"Go! Do you think you can die a little later if you walk slowly? " The man in the baseball cap kicked Wang Yong and said.

Wang Yong staggered a few steps and almost fell on his knees on the bluestone board.

And behind them came two people's laughter, as if they saw a monkey playing a circus.

Through a section of cobblestone paved corridor, push open a door, two people finally stopped.

"Sun Ye, I have brought you." Sven whispered.

There was no answer, only a gurgling sound in the open room.

Brush, Wang Yong's head was removed, the room bright sunlight stimulation Wang Yong eyes have a trance.

When he got used to the light, Wang Yong understood where the sound came from.

In the middle of the room, a middle-aged man in a light yellow exercise shirt was pushing a huge wooden ball.

Men play taijiquan, about half a person high wooden ball with his boxing constantly rolling, making a huge sound.

The sun sprinkles on the ball, showing beautiful ghost eye patterns. Innumerable ghost eyes are arranged regularly, and the patterns are gorgeous.

"Hainan Huanghua pear!" Wang Yong couldn't help exclaiming.

Haihuang's value can be described as two inches. A small bracelet can be sold for tens of thousands of yuan, not to mention such a big ball. Wang Yong roughly estimated that the value of the ball was at least five million.

Tyranny, tyranny! Wang Yong thought painfully. More than five million things are used for comparison, which makes people want to beat that bastard.

What's worse than using? Do you have to use such expensive things?

But men's boxing rules were ignored by Wang Yong. In particular, it can push a ball that weighs hundreds of Jin. This skill is far more than ordinary people can match.

The man still didn't seem to be ready to pay attention to Wang Yong. After playing Tai Chi, he began to play from the beginning, pushing the ball around the hall.

The purr reverberates like thunder in the sky.

The whole field was pulled by him and moved with the rolling of the ball. People's eyes moved with it.

There is only one exception.

Wang Yong didn't feel nervous. He looked at the middle-aged man with a smile.

Seeing the rising place, he also sang loudly: "a big watermelon, it blooms all at once. Half for you, half for him. But you didn't want it, and he didn't take it. Give it all back to me, and then go home. "

A big watermelon is the starting form of Tai Chi. The second form of Tai Chi is to cut flowers in one size fits all.

It's a profound boxing skill. It's said by Wang Yong that it's vulgar and unbearable. This solemn scene was also destroyed by Wang Yong.

A group of people standing in the room were still holding a reverence for men. After hearing Wang Yong's song, they all couldn't help laughing with a smile in their eyes.

But because of the man's power, no one dares to laugh, so he has to bear it hard.

The middle-aged men can't fight any more when they get to this point. Close up, push your hand, and clap a soft force on the ball.

The ball, weighing several hundred jin, bounced directly from the ground, drew a delicate arc, and fell steadily in a pit in the center of the hall.

It's terrible to be able to practice the simple Taiji cloud hand to such a state.

If this palm was pushed on a person, his bones would be broken and his body would die.

Until he saw the man's hand, Wang Yong's eyes shrank, and he radiated a fine light.

"I've heard a lot about Wang Yong." The man took the white towel and wiped his hands slowly.

He's not tall, he doesn't look sharp, he doesn't look fierce. But there was a chilling quality in him, and he was afraid of him from the bottom of his heart.

This man is sun zanglong, who can shake Tiantai City three times by stamping his feet.

"It turns out that I've heard of a person's name in less than a day. I've heard a lot about it. I've been taught, Mr. Sun." Wang Yong said politely.

And this immediately changed sun's face.

I've heard so much about Wang Yong. It's just a polite remark. He really heard about Wang Yong's name last night. I didn't expect that Wang Yong would seize this language loophole and satirize him.

It's not a fuel-efficient lamp. Sun Zang Long's eyes narrowed slightly and he thought.

And the lights that didn't save fuel went out in the end.

"Damn it, I'm not honest when I die!"

Bang, the baseball cap man kicked Wang Yong in the knee.

Wang Yong bent his knee and knelt heavily to the ground.

And when he was about to kneel down, Wang Yong suddenly put his legs into force and stood up straight.

"Good Kung Fu." Sun Zang long glanced faintly and said.

"I'm flattered." Wang Yong accepted sun zanglong's praise.

"You took jieshasheng?"


"Not too timid."

"That's what people say about me." Wang Yong still accepted it.

"Interesting." Sun Zang long looked at Wang Yong. After a while, he suddenly moved. Before he could see his movements clearly, he came to Wang Yong.

A Tai Chi "lazy tie clothes", hit Wang Yong waist eye.

Wang Yong sat down on his horse and turned to dodge.

Sun Cang Long's face showed a sneer, and his arm suddenly shook out a twining force, and he put it on Wang Yong's arm.

