First update.


Zhou Huakang sincerely thanked you, but the female teacher at the beginning became embarrassed: "Don't say that, it's not that we don't believe you, but we still have to say what should be said.

Ordinarily, this matter is unreasonable, but we didn't even ask about it before, not because we were indifferent to the first-grade students, but because we all knew about your relationship with Teacher Tian Tian, ​​so we didn't mind my own business. When we go back to the school to check this matter, please clarify it for us. "

It turned out that it was because of this... Zhou Huakang nodded quickly: "Okay, I will." As for the fact that he has nothing to do with Tian Tian, ​​he lazily explained, I believe his attitude explained everything, no matter how wordy he was, he looked like a woman.

"Then I'll trouble you." The female teacher nodded at him, turned around and returned to the students she was leading, and whispered to the other teachers for a while before taking the lead to go out.

"Ms. Zhou, my grandpa and grandma are here too, can I go and look for them?" At the door, Jia Xiaona looked at Zhou Huakang and applied timidly.

"Of course." Zhou Huakang only realized now that the children in the first and second grades are accompanied by their parents, and they can go home without him sending them off. In other words, if he didn't realize it, why didn't the female teacher react too?

In fact, as soon as the female teacher returned to the team and explained the situation to several other teachers, she was reminded by the others and realized that she had made this mistake. But thinking about it, it didn't matter, so she simply didn't go back to explain.

"Gu Zhaohui, who is coming to pick you up in your family?" Zhou Huakang looked back at another child and asked.

The little boy was taken aback, then smiled at him: "Mr. Zhou, I can go home by myself."

"Little guy, young, sensitive enough..." Zhou Huakang rubbed his furry head amusedly, "No one came to pick you up, so of course Uncle Zhou will take you home."

"No need..." The little boy blushed, "My house is very close, I can just walk back by myself. I usually go to school by myself."

"You're lying..." Ying'er quickly exposed the little boy, "If you walk home from here, it will take a long time..." The little girl turned to look at Zhou Huakang, "He usually walks to and from school by himself, and it takes more than an hour on the road."

In this case, it must be because the family is not very good, but the little guy is very smart and motivated, as long as there are no accidents, their family will turn around sooner or later.

Just at this time, Chu Xia also came out accompanied by Wang Zhongliang. When he saw a few people from a distance, he waved his hand. When he got close, he smiled embarrassedly, "Blame me, I moved too slowly, so I left you here."

"What did Sister-in-law San say?" Zhou Huakang looked at her nervously, "Aren't you uncomfortable? There are too many people, and you shouldn't have been allowed to come at that time."

"It's okay, I'm fine." Chu Xia smiled and rubbed the little girl's head, "If I don't come, what will our little Yinger do? Why don't you cry?"

"Little aunt..." Ying'er smiled shyly, "Actually, I also know that what I did was wrong. My little brother and little sister definitely don't like me, but I just want my little aunt to come with me."

"This shows that Ying'er and little aunt are kissing, and little aunt can only be happy..." Chu Xia rubbed her head with a smile, "Little aunt actually likes to come with Ying'er, just now I was joking with your seventh uncle." He said, looking at the little boy who stared at her with big eyes, "Gu Zhaohui, you are very good, congratulations!"

The little boy's face turned red. Just now, he just thought that this sister whom Xiao Ying called her little aunt looks really good-looking, but it's a pity that her belly is too big. Unexpectedly, the other party greeted him suddenly.

However, it was the first time he heard such a compliment from an elder, and he said gratefully, "Thank you sister."

"It's my aunt, not my sister." Ying'er corrected, "If you call me my aunt and sister, wouldn't you be my uncle? Gu Zhaohui, you can't take advantage of me like this."

"Pfft!" Chu Xia laughed and shook her head, "Get in the car, don't stand here, everyone else is looking here, we are almost like orangutans in the zoo."

Indeed, many students and parents who have not yet left keep looking over here. This era is not like the later generations. When it comes to school time, there will be a long queue of cars to pick up their children.

Looking at the other parents who came to pick up their children, they were either riding bicycles or walking. Their car is really eye-catching.

In fact, when Ying'er was sent to school at first, it was very eye-catching. The principal even invited the parents to talk about it, saying that he didn't want the child to be spoiled.

