Update to.


"Anyway, I've told you the truth. It's up to you to decide what to do..." Chu Xia looked at Lin Mengran with a calm expression, "As long as you feel that you won't regret it in the future."

Lin Mengran's face turned bitter: "You are sincerely irritating me."

"I'm not irritating you, I'm just reminding you..." Chu Xia sighed, "Boss, girls hope that their boyfriends will coax them and give in to them, no matter right or wrong, but why? Just because you are a girl, Does the other party have to accommodate everything and admit their mistakes no matter they are right or wrong?"

Lin Mengran pouted in dissatisfaction: "You clearly just stand and talk without back pain. Do you dare to say that your Mr. Zhou is not such a man?"

"No!" Chu Xia looked at him seriously, "The relationship between him and me is different from yours. I have told you before that our marriage was not a beautiful one at first.

What he likes is either my appearance or my personality, and what I like is that I don’t want to be entangled with all kinds of people anymore, and I don’t want my parents to live such a life of fear anymore.

If I had it my way, marriage would have to take at least two to three years later. However, Zhou Mikang's insistence forced me to compromise. I admit that the fundamental reason for my compromise was cowardice.

I don’t want to live a precarious life with my parents again after I miss him. I don’t want to always worry about my parents being bullied or worrying that my family will have to live on the streets again.

Indeed, in this relationship, because of these unavoidable reasons and our age gap, he was destined to give me more. And these tolerances are not unprincipled.

When I don't trust him, of course he will be disappointed and angry, but given his age and experience. Naturally, he would not handle it like Zuo Jiang did. He always has a way of making me realize my mistakes and feel guilty for him in my heart.

And my feelings for him were also guided by him time and time again. It is getting deeper and deeper. Now, I will no longer feel the grievances I felt when I first married him, and I will also admit that meeting him is my blessing.

But the premise of all this. It was all achieved in the beginning because I didn't go to extremes. The relationship between you and Zuo Jiang now is the same as the relationship between me and Zhou Mikang.

It feels very difficult to admit your mistake, but once you really open your mouth, everything becomes easier. If, as you fear, you admit your mistake once and have to adapt to everything in the future, then this person is not worthy of your love, right? "

Think about it for a while.

Lin Mengran smiled bitterly: "I admit that what you said makes sense, okay, then I will ask him to admit his mistake. If he is arrogant in the future, there will be no regrets in breaking up."

"Why do you always want to break up?" Chu Xia looked at her speechlessly, "Your mentality is too wrong. The purpose of admitting your mistake is to let you get along better, not to break up!"

"My youngest, can we be gentler? My elders rarely train me like this."

"If your elders knew that you were struggling here, they would also train you like this..." Chu Xia glanced at her sideways, "If you think my attitude is bad and you have conflicts with Zuo Jiang in the future, don't come to me. Nagging."

"Hehe..." Lin Mengran smiled fawningly and stepped forward to hold Chu Xia's hand, "I'm just teasing you, don't take it seriously. It's almost time for class, I'll help you back to the classroom..."

After class, Zuo Jiang walked out in front, and Lin Mengran followed behind... When they came back, both of them had smiles on their faces...

"Look at these two people, it's raining and winding..." Yang Xiaoli whispered into Chu Xia's ear, "Are you doing ideological work for them again?"

Chu Xia nodded: "That's right."

"Let me tell you, when the boss came back yesterday, I asked her if she had come to complain to you, but she still didn't admit it..." Just as Lin Mengran came closer, Yang Xiaoli pouted at her, "Liar!"

Lin Mengran blushed, sat uncomfortably on the edge and became motionless.

How could Yang Xiaoli let her go so easily? She stretched her head towards her and said, "You two have reconciled. Isn't it time to treat us to a reunion dinner tonight?"


Lin Mengran responded so happily, Yang Xiaoli couldn't say anything. She happened to see the monitor Li Xinlou come in, so she quickly changed the subject of gossip: "My youngest, there is something I haven't told you yet. Last night Li Xinlou was beaten up."

"Why?" Chu Xia looked at her in surprise. You must know that this class leader is very hands-on in everything, but he is very popular with the class teacher. As a result, most of the classmates also fawned over him and were beaten blatantly... It was really something she couldn't imagine.

"He initially fell in love with you, but after he found out you were married, he turned his attention to Xinli. As a result, Xinli ignored him, and then she got a boyfriend, so he turned his attention to Cheng Xuemei, who was in the next class.

Then, last night, Cheng Xuemei's fiancé came and beat him up shamelessly. Before leaving, he made harsh words, saying that if he ever got into Xuemei's idea again, he would be put in bed for the rest of his life. on the bed. "

Listening to her wordy words, Chu Xia rolled her eyes speechlessly: "You can just tell me the second half. Do you need to fill in the first half too?"

