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In early summer, I felt that my brain was a little insufficient. If calculated according to time, when cousin Zhao Qiyan was pregnant, Liu Zhenqiang was still having sex with another woman?

But the problem is that during that time Liu Zhenqiang had not completely turned over and was obsessed with Zhao Qiyan. How could he find the energy to get along with another woman?

Moreover, if there is such a woman, and the other person is pregnant with his child, why would he still get together with Zhong Hongying? Or maybe he didn't like the other woman, so he chose Zhong Hongying, whom he liked more after he became rich?

When she asked her questions, Luo Xiaoqiong could not give her a satisfactory answer. She said that she only listened to part of it and hurriedly called to report the news. She would give the details later.

Hanging up the phone helplessly, Chu Xia shook her head. This guy was still so impatient. It was better not to say anything than to hang her here.

"What's wrong?" Sister-in-law Yin saw Chu Xia sitting there looking a little dazed, so she stepped forward and looked her over, "Are you feeling uncomfortable or something? Do you want me to call Mr. Qi?"

"I'm fine..." Chu Xia quickly grabbed her, "I'm just hanging here with Luo Xiaoqiong and I'm worried..." Then she told him about Liu Zhenqiang's secret escape from Chencang, and expressed her doubts.

"This kind of thing..." Sighing, Sister-in-law Yin said helplessly, "There's nothing surprising. A woman who is good with Liu Zhenqiang may be with him because of objective needs.

As for why Liu Zhenqiang didn't marry her, the reason is not difficult to guess. How could he really value a woman whom he objectively needs to be with? Yes or no? "

"Is this a way to exchange for objective needs?" Chu Xia looked incredulous, "But the problem is, this is giving birth, not a chicken laying an egg. Just lie down in the nest for a while. How can others find out? What if it doesn’t work?”

"Didn't that period of time happen to be when Liu Zhenqiang was promoted and made a fortune? It was not difficult to raise a person. The cost was probably to make the big family well-fed and clothed.

Even today, Liu Zhenqiang is probably in charge of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of that family, or in other words, he is exposing the facts. It was because Liu Zhenqiang could not meet their conditions. "

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Xia also felt that what Sister-in-law Yin said made sense, so she sighed: "That's probably what happened.

But if this is really the case, Liu Zhenqiang is too much of a toy.

If you ask me, it would be better for Sister Qiyan to break up with this kind of person and find someone who is really willing to live a good life with her. It's impossible to trust this kind of person. "

"Women are prone to fooling around. Zhao Qiyan used to have a very fierce personality, but now he has turned into this. What does it mean?" Sister-in-law Yin shook her head, "The longer a man and a woman are together, the easier it is to separate. Women The longer you stay with a man, the harder it is to break up, not absolutely, but mostly like this."

"Yes..." Chu Xia nodded, "You see, I am an example. I didn't like Zhou Mikang in the past, but now, I am more and more pleased with him."

Sister-in-law Yin was confused when she heard this: "Okay, don't include yourself in this. Just what Mr. Zhou did to you. As long as your heart is not made of stone, you should have covered it up a long time ago."

Early summer: "..."

Sister-in-law Yin rubbed Chu Xia's head in a funny way and continued: "However, considering the character of Liu Zhenqiang's family, it is really not a good choice for your cousin to marry into his family.

Liu Zhenqiang is willing to marry your cousin because he is forced by the situation. For the time being, he does not dare to act rashly, but as time goes by, he really dare not say it. After all, it is a fact that your cousin cannot have children, and he is the only child in their family. You should not be willing to just have one child.

Otherwise, his mother and his sister can't do that to your cousin. With the two of them beating the drum, it's only a matter of time before Liu Zhenqiang's mind starts to wander. "

Chu Xia curled her lips: "Even if he wants to, he can't have a baby anymore. It doesn't matter who he chooses for this matter. Zhao Qiyan's personality has changed so much now, so she is more than suitable for him. His mother and his sister are still It’s noisy, if it really breaks up, I wonder who would go to his house and follow them like this!”

"Liu Zhenqiang can't give birth?" Sister-in-law Yin looked at Chu Xia in surprise, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes." Chu Xia nodded, "It is absolutely true that she was injured by Zhong Hongying."

After thinking about it, Sister-in-law Yin said: "I guess his mother and his sister don't know, otherwise, the two of them wouldn't be so excited about it anymore. After all, they also know the benefits of marrying Zhao Qiyan."

"That's right!" Chu Xia was stunned and realized that Liu Zhenqiang was absolutely embarrassed to tell his mother and sister about this matter. Then, the reason why the two women went crazy was explained.

