Yes, hail.

However, it is not only the size of jujube, but also the size of green walnut. Every hail is mixed with a lot of dust, which makes the volume of hail larger.

At first, it was just a few scattered drops, smashing the ground with a crackle.

Within a minute, hail fell from the sky and fell on cars, roofs and crowds.

The top of the car made of iron was hit with potholes on the spot. The driver sitting in the car was heartbroken, but secretly congratulated himself.

Because outside, the unsuspecting pedestrians are much worse than him. He was directly hit on the head by hail, and his skin was cut open. The blood flowed down the scalp, and his face was ferocious.

"Run The crowd was just like the frightened beast, and saya ran away.

Close to go home immediately, far to find a place to escape. In a small supermarket, there are thousands of people all at once, and they can't get another foot in the supermarket.

At this time, the meteorological department of frontier city was also silly.

They stood in front of the windows of the office building, looking at the sudden hail outside, their faces full of confusion.

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a department leader scolded his subordinates: "what do you do for food? Why is there no warning in advance for this kind of weather? "

Several staff members looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

Finally, an old professor with eyes tried to explain to the leader clearly: "hail clouds are composed of water droplets, ice crystals and snowflakes. Generally, there are three layers: the lowest layer is composed of water droplets with the temperature above 0 ℃; The intermediate temperature ranges from 0 ℃ to - 20 ℃, which is composed of supercooled water droplets, ice crystals and snowflakes; The temperature of the top layer is below - 20 ℃, which is basically composed of ice crystals and snowflakes. In the hail cloud, the airflow is very strong, usually in the direction of the cloud, there is a very strong updraft from the bottom of the cloud into and out of the upper part of the cloud. There is also a downdraft that flows in from the middle behind the cloud and out from the bottom. This is where hail usually occurs. The two organized updraft and downdraft are connected with the ambient airflow, so the airflow structure in the strong hail cloud is relatively continuous. The strong updraft not only transports sufficient water vapor to the hail cloud, but also supports the hail particles to stay in the cloud, making it grow to a considerable size before falling down.... "

Just half of what the old professor said, he was rudely interrupted by the leader: "don't tell me these scientific principles! I just want to know why we didn't forecast this sandstorm and hail! If the superior holds me accountable afterwards, none of you can escape the responsibility! "

With that, the leader left in a huff.

There was only a room full of staff left, and they all sighed.

And the old professor looked at the hail outside the window and said anxiously, "this kind of weather is really strange. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It's unknown."

"Professor, you are a scientist, and you believe in those things?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"The unknown is not necessarily science. In a word, something big may happen this time, so we'd better send an early warning notice as soon as possible. It's better to mend a dead sheep than to do nothing


A group of people agreed and began to be busy.

In the secret room outside Yanjing.

A group of people in the secret room were looking at the crystal skull. After a long time, they suddenly saw a large amount of blood fog in the crystal skull, and then a wail sounded.

"What's the matter?" The middle-aged patriarch asked nervously.

"I don't know. It must have met its opponent

"Shall we help it?"

"Help me? If it can die, we will be short of a serious trouble. Why should we help it? " The elder who answered gave a cold hum and said.

The middle-aged patriarch quickly put up his index finger and said, "Shh! It will hear it

"Well, it's too busy to hear us. Besides, what if it hears? "

"Hey, hey, hey..."

The air suddenly a burst of blood rippling, as if the sky into a pool, rippling up a huge ripple. A strange laugh came from inside, which made people creepy.

All the people in the secret room heard this voice, their faces changed, and they fell to their knees subconsciously.

Even the disrespectful elder is no exception.

A few seconds later, a wisp of red awn appeared in the ripples, flying around the chamber of secrets, suddenly into the crystal skull.

Then the sound wave on the screen of the instrument shakes and makes a sound: "I hear you want me to die outside?"

"No! We dare not The middle-aged patriarch kowtowed and pleaded guilty.

"Hey, you dare not, but some dare. As it happens, I'm still looking for an excuse to suck blood. Now it's OK. I don't need it. " Crystal Skull said, suddenly there was a big fog in the bone seam.

The fog turned into something like tentacles and caught the disrespectful elder like lightning.

