Chapter 974

As soon as Chu Xia's voice fell, the smile on Tian Tian's face couldn't hold back. She asked Yinger about Zhou Huakang's identity, and knew that he was Yinger's youngest uncle, and now this little aunt who claims to be Yinger, isn't that right?

However, Ying'er clearly said that Zhou Huakang is not married yet... In this way, this woman is too shameless, she is not married yet, and she calls herself a little aunt...

Well, Chu Xia admits that she is indeed a bad joke. Indeed, Yinger usually calls her little aunt, but in order not to let the other party misunderstand, she can clearly say that she is Yinger's third aunt, but she just said that she is little aunt.

After she finished speaking, she kept observing Tian Tian's expression, and the other party's expressions ranging from confusion to anger to disdain all fell into her eyes. As for why she was disdainful, she could of course guess.

Ying'er told her that this teacher Tian Tian almost found out about the eighteen generations of her family's ancestors, so it's obvious why she disdains her?

Sure enough, this teacher was 200% right about Zhou Huakang, or, in her heart, the students' oral arithmetic competition was not as important as seeing Zhou Huakang, right?

Otherwise, when other teachers were telling the students this and that, why would she come to the sports car and tell Zhou Huakang this and that?

"Is there anything else?" Zhou Huakang couldn't find out that something was wrong with Tian Tian, ​​but he didn't bother to explain, so he asked lightly, clearly ordering the other party to evict him.


Zhou Huakang was taken aback by Tian Tian's answer, and asked reflexively, "What else is there?"

"Is this your partner?" Tian Tian asked, pointing at Chu Xia.

"What does it matter?" Zhou Huakang frowned, "Teacher Tian. As far as I know, the school does not stipulate that teachers have the right to ask parents such questions, right?"

"This has nothing to do with the school. It's what I want to ask myself..." Tian Tian sniffed in a subtle way, trying to force herself to smile. "I'm curious, can you tell me?"

"No." Zhou Huakang didn't want to get involved with her on this kind of issue, so he replied truthfully. Tian Tian was obviously relieved, and the tears quickly disappeared. When he looked at Chu Xia again, his eyes were full of provocation, "Then why did she say she is Yinger's little aunt?"

"That's right, she is Ying'er's little aunt..." Zhou Huakang looked at her impatiently.

"Teacher Tian, ​​if you don't believe me, you can go over and ask Ying'er."

"You... Didn't you say that she is not your object?"

"I don't want to answer your question anymore." Zhou Huakang said, reaching out to hold the car door, "Excuse me, I'm going to close the door."

"You..." Tian Tian grabbed the car door, her eyes were red, "I believe you have already seen it, I like you, in order to see you. It took me a month's salary to get the team leader to give me this position.

I just want to ask you clearly now, do you like me at all? If you have, please don't do this to me, if not. I will definitely not pester you anymore..."

Chu Xia's black line, if she didn't know the cause and effect, she would really doubt what Zhou Huakang had expressed to this female teacher...

"Ms. Tian. The relationship between me and you is the relationship between the student's parents and the teacher. Ying'er is the child of my own sister. My sister is not here. It is my responsibility to take care of her.

If it wasn't for this, I would have given someone else the task of taking care of Yinger, and every time we met, you put me under a lot of pressure, so you should detour to me in the future, thank you very much! "

"You!" Tian Tian stomped her legs angrily, turned around and ran away.

Chu Xia didn't realize it until she ran far away, and pushed Zhou Huakang: "She went in the wrong direction, and the students have already started to enter the school. Where is she going? Or is she planning to pick a pick?"

Zhou Huakang also reacted, and wanted to get out of the car to chase after him, but found that the other party was gone, so he frowned in dissatisfaction: "This kind of person is also worthy of being a teacher, he is really ruining people."

Chu Xia looked at the place where the students were standing, only the three first-year friends were looking around, and the others had already moved forward under the leadership of the teacher.

"Hurry up and make a temporary guest appearance..." Chu Xia pushed Zhou Huakang, "I'm sure I can't do it like this. I'll wait for you in the auditorium later."

At present, it seems that there is only this way, but Zhou Huakang has no choice but to look at Wang Zhongliang: "Uncle Wang, I will trouble you to accompany the third sister-in-law to enter the venue in a while, please trouble me."

"Don't worry, Seventh Young Master..." Wang Zhongliang nodded, "Even if you don't confess, I will do the same. You go and get busy. There are others besides me. Third Young Mistress will be fine."

"Okay." With a happy reply, Zhou Huakang quickly ran to the side of the three lost lambs, "Ying'er, and these two little classmates, your teacher is unable to take you to participate in the competition because of something, now, let me take you there, let's run to catch up with the team in front, okay?"

The three of them answered crisply: "Okay!"

Zhou Huakang, who was still a little worried that the little ones would not be commanded, breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and waved at Chu Xia in the car, and then drove the three little ones forward.

Sitting in the car in early summer, my heart was full of emotion.

That is to say, in this era, this kind of situation can happen. In later generations, various licenses and certificates can't be replaced even if you want to. So speaking, people in this era are still extremely simple.

The whole game was a disaster.

In addition to Yinger, the three first graders were named Gu Zhaohui and Jia Xiaona. The final result was that Gu Zhaohui ranked third in the city, Xiao Ying ranked fourth, and Jia Xiaona ranked tenth.

After the competition, the teachers and students of several grades went out in a team again, and the fifth grade teacher looked at Zhou Huakang with a puzzled face: "Are you Mr. Tian's target?"

"Of course not." Zhou Huakang quickly denied, joking, this kind of misunderstanding is absolutely unacceptable.

The female teacher frowned: "Then why would you replace her?"

"This situation is more complicated, you should ask her." Zhou Huakang smiled at her, "Anyway, there is no class when I go back today. I will be responsible for sending the three of them home. Don't worry."

"Okay." The female teacher nodded, "I recognize you. If something happens to the students, I will explain the situation to the police comrades."

Zhou Huakang has black lines all over his face. Could it be that he is regarded as a kidnapper who kidnaps and sells children?

The female teacher looked at him seriously: "I'm sorry, don't think I'm a villain. After all, they are only a few years old. If I didn't often see you pick up Xiao Ying, I would definitely not let you send them off now."

Thinking about what the other party said made sense, Zhou Huakang smiled: "Thank you for your trust." (To be continued...) ()

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