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First update


"How can I value sex over friends?" Lin Mengran looked at Yang Xiaoli with an unconvinced look, "If he really values ​​sex over friends, I will let him have a drink directly."

Yang Xiaoli pouted: "Don't say that the legendary cup of wine is your Zuojiang."

"You're really right. If he drinks slowly..." After thinking for a while, Lin Mengran said, "Maybe six or seven taels is no problem, but if he drinks too hard, he will definitely see Duke Zhou when the bottom of the cup is reached. He went, and he can wake up and nothing will happen to him. Tell me, am I doing it to him by asking him to drink slowly?"

"You..." Zuo Jiang shook his head helplessly, "You made it clear that I don't feel comfortable if you don't bother me? Alas, I was so moved by you to protect me just now. It turns out that you are just being sentimental."

"Look how beautiful you are..." Lin Mengran rolled her eyes at him, "Although I am at fault, in the final analysis, you are still the culprit. Do you think I will protect you?"

"Let me ask, are you two singing a double act...or is it true?" Yang Xiaoli looked at the two of them dubiously, with an uncertain look on her face.

Lin Mengran and Zuo Jiang both turned to look at Yang Xiaoli: "Do you think we two act like a double act?"

Yang Xiaoli nodded: "Looking at the tacit understanding you two have now, they look very similar."

"Ou Yi, Zuo Qian..." Zuo Jiang looked at his two roommates for help. They quickly picked up their teacups and drank water, staring straight at the table and pretending to be confused.

Zuo Jiang looked helpless: "Isn't it good for you two to look like this?"

Lin Mengran quickly answered: "Yeah, you guys don't act like friends."

"It's not that we don't want to help you..." Ou Yi spread his hands, "Looking at the way you are singing together now, who dares to say that you are not singing the double act?"

"Okay, whatever you think..." Lin Mengran pouted, "Anyway, I told you everything I know. It's up to you what you want to do."

"It's just a glass of wine. Why have you been nagging for so long?" Yang Xiaoli grabbed her wine glass and drank it down in one gulp. "Look at me, do you have the nerve to keep nagging me?"

hesitate for a moment,

Zuo Jiang also picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, and then... fell it softly on the table...

"Hey..." Lin Mengran shrugged helplessly, "You didn't believe it, but now you finally believe it, right? Well, for Zuo Jiang, tonight's meal is the end, I have to Let me make it clear that I don’t drink much and can’t accompany you, so feel free to do as you please.”

"How cowardly..." Yang Xiaoli looked at Zuo Jiang who was calling over with a speechless face, "Why is such a strong man so incompetent? If you know he is really like this, I don't bother to provoke him."

"You don't believe me..." Lin Mengran said with a look of hatred on his face, "We have been together for so long, don't you know who I am? You actually thought I was singing a double act with Zuo Jiang, but now I don't have to sing anymore Bar?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong..." Yang Xiaoli said as she poured herself a cup of wine, "I'll punish myself with a drink, okay?" After her words fell, before the other party could answer, the wine had already entered her stomach.

"Slow down..." Lin Mengran glared at her, "Be careful of getting drunk."

"You want to get me drunk with this little wine?" Yang Xiaoli curled her lips, "You underestimate me too much. Let me tell you, for me, two bottles of this 52-degree white wine is not a problem. "

Lin Mengran looked at her in surprise: "Are you serious?"

"When have I ever lied to someone?" Yang Xiaoli glared at her, "Do you want me to drink it now to show you, but we have to have a lucky draw, tell me, what will you do if I really drink two bottles?"

"I won't bet with you..." Lin Mengran shook his head, "No matter whether you can drink two bottles or not, it will be harmful to your body. It's pointless to make this kind of bet. Let me tell you, Xiaoli, why do I feel like you are doing it on purpose? Looking for a drink?"

"Fuck you..." Yang Xiaoli rolled her eyes dissatisfied, "I'm not an alcoholic, do I need to deliberately look for drinks? Look at you, are you too scared to bet with me?"

Lin Mengran nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, I'm scared, I'm scared, okay?"

"Hey, why are you talking to me in this tone? You don't think I'm drunk, do you?"

"No, no..." Lin Mengran quickly denied, "You look like you are not drunk. I just don't want you to drink too much. Drinking too much is bad for a girl's health. Be obedient and drink less."

Yang Xiaoli looked at Ou Yi: "Ou Yi, what did you say?"

Ou Yi smiled faintly at her: "It's good to drink less."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that for the sake of your health, I suggest you drink less."

"Why don't you tell everyone clearly that you hate girls who drink..." Yang Xiaoli snorted, poured a glass and drank it all, "I said, why do men have to be so hypocritical?

