don't know which chef that guy invited. When I'm done with this dish, I'll have to take a look. "

Just let master Jiang unexpected is, his sweet and sour carp has not finished, ganlaozi's nine turn large intestine has preempted the pot.

There was no chance for him to turn around.

Out of the pot into the plate, Wang Yong gently sniffed, was not hungry stomach suddenly came out of the grunt sound.

His face turned red, and Wang Yong was embarrassed to smile. Then he picked up the plate and went to master Jiang.

"Come on, master Jiang. Can you eat the nine turn large intestine made of these waste materials? " Wang Yong said sarcastically.

"Ha ha, if I can eat it, I will kneel down and call your ancestors! Xiaomao, if you don't even have enough hair, you'll imitate others! " Master Jiang said with disdain.

Just in time, sweet and sour carp finished. He motioned to the assistant chef next to him to get out of the pot, while he put a chopstick into his mouth.

Chew a few times, just a face disdain of him, expression suddenly changed.

"How could it be?" Master Jiang lost his voice.

With that, as if doubting that his taste buds were wrong, he put another piece into his mouth.

This time the expression is more wonderful.

He was stunned and speechless for a long time.

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