He didn't work hard, but Wang Yong's center of gravity was unstable and his whole body fell forward.

With a bang, Wang Yong hit the ground heavily with one knee, making a dull sound.

Although he knelt on one knee, Wang Yong knelt down after all.

"In front of my sun Zang long, there are few people who can stand." Sun zanglong stopped and said haughtily.

"Yes? On one knee, are you asking me to propose to you? It's better to worship heaven and earth together Wang Yong said.

All of a sudden, the whole person becomes a soft snake. He climbs up along sun zanglong's body. When he reaches sun zanglong's waist, he suddenly falls over and uses his weight to drive sun zanglong's center of gravity.

The focus of Taijiquan is in Dantian, so it's hard for ordinary people to break their balance. Wang Yong uses Brazilian jujitsu style to entangle himself and starts directly from sun zanglong's Dantian. He immediately staggers sun zanglong's steps and falls to the ground with a thump.

This time, it is in response to Wang Yong's words. They paid homage to heaven and earth.

Sun Canglong's anger flashed across his face, and the killing opportunity suddenly appeared in his eyes. He didn't see any starting style. Suddenly, a force came out from his palms and pushed Wang Yong out a few meters away.

And Wang Yong is like a broken kite, floating in the air, the speed is very slow, after a full few seconds, it slowly hit the wall.

After hitting the wall, Wang Yong's body didn't fall to the ground. Instead, it was like a sticker, with his back firmly attached to the plane of the wall and slowly sliding down.

When the whole body fell to the ground, Wang Yong, who didn't seem to be hurt, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and became depressed.

"Beating people is like painting!" Wang Yong covered his chest with shock on his face.

Beating people like hanging pictures is a way of exerting strength in Taijiquan. If you fight hard, the opponent will stick to the wall like a picture and can't get up for a long time.

Wang Yong's ability to recover immediately after he vomited blood was beyond sun zanglong's expectation.

When Wang Yong was on a mission in his early years, he once met an old man of Taijiquan. At that time, a Nanquan practitioner was very crazy and said to him, "I heard that your boxing is like painting? Said to push hands with the old man, the old man a fire, a hand to hang the man on the wall, the man fell down along the wall, seedling.

Wang Yong once tried with the old man, but he just joined hands and didn't really work hard. Wang Yong pasted out and didn't get up for a long time. But it is much higher than sun zanglong's.

At that time, what Wang Yong felt was a kind of explosive force like a percussion drill. The continuous impact of explosive force converged into a whole force and acted on Wang Yong. Only then did he hit people like a picture.

The Taiji masters who can practice to this degree are basically dark strength masters.

Obviously, sun Zang long is also a master of dark power.

"It's hard to fight, but no matter how strong the body is, it can't bear many blows. Blunt knife is the most painful Sun Canglong's eyes flashed, and he saw the strength of Wang Yong's body.

The biggest function of "Bingwang xinyiba" is to extract the potential of human body and train the weak chicken into a steel soldier.

Wang Yong didn't reply. Of course, he knew what his weakness was. If the king of war had no such side effects, he would have stepped into the realm of dark strength, and would have been afraid of a little sun Zang long!

"Oh, isn't that driver Wang? Oh, I have vomited blood. Must it hurt? Don't you know Italian? Let's hear it in Italian

At this time, a greasy young man came out and made fun of Wang Yongdao.

But it's sun Zang Long's son, Sun Xing.

When sun zanglong named his son, he hoped that the sun family would no longer be "zanglong", but really "Zhongxing". It's a pity that Sun Xing didn't become a new star as sun Zang long wanted. The only consolation for sun is that Sun Xing is not stupid enough to inherit his family fortune.

"I don't know Italian, but I know sun's cry when he's making out with a woman. Sun Dashao, do you want me to teach you? " Wang Yong spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva.

This remark hit the taboo point of Sun Xing. For the first time, he was designed to expose the scene.

"You want to die!" Sun Xing said angrily that he would kick Wang Yong.

"Stop it! Look at your posture! You let me down Sun Zang long hated that the iron didn't become steel and glared at Sun Xing.

Sun Xing opened his mouth and wanted to quibble, but seeing sun Zang Long's bad face, he immediately closed his mouth.

"Wang Yong, I respect you as a man, so I won't let you suffer too much humiliation. It's a taboo for me to dare to take my sun zanglong's enemy. So you have to die. If you don't die, the rules will be out of order. As you know, if the rules are out of order, it's not easy for the team to lead. "

Sun zanglong paced slowly in the room. With a word, he decided a person's life and death.

Sun Hu, the master of the underground kingdom of Tiantai City, is always like this.

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