"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful woman, Gongsun, who danced swords everywhere. The viewer is as depressed as the mountain, and the heaven and earth are low for a long time. Huo Ruyi shoots at nine sunsets, and Jiao Ruji flies like a dragon. Come like thunder, close the fury, strike like the light of the river and the sea. Ning Qingguang, Ning Qingguang... "

In the dark, the female voice sings the song by herself, the tune is desolate, without the majestic and magnificent of the poem sword dance.

Wang Yong was stunned to listen, and did not speak for a long time.

He doesn't like the tune. It's not his tune. It's not his sword.


"Pooh! A good poem is sung as a lady's complaint! This is not my favorite tune. What Wang Yong likes is... "

In the dark, Wang Yong rebuked Fang Qiu, pointing in front of him.

"Once upon a time in Chang'an, the five Marquises and seven nobles drank the same wine. The air bank is far away from the heroes, but is the romantic willing to fall behind others? Mr. Gao, take off your boots! Ha ha ha... "

A long string of laughter reverberated in the boundless darkness, reverberated and stirred, and finally formed a thunder like sound waterfall, which suppressed the female voice.

Wang Yong seemed to be in a coma, and he just came back to recite those poems.

For a long time, suddenly a wave of his hand, he saw a rainbow like sword light cut through the darkness, straight to the farthest place that put on the light.

So the sound of the wind, the sound of the water, and the sound of the people. And the blood ticking disappeared.

"Little girl, it's time to go. I'm afraid your teacher is dead. No matter how much you think, it's useless. " I suddenly got up.

For some reason, an indescribable sense of uneasiness suddenly appeared in his heart, which prompted him to interrupt Zhong Xin's mourning ahead of time.

"Jack, take her and get out of here quickly!" He said to Jack.

Jack nodded, went up and grabbed Zhong Xin's arm. He was about to take it away.

Zhong Xin beat Jack like crazy and yelled, "let me go, let me go. I'm not going with you, you two killers

"Don't toast, don't drink!" Jack has a fierce light in his eyes. His other hand suddenly grabs Zhong Xin's neck and lifts Zhong Xin up in the air like a chicken.

No matter how red the heart of the clock turned, Jack strode forward.

Zhong Xin was speechless, kicking his hands and feet in the air in vain.

Diffuse light smile, will pack up a few guns, turned away.

As for Wang Yong's life and death, the blood has drained away. Do you still need to see?

"Put her down!"

Just as they were about to enter the dense forest, a low voice suddenly rang out behind them.

The voice is a little strange, with unspeakable coldness, as if it is not made by human beings.

"Who?" I turn around at the same time as Jack and look behind me.

But saw the fallen leaves, not a shadow. Creaky, Wang Yong's body is hanging upside down in the air, blowing by the wind, making the sound of squeezing the branches.

"No one." Jack muttered, a little puzzled.

He looked around and was ready to fight. He heard someone talking just now. There's no reason why he can't see anyone.

But for a long time, we couldn't find any trace.

"No matter, let's go!" Diffuse in the heart always feel uncomfortable, urge Jack way.

Just as they turned around, a voice sounded again.

"Put her down!"

"Who on earth?" Filled with anger, he roared.

No one answered him except the sound of the flowing water and the wind.

"Diffuse adult, won't be Wang Yong He..." Jack looked at the body of Wang Yong floating in the wind, suddenly said.

"Fart! Ghosts and gods are nonsense. We've killed so many people, but someone turned into a fierce ghost to look for you? " He scolded.

Jack shook his head. Indeed, he killed many people, and no one turned into a ghost to find him.

Puzzled to lift the clock heart up, Jack is ready to accelerate forward, quickly leave the evil place.

"I said, let her go! You are looking for death. "

The voice rang out again. It was as far away as gibberish. Wang Yong's body, which had been shaking in the air, suddenly stopped on the way.

Then he saw the dead Wang Yong slowly open his eyes. But there is no white eye, only the dark pupil occupies two eyes, endless darkness in which rotating.

Hiss, a fallen leaf blows over the rope and cuts the rope like a sharp blade.

Wang Yong's body fell to the ground with a puff, and his legs stood steadily on the ground.

The eyes without a trace of life staring at Jack, with a move, a "sword", he saw a dead branch in his hand. Step towards Jack.

"The corpse! It's really deceiving! " Jack exclaimed in horror.

"Fool, what's the panic. Even if it's really a corpse swindler, are we afraid of him when we have guns? " Diffuse but calm, hand a shake, * was in his hand.

Without looking, he shot Wang Yong.

It's said that ghosts and ghosts all rely on their bodies to hurt people. If they blow Wang Yong's bodies to pieces, they don't believe they can hurt people!

With this idea in mind, one shot, two shots, three shots

*The bullet of his moment poured out, whistling bullets stormed to Wang Yong, want to tear Wang Yong.

But what happened next stunned Jack.

Wang Yong's body in the rain of bullets made some strange movements, like a twisted noodle, which completely broke through the limitations of human bones and avoided all bullets.

This scene is comparable to the scene of avoiding bullets in the movie matrix. This is the real bullet time.

"How could that be?" Filled with disbelief roared.

"Death There was no expression on Wang Yong's face. The withered branch in his hand pointed to Jack.

The next moment he saw a gray green sword shadow coming through the air. Jack didn't even see how Wang Yong crossed the distance of more than ten meters at one step, so he screamed, and there was a shower of blood on his shoulder.

Jack's arm was cut off by Wang Yong!

This scene is too shocking.

Shocked Jack forgot the pain and just looked at the withered branch in Wang Yong's hand with wide eyes. He couldn't believe it.

I was stunned. He had never seen such a situation, and he had never heard of such a thing. The dead branch is like a sharp blade. How can it be?

But the fact happened, and it was put in front of us.

"Run Let's shout and run.

Jack followed, his broken arm was too busy to be picked up, like a runaway wild dog running into the woods.

Wang Yong's dark eyes turned slightly and looked at the two men who had fled.

"My sword, this is my sword."

Wang Yong murmured and threw the dead branch out of his hand. The dead branch, like a streamer, cuts through the air and shoots at Jack's back chest.


Jack's running steps stopped. He couldn't believe that he was looking at the withered branch that had penetrated his body. There was still a rotten leaf on it.

"It's not... Really."

Jack said these words and fell to the ground.

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