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"How did eldest brother find the diary?" Chu Xia asked curiously.

"I would also like to thank my sister. After she continued the diary, she made a wish and buried my diary in the yard. I planned to dig a cellar to make wine a few days ago, and I happened to dig this one out.

My sister must have remembered this and asked me sideways if I had dug anything. I was vague. To be honest, it wasn’t that I didn’t believe her or that I didn’t want to tell her. It was just that I really couldn’t accept it at the time. This reality.

I have never felt that there is any missing part in my memory. I have always felt that I am a very normal person. Now, I cannot accept this result from the bottom of my heart.

And because of this, I hope I can verify it bit by bit, and preferably remember the missing part. As you said, if it was true love, how could I have forgotten this part so completely?

However, I also believe that if there is something else hidden, my sister doesn't know about it, because the record in her diary clearly shows that I was saved by that girl.

In early summer, I now feel that I am quite despicable, even though I was saved, I still doubt others, but..." Jing Zhe's voice was full of pain, "But subconsciously, I just don't believe it. "

"Brother, maybe you can talk to Zhou Mikang?" Chu Xia said hesitantly, "After all, you are not much different in age, and you have had many interactions in the past. Maybe he knows about your past."

"Forget it, he's too busy at this time, so I won't bother him. If I didn't want you to worry, I wouldn't tell you about it. At least, you know now that I didn't mean to be discordant. Mellie gets married.

And..." After hesitating for a while, Jing Zhe said, "I don't want you to misunderstand that I don't marry Meili because of you. Xia, you are my sister now. "

"I know..." Chu Xia was a little embarrassed to say this kind of problem personally, but for the sake of everyone's future getting along, she still said bravely, "Even if the eldest brother doesn't say it, I know it.

Moreover, Sister Meili didn't think about it in this regard. She also said that I am a very close little sister in my brother's heart. I am completely like a brother and sister to me. I know it all and I will definitely not misunderstand it. , Brother, don’t worry. "

Cough lightly,

Jing Zhe said: "Xia, is it a bit pretentious to say this?"

"Hehe... I think so too." Chu Zai deliberately teased him.

"Okay, if you say this, I will feel relieved. Then, when I find out the truth, I will tell you as soon as possible, so don't worry about it during this period, okay?"

"Okay, I'm waiting for brother's news. By the way, brother, don't you get a headache when you think hard?" Chu Xia responded and quickly asked.

"No." There was a hint of smile in Jing Zhe's voice, "Thank you for your concern Xia, I'm fine, don't worry."

Hearing what Jing Zhe said, Chu Xia felt really relieved.

"What's going on?" Seeing her daughter hang up the phone, Zhao Yulan, who had been sitting aside, asked. To be honest, Zeng Meili came to live here and her engagement with Jing Zhe was postponed until an unknown date. She had been feeling seven in her heart. I am afraid that this matter really has something to do with my daughter.

Although it is said that my daughter does not have such thoughts, if the other party really delays fulfilling the engagement because of such thoughts, and the woman is a relative of Chu Xia's husband's family, it will really make everyone feel uncomfortable.

"Mom, no one else knows about this. I told my mother, but she is not allowed to tell anyone else." Knowing her mother's worries, Chu Xia hesitated and decided to tell her the truth.

Anyway, she knew her mother's character. As long as she said something that couldn't be told outside, she would be able to keep her mouth shut. Even her father and grandparents wouldn't be able to pry a word out of her mouth.

"Okay, I won't tell you." Zhao Yulan said while raising her hand to make an oath. Chu Xia pulled her hand down in a funny way, "Mom, there's no need to do this. If you can't trust me, I won't tell you." …”

"Xiao Zhe actually lost his memory?" Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter in disbelief, "But he looks quite normal, and his medical skills are so good, how could he lose his memory?"

"This is the fundamental reason why he doesn't believe in the diary. If it's really like what the diary says, it's impossible for him to have no memory of what happened in the past.

So Mom, let’s comfort Sister Meili and spend more time with her during this time. Or, it won’t take long for the eldest brother to figure this out. He also said it himself, it’s useless to ask anyone about this. In the end, The key thing is whether he can remember it himself. "

After hesitating, Zhao Yulan said: "What Xiaozhe means is that that girlfriend has deceived everyone, so in everyone's memory, that girl is very good, but in fact, she is not like that?"

"There is a suspicion, but it will take time to verify the details." Chu Xia sighed, "He said that the family kept it secret so tightly that they definitely didn't want him to remember it. So, in order to reassure everyone, he I can only pretend that I am still suffering from amnesia.

