Qilu real estate.

Sitting in front of the huge French window, looking at Ziyu Fengqing in the distance, I was stunned.

"Sun Zang long started so fast?"

Looking at Wei Ran's inside information, Ziyu Fengqing still can't believe it.

She didn't expect that Wang Yong's front foot would go out from here, and her back foot would be taken to sun zanglong's home.

This dragon, which has been in Tiantai city for more than ten years, does not seem to have lost its ruling power.

However, since the founding of the people's Republic of China, there has been no real black and astringent society in China, and everything in front of the state machine has been a local chicken and a local dog. The only ones that have stood up for decades are those families that have colored the country.

Like the Ziyu family.

"Miss, do you need someone to deliver a message to rescue Mr. Wang Yong?" Wei Ran asked.

With the power of Ziyu Fengqing, I have to find a government official to deliver a message to him, but sun zanglong won't listen.

But Ziyu Fengqing shook her head: "No. If the government intervenes in the affairs of the rivers and lakes, it will only be looked down upon by them, which is not conducive to subduing this force. Let me kill you. "

Wei Ran was surprised: "a person?"

Ziyu Fengqing nodded: "one person."

As a result, Jie Shasheng, who boarded the ship on the first day, had the opportunity to prove his water-borne nature.

After hearing Wei Ran's news, Jie Shasheng didn't say a word. Just gently put down the head of the gun in hand, turned around and took out two knives.

The blade is sharp and the opportunity to kill is awe inspiring.

Double knife back a don't, Jie Shasheng so swaggered out of the door.

Wei Ran was stunned and in a trance.

She doesn't understand the world.

"Boss sun, I'll make a bet with you that you can't kill me today. Do you believe it?" Wang Yong sat on the ground, squinting and saying.

That relaxed strength, unknowingly thought that it was sun zanglong who had just been beaten to spit blood, and it was sun zanglong who was facing death. He has nothing to do with Wang Yong.

"Ha ha ha, my sun zanglong started his business by gambling! I bet a dozen battles, big and small, but I didn't lose one before I got to this position. You bet with me? " Sun Zang long laughs, and his words are overbearing. Domineering, almost determined.

Wang Yong also laughed and said: "it's a coincidence that I've been gambling all the way. Up to now, Yama still confiscates my life. I don't believe boss sun can take it away. "

"Is it?" A muscle on Sun Zang Long's face was beating. Although his face was smiling, his tone was close to freezing cold.

In front of this guy again and again to challenge his majesty, his patience is not much.

"Guns." Sun zanglong didn't speak much. He stretched out his hand to the side.

Immediately, a man handed over a 54 pistol. Although this kind of powerful domestic pistol is no longer listed, it is quite liked by members of the black and astringent club.

Not only because of its super power, but also because of the blood and flesh splashing scene when it pulls the trigger.

Sun zanglong is good at Taiji and not bad at shooting.

This is the era of hot weapons. Boxing can solve some problems, but not all. If boxing can't solve it, we can only use guns.

With a click, the bullet was loaded, and the dark rifling flashed a faint light towards Wang Yong.

It can be seen from the gesture of sun Zang long holding the gun that he is an old hand. An old hand at killing people.

"If there are any last words, say them as soon as possible." Sun zanglong road.

Wang Yong chuckled and said, "I really don't understand you guys. Why do you have nothing to learn from other people's movies? Don't you know that when the villain in the movie is about to kill the protagonist, he often capsizes in the last words

"Movies are not reality. They will capsize because they are not sun zanglong. " Sun zanglong's voice was calm, and his hand pointing at Wang Yong's forehead did not tremble.

In the intermission of his speech, sun zanglong's eyes had seen Wang Yong three times in a row.

Head, heart, throat.

This is typical of the old style military killers. One shot in the head, one shot in the heart, one shot in the throat. No matter how fateful people are, they will die in the three shootings.

The style of the old style soldiers is rigorous, so they will shoot three key points in a row to ensure the death of the target.

It seems that sun Zang long had military experience.

"Well, I admit you're good." Wang Yong raised his hand to make a surrender“ Since I'm going to say my last words, I'll at least say it. "

Wang Yong's ears stirred a few times, and then he calmed down, as if he were really thinking about his last words. A moment later, Wang Yong said, "my last words are, can you give me another ten seconds?"

"It's not necessary." Sun Zang long said coldly. He knew that Wang Yong was playing tricks, so he would never give Wang Yong another second.

"Oh, that's a pity." Wang Yong shrugged as if he had accepted his life. And then he suddenly turned his eyes and looked out the door“ I said, "somebody, should you come in?"

"Who?" The baseball cap man looked at the door in a hurry and yelled.

The answer to his question was a loud knock.

The door of the villa was kicked open, and the sunlight came in from the door, reflecting a man covered with blood.

Flat head, knife, expressionless face.

Behind him, there were seven or eight corpses, each with more than five knife marks and bone visible.

It's not equal, it's a deliberate killing.

"Kill Sun zanglong's pupil shrinks, and waves suddenly appear on his calm face.

Bang, the bullet that should have been fired at Wang Yong was fired at Jie Shasheng.

