Others are OK. They don't feel deep. They just feel depressed.

But Wang Yong seems to be in the center of Ruyuan's power, and his deep sense of oppression attacks him, making him unable to stand up.

"What a sandstorm! It's a little bit of boxing spirit suppression. No, it's more powerful than that. Is this the power of nature? " Wang Yong thought in horror.

The giant like dust in the air is automatically regarded as a coincidence by Wang Yong.

And he was suppressed and didn't think much about it. He just felt that the power of nature was frightening.

After all, most people do not dare to go out in thunderstorm days, and even some people will shiver and limp to the ground under the thunder. This is the human fear of nature.

At the moment, the sandstorm also presents this state.

After the wind blows Wang Yong away, it seems that he doesn't intend to let him go.

The giant of sand and dust in the sky stepped down and roared with a storm, moving slowly towards Wang Yong.

In the face of this huge dust, Wang Yong didn't have any resistance at all. It was like he had been used the immobility method and couldn't move.

Only the soft sword of Xinyue fox in Wang Yong's hand is flashing with light, like a guide on the way to the yellow spring.

At this time, Yanjing somewhere in the courtyard.

It's still in the chamber where the crystal skull was kept.

The instrument connected to the Crystal Skull suddenly made a sharp sound, and then several people pushed the door in.

Except for the middle-aged one who leads, all the others are old people.

As soon as they came in, they prostrated themselves in front of the altar, kowtowed and chanted: "ancestors, my disciples have come to see you. If you have any instructions, please go ahead

After the sacrifice, the middle-aged man got up and pressed a button on the instrument.

Then you can see a string of sound waves displayed on the instrument, and the white fog in the crystal skull is like manipulating the sound wave changes, turning into sharp language to present in the public ears.

"He's in danger! It's that damned woman who brought disaster

The people in the secret room looked at each other, and did not understand what the Crystal Skull said.

"No, he's mine. No one can get him! Prepare food for me, and I'll take advantage of it

I didn't understand the words in front of me, but people still understood the word "nourishment".

Since the crystal skull was consecrated, the whole family has been collecting nutrients according to the instructions of the skull.

The so-called nourishment is human vitality. There is a huge blood pool hidden under the altar, which is full of the blood of the vigorous people.

Although after these years of storage, blood has already reached an amazing amount. But the crystal skull is not enough, again and again urged them to speed up the collection speed.

In fact, they are also very helpless. Now they are in a society ruled by law. They can't kill and bleed all over the streets, can they? I'm afraid that in a few minutes, the state machinery will be crushed and destroyed.

And now Crystal Skull suddenly asked to let go of nourishment, what is to do? Doesn't it always say it's not enough?

"Ancestor, don't you say that nourishment is not enough?" As the current patriarch, the middle-aged man couldn't help asking.

There was a puff of smoke in the crystal skull, and then there was a voice: "enough is enough! He can't fall into that guy's hands! If it's not enough... "

Crystal Skull last two "hey hey" smile of the secret room, people can't help a goose bumps.

Of course, they understand the meaning of crystal skull. If it's not enough, I'm afraid these people will become nourishment.

At this moment, they can't help beating drums in their hearts. They have only one idea, that is, praying for enough nourishment.

The middle-aged man bit his teeth, looked at each other, and then walked up to the altar.

Gently turn a compass like thing under the altar, and then listen to a roar, a huge black hole suddenly appears under the glass cover of the crystal skull.

Dark can't see anything clearly, but can smell faint blood from the inside, disgusting.

However, the crystal skull is like a treasure. It spins violently, whizzing the smoke in the skull, like the smoke from a steam engine.

The powerful rotating force of the skull immediately drives the air to form a powerful tornado, which penetrates into the blood pool and sucks up the blood in the blood pool.

Blood flow into the crystal skull, along the crystal skull bone piece gap a little bit into.

After a while, the whole crystal skull was dyed blood red. From a distance, it looked like a transparent blood jade.

And then, the smoke inside the skull also began to turn red, more and more rich, more and more rich.

Until it's solid.


The blood mist suddenly penetrated the dome of the skull and the glass cover of the skull, and appeared in the air.

All the people in the secret room shivered when they saw this scene.

They know the strength of the glass cover, but they spent a lot of money to ask a special company to make it. It is said that even the shell can't be blasted. It uses the most advanced magnesium based metallic glass manufacturing process in the world.

But the glass of this strength is easily penetrated in front of the blood gas of the crystal skull.

You can imagine that if you put a crystal skull on any of them, you will die on the spot.

