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"What's weird about this, you are allowed to quarrel but others are not allowed to quarrel?" Chu Xia looked at Lin Mengran speechlessly, expressing contempt for her fuss.

"It's different. I have a fiery personality. It's not strange to quarrel. Sister Jingzi is different. She's so gentle, how can she possibly get into a quarrel?

Moreover, she is so full of ideas and has always been a good helper to your third brother. Your third brother should have loved her before it was too late, so how could he possibly quarrel with her?

Is there any misunderstanding between them? Early summer, have you asked? Let me tell you, this honesty between lovers is very important. "

Chu Xia looked at Lin Mengran with a funny face: "What do you think means that you have suffered the loss of not being honest?"

Someone just smiled and said nothing.

"You actually got me right?" Chu Xia looked at Lin Mengran with a curious look on her face, "Just like you, you are not honest about something like this? Tell me about it, okay?"

"Actually, it's nothing..." Lin Mengran coughed unnaturally, "It's just that I told Zuo Jiang that I had never liked boys, but... it turned out that he said that he already knew that I had liked Zuo Qian. , and then, he ignored me for two days.”

"You are really stupid..." Chu Xia looked at her speechlessly, "When you first entered school, anyone who wasn't a fool could see your feelings for Zuo Qi'an, not to mention that Zuo Jiang and Zuo Qi'an were divorced So close?"

"Who said it wasn't right..." Lin Mengran tugged at her hair in annoyance, "Afterwards, I felt like my brain was kicked by a donkey. The atmosphere was originally quite good, so why should I talk too much."

"Did you bring it up yourself?"


Early summer: "..."

"This shows that you really like Zuo Jiang. Otherwise, you wouldn't do this. Therefore, you should tell Zuo Jiang the reason." It took a long time before Chu Xia came up with such words to comfort him. .

"I won't tell him, otherwise he will be even more disgusting..." Lin Mengran raised his head and looked at Chu Xia with a confused look.

"Have you ever doubted your relationship with Mr. Zhou?"

Chu Xia's expression became serious: "Boss, you are not such a sensitive person. You are just having a small conflict. Why do you want to elevate the problem to such a high level?"

"No..." After hesitating, he looked at the kitchen again and found that everyone was busy doing their own thing and no one paid attention to them. Lin Mengran said, "The reason why I made such a superfluous confession is because Zuo Jiang and San Xiao Shumei from my class is very close. As you know, Xiao Shumei is prettier than me and has a better family background. To be honest, I have no confidence that I can compete with her."

After thinking for a while, Chu Xia said: "Zuo Jiang is not that kind of person. Have you misunderstood something?"

"You know my character in Chu Xia. I'm not sensitive or suspicious at all. Even I feel it, let alone others. I used to feel strange why every time I leave from Class 3, a few of them... They deliberately pulled me to speed up the pace. It wasn't until I saw Zuo Jiang and Xiao Shumei walking together talking and laughing that I realized that they were probably afraid that Xiao Shumei and I would meet.

In fact, Xiao Shumei came to me later and said that she felt that she and Zuo Jiang were more suitable than me and Zuo Jiang, and she told me to let go as soon as possible to avoid misleading others and myself.

She and Zuo Jiang grew up together, and the elders of both families wanted them to be together. The reason why she was admitted to the Medical University was to be with Zuo Jiang. She said that if it weren't for the fact that she came to school later, , and will not let Zuo Jiang and I develop to this point.

I didn't believe it at first, but when I asked Zuo Jiang and Xiao Shumei if they were childhood sweethearts, Zuo Jiang admitted it, so that means everything Xiao Shumei said was true.

In early summer, I was actually very angry with Zuo Jiang. Why did he agree to be with me when he already had someone he liked? However, I don't dare to break it out with him. In that case, we probably won't be able to be together.

They didn't know that I had asked Zuo Jiang about this, and they thought they were hiding it from me, and I didn't have the courage to tell them.

Thinking about it with your toes, you know that if I tell Zuo Jiang, they will definitely separate me from Zuo Jiang and go to settle accounts with Zuo Jiang, but in that case, there will be no relationship between Zuo Jiang and me.

