"No way! You must have cheated! There must be some flavor additive used! " After a while, master Jiang seemed to find something and roared like thunder.

He couldn't believe that there was a person in Tiantai city whose nine turn large intestine was better than him. What's more, the person used the discarded part of the large intestine.

It must be additives!

Angrily, master Jiang is going to find the chef who has no professional ethics. And I'm going to publicize it so much that the guy can't get along in Tiantai city.

Only when he saw the man's appearance, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Master... Master..." master Jiang said to master Gan with a trembling voice.

He just wants to give himself a few mouths at the moment. Why can't you shut up? The sarcastic words just now must have been heard by master.

Master Jiang knows that he attaches the most importance to the moral character of his disciples. Every time I teach some good dishes, I just choose a few honest and honest people to teach them. Other people with defective conduct are not qualified at all.

With his superb camouflage acting skills, master Jiang has always talked less and worked more. In the end, he succeeded and learned the most skills of master Gan.

Now only a few of the best dishes are needed. Master Jiang was going to leave Yuquan building and open his own shop after learning the dishes.

But now, it's hard to say whether Mr. Gan will teach him those dishes.

"Shifu, I was quick witted just now, but I didn't mean that... I owe you my mouth. I apologize to this gentleman! I'm sorry

Master Jiang saw the opportunity very quickly and immediately turned around to Wang Yong and made a sincere apology.

That attitude, that look, that tone, all full of sincerity.

If you change to be a person, I'm afraid you will be cheated by master Jiang. But who is Wang Yong?

The secret agent who is proficient in psychology, master Jiang's little trick is to play a big knife in front of Guan Gong. He can't get into Wang Yong's eyes.

However, in front of Mr. Gan, Wang Yong is not good at directly exposing master Jiang. Instead, he holds a bowl and asks, "master Jiang, how does this dish of nine turn large intestine taste?"

"Yes, of course! My master made it. " Master Jiang turned into a simple and honest man again and said with a smile.

"Oh, in that case. Do you mean what you said before? "

Master Jiang was stunned. What did I say before?

But he still nodded and said, "count, of course

So Wang Yong put down the plate with a smile, patted master Jiang on the shoulder, and said kindly, "from then on, your surname is Wang. Master Wang is good."

On hearing this, master Jiang was immediately worried: "who are you talking about? Damn it... "

The last dirty word almost came out. Fortunately, he remembered that Mr. Gan was still nearby and stopped it.

But it couldn't hide the fury on his face.

The most important thing Chinese people attach to is the inheritance of family name. Wang Yong changed his family name to him. Is it not equivalent to scolding his family?

But Wang Yong didn't feel guilty and said, "eh? Didn't you say it yourself? Does what you said count? You said before that if I find the master who makes nine turn large intestine, you will give me your surname. Why don't you admit it again? "

"I..." master Jiang was speechless.

He did say that, but can't Wang Yong just give up and save him some face? Can't there be more tolerance and understanding between people?

Be strict with others and lenient with yourself. This is a common human disease.

"Xiao Guo, what's the matter?" Mr. Gan waved his hand to Wang Yong to be quiet.

A primary school student looked at master Jiang awkwardly, then looked at Mr. Gan, and lowered his head. I don't seem to dare to say that.

"I'm not dead yet! This Yuquan building is called Gan! If you're afraid that he'll get back at you, aren't you afraid that I'll fire you now? "

The primary school student suddenly flashed a touch of panic on his face and quickly said: "boss, don't, I said, I said. At noon, the manager seems to have a bit of conflict with a table of guests, and then came to the kitchen and told the chef not to cook the table of guests. Then the guests came over, and the chef shirked according to the manager, saying that the materials were not enough, and let the guests go to other places to eat... "

The apprentice told the whole story all over again.

Listening to the whole process, Mr. Gan's face was as cold as frost.

Originally, what happened in the restaurant just now has made him feel bad enough. Unexpectedly, another worse thing happened.

The manager and the chef united to retaliate against the customers, which is more serious than Mr. Gan's imagination.

If it's spread out, do you want to make the signboard of Yuquan building?

Today, it's Wang Yong. If you change into someone else, you may have already left. Then the whole world tells people that Yuquan building is not.

He was so angry that he shivered. He stared at master Jiang with bad eyes. He wanted to pick up the pot next to him and put it on the apprentice's head.

It's killing me!

"I'm sorry, Wang Yong. On behalf of yuquanlou, I apologize to you and your friends! " Instead of rushing to deal with his apprentice, Mr. Gan turned around and said solemnly to Wang Yong.

Then he would bow to Wang Yong and apologize.

"Grandfather Gan, I can't use it!" Wang Yong was shocked and hurried to stop him.

If Wang Yong accepts the bow from Mr. Gan, I'm afraid his grandfather will have to go back to his hometown to talk about his life tonight.

Forced to stop the bow of Gan, Wang Yong is not good to say anything too much.