"Isn't this to emphasize his high vision..." Yang Xiaoli chuckled, "Do you know what Cheng Xuemei's fiancé said about him?"

Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her: "Don't show off."

"I hate it, you don't even cooperate..." After a pause, when Chu Xia didn't answer, Yang Xiaoli had no choice but to continue, "To say that he looks like a toad, yet he insists on burrowing into a pile of swans, is really overestimating one's capabilities. Son."

"But talking about this matter, Li Xinlou is a little unjust, right?" Wu Jingbo on the side answered, "Cheng Xuemei clearly agreed to talk to him about a partner, and she didn't say that she had a fiancé. This is obviously harmful to others. Well."

"Yes, I think so too." Li Xinli nodded in agreement, "Although I hated him when he approached me before, but overall, this person is still measured.

After learning that I had a boyfriend, he apologized to me immediately and never pestered me again. If Cheng Xuemei told him that she had a boyfriend, he would definitely not talk to Cheng Xuemei. "

"Why do I feel that Cheng Xuemei did this on purpose?" Lin Mengran, who kept her head down, couldn't hold it in anymore. "When I came back, Cheng Xuemei and her fiancé were walking out. Her fiancé was very loud. She scolded her for being shameless, and said that she would not let her scheme succeed, and said that even if she wanted to resist, she should find someone with enough weight. What's the use of finding a sweet potato like that..."

Yang Xiaoli interrupted her with a smile: "I knew you wouldn't be able to hold it in as soon as this topic was brought up. How about it, are you free from the blockage now?"

"Disgusting!" Lin Mengran rolled her eyes at her, turned away and ignored her...

In the evening, a few people were going to a party. Chu Xia wanted to go home, which was convenient. However, others felt that it was inconvenient to cause trouble with the elders there, and they wanted to kill Lin Mengran and Zuo Jiang. They can't be that cheap.

Therefore, the location was chosen at the Grand Guangming Hotel next to the school gate.

The restaurant was just across the street from Chu Xia's house. After ordering, Lin Mengran ran to the Lin family to ask for leave on Chu Xia's behalf. After returning, she stared at a pregnant woman with a bitter look on her face: "Uncle Lin and Aunt Zhao warned me for ten minutes. Why do I think you are more sophisticated than giant pandas now?"

Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her: "When you get to this day, you will understand."

In addition to the five members of the small group, Zuo Jiang, Ou Yi and Zuo Qian were also invited over. They were regular customers of Da Guangming. They ordered eight dishes and one soup, and the restaurant specially sent a can of red bean, sweet potato and chestnut porridge, which was delicious. It's fragrant and glutinous, especially suitable for girls.

When the dishes were all served, Lin Mengran stood up on his own initiative, smiled and nodded at everyone: "First of all, let me declare that I will be the one to treat today's meal, and the three gentlemen sitting here are not allowed to compete with me.

Then..." She looked at Zuo Jiang, "I apologized to Zuo Jiang in front of everyone. I shouldn't have doubted him for no reason, let alone said goodbye.

I promise that I will never make this kind of mistake again in the future. When I have questions in my mind, I will take the initiative to ask them. No matter how you explain it, I will choose to believe it. "

"Ran Ran...thank you!" Zuo Jiang stood up helplessly, his eyes full of emotion. He didn't expect Lin Mengran to apologize to him in front of everyone.

"Thank you for nothing. This is what you should do..." Lin Mengran smiled at him, "If you do something wrong in the future, you will have to apologize to me."

Zuo Jiang looked at her solemnly: "I promise you, if I encounter something similar again in the future, I will ask you to face it with me, and I will never let you misunderstand again.

I can't say that what happened this time is all your fault. If I could pay more attention and keep an appropriate distance from Xiao Shumei, there would definitely be no subsequent conflicts.

Ran Ran, I won’t say any more, look at my actions..." He looked at everyone, "I ask everyone sitting here to be witnesses for me. If I make such a mistake again, you can help punish Ran Ran. I. "

"It's necessary! But Mr. Zuo, you have to show your sincerity, right?" Yang Xiaoli filled him up with a glass of wine, "Should we drink three large glasses?"

"I really want to do this, but if I do, my performance tonight will end here..." Zuo Jiang smiled apologetically, "Okay, let me have a drink, okay?"

"One third is enough." Lin Mengran glared at him, "Don't you know how drunk you are? After drinking this drink, you will probably start talking nonsense, right? You started talking nonsense before everyone started. Does it fit?"

Zuo Jiang responded happily: "Okay, just one third."

"Oh, are you protected right now?" Yang Xiaoli curled her lips, "Boss, you are a person who values ​​sex over friends, I despise you!" (To be continued. (lwxs.))

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