I myself despise my own cowardice. If I had known someone else was so tolerant before, I would have been the first to look down on her. But now that it's me, I don't have the courage to face it.

Do you know how I feel these days? "Sighing, Lin Mengran smiled bitterly, "Even if Lin Mengye treated me like that before, I have never lost hope in life.

But now, whenever I think of being separated from Zuo Jiang one day, my heart hurts terribly. Although you are the youngest among us, you are the wisest and the most understanding. Can you give me some advice? What should I do best? ".

That person named Xiao Shumei had met him several times in early summer.

She was also considered one of the celebrities in the school. She came to the school to report only three months after the school started.

At first, she was ostracized by her classmates, but after several exams, she no longer had any doubts about her. At the same time, because of her good looks and good grades, many boys in the school were very attentive to her, but she did not expect that she There is still such a past between him and Zuo Jiang.

If it was really like what Lin Mengran said, she would have to put a question mark on Zuo Jiang's character. However, due to the difference in thinking between men and women, there are often some misunderstandings between men and women. Therefore, without asking in person Before that, it was really hard to draw conclusions.

After a moment of silence, Chu Xia looked at Lin Mengran, who was peeling garlic with his head hanging down: "Don't you think you should have a good talk with Zuo Jiang?"

"I can not."

"The consequence of not daring is that your condition will get worse and worse, and..." Sighing, Chu Xia snatched the garlic clove from her hand, "Don't hang your head, raise your head and listen to me."

"I'll listen to you all the same." Lin Mengran said as he snatched the garlic clove back, "Don't delay my work."

Early summer: "..."

After waiting for Chu Xia's voice for a long time, Lin Mengran quietly glanced at the other party. Seeing that the other party was looking at her helplessly, she smiled coquettishly: "Okay, I'll listen carefully." As he spoke, he put down his work. , sit down solemnly.

"Actually, you know what to do yourself. You are just escaping..." Chu Xia spread her hands, "You asked me to persuade you, but you just wanted me to help you make up your mind."

"Yes." Lin Mengran did not deny it, "Indeed, I know that in order to truly solve the problem between us, we must talk openly and honestly, but I have been afraid of the outcome of the discussion, so I put it off. Drag again.

He asked me several times why I was so depressed, and I said it was nothing. In fact, with his intelligence, how could he not see that I was lying? However, he didn't ask any more questions.

The more this happens, the less sure I feel. If I break up with him, Lin Mengye will be the happiest person, and I don't know how to face my grandparents. "

"Why are all your worries because of others?" Chu Xia frowned and looked at her, "I always thought you were straightforward and straightforward, but I didn't expect you to be so indecisive when things really happened.

If it is really like what you guessed, no matter if you say it sooner or later, the result will be the same, and saying it late will only make the result worse. If it is not what you guessed, your yin and yang attitude will definitely After breaking Zuo Jiang's heart, it will take a lot of trouble to go back to the way he was before.

Extending your head is a knife, and shrinking your head is also a knife. You might as well be brave. Don't forget, you are our boss. If you want us to call you boss, you must act like a boss, right? "

"Okay, I'll try my best..." Lin Mengran sighed, still looking wistful, "Why do people have to grow up, why do they have to face these messy things? It's so annoying!"

"What are you bothering about?" Yang Xiaoli came out and looked at Lin Mengran with a puzzled look on her face, "The boss has been in a bad state recently. Is there something he's hiding from us?"

"It's you who are hiding something from me, and you said that I'm hiding something from you..." Lin Mengran rolled her eyes at her, "Now that I'm a couple with Ou Yi, you don't care about my life or death, huh!"

Yang Xiaoli blushed and looked at Chu Xia: "What kind of disease does she have?"

"I won't get involved..." Chu Xia spread her hands, "You can figure it out for yourself."

"It's not like this..." Yang Xiaoli sat down next to Chu Xia in a flattering manner, "Tell me, the boss has a bit of a temper recently, and I don't dare to offend her. For the sake of everyone's stability and unity, can you give me a reminder?"

"Do you want to say something?" Chu Xia looked at Lin Mengran.

Lin Mengran rolled her eyes at Yang Xiaoli and said, "Go ahead."

"What have you been hiding from the boss lately?"