"Ha ha ha ha... It's a great feeling to come out!" The blood gas that Crystal Skull conjures up laughs a way.

Then, with awe inspiring movement, it turned into a huge wind waterfall and circled around several people in the secret room.

At that time, several people felt cold all over, and subconsciously thought that they were finished and would be drained of blood.

Who knows, after the wind waterfall, they are undamaged.

Then I heard a voice that was far away: "I know that you have not really surrendered in your heart. This time I will show you the means of this seat. If you dare to have two hearts, I want to kill you as easily as I can! "

The sound slowly dissipated in the air until it was confirmed that the consciousness of the crystal skull had gone away.

All the talents in the chamber of secrets, just like those who had just experienced a great disaster, suddenly fell to the ground.

Look at each other and see the fear in each other's eyes.

They did have the idea of controlling the crystal skull before. Now it seems that it's just like a dream. Fortunately, the plan was not implemented, otherwise they would have become the nourishment in the blood pool.


The dust giant finally came to Wang Yong and stopped.

Wang Yong is just like being in the eye of the storm. The strong pressure he had been subjected to instantly empties.

With a hard breath, Wang Yong looked suspiciously at the moving dune in front of him.

For the first time, I doubted what was in front of me. I doubted that it was conscious and stopped in front of Wang Yong on purpose.

But this kind of doubt makes Wang Yong feel difficult to accept. If sand and dust are conscious, isn't the world outlook Wang Yong accepted wrong?

When Wang Yong fell into this struggle, he saw the dust giant move.

The surging sand and dust form a big hand. Slowly fall down, towards Wang Yong fall down.

It seems to grasp Wang Yong.

In the roar of the wind, there seems to be a faint voice: "ha ha ha, you also have today! No wonder I feel that your strength is greatly reduced. You have been sealed

The voice flashed away, followed by the crazy roar of the wind.

Wang Yong only felt a pain in his body. Then he saw his body hanging in the air and was swept up by the dust.

The soft swords of Xinyue fox are all out of hand, emitting a dim light in the sand, dying.

The dust giant's head suddenly changed, and a piece of gravel collapsed, forming a black hole like eye.

Then he grabbed Wang Yong's hand and threw it gently to the wind.

It can be imagined that once Wang Yong entered the eye of the fierce wind, he would die without a burial place and instantly become a powder like gravel.

At this moment, I saw a sharp blood like arrow, whizzing, directly penetrating the dust giant's eye.

Wang Yong seemed to hear an earth shaking roar, and then he saw the giant collapse.

Wang Yong also fell to the ground.

But then, with the strong wind, the dust around it was blown up and gathered into a bigger giant.

Blood awn is like a cloud of floating smoke, strange and rapid in the sand.

The next second, two strange things collide.

The blood awn is divided into ten, and ten arrows are conjured up to shoot at the dust giant at the same time.

Dust giant learned this time, the huge body suddenly shrunk. It's like solidified cement, countless gravel tightly together.

The bloody arrows shot at it, and the sound of puff and puff kept on. Except for shaking a few times, the dust giant did not collapse as suddenly as before.

"Who are you?" The wind and sand roar, gathering a voice.

"You are not qualified to know the name of this seat!" The scattered blood awns gathered again to form a head shape.

"Who do you mean, genie? I want to die The wind roared, and the dust giant pounded to crush the bloody head.

But the blood color head suddenly disperses, like the light smoke which has infiltrated into the sand, vanishes without a trace.

The dust giant pounced on the air. He was wondering where the blood mang had gone. Suddenly, he saw Wang Yong's eyes on the ground changed. His pupils were full of blood and confusion. He seemed to lose consciousness.

"Damn it! I took the opportunity to take him away! No way With that, the wind and sand scattered all over the sky, and a yellowish smell penetrated into Wang Yong's tianlinggai.

Wang Yong's eyes were red and yellow, and the color was changeable. Sometimes red and yellow swap positions, sometimes red and yellow compete for an eye.

Wang Yong is like a puppet, standing on the ground with no expression.

Chen Weiwei, who is hiding and witnessing this strange scene, is shocked and stupefied. He suddenly stirs up and realizes that this is an excellent chance to escape.

She rushed out and kicked Tang, who was fighting with Wu Shenbao, and forced him back.

Then he pulled up Wu Shenbao's wrist and yelled, "run!"

Wu Shenbao did not know why, but out of blind trust in Chen Weiwei, he started running.

They went against the wind, not to the city, but to the depths of the Gobi.

After a while, it disappeared into the yellow sand with very low visibility.

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