"Sister, what are you going to do?" Qian Dakun raised his head and glanced at Qian Yan, who had been sitting there silently since the call came back. "Do you want to tell grandpa and mother?"

"Ah?" After staring at Qian Dakun in confusion for a while, Qian Yan sighed, "I don't know."

"Actually..." After hesitating for a while, Qian Dakun continued, "Actually, she is quite pitiful, isn't she?"

"She is quite pitiful, but..." Qian Yan frowned and looked at her brother, "But you don't know how Aunt Yin treats our family. It's not worth it if she feels uncomfortable because of an outsider."

"Hey!" Qian Dakun sighed heavily, "Sister, if even grandpa doesn't help her, she will probably die. If something like that really happens, grandpa will definitely feel guilty if he finds out. We both...we both feel uncomfortable."

After thinking about it for a while, Qian Yan said: "How about we wait until grandpa comes back, and let's tell him what we are going to do, and let grandpa make his own decision. Let's talk to Aunt Yin as well.

We have been together for so long, and we have seen that Aunt Yin is a reasonable person. I believe that if we tell her the truth, she will definitely not be angry with grandpa. "

Qian Dakun nodded: "Okay, sister, you can talk to Aunt Yin when the time comes, and I'll talk to grandpa."

After a moment of silence, Qian Yan suddenly said: "Dakun, do you think it would be rude for us to always call Aunt Yin? Speaking of which, she should be our grandma now. Or, let's change our name. This will also make people happy." She feels better, don’t you think?"

"I have no objection. In fact, as soon as my grandpa got married, I wanted to change my mind. Seeing that my sister and mother didn't change my mind, I shouted after you..." After a pause, Qian Dakun added, "In addition, Lin Chuxia and the others didn't change their words, so I didn't mention it."

"We are different from them. We are grandpa's biological grandchildren. Our names represent the new grandma's position in the family. Let's do it this way. When mom comes back, we will also tell her whether grandpa will help or not. That woman named Sun. What we do is always right."

"Okay." Qian Dakun agreed happily. What he had looked forward to most since he was a child was to live with relatives who were truly close to him. Now that his goal has been achieved, he is extremely satisfied. But he is also afraid that one day this happiness will be broken. Therefore, as long as it is a good suggestion for the family, he will definitely agree with his hands.

"Sister..." hesitated. Qian Dakun looked at Qian Yan, "Grandpa went to school to find me the day before yesterday."

"What's the matter with him?" Qian Yan sat up straight unconsciously, with a look on her face.

"Just say you miss me.

Go see me and ask me to come home often to see him. He also said that grandma has been in poor health recently and misses me so much, and that I am unfilial and my love for me is in vain..."

"I knew it was this way..." Qian Yan interrupted him, "Don't pay attention, he doesn't really miss you at all. What he wants is that you are the descendant of the Qian family, and he wants you to help him bring glory to the Qian family. "

"Sister..." Qian Dakun looked at Qian Yan hesitantly, "Actually, I really hope that grandpa can think about it. Dad is gone, and they are quite pitiful. If they really think about it, Let’s just be filial to them, okay?”

"Are you soft-hearted?" Qian Yan glared at her brother dissatisfied, "When he came to you to say soft words, you believed him and thought about going back? How did they treat you before? It's not like you didn't Know.

If they hadn't forcibly separated you from your mother, would you have suffered so much? The relationship between mother and father will not become so bad, and father and that woman will not develop to that point.

In short, everything is caused by their original selfishness. If they make a mistake, they will be punished. Why should we forgive them so easily? "

"Sister, I don't want to forgive them, I just feel that they are not young anymore. Even if they are healthy, how many years can they live? We are juniors, and there are some things that we can't explain clearly. , don’t worry about it, okay?”

"I can't do it." Qian Yan looked at her brother disappointedly, "I always thought that when you left them to live with your mother, you really thought that your mother and I were your relatives. It turns out that I was just being sentimental. "

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Qian Dakun blushed and looked at his sister, "Of course the most important thing in my heart is my mother and sister. I am proposing this now just to see how skinny my grandpa is. Will be soft-hearted.

What they did before was wrong, and I won't make excuses for them, but dad is no longer here, do we need to live in hatred all the time? "

"Do you have a sense of right and wrong?" Qian Yan glared at her younger brother, "What kind of soup did he give you to make you turn to him like this all of a sudden? Even grandma told us to stay away from him in the future. Don’t have anything to do with him, you’re still speaking for him now, Qian Dakun, what’s wrong with you?”

