
A clear shot rang out, not loud, with a slight dull sound.

The old shooter could tell it was the sound of a small caliber bullet coming out of the chamber.

And the 88 type in Wang Yong's hand is the first small caliber bullet used in sniper rifle. Small caliber bullets are 88 sniper's signature.

Hearing the sound of the gun, the first reaction of the diffuse sniper's men was to lie down and avoid.

Generally, this kind of small caliber bullet appears on the machine gun, not *. Precision is limited, range is more limited. Just dodge a little and you won't get hit.

But he suddenly realized that there was a weapon called 88 sniper in China.


The bullet shot from under the raft stranded on the shore and went straight to the sniper's body.

The sniper's wrong response hurt him, a bullet into the flesh, 5.8 mm small caliber machine gun bullets directly penetrated his shoulder, shooting a blood hole.

"Well," the sniper snorted, shaking his whole body in pain.

And the next second, he rolled over and fell from the sniper position, hiding in the low pit.

At this time, Wang Yong's head just peeped out from under the raft, looking at the direction of the sniper with regret on his face.

"It's a pity that if we can aim a little more, we should be able to kill with one shot." Wang Yong shook his head and said.

But he also knew that it was impossible to aim at the target accurately in this kind of environment. Surging water and tricky shooting angle limit his play. It's extraordinary to be able to hit the enemy.

After a crash, Wang Yong overturned the raft, while he took advantage of the moment when the raft flipped out, he hid behind the raft and jumped onto the bank.

Just now, after Wang Yong pushed out the body of the shopkeeper, he dived under the raft. Taking advantage of the uneven concave hole at the bottom of the raft, he breathed secretly for 25 minutes. Finally, he took the lead in this patient competition and let the sniper expose himself.

After landing, Wang Yong holding 88 sniper, carefully hiding behind a big tree, staring at the sniper rolling position.

The advantage of 88 sniper is that it is light and easy to use. It can snipe without traditional ambush posture. Wang Yong uses the squatting sniping posture at the moment, clinging to the big tree, relying on the big tree to lock the front area.

Silent, the long-standing oil hyacinth called again. Seems to feel that there is no danger, began to sing wantonly again.

Both Wang Yong and the sniper on the opposite side knew that the real duel had just begun.

Whoever makes a mistake is giving his life to the other party.

The sniper's face-to-face is just life and death.

At this time, the angel who stayed in the wood house did not know what was happening outside.

He is staring at the mobile line of Wang Yong's mobile phone signal on the screen. Indeed, as he ordered, Wang Yong is moving along the route he designated.

The sports center, the viaduct, the South outer ring, these are all deliberately designed. He just didn't want people to guess his real hiding place. By the way, he dumped the people who might follow him to make sure that only Wang Yong came.

As long as Wang Yong came here alone and stepped into the trap he set step by step, even if Wang Yong was the king of secret agents, he could not escape from Shengtian.

At the thought of pride, the angel grinned. But later, with a frown, he said to himself, "Jack, why hasn't he moved for so long? Is it true that no one came, or did they meet someone? "

Hesitated for a while, the angel looked at the dark cabin, and finally gave up the idea of looking at Jack.


The confrontation between Wang Yong and sniper jack is finally broken by Wang Yong's active attack.

Wang Yong takes the lead in shooting jack, but he doesn't expect to hit him.

But Wang Yong had another intention.

After a shot, Wang Yong relied on the cover of the dense forest to move forward quickly. When you get to a tree, you shoot again.

The shooting point of each shot is different. One shot is closer and more dangerous than the other.

Jack is hiding in the pit, pressing the wound on his shoulder, sweating.

He was shot in the shoulder, greatly affecting the accuracy of his sniper, if it is good in the sniper position, and this mobile sniper, he does not occupy the advantage.

The only advantage is the terrain here, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The pit is like a natural bunker with holes to shoot out and defend.

Although Wang Yong has been approaching, he is not afraid.

He is confident that when Wang Yong gets closer, he will be killed on the way forward.

This m200 is known as the one with the highest accuracy. It's been used for such a long time. If he doesn't even have this confidence, how dare he be called the apprentice of Mr. diffuse?

"Close! 20 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters... OK! As long as he goes five meters further, he will enter his most confident range. He will be killed on the spot Jack forgot the pain of his shoulder for a moment and thought confidently.

However, the facts let him down.

Wang Yong, who has been changing his direction, suddenly stops, just like he knows Jack's confidence range, and refuses to move forward five meters.

"Damn it Jack swore angrily“ But even so, what? You still can't attack me, you will still die under my gun

Jack thought.

Unfortunately, his idea lasted only one second, and was ruthlessly overthrown by Wang Yong.

Wang Yong picked up *, gently felt a palm length thing from his backpack, and then pushed it under the barrel of the 88 sniper.

"Down mounted * launcher!" When Jack saw the barrel in Wang Yong's hand through the sight glass, he was scared out of his wits.

He never thought that Wang Yong was carrying a downward mounted transmitter!

What Wang Yonggang just found out from his backpack is a gun!

According to Jack's own experience, he concludes that Wang Yong used a killing gun.

The warhead for killing * uses prefabricated fragments, some of which are also equipped with prefabricated projectiles such as steel balls. As long as they explode, they can form a range of damage within the radius.

In other words, the gun * in Wang Yong's hand is enough to overturn Jack's hiding bag, and inlay a few shrapnel on Jack's body!

Frightened Jack screamed, not afraid to expose himself, and hurriedly got up from the ground and ran.

At this time, Wang Yong just finished loading the ammunition. As soon as he lifted the barrel of the gun, he fired a gun at Jack's bunker.


The huge power of the gun overturns the earth bag, and Jack, who runs less than 10 meters, falls to the ground. There were several pains in the back, and I don't know whether I was hit by a clod or by shrapnel.

The body struggles hard, Jack gets up again and continues to run.

For a mercenary, as long as it's not a loss of mobility, it can't stop them from running.

Jack's heart is full of hope, as long as he runs back to the station, runs back to the adult's side, he can turn defeat into victory, and kill the hateful man behind him!

Even on the way to escape, I can find a chance to kill him. I don't know if I can kill him alone.

After all, he is also an excellent sniper with many achievements!

But Wang Yong in the back is like watching a play, leaving Jack to run away, motionless, with only a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

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