Second update.


"It's okay, if you are unwilling, you can give it a try..." Jiang Qi still smiled lightly, "If you can escape from the car, we will never catch you back."

Ye Meiru's eyes fell on the car glass.

"Violence is okay." Jiang Qi continued to encourage, "Otherwise you will be shocked when you get there. It's not like your character to be so hesitant."

"You're waiting to see my joke, aren't you?" Ye Meiru simply took off her shoes and lay half on the seat behind her, "You think I'm a three-year-old kid, but if you say a few words like that, I'll be really stupid. Have you tried it?

To be honest, if you keep silent, I will really give it a try. Now..." She curled her lips, "I'm not going to make you a condiment to relieve your boredom. "

"Hahaha..." Jiang Qi laughed, "To be honest, you look much cuter like this than before. Why are you willing to be sent away like this?"

"So what if you are unwilling?" Ye Meiru glanced at him sideways, "Is it possible that you will be kind enough to let me go? However, I can also tell you clearly that as long as you are willing to let me go, no matter what the conditions, I will always promise you."

The subtext couldn't be more obvious. Even Ma Chao, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but glance at her. She really learned a lot. No wonder such a shameless woman would betray the boss. However, fortunately, she betrayed the boss. Otherwise, if such a woman becomes a sister-in-law, the boss will be miserable.

Jiang Qi raised his eyebrows: "You still want to go back and seek revenge on Lin Chuxia?"

"I had no intention of retaliating against her, but now that Zhou Mikang has done this, I would be really sorry for myself if I didn't do something for her.

Of course, if you don't give me a chance, it's useless if I don't give in. I can only do what I want to do in a hurry. As for whether I will have a chance in this life, I can't be sure.

only. Since you asked it like this, it means you have this intention, right? It is not a good habit for a grown man to play with women. "

"I'm so handsome. If I'm not a big man, I'm not a big man, it doesn't matter." Jiang Qi showed his snow-white teeth, which looked as infuriating as possible.

Ye Meiru also met her opponent today. Since returning to China,

She had never seen this type of Chinese man before, so Jiang Qi's words made her stunned for a long time before snorting coldly: "Shameless."

"When it comes to shamelessness, if you dare to claim to be number one, no one will dare to claim to be number two. Right?" Jiang Qi said while poking Ma Chao, "Do you agree with what I say?"

"You're so boring." Ma Chao glared at him, "Aren't you tired of talking useless words with her?"

"Hey, being idle is also idle. Otherwise, how boring would this journey be?" Jiang Qi looked at Ye Meiru with a smile. "Do you think this is true? Speaking of which, you should thank me. When you go in, you will understand that the people there are not very good at communicating, and they are not very good at smiling. Therefore, the feeling of chatting with me now, You'd better keep it in mind. Maybe it will become the motivation for you to stay here."

"How come Zhou Mikang has such an unruly man like you?" Ye Meiru frowned and looked at him, "Who sent you here? Did you deliberately frame Zhou Mikang?"

"Yes, you are absolutely right." Jiang Qi gave her a thumbs up, "Just continue to think along this line of thinking, and the truth will get closer and closer to you."

"People from the Lin family sent you here..." Ye Meiru said in a positive tone, "She is not from the Lin family in the capital. Is this a sign of goodwill to her? Is this done on purpose?

Let me tell you, if Zhou Mikang knew what you were doing, he would never spare you. What he hates most is this kind of deception. If you don’t want to regret it later, just send me back quickly. "

"What a genius..." Jiang Qi clapped his hands, "You can come up with such a reason and think that I will let you go, right? It's impossible. Keep thinking of other reasons."

Ye Meiru has been abroad these years, and she was not a very scheming woman in the first place. Otherwise, she would not have made her life what it is now.

Therefore, after being misled by Jiang Qi so deliberately, she really couldn't figure out the situation. She felt like a mess in her heart, and she couldn't smooth it out no matter how hard she tried, and she became extremely irritable.

For her, there is nothing to be afraid of. Even if she is really kidnapped, she is not afraid. In fact, it really helps her. Therefore, she has absolutely no scruples when speaking, and she is eager to anger the other person. Do something impulsive.

Glancing at her calves and feet, she secretly made up her mind that if her own trick was useless, then she would use these two people as a trick. She didn't believe they dared to kill her.

Although her grandfather was cruel and sent her to the base, she was of Ye family's blood after all. Grandpa could handle it by himself. If outsiders bullied her, it would be a slap in the Ye family's face. She didn't believe that her grandfather could watch her being raped. insult!