Jieshasheng is like a big mouse, curling up to hide, and the bullet that shot at his heart suddenly failed.

It's just that sun zanglong is not a mediocre hand. He can't avoid his inevitable shot, but he can't avoid the skin and flesh injury.

The bullet was still firmly embedded in jieshasheng's rib. Jieshasheng snorted in pain. His body was unstable and almost fell to the ground.

And the cold man didn't even frown. He stood up straight again and looked at sun Canglong fearlessly.

"Mr. Sun, I owe you this. It's even. "

Jie Shasheng said coldly, and thrust the knife into the rib. The tip of the knife rotated. With a sound of flesh and blood cutting, a bullet was gouged out by Jie Shasheng.

Ding Dong, the bullet fell to the ground, Jie Shasheng was still expressionless.

"If you can change this bullshit loyalty, maybe we can go out alive." Wang Yong sat on the ground and said.

Just for the sake of the so-called kindness of the past, Jie Shasheng took sun zanglong's shot and gouged out the meat and bullet, which wasted a lot of combat power.

Jie Shasheng didn't even look at Wang Yong. He said coldly, "if it wasn't for this bullshit, I wouldn't be here."

Wang Yong was stunned. He could not help shaking his head and said, "Xiao He is successful. Xiao He is defeated. It seems that I have to thank you for your loyalty."

"You're welcome." Jie Shasheng said immediately.

Wang Yong was speechless. This guy accidentally burst out of a cold humor is really unacceptable.

"Jie Shasheng, you son of a bitch! There is a face to see Sun Ye! If I don't break you up today, I won't be called mourning Biao! " The baseball cap man pointed at Jie Shasheng and cursed.

Mourning Biao, this name is quite suitable for his five big and three thick body.

Jie Shasheng didn't speak, but Shuangdao made a slight mistake and expressed his attitude.

After one shot, no more kindness. Another encounter is life and death.

Seeing Jie's killing action, mourning Biao can't help but get more and more angry. With a loud roar, he raised his fist and rushed to kill.

"Hey, help me to cut him a few more knives. Just now, the boy did a lot of dirty work on me." Wang Yong seems to find a backer, Chong Jie shouts.

Jie Shasheng ignores Wang Yong. His two sabres are staggered in a butterfly shape. They suddenly open and close like flying wings.

Immediately, a cloud of blood shot out, dyed red Jie killing clothes.

At this time, Jie Shasheng was a bloodthirsty Shura, and the cruelty of the murderer was fully displayed in his hands.

He has been hiding his strength, and finally can release himself in front of his former boss, telling him how ridiculous it is to treat himself as cannon fodder.

Brush brush brush, flesh and blood cutting sound in the room, every time is accompanied by a pain roar of mourning Biao.

Mourning Biao's fist gradually became weak, and his roar became lower and lower.

Finally, he fell to the ground after jieshasheng's horizontal cutting, and his huge body fell down with a loud voice.

Thirty one knives, none of which is the key. But every knife has a deep bone. In this way, he lost his last drop of blood in the fierce battle and died in pain.

When the battle ended, the whole court was shocked.

No one in this room thought that the young horse from this dogfight field had such strength.

Surprised at the same time, all secretly scold Land Rover died well. If this man was not pulled to do the back cushion at that time, maybe Sun Ye's hands had another killing magic knife.

There was also a slight shock in sun Zang's longan. While shocked, the killing was more serious.

The more his value is displayed, the more he should destroy what he is doomed to lose.

Wang Yong is, so is Jie Shasheng.

"Xialiu, you go up." Sun Zang long sat back in his chair and said faintly.

The gentle man holding Wang Yonglai should take off his suit and step forward.

His name is Xia Liu. Because of the homonym, all the brothers in the gang call him obscene.

But no one dares to say that he is obscene. A dirty man can't be one of the five tiger generals under Sun Ye.

Xia Liu also picked up a knife, but a single one. He skillfully played with a knife, with a sullen smile on his face, and said to Jie Shasheng, "I haven't met many good players playing with knives in this Qilu territory. I didn't expect that there was one hidden under Sun Ye's field. It's fun. It's fun. "

"This is the last one you've met." Jie Shasheng's face is covered with blood, he said coldly.

Xia Liu can smile, the smile of feminine charm, such as a choice and bite of the beautiful Bungarus.

"More interesting."

With that, Xia Liu suddenly stabbed out the dagger in his hand, and the trajectory was erratic. The curved blade was like a dancing snake, so that people could not see where its focus was.

This is the characteristic of Malay Dao.

To be exact, Malay sword should be called Malay Kelis sword. In some places, it is called Malay sword directly. Because its blade is not as straight as a knife, but curved and twisted, which is quite similar to the blue blood sword in martial arts novels.

This kind of knife has a strange shape, like a snake. The blade is full of numerous grooves. Once it penetrates into the body, it will produce the effect of bleeding.

It's a kind of short knife that is extremely cruel.

Jieshasheng's butterfly eight chop Dao is actually very difficult to use against Malay Dao. If you are not careful, you will be caught.

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