After Jack quickly escaped hundreds of meters, Wang Yong put away his gun, took a deep breath and began to pursue.

Judging from Jack's escape posture, he was obviously not seriously injured, but it didn't affect much.

The purpose of Wang Yong's gun * is not to kill Jack, but to force him to run.

Run like hell!

In the African savannah, there is an animal quietly standing at the front of the food chain, called the spotted hyena, which can make a low, bird like bark and human like laughter.

This kind of animal is misunderstood by many people as only eating carrion. In fact, it is a rare top predator on grassland. The tactics they use are called the spotted hyena tactics.

The hunting of spotted hyenas is mostly carried out in the form of ethnic groups. The whole ethnic group forms a crescent shape and pursues its prey for a long distance until it is tired. When the prey can't run, the spotted hyena will launch a final attack, biting the throat of the prey.

Few animals on the grassland can compete with spotted hyenas for endurance, and they are the strongest animals in feliformes for long-distance running and hunting. They can maintain a speed of 60 kilometers per hour to chase adult angular motors as far as 5 kilometers. So the tactical success rate of spotted hyenas is as high as 46%, which is a terrible number.

When Wang Yong was on a mission in the African grassland, he had seen several spotted hyenas chasing lioness, and finally used his long endurance to drag the lioness alive and tear up the opponent.

While the leading spotted hyena is touring the territory with the head of the lioness. All the animals around are trembling with fright and dare not invade.

It can be said that with the unique tactics, the spotted hyena is a top predator next to the male lion.

Wang Yong is now taking the spot hyena tactics.

He uses a gun * to force Jack to escape from the bunker. Jack who runs in a hurry will run in an explosive manner for the first time, which will greatly consume his physical strength.

Wang Yong follows him and pursues him slowly. The injured Jack has no more endurance than Wang Yong. He will eventually be exhausted and become Wang Yong's prey.

The other point is the key to the battle.

Jack's m200 empty gun weighs 28 Jin. With other auxiliary equipment and bullets, it weighs more than 30 jin. Wang Yong's 88 sniper is only 8 Jin, including other miscellaneous things are no more than 10 jin.

20 jin weight difference, short distance may not see anything. But in mountain terrain, that's the gap.

This 20 jin will make a cheetah become a clumsy tortoise, and the clumsy tortoise may take the opportunity to catch up with the original leading cheetah.


Another shot, Wang Yong relying on the characteristics of 88 sniper light, from time to time in the back to Jack.

Jack was so scared that he didn't dare to turn his head back and ran forward.

However, the range of 88 sniper is limited, and the scattering phenomenon of long-range shooting is serious. If Wang Yong had an m200 in his hand, Jack would have been shot at least.

As soon as they chased and ran, they ran in the mountains and woods like this.

Jack breathed heavily and gasped heavily. The injured shoulder was no longer bleeding, but after running violently, the shoulder began to bleed again.

The m200 in his hand is getting heavier and heavier, which makes him have the idea of abandoning it.

It's just that * is the sniper's second life. Jack will never leave his gun, even if he is tired.

PA, Jack did not pay attention, was in front of a fallen tree to trip to the ground.

When he got up and looked back, he saw that Wang Yong, who had been 600 meters away, had already chased 500 meters.

Looking at Wang Yong's calm appearance, he clearly didn't use all his strength. Moreover, he stopped to shoot from time to time, which further delayed his progress.

"I couldn't get rid of him. It seems that I can't escape from him today! In that case, just fight with him! I'm not sure we can make a living. " Jack thought, with a wild heart.

After running for several tens of meters, he suddenly braked when passing a huge tree. He fell on the ground and even didn't adjust, so he shot Wang Yong.

This is quite similar to the gun game cs in the sniper, do not open the sniper mirror, rely on the feeling of shooting opponents. However, the game is a game after all. In reality, it is difficult for snipers to achieve this. Only with super rich experience and more than ten years of using the same * can they have this kind of accurate feeling.

Jack has been using this gun for six years, less than ten years, but not much worse. He had a great feeling just now, so he shot back without thinking about it.

He is sure that this shot will surely make Wang Yong hang the lottery!

The bullet roared straight at Wang Yong. Jack's shot in a hurry really had quite high accuracy. The bullet went straight at Wang Yong's head. Except for the deviation caused by wind direction and other factors, it would not deviate from Wang Yong's body.

In other words, this shot is bound to hit Wang Yong! Let Wang Yong get hurt!

Jack's eyes are full of brilliance. He has already felt the surging blood coming from his body. It's the resonance of guns with him. It's the cry of recognizing the Lord!

"Yes Jack said in a determined voice.

And Wang Yong is still standing stupidly at the moment, and doesn't seem to react.

Seeing the bullet about to hit Wang Yong, at this moment, an unexpected scene happened.

The whistling bullet penetrated through the air. When it reached more than ten meters in front of Wang Yong's door, it suddenly deviated from the direction and hit the ground at Wang Yong's feet with a bang.

"What's the situation?" Jack's eyes are wide open. He says in disbelief.

When he saw Wang Yong's smiling face, he suddenly understood.

A short pine swaying in the wind between them, with needles falling from it. A cut branch fell to the ground, and the fracture was still emitting smoke.

It's nothing else. It's this pine branch that blocks Jack's magic shot!

Jack, who was in a hurry to turn around and shoot, didn't notice that there was a dwarf pine on the trajectory. The slanting pine branch would seriously affect the trajectory of the bullet!

"It seems that you are still a long way from marksman." Wang Yong shrugged and said in English.

Jack's face becomes very ugly. Wang Yong's sarcasm makes him angry, but what Wang Yong says is the truth.

If you were an adult, you would never make such a mistake.

It can be imagined that once this matter is spread, it will become a laughing stock in the sniper industry. And the hero of the joke is him, Jack!

"Sorry, it's my turn." Wang Yong said slowly, but his hand moves faster than anything else.

Wang Yong is just like teaching new recruits. He raises his hand and shoots with the same technique as Jack.

No sniper mirror, no normal sniper posture.

One shot out of the chamber, the bullet also hit the pine branch.

What's different is that Wang Yong's bullet went straight through the pine needles, and the trajectory was only slightly deviated, hitting Jack's thigh accurately.

"Ao", Jack covers his thigh and collapses to the ground in pain.

The moment he fell to the ground, he did not forget to shoot Wang Yong with his gun.

Sniper bullets are poured out by Jack like money, which is used to stop Wang Yong from catching up.

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