But he said repeatedly: "grandfather Gan, the reason for this is that the manager made it bad. Master Jiang is also a victim. In this way, master Jiang, please cook for us. Our school VIP has been waiting for a long time, OK

Master Jiang suddenly felt that Wang Yong was a relative. He looked at Wang Yong with tears in his eyes, nodded his head and said: "good! I'll do it now! Thank you for Mr. Wang's magnanimity. It's all my fault. I shouldn't be bewitched by the manager, and I shouldn't give in to the authority of the Secretary of the Secretary of the director general of tea... "

"What? Why does it have something to do with Secretary Chazhang? " As soon as master Gan frowned, he felt more and more confused about it.

At the same time, an idea has been made in my heart. It's time for Yuquan building to change.

"Well, nothing... I'll cook, master." Master Jiang realized that he had let the slip.

No one can betray the Secretary of director cha. I'm looking for death?

It's a pity that Mr. GaN has lived most of his life. What don't you understand? Instantly guessed the relationship inside.

He shook his head and said to Wang Yong, "it seems that someone can't swallow the tone before."

Wang Yong gave a wry smile: "since ancient times, if the people don't fight with the officials, if others can't swallow it, I can only swallow it. Forget it. That's it. Grandfather Gan, I'll go back upstairs first. I'll take you upstairs to have dinner with me

With that, Wang Yong helped the old man with Alzheimer's disease to go upstairs.

Just haven't walked a few steps, but listen to the sweet old son shout to stop two people.

"Stop! If it's someone else, you'll swallow it. But you can't! You are brother Wang's grandson, the picture you wrote for me, and you call me grandfather Gan. Today, I'll show myself to you and get back your face! "

Ganlaozi said forcefully, and then, regardless of Wang Yong's astonished eyes, walked towards Yajian, where Chazhang ate.

Behind him, there was master Jiang with a bitter face.

But I took him to confront him.

See sweet old man's step is quick, walked into tea chapter room in a short while.

After entering, a greeting does not say, straight to the station, hand behind, began to talk to himself.

The old man has no focus in his eyes. It seems that this remark is not aimed at anyone. But his eyes did not leave the whole banquet, and it was clear that he was speaking to the people who were full of the banquet.

"I went to the eighth building of Yanjing to help cook at the age of 13, and became the chef at the age of 38. For decades, I have met countless senior officials. There are ministers who have to eat my dishes once a week, and there are also military region leaders who line up only to buy my prepared dishes. Any one of them who comes to Tiantai city can make the officials of the whole city rush forward and bow their heads. But even if they are as powerful as them, they still abide by the rule of an ordinary person, waiting in line, making an appointment, sitting together with workers and farmers, and eating the same food. Maybe the officialdom has changed, maybe I'm old. But anyway, there's a rule I always follow. That is, I don't allow my family to bully others, and I don't allow others to bully my family for no reason. Now, my grandson is being bullied! That's why I have to stand up and talk to people

Mr. Gan's face was calm and his tone was indifferent. But this kind of insipidity has a kind of chilling determination. All the people present could not help but stop their hands and were stunned on the spot.

Tea chapter is also full of amazement, don't understand what meaning in the words of master Gan.

Mr. Gan's grandson? Doesn't he have only one granddaughter? Where does a grandson come from?

Besides, who dares to bully Mr. Gan's family. Although Mr. Gan is not in officialdom, he is also a master who has been to a state Hotel and a state banquet.

This kind of person may not have any energy in itself, but he can't stand the fact that he knows many senior officials. A few words with a senior official may not have an immediate effect, but it will always play a role.

It's this kind of person that local officials are most afraid of offending.

"Mr. Gan, who made you angry? Every time I come to your hotel, I'm honest and honest. I don't show off my authority and cheat the diners. What's the matter with you talking to me like this? " Chazhang stood up and asked.

Mr. Gan snorted coldly and didn't speak. Eyes intentionally or unintentionally to the tea chapter around the Secretary swept one eye.

Tea chapter see this, immediately understand.

The reason for feeling is here!

A touch of anger flashed on his face. If it wasn't for the face of the guests, Chazhang really wanted to slap the secretary.

It's not enough to succeed, it's more than enough to fail! I didn't learn how to do things, but I learned how to bully people first!

"Secretary! I just wanted to teach that group a lesson, and I didn't want to do anything else. Who let them rob our elegant room... "The Secretary noticed that the face of tea chapter was wrong, and quickly whispered to distinguish.

"Son of a bitch!" Chazhang's face trembled with anger. If eyes could kill people, the secretary would have died dozens of times.

"Sorry! Apologize to Mr. Gan! I'm sorry to Mr. Gan's grandson! By the way, who is the grandson of the old man? " Tea chapter road.

"It should be me." Wang Yong just arrived at this time, stepped in, quite innocently pointed to his nose and said.

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