In this narrow forest, Jack's strafing really played a role, which made Wang Yong unable to move forward.

Jack struggles from the ground and continues to limp away.

It's not far from the wooden house. As long as you run 200 meters further, you will hear the gunfire and come out to rescue yourself.

Jack has a natural trust in diffuse. In his opinion, no matter how powerful Wang Yong is, he is just a testing stone for diffuse. After a clean break, Wang Yong will not leave any trace in the life of adults.

So now Jack just needs to do one thing and run to the station with all his life. That's his only hope of survival.

After being suppressed for a moment, Wang Yong jumped up and started his slow pursuit again.

Everything is the same as planned. Wang Yong presses Jack in the whole process, even causes wounds to him, but does not kill him.

Wang Yong wants to create hope for Jack's survival and make him feel able to escape. I think I can use it to deal with myself.

And that's what Wang Yong wants.

Jack becomes a touring hound, leading Wang Yong to the angel's position.

Both sides are confident that they will win.

Jack firmly believes that even if he takes Wang Yong to the station, he can kill Wang Yong. Wang Yong firmly believes that he can fight back and rescue Zhong Xin.

This is a tacit pursuit.

The wind whistling, blowing forest residual fog lingering in the pine branches, cold air was inhaled viscera, greatly increased the physical consumption.

The deeper into the forest, the more complex the terrain. From time to time, a pool of mud appears on the wet ground all year round, which makes people wrap their feet.

In this kind of environment, Wang Yong, even though he is light, also has some slight wheezing.

Let's not meet Jack in advance.

Jack is already sweating, breathing disorders, can no longer maintain a uniform breathing rate. This is fatal for a sniper, breathing disorder means that the accuracy of the sniper can not be grasped.

However, Jack didn't care about these things at this time. He had only one purpose.

That's running until adults show up.

Close, close, the front has been able to see the forest cabin.

Jack's heart was filled with joy and he couldn't help strengthening and running forward.

At this time, Wang Yong stops and looks at Jack's running figure, saying: "I know there must be a trap ahead, and I know I have to step in. But at least I want to make sure that only one person can pose a threat to me. "

Wang Yong said, slowly squatted down the body, half squatting sniper posture, sight locked Jack.

Bang, guns.

The distance is less than 500 meters, which is a distance that can never be missed for a sniper.

Even at this distance, you can type coins.

Wang Yong is aiming at Jack's left arm, which is hard to lock and is hard to hit under normal circumstances.

It was Wang Yong who shot.

Poof, the bullet is exactly embedded in Jack's left shoulder blade, making a big hole in Jack's shoulder blade.

With a scream, the m200 in Jack's hand suddenly fell to the ground and fell into the mud.

Jack didn't look back. He knew it wouldn't help to look back now. He can only keep on running.

So he kept on running to the hut.

Wang Yong in the sniper mirror, his vision is locked on the landing m200. As long as Jack dares to pick up the gun, Wang Yong will mercilessly break Jack's wrist.

"A tiger without teeth is worse than a sick cat. Besides, you are not a tiger. This is a qualified guide. " Wang Yong said to himself, put away his gun and continued to chase.

A moment later, they were in front of the hut.

Jack ran here and suddenly stopped, then turned around and gave Wang Yong a cruel smile.

"You, it's time to die!"

Wang Yong didn't speak. Instead, he answered with a gunshot.

The bullet grazed Jack's body and scared him into the hut.

Driving the wolf and swallowing the tiger, Wang Yong forces Jack to help him enter the hut and eliminate the danger inside.

In fact, Jack did the same. After he pushed away the hut, he found the heart of the clock in the hut.

As if seeing the straw, Jack stepped forward, grabbed Zhong Xin's neck and warned Wang Yong, "don't step forward again, or I'll kill her!"

Wang Yong is regardless, just carrying a gun, step by step to the hut.

As he walked, he said, "kill her? You can try. Your left and right hands are injured. The strength you can give out now is less than one tenth of what you usually do. If you want to strangle a nearly adult girl with empty hands, it will take at least 20 seconds for her to fall into a coma, and it will take more than a minute for her to die completely. Do you think I will be indifferent and keep watching for such a long time? You don't need three seconds for a bullet to burst your head at such a close distance. "

"You..." Jack collapsed.