However, I think it’s better to ask, no matter what it is, with more stimulation from clues, we can remember it faster, mother, don’t you think so? "

"My mother doesn't understand this either. Anyway, she just feels that Xiaozhe's temperament doesn't seem to be irresponsible. If you can make him forget everything, it must be a big deal."

After thinking about it, Chu Xia said: "I asked Mr. Qi tonight if there is a possibility that only fragmentary memories will be lost after brain injury, which may never be restored, but it will not have any impact on other things.

But if this is really the case, it will be even more troublesome. The eldest brother always has obstacles in his heart. How can he marry Sister Meili and go home in a down-to-earth manner? If he keeps waiting like this, what will he do in this life? "

"Xia, if you say that, my mother thinks that Xiaozhe should tell his family about this matter as soon as possible. At the very least, let them understand the root cause of his unwillingness to get married early.

Only by working together as a family can we find the truth faster. Moreover, according to what he said, after being together for such a long time, there must be a lot of people they know.

If we inquire with those people, we might be able to find out the truth, but..." Zhao Yulan frowned in confusion, "It doesn't seem realistic. If that's true, it would be equivalent to treating the other party as a bad person. After investigation, if that person disguised himself well, Xiaozhe would be misunderstood and looked down upon by everyone. "

"That's what mom said..." Sighing, Chu Xia waved her hands, "Forget it, let's not worry about it for now, or maybe the matter is not as serious as we thought.

With Brother Jing's intelligence, he should be able to think of what we are thinking of. As long as we give him time, he will definitely handle it. I will also ask Zhou Mikang later to see if he knows anything about the inside story. "

"That's the only way it can be, Xia, don't worry about it, help is a help. Given your current situation, you can't mess around." Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter seriously and warned her.

"Mom, don't worry, I know it well. In fact, the fact that I care about other people's affairs now is just to distract myself in disguise. Otherwise, I will always have random thoughts, and the more I think about it, the more terrible I will feel."

"Okay, you just have to know it yourself." When her daughter said this, Zhao Yulan had no choice but to stop talking about it. After she quit, Chu Xia dialed Zhou Mikang's number.

"Miss me?" Hearing his little wife's voice, Zhou Mikang felt inexplicably happy, and all his fatigue disappeared.

"Yeah, I miss you..." Chu Xia said with a chuckle, "I want you to help solve the problem. Are you a little disappointed?"

"No." Zhou Mikang's tone was as brisk as ever, "When you have something to do, you want to find me to solve it. It means that my position in your heart is the most important. How can you be disappointed?"

"Zhou Mikang, if anyone says you don't know how to talk sweetly, I will definitely fight him."

"It's not that I don't know how to talk sweetly, it just depends on who you tell it to." After saying that, the teacher quickly changed the topic, "If there is anything you want me to solve, just tell me."

"Do you know about Jing Zhe's amnesia?"

"How do you know?" From the voice, you can tell that the expression of the teacher Tongzi is extremely serious at this moment.

"He told me himself."

"Does Jing Zhe know about the amnesia?"


"How do you know?"

"From his own diary..." Chu Xia went through the details and expressed her doubts.

"I don't know the specific situation, but the fact is that Jing Zhe survived, and Zhuang Yuning drowned..." Sighing, Zhou Mixang said, "The banker made trouble with the Jing family, and in the end, Uncle Jing gave in. This matter can be settled only if you are in your own position.

All of this happened during the months when Jing Zhe was in a coma. After he woke up, the Zhuang family went to see him and deliberately mentioned Zhuang Yuning in front of him.

At that time, Jing Zhe had no reaction at all, and even asked the other party why their daughter drowned. Because of Uncle Jing's previous concession, the banker did not mention Zhuang Yuning too much to Jing Zhe.

But..." After a long silence, Zhou Mixang said, "Some people said that not only Jing Zhe and Zhuang Yuning were at the river at that time, but there was also a man.

The three people seemed to have had a quarrel. The man was in a hurry and left without looking too much. It was later learned that someone drowned in the river. This matter was widely spread in the villages near the river, but When we actually went to investigate, the witness changed his story and said that he was lying just to attract everyone's attention. For this reason, the man was imprisoned for a year, and I didn't pay attention to what happened after that.

When I paid attention to this matter at the time, I thought it was a little strange, and I wanted to help Jing Zhe recover his memory. But later, Uncle Jing said that it was good to look like this and it would make Jing Zhe less painful, so I gave up the investigation. "r1152

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