Tang chagrined at Chen Weiwei and Wu Shenbao, who had fled far away, and was about to catch up.

But when he raised his feet, he suddenly saw that Wang Yong was shining red and yellow. It was more and more bright, just like a small sun. Tang didn't open his eyes for a long time.

"What's going on? Wang Yong! Wang Yong Tang Yijing, yelled.

But Wang Yong's face was expressionless, and he didn't mean to respond. Only two eyes of different colors looked at Tang.

Tang was so scared by this scene that he couldn't help stepping back. For a moment, he forgot to chase Chen Weiwei and Wu Shenbao.

In a short moment, Wang Yong changed again.

The color dispute is no longer limited to Wang Yong's two eyes, but began to spread to the whole body. Wang Yong is now a neon tube in human shape. His body is evenly divided into two parts, half emitting red light and half emitting yellow light. The two rays of light are like the noose winding around Wang Yong. They tightly hoop Wang Yong and burst Wang Yongle's veins, as if it would burst in the next second.

"You'll kill him like that." The blood awn beat and made a sound.

"What does it matter to me whether he dies or not? My goal is not him. " The earthy light responded.

"Then you are still robbing me!"

"But my goal is on him. If he dies, he will do as I wish

"He who is alive is valuable to me. If you want him to die, you have to ask me if I agree or not."

The bloody light bloomed again, like the rising sun in the morning, which leaped out of the sea of clouds. It suddenly occupied most of Wang Yong's body and seized the opportunity

The earth yellow light gives out a buzzing sound, which is also a great light. It starts to fight for the lost territory repeatedly.

Wang Yong's body has become a pitiful battlefield, two rays of light continue to rage in Wang Yong's body, regardless of the trauma caused to Wang Yong's body.

Wang Yong's eyes were still blank and his expression was dementia, as if his consciousness had been completely lost and there was no possibility of restoration.

With the aggravation of the fight for red and yellow light, Wang Yong's body surface has begun to crack, and little drops of blood adhere to the skin, which is extremely terrible.

If we continue, I'm afraid Wang Yong will be torn in two.

Tang watched Wang Yong's strange appearance, but he was helpless. He tried to get close to Wang Yong, but before he reached ten meters in front of Wang Yong, he was blocked by an invisible force and couldn't move forward.

"Wang Yong..." Tang stretched out his hand and cried weakly.

"Who? Who's calling me? " Wang Yong knows the sea, and Wang Yong appears in the boundless darkness.

Alone, looking back and forth, there was nothing but darkness.

"It seems that someone was calling me just now." Wang Yong said to himself suspiciously, but he thought it was not true.

And the darkness in front of him also made him feel a sense of panic and wanted to escape from the prison as soon as possible.

Just how to escape?

"The sky is in a panic, the earth is in a panic, the wind is blowing and the flowers are falling, and the clothes are stained with loneliness..."

In the dark, suddenly a slender girl's voice rang out. Singing is a very sad tune, as if all thoughts are lost, there is no love in life.

Wang Yong couldn't help being affected by the mood of the tune. His face fell into dullness, and slowly, slowly, went to the dark.

While walking, he said: "this world is really boring."

Wang Yong is about to sink into the darkness, melt into a part of the darkness, and die out completely.

At this time, the singing girl gave a cold hum and said, "you are not him after all. Such a simple song can confuse you. If it had been him, I'm afraid he would have broken the fence. "

"He? Who is he? " Wang Yong stopped at the edge of darkness and asked.

However, the female voice did not speak any more, but just hummed songs to herself. The melody is as sad as ever, but it's less decadent.

Wang Yong unconsciously frowned and decided to ignore the female voice and find a way out first.

But Wang Yong has not yet found a way. Suddenly, he sees two rays of light, one red and one yellow, coming together and rolling back to Wang Yong who knows the sea.

Wang Yong was shocked and wanted to escape. However, the two lights, like conscious ones, instantly blocked Wang Yong's escape route and entangled him almost at the same time.

"Who are you? Let go of me! Let go of me Wang Yong panicked and yelled.

Unfortunately, Guangguang didn't reply, but grabbed Wang Yong and went outside.

This seems to be an excellent opportunity to escape from the dark, but Wang Yong has a keen sense in his heart that if he is really caught outside, he might as well stay safe in the dark.

So he struggled to get rid of the light.

But it didn't help. The light locked Wang Yong tightly and didn't move.

"Help me!" Wang Yong reaches out to the end of the darkness in despair. He knows there is a woman there.

"I can't save you," she sighed. You are the only one who can save you

"Myself?" Wang Yong couldn't help being stunned.

When I want to ask again, the female voice is gone.

"Myself, myself, what on earth do I have to depend on myself?" Wang Yong was puzzled and could not think of any way to break free.