"We didn't..." Yang Xiaoli suddenly stopped and sneered, "Aren't we doing that just to make the boss happy..." Then she looked at Lin Mengran, "You know everything?"

"Nonsense! Do you think I'm really a fool?" Lin Mengran snorted, "I'm just too lazy to expose you. Besides, I also want to see if you deliberately switched sides because you got along with Ou Yi."

Yang Xiaoli had a dark line: "Am I that kind of person? Actually, we wanted to tell you before, but thinking about Zuo Jiang's character, we thought it was impossible, so we asked Ou Yi to help us check it out. , but until now, he has not given a definite answer. Anyway, we have been waiting for such a long time. We are thinking, don’t wait any longer. Boss, what kind of relationship do we have? Do you think we will do it on purpose? Are we hiding it from you? If we are really sure, we will not only tell you, but we will also go together to vent your anger."

"Okay, don't just say nice things..." Lin Mengran rolled her eyes at her, "If I hadn't asked, would you have thought that I was kept in the dark like a fool?"

"Your eyes are almost rolling out of your head..." Yang Xiaoli smiled helplessly, "So, it's hard to be a good person. If it weren't to save you from worry, would we have to do this?"

"Why don't you let Zuo Jiang come over and have dinner together..." Chu Xia looked at Lin Mengran, "You go find him. After dinner, we can all have a chat. If it's not convenient for you to ask, let's ask him, okay?"

"It's better not to do it. This is too awkward..." Lin Mengran shook his head and rejected Chu Xia's proposal, "I have thought about it. I will ask him personally tomorrow. This is my own business and I have to face it myself. .”

Chu Xia nodded: "Okay, you can do whatever you say. Anyway, we support you."

Several families gathered together and sat at two large tables, one for the elders and one for the juniors. Qian Yan and her brother and sister were familiar with Chu Xia, and they could only be considered acquaintances with the others, so they acted a little reserved. After dinner After that, the siblings quickly withdrew.

As soon as the siblings left, Lin Mengran lowered her voice and said: "The influence of the environment on people is really great. When I met Qian Yan before, I felt a bit arrogant and domineering. Now I see that she is a very gentle girl." Son."

Chu Xia answered with a smile: "The mentality is different, and the behavior is naturally different. Da Kun, too, was very shy before, but now he talks more."

"Does this mean you talk too much?" Lin Mengran shrugged, expressing his disapproval.

"That's because you haven't met him before, and you have great ideas, but you will never say a word. Today, although you are a little reserved, you are talking and laughing with you. Didn't you see that when Grandpa Wan looked over, Are you particularly satisfied?"

Here they are talking about the siblings, and over there, the siblings are also chatting about today's events.

"Sister, is it bad for us to leave like this?" Qian Dakun looked at Qian Yan and asked, "Sister Chuxia is very good to us. She still has so many friends here. Isn't it too disrespectful for us to leave like this?" Are you embarrassed?"

"She's not so petty..." Qian Yan glanced at her brother and said funnyly, "Dakun, I've never seen you care so much about anyone before. Is it because Chu Xia is so good-looking that you are particularly willing to be with her? Together?"

"Nonsense!" Qian Dakun blushed and glared at Qian Yan, "Sister, if you say such things again, I will ignore you. What will Brother-in-law Zhou think if he hears it?"

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore..." Qian Yan smiled and touched his head, "I was just joking with you, but to be honest, I envy Lin Chuxia.

There are so many friends who really get along with her..." She sighed, "Ever since I was a child, this is the kind of life I have been looking forward to most, but fortunately, now at least I can live happily with my relatives. . "

"Sister..." Qian Dakun nodded his chin forward, "That woman is hanging around our door again."

Looking in the direction her brother pointed, Qian Yan's face turned cold. Of course she knew who this woman was, but her grandfather was already married. How shameless was it for her to act like this?

With this thought in mind, he quickened his pace and moved forward.

When the woman saw this, she turned around and ran away.

"Stop!" Qian Yan shouted. Seeing that the other party was still running, she said, "If you run again, I will tell my mother. I can tell you, my mother is not as good-tempered as me! If you don't believe it, just Try it!" r1152

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