One is like that, two are like that, three are still like that, haha..." As she spoke, she drank two more glasses of wine. Wu Jingbo, who was sitting next to her, quickly grabbed the cup from her hand and said, "Xiaoli, you What is this for? "

"Are you laughing at me too?" Yang Xiaoli looked at her steadily, "Jingbo, I know you are a very rational person, but I am not, so, can you let me let you go for once? Can you not stop me?"

"Xiaoli, what's wrong with you?" Chu Xia frowned, "We are all friends. If you have any troubles, just tell them, and everyone will definitely find a way to help you. Why do you have to debase yourself like this?"

"Lin Chuxia..." Yang Xiaoli looked at Chuxia with squinted eyes, "Are you trying to teach me a lesson?"

"No." Chu Xia glared at her, "Sit down and talk!"

"I won't!" Yang Xiaoli not only didn't sit down, but also took a step back and stood at the door, holding the doorframe on one side and the other on the left. "I tell you, I am happy tonight and I want you to drink with me. If you don't No one is a friend, Lin Chuxia, you also want to drink with me, I always treat you as a friend, but you always lecture me, if you also treat me as a friend, you must drink with me."

"Xiaoli!" Wu Jingbo looked at her angrily, "You don't know what's going on in Chuxia now, how can you force her to drink? If we are really friends, you shouldn't do such a thing!"

"Really friends..." Yang Xiaoli sat down on the ground, "Yeah, what does a real friend look like? I want to ask you, who can give me an answer?"

"What happened?" Chu Xia sighed, "Xiaoli, although we didn't get along happily at first, after nearly a year of getting along, we have recognized each other. Can you stop being so noisy?

You have to believe that no matter what happens, no one will sit idly by and ignore it. If none of us can help, we will definitely stay by your side and face it with you. "

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm talking about. If I said something that makes you hate me, please forgive me. I feel uncomfortable in my heart. It's so uncomfortable..." As she spoke, Yang Xiaoli had already grabbed the wine bottle and put it to her mouth. Drink it hard.

Lin Mengran and Li Xinli quickly stepped forward and snatched the bottle from her hand, "Xiaoli, what are you making a fuss about?" Lin Mengran stared at her with dissatisfaction, "It's always been fine, why did it suddenly change like this? ? If you don’t say it again, I will fall out."

"I..." Looking at everyone with confused eyes, her body tilted, and Yang Xiaoli lay on the ground and fell asleep.

"This..." Glancing at Zuo Jiang lying on the table, and then at Yang Xiaoli lying on the ground, Lin Mengran was speechless. She chose the wrong day today?

It would be outrageous to send him to the school dormitory after he was drunk like this. After discussing it, he packed up the food, took the man with him, and the woman with her daughter, and went to Chu Xia's house.

"What's going on?" Looking at the large group of people pouring in, Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter in surprise, "Didn't the party just start? Why are you so drunk?"

"One is pouring a cup, and the other is pouring himself down. Isn't that why he drank like this?" Chu Xia shook her head helplessly, "Mom, don't worry, except for them, no one else has had time to drink." Then he directed everyone to drink. The person was placed in the guest room.

Zhao Yulan, Lin Baohe and Mr. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao hadn't eaten yet, so they simply put all the packed meals on the plates and put out the prepared meals. They sat at the table and waited for the younger generations to come over. eat.

After settling Yang Xiaoli and Zuo Jiang down and sitting down, Chu Xia looked at the others and said, "Don't go back tonight, otherwise, it won't be a worry if no one will take care of them when they wake up."

After hesitating, Ou Yi said: "I'd better not stay. Zuo Jiang is fine anyway."

"Ou Yi..." Chu Xia looked at him steadily, "What are you afraid of?"

"No..." Ou Yi smiled slightly uncomfortably, "What I said is true. Anyway, someone has to go back to the dormitory teacher to ask for leave. I will just do it for myself."

"I'll take the leave." Lin Mengran looked at her lightly, "Ou Yi, don't hide it, Yang Xiaoli's behavior today has something to do with you, doesn't it?"

Being questioned like this out of the blue, Ou Yi's face turned red instantly: "No... no."

"Don't pretend to be confused. I've noticed that when she drinks, she always looks at you..." Lin Mengran glared at him dissatisfied, "I always thought you were someone who dares to act, and now it seems that you are also a person who dares to act. coward."

"Qi'an..." Ou Yi looked at Zuo Qi'an pleadingly, "She won't listen to anything I say. You can tell me."

"What should I say about this?" Zuo Qian moved his chair to one side and got a little further away from the other party before saying, "I can't lie without conscience. You and Yang Xiaoli went out for a walk for half the night. How could I know what happened between you? What?"

"You..." Ou Yi, who was blushing at first, now even turned red at the base of his neck. He was mumbling for a long time, but he didn't manage to say a complete sentence.

Now, without asking any more questions, they knew what must have happened between Ou Yi and Yang Xiaoli. Everyone looked at him with the words "you know" in their eyes... r1152

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