Seeing that Wang Yong was about to be swept out of the darkness, the upset Wang Yong simply didn't want to think about it any more. Instead, he waved his hand and cut off the light with his hand knife.

But the light is tough, how can the hand knife cut off?

"If only xinyuehu's soft sword was there." Wang Yong thought to himself.

At this point, Wang Yong suddenly thought of something like his soul. He looked at the void and suddenly called out, "sword

One word, if magic. If really see a purple light flow ran of sword shadow quickly fly and fall into Wang Yong hand.

Wang Yong did not care where the sword came from. With a sword in his hand, his confidence soared. Exhale again, wave and chop.


Just listen to a crisp ring, red and yellow light are all cut off by a sword.

When Wang Yong was happy, he wielded another sword.

This sword cuts into the boundless darkness, and the light of the sword comes out meandering, turning into great brilliance, and spilling into the depths of the darkness.

Click, click, the darkness is like an eggshell, quickly split a hole, revealing a glimmer of light.

Wang Yong couldn't help laughing and walked towards the light.

Looking at the distance of 18000 Li, Wang Yong arrived in three or two steps, suddenly jumped out of the darkness and into the dim light.

At this time, Wang Yong with dull expression outside also had an instant reaction. His eyes rotated a few times, and the red and yellow light faded away, showing the original color of Wang Yong's pupils.

Puff puff, two breath also from Wang Yong tianlinggai, hidden in the yellow sand.

Wang Yong's expression is indifferent, and his eyes follow the track of two breath to the sky.

He knew that the two breath did not go far, still hiding in the yellow sand, waiting for an opportunity to attack him again.

"Death." Gently spit out a word, Wang Yong palm toward the distance virtual grasp.

Just listen to the sound of the buzzing dragon. The soft sword of Xinyue fox flies up and falls into Wang Yong's hands.

Wang Yong took a deep breath holding the handle of the sword. In an instant, the light on the soft sword of xinyuehu flashed up. The whole sword was like burning, and the purple and red fire rose to meet the storm.

Wang Yong's neck hanging the seven tips exquisite pendant also followed the crazy flash, the frequency of high beyond the limit of human vision, unknowingly thought the pendant has been on.

Hiss, suddenly it goes out, like a light bulb burst.

Wang Yong's soft sword of xinyuehu has also expanded to the extreme. All the stars are drawn from the soft sword and poured directly into the sword body along the void.

At the hilt of the sword, the heart moon fox suddenly let out a high pitched cry, and jumped up and ran straight along the body of the sword to the tip of the sword.

All the fire light on the soft sword is absorbed by it, and converges along its running route until it converges to the tip of the sword and becomes a rich purple awn attached to the surface of Xinyue fox.

"Go Wang Yong waved at random.

The burning heart moon fox rushed to the yellow sand in the sky.

Where it passes, the air shrinks violently, as if it had been burned into a vacuum, and the yellow sand turns into dust one after another, and disappears without waiting for it to fall.

At this time, the red and yellow light hidden in the yellow sand, seeing this scene, could not help but panic.

They scream and run, trying to escape from the heart moon fox.

But the heart month Fox's speed is extremely fast, they haven't escaped, by purple flame burning.

The red and yellow light wailed and fled in different directions.

Two originally bright lights were burned dark, all the way to escape, but also sprinkled countless flying smoke.

The burning smoke quickly fell into the clouds, which suddenly gathered together to form a dark cloud.

A large amount of water vapor condenses, and it seems that a heavy rain is coming soon.

On the contrary, the sandstorm has become much smaller, and the yellow sand has also rustled to the ground, forming small sand dunes on the ground.

When Wu Shenbao and the wolf fight, where can they afford to fight? Get up, touch the car and run. I only hate that my parents have one less leg.

For a moment, in addition to the corpses on the ground, only a few people were left in this area. Even the wolf master was urged to leave by car.

"Wang Yong? Wang Yong White rose and others gathered together and looked at Wang Yong standing in the dust.

But Wang Yong had no response. After a while, he suddenly burst out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

"Oh, Wang Yong! Get him up! Red star, you need a heavy truck to drive White rose cried, and hastily lifted up Wang Yong on the ground.

Red Star ran into the car. In this dusty weather, the road becomes extremely difficult to walk. Except for heavy trucks, other cars are expected to be stuck on the road.

A few people busy, Wang Yong will be carried onto the car, but it is boom start the car, heading back.

The weather is getting more and more gloomy. The unexpected sandstorm has surprised the relevant personnel of the meteorological department. I didn't expect that after the sandstorm, there was an abnormal sign of heavy rain.

Under the thick lead cloud, the boundless sense of death makes people feel extremely depressed, as if something bad is about to happen.


A raindrop from the sky, it seems to open the momentum of this heavy rain.

Just by chance, someone who saw the raindrop was stunned, and then he cried out in panic: "no! Hail! Hail the size of a big date

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