Taking Lin Mengran to her room, Chu Xia looked at her with worry: "Did you quarrel with Zuo Jiang again?"

"No..." Lin Mengran shook his head, tears streaming down his face, "From now on... we will never argue again. I said we should break up, and he agreed. "

"You actually proposed breaking up?" Chu Xia sat up straight, "Boss, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" Lin Mengran sniffed, "Originally, I wanted to talk about it in a few days, but I was so confused sitting there that I just went to find him.

After I told me that we were breaking up, he agreed without any hesitation. Youngest, I really didn’t expect that this relationship was so unimportant in his heart. "

Chu Xia's brows furrowed. She didn't believe Zuo Jiang didn't care about this relationship, but Zuo Jiang's current behavior was really beyond her expectation.

Chu Xia looked at Lin Mengran uncertainly: "I think he might have said that because he was angry that you didn't care about this relationship and that you didn't trust him, right?"

"No matter what the reason is, he and I are over. I will never shed a tear for him again. Today is the last time I cry for him..." After a long sigh, Lin Mengran's tears rolled down again. Luo said, "Youngest, I feel so sorry for myself."

After hesitating for a while, Chu Xia looked at her seriously: "You stay here tonight to calm down. As for the matter between you and Zuo Jiang, let's wait until the emotions calm down before we talk about it, okay?"

"If I don't go back, Xiaoli and the others will definitely be worried. I'm going to wash my face and go back when my eyes can no longer see." Lin Mengran said as she got up and went to the bathroom.

Sighing, Chu Xia leaned on the sofa and felt worried. Speaking of which, no matter what age she is in, she has little experience in relationships. When encountering this kind of thing, it is one thing to persuade her. But really let her make up her mind. I really don’t know what to do.

At this time, she was especially glad that she met Zhou Mikang early, otherwise. With her character, she will be hurt a lot emotionally.

It was almost nine o'clock when we saw Lin Mengran off.

"What happened to the girl?" Zhao Yulan asked her daughter worriedly.

Chu Xia recounted the entanglement between Lin Mengran and Zuo Jiang, and looked at Zhao Yulan with some distress: "Mom, I don't accept Zuo Jiang's actions in my heart. However, the boss is angry now, so I definitely can't say Such words.


Thinking about it carefully, I also think that if you are so demanding emotionally, you will have less chance of meeting a suitable partner. Probably very difficult. "

"Silly girl, it's not a very difficult problem, it's almost impossible..." Sighing, Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter, "You are lucky. When you meet Xiaomi, he is capable and decisive, and he is not restricted by rules. constraints.

Anyway, this is the first time that my mother has seen someone with Xiaomi’s personality at this age. When Xiaoran’s anger subsides, you’d better try to persuade her. That child Xiaojiang is a rare good child. If she is like this If you miss it, you will regret it. "

"Your mother is right..." Lin Baohe, who was sitting aside, interjected, "Dad is a man himself and can understand Xiao Jiang's mood. He agreed to break up. He didn't mean that he really wanted to break up with Xiao Ran. He was angry with Xiao Ran. .

Think about his past love for Xiao Ran, and then think about Xiao Ran's suspicion of him? Who cares? I always treat people so heartfeltly, but people don't believe me, and I can't stand it.

Let me tell you, it's not easy for him to endure until now. Who doesn't have a little temper when he is young? If you don’t believe me, ask your mother, your father and I were still in trouble back then. "

"What your father said is true. Back then, there was a woman in the village who was always willing to work with him. I was very angry. In fact, I knew that your father had nothing to do with her, and I also knew that the woman was just hoping that your father would be able to do the job. The team could do less work, but they couldn't help but get angry.

At first I tolerated it, but then when I got home, I yelled at your dad. At first, your dad was coaxing me, but later, he simply ignored me with a sullen face, which made me even more angry.

Later, when I could bear it to the limit, I got into an argument with your father, saying that he saw that the young man didn't know his last name. In fact, he was so angry at that time that he couldn't speak clearly.

Then your father got very angry and dragged me out at that time, saying that he was going to find that woman to find out. When your father became so serious, I became afraid, so I quickly spoke softly to him.

Just like that, your dad ignored me for several days, but later we reconciled. He told me that he was very angry and I didn’t believe him. He said that he almost took out his heart and showed it to me, but I still didn’t believe him. It's so hurtful.

After that time, no matter how much gossip about your father was spread outside, I didn’t believe it. Even if someone said it in front of me, I would block it back. If there were too many such things, others would stop spreading them.

Xia, you and Xiaoran have a good talk. Men all want face, especially good men. If you give him enough face, he will naturally care about your face and make things better.