As Ying'er's grandfather, Zhou Shanping will of course arrange for parents to attend. Of course, he knows that what the principal said is reasonable, but Ying'er's situation is really special. Because of the relationship between her childhood environment and the sudden change in her family's circumstances, this child has become very sensitive, unconfident, and insecure.

Let the family members take turns to deliver, hoping to let her feel the care of the family, and there will be a qualitative change in her personality. In fact, this decision is indeed correct.

At the beginning, there were a lot of classmates watching, but gradually got used to it, and when they saw this car again, the children turned a blind eye to it.

But coming here, students from other schools are still very curious about such a battle.

Of course, they were not the only cars that came to pick up the students. There were several cars parked a few meters away from them, and they received similar attention.

"Teacher Tian..." Yinger suddenly pointed at an oncoming car and shouted, "The one sitting in that car is Teacher Tian..." Then she looked at Zhou Huakang with some worry, "Uncle Seven, did she come to beat you up?"

The little girl is not very old, but she has a lot of thoughts. When Zhou Huakang said that the other party had something to leave, she knew that the two had a falling out. Therefore, her first reaction at this moment was that the other party came back to fight.

In particular, she saw that the man sitting next to Tian Tian seemed to be much stronger than her little uncle.

Before Zhou Huakang could respond, the car had already stopped.

The man sitting next to Tian Tian opened the car door and got out of the car, came to Zhou Huakang's side in two or three steps, and waved to him: "Come out, come out for me if it's a man."

"Is this person mentally ill?" Chu Xia looked at Tian Tian who was sitting coldly opposite him with a speechless face, "This is not a matter of irresponsibility at all, isn't this kind of person a teacher, isn't it purely delaying others?

Zhou Huakang, if you don't want to talk to him, let Uncle Wang clean him up. For this kind of person, the more you give him face, the more motivated he will be. Just give him a hard time. "

"I don't care, the key is that Ying'er has to go to school..." Zhou Huakang snorted coldly, "Don't think I'm easy to bully, sister-in-law, just watch, I can take care of him and get down, really think our military family is for nothing?"

"Seventh Young Master, I only need three moves to beat this person." Wang Zhongliang looked back at Zhou Huakang, "How many moves do you have?"

"I'm definitely not as good as you, Uncle Wang, but if you don't use seven tricks, you can definitely get him down. Don't worry, I won't waste too much time. The third sister-in-law has to go home to supplement nutrition, I know."

Chu Xia hurriedly said: "It's okay, I'm not hungry at all, and there are snacks in the car, you don't have to think about me, you can solve it as you want, I support you."

Zhou Huakang pushed open the car door and went down, glanced at the tall and strong man lightly: "Who is it? Tell me your name."

"Tian Zhuang, Tian Tian is my sister..." The tall and strong man frowned and looked at Zhou Huakang, "How dare you shout at my sister? Do you think there is no one in our family?

Let me tell you, it's your luck that my sister has a crush on you. How many people line up to talk to her, but she doesn't even answer her, and you dare to die.

You really think of yourself as a character, right? I just want to ask you, do you want to talk to my sister about someone? Don't blame me for not saying the ugly things first. If you want to talk, we can talk about anything. If you don't want to, don't blame me for not reminding you when you are looking for teeth. "

"Hehe..." Zhou Huakang looked at the man who was talking to himself with a smile, "I should be the one to answer this to you, if you are sensible, just back away now, we will treat it as nothing.

You should know what tasks your sister has today. As a teacher, you leave the children who are competing, and now you still have the face to say this and that? "

"Why did she leave the children behind? If it weren't for you, would she have done such an irrational thing? Let me tell you, this is the first time I've seen my sister do such an impulsive thing since I was born.

Also, she didn't come to settle accounts with you, but I saw her crying sadly and asked to accompany her..." Tian Zhuang turned his head and waved to Tian Tian, ​​"Sister, come out and say a few words, don't keep your thoughts in your stomach. "

After hesitating for a while, Tian Tian got out of the car and walked to Zhou Huakang's side: "I don't want to be like this, but my brother has this personality, if it makes you unhappy, I am very sorry.

But, don't feel that you are wronged. My meaning is so obvious. Why didn't you tell me clearly that you have a partner? "

Looking at the woman opposite with a speechless face, Zhou Huakang really didn't know what to say. It was not the first time he saw such a narcissistic woman, but it was really the first time that he had a personal contact with him. Finally, he understood the feeling of the third brother being chased by Ye Meiru before... This is really fucking bullshit! R1152

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