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, sister, don't be angry..." Qian Dakun quickly stepped forward and took his sister's arm and shook her, "It's not that I don't have a sense of right and wrong. Sister, you didn't see grandpa, I believe, If you saw it, you would definitely feel soft-hearted."

After a moment of silence, Qian Yan looked at her brother: "Are you very thin?"

"Yeah." Qian Dakun nodded vigorously, "Let me put it this way, we haven't seen each other for only a few months. If you met him on the street, you would definitely not recognize him.

He is absolutely skinny now. I asked him why he was so skinny. He said he missed me and his father. I asked him if he was sick and he said no.

However, I always felt that he did not tell me the truth, because when he said that he was not sick, he was particularly flustered, as if he was deliberately hiding something.

I suspect that grandpa is really seriously ill, but he is afraid to tell us about it. Or maybe he feels guilty towards us because he is ill? Did you come to find me on purpose? "

"I'll ask around later." Qian Yan sighed. She couldn't express her feelings. She really had no feelings for her grandparents. Relatively speaking, they still loved her younger brother, and she... Maybe you never thought of her as a member of the Qian family, right?

But even so, she felt uncomfortable when her brother said that the old man might be seriously ill. No matter what, she was from the Qian family. No matter how much she disliked the Qian family, she didn't want the Qian family to end like this.

Speaking of which, there is no difference between the Qian family now and the end of it.

But who can blame it? If grandpa hadn't taken the wrong path, would he have ended up in this situation?

Thinking of this, the sourness in her heart lightened up. She glanced at her brother and saw him peeking at her with a worried look on his face. She shook her head in a funny way: "Okay, I'm fine. I'm either angry with you or just thinking about it. What they did before made them angry unconsciously.”

"Sister, if you don't want me to associate with them, I will ignore them in the future. Although I feel pitiful when I see grandpa in his current state, sister is right. If he hadn't done something wrong before, he wouldn't do it now. I will not lose my principles even if I end up like this, sister, you can rest assured."

"Okay..." Qian Yan reached out and rubbed his head, "Dakun, you are already old. No matter what decision you make, I will support you. My attitude was bad just now, and I apologize to you."

"No, no, no, it's my fault." Qian Dakun said quickly, "It's all my good intentions that made my sister angry. I promise, I won't be like this again."

"You are so kind, and I am very happy. So, to be honest, I am still wrong."

"Sister, you're right, I was wrong."


Wan Yuqiong pushed the door open and came in. She heard the two siblings competing to admit their mistakes, so she asked funnyly: "What's wrong with you two? You are admitting your mistakes one by one. Could it be that you broke grandpa's rare thing?" "

"Mom, why are you back so early?" Qian Yan looked at the time and asked with a surprised look on her face, "Didn't you say you might have to come back very late when meeting old classmates?"

"We all have families and families, how can we rest assured to stay late?" Wan Yuqiong put on her slippers and sat across from the siblings, "Looking at the way you looked just now, it seems like something happened. Let's talk about it. "

Qian Yan told her mother that Mr. Qian was looking for her younger brother, and also told her brother's thoughts. At the end, she said: "Mom, I just think that my brother's heart is too easy to soften. Although kindness is a good thing, he is too kind. It’s not a good thing to be easily bullied, right?”

"This shows that Dakun is not like your father..." Sighing, Wan Yuqiong looked at her son seriously, "Dakun, my mother will not interfere with you in this matter. If you want to see your grandparents, go and see them." , Mom won’t stop you.

My mother used to hate them very much. She thought it was the most intolerable thing for them to separate us mother and son from seeing each other. But now that I see you are so kind and sensible, my mother doesn't hate them so much anymore.

No matter what, they are your grandparents. Your dad is gone, and some things should be done by you. Mom hopes that when you grow up, you will also be a responsible and responsible man. "

"Thank you, Mom..." Qian Dakun breathed a long sigh of relief. To be honest, he felt pity for his current grandparents. Compared to his grandfather, their current situation could be described as desolate.

However, if his mother is unhappy because of his pity for his grandparents, then he will never forgive himself.

"Silly boy, what's there to thank you for?" Wan Yuqiong looked at her son speechlessly, "I'm your mother. Of course I hope you can live a happy life. If my control makes you feel depressed, then what's the point? What’s the difference between what your grandparents used to do?”

"Mom, don't I have a long memory?" Qian Dakun looked at Wan Yuqiong with a stern look on his face, "It has only been such a short time, but I don't feel much about what they did to me. It’s...” (To be continued)

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