For the first time, he found it bad to deal with an agent. This kind of people are trained to be good at calculation. All kinds of situations are taken into account. Some words don't want to frighten them at all.

"If I were you, I would just stay there and put my hope on the one who hasn't shown up." Wang Yong said faintly.

This is a wake-up call for Jack.

Jack suddenly let go, his face again filled with that confident smile: "that's right! The muzzle of Mr. diffuse's gun must have been aimed at you. If you want to kill me, you have to ask if Mr. diffuse's gun is willing or not! "

Wang Yong said with a smile, "I don't think so. I don't think your grown-up dares to shoot me. "

"Why?" Jack asked incredulously.

"Because, he already had the psychological shadow! I didn't succeed in my first sniper, and now he's not sure he can shoot me. If one shot fails, his hiding place will be exposed. At that time, it was the confrontation between the two people. Would he be my opponent without confidence? " Wang Yong is not tight and slow.

From the appearance, Wang Yong's body with a gun is very relaxed. It seems that he is not on guard at all.

But those who know well all know that this is called loose outside and tight inside, tight but not rigid. It is the essence of fighting against the enemy in the Chinese national art.

This is the same as the tiger quietly approaching its prey. It seems that its feet are soft and powerless. In fact, once it breaks out, it is overwhelming.

Wang Yong watched and listened carefully. If something went wrong, Wang Yong would jump several meters away like a frightened rabbit.

What's more, Wang Yong's words were not only to Jack, but also to me.

To tell you the truth, Wang Yong does not know whether diffuse has produced psychological shadow. But Wang Yong must say it, let diffuse produce psychological shadow.

If you hear it, you will recall the scene of sniping Wang Yong before, and fear Wang Yong in your heart.

As soon as his heart relaxed, Wang Yong could take advantage of it. If diffuse really kill Wang Yong directly, Wang Yong also has assurance to avoid crucial position.

This is a war not at the muzzle of the gun, but more dangerous than at the muzzle of the gun.

"Wuwuwuwu", the clock in the hut saw Wang Yong and couldn't help crying. But my mouth was blocked, but I couldn't speak.

Wang yongchong Zhong Xin blinked, indicating that he had come to save her. Don't worry.

Then, Wang Yong went step by step to the hut.

As Wang Yong said before, even if Wang Yong knew it was a trap, he had to step in.

Because Zhong Xin is inside, because the purpose of Wang Yong's trip is to rescue Zhong Xin. If you can't save Zhong Xin, everything is in vain.

Step by step, Wang Yong finally entered the hut. As soon as he goes in, Wang Yong hits jack on the head with one punch, and Jack faints instantly.

Just about to pull out the rag in Zhong Xin's mouth, the mobile phone in Wang Yong's backpack suddenly rings.

The Sealock waterproof backpack provided by Ziyu Fengqing has an air tight zipper, so Wang Yong didn't affect his mobile phone when he fell into the water.

Take out the mobile phone to connect, it's a call from angel.

"I didn't expect that you could trace my location. Let me guess, it must be Xu Zian who showed his horse's feet, right? " The angel immediately guessed the original.

"That's right." Wang Yong readily admitted.

"Sure enough, I'm not afraid of opponents like gods, but I'm afraid of teammates like pigs. I'll give my best regards to that pig teammate when I get rid of you. " Diffuse tone with a bit of anger, said.

"Solve me? Are you so sure? " Wang Yong's eyes kept sweeping around, trying to determine where the diffuse was hidden.

"Ha ha, you're not sure about it. However, I have a lot of confidence in solving your problem. "

Hearing this, Wang Yong suddenly changed his mind.

Originally, diffuse from the beginning did not prepare to point the muzzle at Wang Yong! But always aim at the heart of the clock!

Wang Yong's aim is Zhong Xin. As long as he grasps the most crucial point, no matter what kind of struggle Wang Yong makes, it is futile.

No matter how great Wang Yong's ability, how superb he can avoid sniping, it will not help.

Because Zhong Xin can't escape!

And Wang Yong also want to understand a little bit, is to deliberately let Wang Yong into the hut.

Entering the hut, Wang Yong is equivalent to a shark in the aquarium. No matter how sharp the teeth are, they will be cut off by the glass, and they will be bound by the box.

This cottage is the aquarium box that Wang Yong carefully prepared!

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