In this day and age, some people still have a paranoid obsession with this kind of thing.

Speaking of which, Zhao Qiyan's life was quite bitter.

However, Zhao Qiyan was too narcissistic in the past, and now she seems to have too low self-esteem.

Although there was pressure from the Zhou family for Liu Zhenqiang to marry Zhao Qiyan, looking at the causes and consequences, it was definitely a matter of your own free will. The Liu family had no right to make such a move!

"Don't be angry about this kind of thing, it's not worth it..." Sister-in-law Yin patted Chu Xia and comforted her, "Your cousin chose this path by herself. You can't blame anyone."

"Yes." Chu Xia took a long breath, "If she wanted to blame anyone, she could only blame herself. If she hadn't done that back then, she wouldn't be living like this now.

However, I still felt a little uncomfortable when I heard that she was bullied so much. If she still had the same personality as before, I wouldn't feel the slightest bit. But now she has completely changed. What they did is too much. A portion.

Moreover, it's not like Zhao Qiyan had to rely on their family. It was Liu Zhenqiang who went to Zhou's family time and time again to make sure that Zhao Qiyan agreed to marry him. What does this mean now? "

"Yes, yes, it's true that they are wrong, but people are different. How can you be so angry with them, right?" Sister-in-law Yin looked at her funny, "You, if you lead troops, you will definitely protect them. of."

"Hehe..." Chu Xia laughed, "Can I understand that you are praising me for my loyalty?"

"Yes!" Sister-in-law Yin nodded and said, "But I suggest you worry less now. After the babies come out, I will never stop you from doing whatever you want to do."

"It's okay, I'm not really angry..." Chu Xia smiled and hugged Mrs. Yin's arm, "I haven't chatted with you for a long time. I've been wanting to ask, how are you getting along with Aunt Wan now? Money. Are Yan and Qian Dakun not angry with you?"

"Look at you, you just love to worry..." Sister-in-law Yin smiled and scratched her nose, "Don't worry, we get along well. Yanyan and Dakun are both very cute children. I like them very much."

Chu Xia breathed a long sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good..."

While the two were muttering, the phone rang again. Chu Xia hurried over to pick it up. Luo Xiaoqiong's excited voice came over: "Chu Xia, is it you?"


Before Chu Xia could say another word, Luo Xiaoqiong spoke again: "Let me tell you, your cousin is really courageous. They are still discussing here. She has already brought her luggage to find it.

She said she had figured it out and would no longer stay in Liu's house. She said she could tolerate it however she wanted, but she couldn't accept that family looked down upon her family and didn't fight for words. Even if she was single in this life, she didn't want to. I can’t wrong myself any more. "

Chu Xia: "..." Well, it happened so suddenly that she didn't even know what to say, so she just held up the microphone stupidly, in a daze...

"Are you surprised too?" Luo Xiaoqiong chuckled twice and continued, "Now everyone is discussing what to do next. Zhao Qiyan means that she will go back to the village with her family.

He said that when he meets the right person, he will marry him. If he doesn’t, he will take care of your second uncle and second aunt at home... Hey, why are you here..."

Then, the voice changed to Zhao Qiyan's, "Xia, I made you worry, don't worry, I'm fine, my relationship with Liu Zhenqiang as husband and wife ends here.

When I came here just now, I beat Liu Zhenfen. I wanted to endure it, but I couldn't bear it anymore. Then, I also told Liu Zhenqiang that Liu Zhenqiang was inhumane.

I don’t know if you think I’m doing this viciously, but if their family doesn’t want to make things easier for me and scolds me and my family for bullying others, then I’ll just do what they want.

Don't worry, Xia, I will never do this kind of thing again. This time, no matter what I did is right or wrong, you will forgive me once, okay? "

"Sister, well done!" After a pause, Chu Xia added, "Sister, I support you, and I believe that with your current mentality, you will definitely meet a man who treats you sincerely."

"I'm borrowing your good words..." Zhao Qiyan chuckled, "Don't tell me, I really came out of that family, I'm not sad at all, I feel very relaxed.

I tolerated them before because I didn't want to cause embarrassment, but now that I think about it, I am really stupid. If they don't like me, they will never treat me well just because I tolerate them.

Xia, I also told Mr. Zhou that Liu Zhenqiang’s affairs should be left to them alone, and they don’t have to stand up for me. I believe that their family will get retribution sooner or later for their temper.

Just like me, if I didn’t do well in the past, won’t I be punished now? I guess when I get back to my hometown, I will say whatever I want. Xia, I’m really sorry for you, but I have to make you suffer with me again..." (To be continued. (.)) ()

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