The smile on the diffuse face becomes more and more obvious until a silent but wild silent laughter is formed.

Yes, this is a bureau, a Bureau specially set up for Wang Yong.

When it was found that the clock could not be used, diffuse started the backup plan.

The real function of the aquarium used to imprison Wang Yong actually lies in this.

In the weeds just opposite the hut, a * is hidden.

This lethal * does not need too high precision, as long as almost, can complete the effective shooting.

The mobile phone in my hand is the remote control that controls ** An electric motor and a lifting piston are bundled on the gun, which can adjust the position and accuracy of the muzzle through a mobile phone.

This kind of control is derived from a tactical weapon system called t-250d.

T-250d triangle or four corner chassis can carry long-range sniper rifle, machine gun and * continuous fire system for remote shooting.

But because the system is wired, the distance between the operator and the machine is not too far. At present, only a small amount of equipment is used in some U.S. airborne forces.

It's hard to get this kind of military remote control system because it's not listed, but it can't stop the spread of the so-called king of sniper.

Sometimes the brain holes of the mercenaries in the wild road are far more than those of the so-called weapon experts. Diffuse just with a simple electric motor and infrared receiving device, completed the modification.

Even the modified ones are better than those weapon experts. In fact, this kind of remote sniper platform has been found in the hands of some infamous terrorist organization at the beginning of I. Although the system was simple, it was very creative. At that time, a group of weapon experts were shamed.

Everything is ready except the east wind. So he pretended to be coerced by Wang Yong and to agree with Wang Yong's request.

Just when he and Wang Yong were lying to each other, he silently observed Wang Yong's position and completed the muzzle calibration with the excuse of transfer.

A sniper like him can judge the accuracy by human eyes.

And the fact also proves that he has the ability to judge accurately* The bullet just hit Wang Yong's body, and the penetrating wound of the bullet made Wang Yong's body shocking.

A small sniper bullet caused a big blood hole at the mouth of the bowl.

This is a fatal injury, even if it is treated on the spot, it is difficult to survive, not to mention there is no medical treatment.

Zhong Xin holds Wang Yong in his arms. Tears drop on Wang Yong, but he is instantly washed away by the blood from the wound and can't be found any more.

Wang Yong's face has become pale in a very short time.

If the human body loses more than 20% of its blood, it will be in extreme danger. If there is no blood transfusion, it will die. And Wang Yong's current rate of blood loss, I'm afraid even ten minutes can not endure, will enter this dying state.

"Little girl, if you lay him flat, maybe he can live more than ten minutes." Diffuse into the hut, looking at the wound on Wang Yong's body, satisfaction nodded.

There is no need to speculate about this kind of injury. There is no doubt that he will die* The name of the king of heavy sniping is not in vain. The fatal wound is the best embodiment of the word "heavy".

"You murderer! You killed Mr. Wang, and I'll take revenge for him! " Zhong Xin tears his heart and lungs. After he puts Wang Yongping on the ground, he rushes to fill the air like crazy.

Diffuse let Zhong Xin tear on his body, indifferent.

And how can the weak heart of the clock cause damage to diffuse? After a while, the heart of the clock fell to the ground weakly, just clutching the corner of his coat tightly.

Tears have dried, heart has become ash. Even the enemy can't do anything in front of him. Is there anything sadder than that?

There is no greater sorrow than the death of the heart.

"My Lord, what's next?" Jack, struggling with the pain, stood up and said.

He glanced at Jack's gunshot wound and said, "I've wronged you. You take care of the wound and hang this guy's body in a tree. He's a fighter at least, and he's not fit for this. Give him a celestial burial. "

Jack nodded, pulled out a roll of gauze from the cabin and began to dress the wound.

And diffuse then skill will Wang Yong's mobile phone picked up, open the mobile phone, take out a small component, lost to Jack.

"By the way, take care of this thing. The old rule is to transport Xanthium sibiricum."

Jack nodded, took the components and walked out of the cabin.

He broke off a piece of marching rations, put the components in, and then threw them at the birds in the distance.

They saw the birds swooping down, taking away the marching rations and swallowing them.

The tracker, which is used to determine Wang Yong's position, is also like a Xanthium sibiricum that spreads seeds and flies with animals. Wang Yong's real position can no longer be known.

At this time, the family is monitoring Wang Yong position glasses youth, suddenly a Leng. Quickly dial the phone of Ziyu Fengqing.

"Miss, Wang Yong's movement is suddenly fast, and he is about to leave Taiping Lake. Is something wrong? "

"Leave Taiping Lake? Where are you going? "

"Looking at the direction is to the coastal port. Could it be that the killers have escaped and Wang Yong is chasing them?"

"It's possible. You contact Xiaoyu and ask her to take someone with you. Be sure to keep those people The son jade breeze fine fierce voice way.

"Yes Glasses youth road.

Having said that, she dials Xiaoyu's phone, and the female guard captain, who had been rescuing Ziyu Fengqing in Yuhuangding before, leads the team to follow a wrong signal.

Chi La, a rope passed through the branch of the tree and lifted Wang Yong's body high.

Suddenly, the branch of the tree bears the weight, and a rain of pine needles falls, as if in mourning for Wang Yong.

The heart of the clock stumbled out and sat down under the tree.

What happened in just one hour has become unbearable for the 16-year-old girl. She just got a piece of sky, just like this in an instant collapsed.

What I said more than ten minutes ago is still in my ears, but man has been separated forever, and has become a black-and-white film of the world.

"For the last ten minutes. I'll take you in ten minutes I watched the scene quietly, but I made a decision.

He wants to take away Zhong Xin and cultivate Zhong Xin into the best female killer of fallen angels.

Zhong Xin didn't answer, so he looked at Wang Yong's body and listened to the sound of the body floating in the wind.

Diffuse with Jack sitting a few hundred meters away, coldly facing all this.

This is fate. Few of the people who go on this road can get a good end. Including themselves.

Tick, tick, tick

Wang Yong is like a countdown hourglass, with a drop of blood to confirm the passage of time. When the blood runs out, it also means that Wang Yong's life has come to an end, and there is no intersection with time.

"Wow", I don't know what I think of. Zhong Xin, who had already cried hoarse, suddenly burst into tears.

The sad cry accompanied by the shrill "Teacher Wang" seems to come from the nether world, far away and strange.

Darkness, endless darkness.

The void is spinning, confusing everything and blending into the darkness.

Wang Yong is floating in the deepest darkness. He can't see anything. He can only watch the loss of vitality in fear.

He knew that when he could not even detect the darkness, he would really die. Become part of the darkness.

"This is fate, is this the end?" Wang Yong is not reconciled, Wang Yong is not convinced.

But life didn't come back, and Wang Yong seemed to accept the fact of death.

"Wang Yong, have you forgotten? Where's your sword? Where's your sword? "

At this time, suddenly a female voice came from the darkness, forming a continuous and long voice line, hitting Wang Yong's heart.

"Who?" Wang Yong yelled anxiously.

But no one answered him.

Only the female voice was still shouting.

"Wang Yong, have you forgotten? Where's your sword? Where's your sword? "

"Wang Yong, have you forgotten? Where's your sword? Where's your sword? "


Again and again, again and again.

Wang Yong looked at the void blankly and murmured: "my sword? My sword

But after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't remember when he had a sword.

"Ah Wang Yong covered his head, which was about to burst, and let out a cry of despair.

What about the sword?

The sword!

At this moment, the clock outside, diffuse, Jack, all did not realize that under Wang Yong's collar, a stone the size of a knuckle was emitting red light.

Once, once, like the flashing guide light in samsara. No one knows where to lead

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