Diffuse head did not dare to return, because he guessed what happened behind him.

It's just that he hasn't yet figured out what's wrong with all this, and why Wang Yong, who has already lost his blood, suddenly came to life.

Even if you live, why do you suddenly have the ability to go against the sky?

Jack didn't see clearly, but he did. Just now, Wang Yong just raised his foot and the distance of more than ten meters was shortened. How can this speed comparable to the speed of sound appear on a person?

It's not scientific! Filled in the heart, shouting.

Now he only hates not having two more feet. How can he run so slowly?

Too slow, too slow! Filled with anxious thinking, speed doubled again.

After killing jack, Wang Yong looks at the surroundings blankly as if he doesn't know what to do.

"Miss Wang! The bad guy is going to run away Zhong Xin was also stunned by the sudden scene.

But in her heart, Wang Yong is almost omnipotent. She doesn't think much about this incredible change, but reminds Wang Yongdao.

"Run away? Who is it? " Wang Yong's dark pupils looked into the distance.

Trees, wind and people are all reflected in the dark, slowly spinning into a sword like galaxy.

"I can't run." It's like answering Zhong Xin, and it's like answering yourself.

Wang Yong finished in a low voice and gently raised his feet.

The whole person is like a fairy walking in the wind. With his body shape, he catches up with the diffuse behind.

While passing by Jack's body, Wang Yong also pulls out the dead branch inserted in Jack's body.

Even if diffuse early run a few minutes, even if diffuse has opened hundreds of meters of distance.

But in the face of Wang Yong's inhuman speed, he was defeated in a mess.

Just a blink of an eye, Wang Yong stopped in front of the diffuse body.

Without speaking, the withered branch is as cold as a sword.

"No matter what you have become now, dare to block me, die!" It's full of evil. There's a faint green light in my eyes.

Brush, a military thorn appeared in his hand, without saying a word, aimed at Wang Yong stabbed in the past.

However, Wang Yong had no response. When the spike was about to enter his body, he moved slightly, and the spike failed.

Then Wang Yong gently wiped the dead branch on the spike. The sharp spike was stuck by a dead branch, which seemed to weigh a thousand jin.

"Hey, ah!" Diffuse with milk strength, but can't let the dead branch move a cent.

The withered branch was as still as cast iron.

As soon as Wang Yong's cold eyes turned, the withered branches began to turn.

As if he had been adsorbed on a dead branch, the military thorn was bitten off by Wang Yong and thrust into a big tree nearby.

Then Wang Yong raised his hand. The withered branch was like a sword. When he moved gently, he saw an indescribable rainbow light curling up and falling on diffuse body.

Poof, a big shower of blood rises and falls all over the ground. Then the diffuse head flew into the air and fell to the ground.

Two eyes from stare greatly, obviously die not close one's eyes.

Suddenly there was a strong wind in the forest, which made Wang Yong's clothes rustle, the leaves whine and the river flow back quietly.

This situation is very similar to what Du Fu wrote in his poem, "a sword dance moves everywhere, and heaven and earth are low for a long time"!

If you are lucky enough to have read the history books of Tang Dynasty, you will know that there is a kind of swordsmanship, which is never performed, nor is it called sword dance, but is called sword tool huntuo.

This kind of swordsmanship is only popular in Da * and its master is called Pei min. It's said that Pei min galloped on horseback and danced his sword on a horse. He rotated left and drew right, with a strict bearing. He threw the sword tens of feet into the air, and when it fell, it was as fast as lightning, but Pei min was able to catch the sword with the scabbard.

Pei min used this kind of sword technique to "kill a tiger 30 times a day, one in a day"; It was with this kind of swordsmanship that he took in an apprentice named Li Bai; It is with this kind of swordsmanship that we get a title.


The wind blowing for a long time to stop, the setting sun is also quietly West in this period of time.

Zhong Xin looked at Wang Yong standing in the distance in amazement and did not dare to say a word.

She didn't feel afraid. To say you are not afraid is to say nothing.

She only felt that the person in front of her was very strange, not like her humorous teacher Wang.

Finally, when the night was about to cover the world, Zhong Xin called out timidly: "Mr. Wang."

Hearing the cry, Wang Yong's body had a reaction.

Boom, down. in

Zhong Xin was startled and quickly got up and ran over.

When she ran to Wang Yong, she was surprised to find that the blood hole in Wang Yong's abdomen had healed half.

The remaining half of the wound is slowly closing, as if something is speeding up cell division.

"Mr. Wang, wake up, wake up." No matter what Zhong Xin said, Wang Yong didn't respond.

A nose breath, but it is very weak. Fortunately, there is still breathing.

Click! Boom

A thunderbolt suddenly cut across the sky and exploded in the forest.

Dark clouds gathered overhead, but it was going to rain.

Zhong Xin takes a look at the wooden house in the distance, resolutely carries Wang Yong on his back and moves towards the wooden house.

But the strength of Zhong Xin was weak. Before he got to the wooden house, he heard the sound of the rain. The rain poured down from the sky and soaked them in an instant.

When Zhong Xin managed to get Wang Yong into the wooden house, they were all wet, overcast and cold, and there was no warm place.

"No, if it goes on like this, Mr. Wang will die." Zhong Xin looks at the wet Wang Yong and says anxiously.

Turning around, he saw a broken quilt lying in a corner of the wooden house. He quickly hugged it, removed Wang Yong's clothes and wrapped it tightly with bedding.

But she herself was shivering and huddled in the cold wind and rain.

With a click, another thunderbolt came down, and the rain was even stronger.

The dilapidated hut began to leak rain, and the damp and cold room became more unbearable.

Zhong Xin moved Wang Yong to a higher place for fear that the water in the house would soak Wang Yong. But this place is close to the window. As soon as the wind blows, raindrops run into the house.

Zhong Xin can only block the window with his body and protect Wang Yong silently.

I don't know how long after that, the heart of the clock, which was broken by the rain, couldn't support it any more. As soon as its head tilted, it fell to the ground.

When he fell down, his arms still held Wang Yong tightly and refused to let him suffer any storm.

The rain is falling and the thunder is rumbling. The first rain in early summer came without warning.

And in this stormy, Wang Yong's voice murmured.

"You say it's not my sword? Hehe, what do you know? "

"What? Really not? If not, where is my sword? "

"Oh, there it is. So far... "

The sound gradually became inaudible and lost in the rainy night.

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