With this thought in mind, she hit her head against the car window. Unfortunately, when she was about to faint after hitting her head, the car window remained motionless, and neither did the two men sitting in front of her.

Jiang Qi's words before had already made her realize that this car window was not ordinary glass, and it was impossible for her to break it, so she wanted to hurt herself, but unfortunately, she really couldn't work hard!

However, even if she couldn't work hard and the feeling was uncomfortable, looking at the two people who were indifferent and sincere, she felt a deep sadness in her heart. Seeing this, even if she knocked herself unconscious, these two people would People don’t care either.

Really dead? She really has no courage! Helpless, she had no choice but to stop her movements, half-lying there and staring blankly at the roof of the car.

Glancing at her, Jiang Qi stopped irritating her. In fact, he just didn't like this woman, so he couldn't help but say a few words to stab her. Now it seems that those words are of no use to this woman.

Also, for a person who wants face, you can use morality to restrain her. For such a person, unless she is willing, everything others say is a waste of words.

There was a long silence in the carriage.

At this time, Chu Xia was sitting opposite Zuo Hai.

It was Zhou Mikang who arranged for her to meet Zuo Hai and have a deep chat. If she could open up his heart, she would be fulfilling her obligation to Zuo Jiang. Of course, Chu Xia did this not for Zuo Jiang, but for Lin. Mengran, judging from the current development, the chance of Zuo Jiang and Lin Mengran becoming a couple is very high.

She didn't want to create a barrier with Zuo Jiang because of Zuo Hai's matter, making it difficult for Lin Mengran to be caught in the middle. Moreover, she was also a little curious about Zuo Hai's persistence.

Zuo Hai looked at her with indifference, even mixed with hatred.

He had no interaction with her. Obviously, he hated her because of Ye Meiru, which made Chu Xia even more curious. What method did Ye Meiru use to make a man be so persistent with her?

He didn't speak, and neither did Chu Xia.

Just sitting there in silence, time passed by.

In the end, Zuo Hai was annoyed by Chu Xia's stare and spoke first: "Staring at a man like this is extremely impolite and shameless. Don't you know?"

"Why, you feel guilty after being stared at by me?" Chu Xia looked at him indifferently, "It is indeed inappropriate to stare at a strange man with whom we have no relationship, but for you..." Her fingers were on the table Knock, "Is there any need to pay attention to it?"

Zuo Hai unconsciously followed her words: "Why can't you be particular about me?"

"What do I need to be particular about a man who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong and wants to help a bad woman to harm me?" Seeing that he was about to speak, Chu Xia said first, "Don't say you like her. I believe she is innocent. Something like that.”

Zuo Hai swallowed back the words he was about to say. Indeed, he wanted to tell the difference for Ye Meiru. Moreover, he was very, very angry. Why did he arrest them all like this?

Do you just rely on your own power? If it had been a fair fight, he didn't believe he would be here now!

This is a man with all his thoughts engraved on his face. Chu Xia easily understood his thoughts and looked at him with a smile: "Just because you cover your eyes and heart doesn't mean that others should be like you." Cover your eyes and mind.

Right and wrong have been reversed for you, but it doesn't mean that others will follow your will. In fact, you know very well in your heart whether she is pitiful and innocent, but you don't want to admit it.

Zuo Hai, you are a very selfish person. You only have your own preferences in your heart. You don't care about the life and death of your parents and brothers. No matter how much they pay for you, you can't see it.

You think that your sacrifice for love is great, you think that you are worthy of praise for risking everything for love, or you will say that it doesn’t matter whether Ye Meiru loves you or not, as long as you love her and are willing to give everything for her. .

However, you are actually unwilling in your heart, so you try your best to help her escape. What you want is her final recognition of you, so as to cover up your emotional ignorance and failure.

If you were really together with Ye Meiru, your behavior would definitely not be the same as it is today. You would treat her like your own family members and just ignore her. Overall, you are just an ignorant person. Another selfish man, identification completed! "

"You..." Zuo Hai was so angry that his lips trembled, "You are so savage!"

"Really?" Chu Xia pursed her lips and smiled, "Are you angry because I said the central thing? I might as well tell you that if it weren't for your brother's sake, I would never sit here and talk to you about this.

Does your future have anything to do with me? Am I a little afraid of Ye Meiru? Don't deny what I said, just because you are sitting across from me now, it explains everything.

You know very well who my husband is. If he was a fool, do you think he could reach where he is today? So, keep your eyes open, look more and think more before you act, okay? "

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