What Xiao Ran is angry about is Xiao Jiang's association with that girl named Xiao Shumei. Actually, think about it, if Mr. Zuo goes to find Xiao Ran, can she lose face and ignore her?

Comparing one's heart with one's heart, isn't it the same thing? If she really believes in Xiao Jiang, maybe Xiao Jiang will really make up his mind to stop talking to Xiao Shumei. Even if another girl comes to her in the future, he will know what to do. "

After pondering over what his parents said for a while, Chu Xia looked at the couple with a relieved look on his face: "I understand. It seems that I will have to pay attention to it in the future. Thank you, my parents, for teaching me another lesson."

"Silly girl..." Zhao Yulan rubbed her daughter's head amusingly, "Go back to your room and rest."

Before Chu Xia went to find Lin Mengran, Zuo Jiang came to visit early the next morning.

As Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan said, the reason why he agreed to Lin Mengran so happily was because he was angry that the other party did not believe and cherish him. At that time, he was so angry that he agreed immediately.

The result of being so angry was that I couldn't sleep all night. Thinking of how close Chu Xia and Lin Mengran were, I got up at dawn and walked around the door of Lin's house...

Looking at Zuo Jiang's heavy dark circles, Chu Xia looked helpless: "I usually see you as quite steady, but I didn't expect you could do such an impulsive thing. So what do you mean now?"

"Help me persuade Xiaoran. I also promised her that I will never talk to Xiao Shumei again. In fact, I didn't talk to Xiao Shumei much before. Even if she came to me and said that she had news from home, I always wanted to listen to it.

You also know that my brother followed Ye Meiru there, and his life and death are still uncertain. My father and brothers are fighting to the death. In my heart, I will inevitably worry about them.

Xiao Shumei's father and my father are good friends. There are some news that my father won't tell me, but she can find out from her father's mouth, so..." He spread his hands and said no more.

"I understand, you hope to hear useful news that can help your dad, but..." After a slight hesitation, Chu Xia still asked, "If you really want to help your dad, you shouldn't choose medicine. Bar?"

"Hey..." Zuo Jiang sighed heavily and smiled bitterly, "If I had known that things would develop to this point, I would never have majored in medicine. If I have to blame, I can only blame myself for being too ignorant.

Studying medicine is my hobby, because I don’t like the fight between you and me in politics. I have always felt that being a good doctor can save many people, and that is the most meaningful thing.

But now it seems that I took this step to make myself happy, but it put my dad in the most difficult situation, because neither my brother nor I performed well. Grandpa now prefers his second uncle’s family. Zuo Wen.

Along with this, the voices supporting the second uncle as the head of the family have become louder. But as the eldest son, my father has been working hard for the Zuo family for so many years. How can he feel comfortable when he is suddenly placed below the second uncle? ?

Even if I don’t like power struggles, I can still understand my dad’s mood. Therefore, after I graduate, I probably won’t take the postgraduate entrance examination for medical school. Now if it’s not that there’s not much difference between changing midway and continuing, I will probably choose to take the college entrance examination again. .

However, no matter who is the head of the Zuo family in the end, our family will not be abandoned, and I will definitely be able to help Xiaoran. The only difference is whether we can control the direction of the Zuo family. "

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite..." Chu Xia couldn't help but sigh. She remembered that Zuo Jiang's father had obtained permission from the old man of the Zuo family, and he had to be the head of the family. Unexpectedly, short In just a few months, things turned around again. No wonder Zuo Jiang's emotions were so out of control.

To put it this way, Lin Mengran is not qualified as a girlfriend. Her boyfriend is facing so much pressure. Not only can she not provide support, but she also adds to the chaos. Alas...

Looking back, after hearing what Chu Xia said about Zuo Jiang, Lin Gouran looked surprised: "Did he tell you this personally?"

"What do you think?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Do you think I would make up a story to trick you into reconciling with him? Do you think I would do such a thing?"

"No, no..." Lin Mengran looked embarrassed, "Of course I won't doubt you. I just feel that when I get along with him, I don't feel that his mood is wrong. Besides, why doesn't he tell me? What if? He told me, can I not be considerate of him?”

"Doesn't he still feel sorry for you?"

"You mean, I wronged him?"

Chu Xia rolled her eyes again and was too lazy to pay attention to her.

"Hehe..." Someone smiled sarcastically, "Then...then I apologize to him?"

"Whatever, you decide your own affairs, I won't mess with it..."

"But..." Lin Mengran looked confused, "I am a girl, am I too embarrassed to apologize to him? And... and he is also at fault..." (To be continued. (lwxs .))

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