The elder had a disdain on his face before, but he was at a loss when he was caught. Hands and feet dancing in the air, loudly begged for mercy: "ancestor, I'm wrong, please let me go! If you want blood, I'll get it for you right away! Kill a village or a town! As long as you let me go... "

Unfortunately, the Crystal Skull didn't mean to let him go. There were suction cups on the tentacles, just like octopus, sticking to the elder's skin.

Then the elder's skin turned white, and the blood flowed into the crystal skull at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Within a moment, the elder had only a bag of bones left, which were discarded by the crystal skull.

"Ah! What a pleasure! If only we could have such nourishment every day! " Crystal skull's endless way.

This sentence also scared other people a shiver, for fear that the crystal skull on the spur of the moment, even they also suck up.

However, Crystal Skull obviously knows how to control people. He said calmly: "don't worry, as long as you are loyal and do things for me, I will never hurt you. It's not impossible to even teach you some skills of longevity... "

Hearing the word "longevity", everyone in the secret room was obviously moved. They immediately chanted "long live our ancestors" to show their loyalty.

Crystal Skull laughs with pride.

But then the mood changed, as if to think of something angry, indignant way: "that cheap woman! Mingming has been sealed by him for so many years, and even helped him! If it wasn't for that cheap woman to help him draw the power of xinyuehu stars, how could I get hurt! Hate me, hate me

Crystal Skull this kind of inexplicable words, let the people in the secret room are a little confused.

But in general also guessed that someone secretly blocked the Crystal Skull plan.

After a long time, the anger of the Crystal Skull subsided, and the smoke inside the skull became stable.

"It seems that we can only rely on that boy." Mumbling like finish, Crystal Skull no longer response, as if into a deep sleep.

All the people in the secret room looked at each other and then retreated together.

Until far away from the chamber of secrets, a group of people dare to whisper: "who is the boy that our ancestors said? It seems that we are not its only chess pieces. "

"This is nature. Even if we all like to stay behind, let alone it. Let's not ask more about this kind of thing, so as not to end up with the same circumference. Let's go. Let's go back and discuss it slowly. "


The party gradually walked away.

In a small village near the Gobi desert in the border city.

This is the nearest village to the Gobi and the poorest one. Years of desertification have plundered the environment on which the village originally depended. In a few years, it is estimated that the village will also become a part of desertification.

But even so, the people in the village still stick to this place and refuse to leave.

It's not that they don't want to, it's because their beliefs are different from those in other parts of the border city.

They are the oldest ethnic group and believe in Chinese Shamanism.

The people of other frontier cities have long changed to another kind of imported doctrine, forgetting the doctrine originated here.

Shaman originated from Saman in Tungusic language. It does not refer to a specific religion or belief, but a general term for shaman experience and behavior. In the word Saman of Tungusic language, SA means to know, and Shaman is the "he who knows" in the literal sense, so it means that Shamanism is a way to acquire knowledge.

Therefore, the early Shamanism was not a feudal superstition, but a belief to seek the "truth" similar to other Chinese theories.

Shamanism has a complex concept of soul. Dominated by the belief of animism, it mainly worships the ancestral spirits of clans or tribes, and has the contents of nature worship and totem worship. The objects of worship are very wide, including various gods, animals and plants, as well as inanimate natural objects and natural phenomena. There are no written classics, no religious organizations and specific founders, no temples, and no unified and standardized religious rituals. The position of wizard is often handed down from generation to generation by oral transmission in the clan of the tribe.

Xiri ahong is the last shaman in this Gobi village.

Xiri means "Lion" in the frontier language, which shows ah Hong's ability in that year, just like a lion.

But now, Xiri ahong has no power to fight against the devastating hail.

He just narrowed his muddy eyes, wrinkled his dry face, and murmured: "retribution, this is retribution. Tengger is punishing us sinners

Tengger is similar to the existence of heaven in Shamanism, surpassing other gods. If there is any disaster from heaven, it is generally believed that Tengger caused it.

Boom, just as Xiri ahong looks at the hail and repents in silence, he suddenly sees two heavy trucks driving towards this side in the mud and dust.

Hailstones hit the car clanging, and the dust melted by rain turned into swampy mud, hindering the rotation of the wheels.

If these people go on, I'm afraid the car will break down on the road before they get home.

Xiri ahong hesitated and waved to the two trucks: "come and hide! Wait until the hail stops! "

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