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"According to what you say..." After hesitating for a while, Chu Xia expressed her suspicion, "Is it possible that Zhuang Yuning betrayed Jing Zhe? That's why Jing Zhe intentionally blocked the memory of her?"

"There is such a possibility, but it's just that death is a big deal, so we didn't pursue it any further..." Sighing, Zhou Mikang said, "At that time, in order to cut off all contact between Jing Zhe and the banker, Uncle Jing gave the banker a lot of money. The good thing is that precisely because of this appearance, the Zhuang family has never appeared in front of Jing Zhe over the years, and no one has mentioned Zhuang Yuning in front of Jing Zhe."

After thinking about it for a moment, Chu Xia asked, "Who is that man? Do you have any clues?"

"Yes." Zhou Mikang gave Chu Xia an affirmative answer, "As long as I want to investigate, I will definitely be able to find him. In fact, if Uncle Jing didn't want to pursue it further, I would have gone to find that man to inquire."

"I understand..." Chu Xia also sighed, "I think Uncle Jing should have some understanding of the truth, otherwise, he wouldn't have tried every means to cut off the woman's news.

Hey, it was originally a drama about a deep love that lasted forever, but I didn't expect that the truth might be completely reversed. If this is really the case, I can understand why Jing Zhe chose to lose his memory.

How deep the pain is for a person to completely erase that part of his memory. From a medical point of view, it is probably difficult to give a correct explanation. "

"Okay, don't think too much about it. I will investigate this matter. When the results come out, we will consider what to do. I will also talk to Jing Zhe."

"Okay." Chu Xia responded, "Then will you come back this week?"

"Of course!" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in the voice of the teacher, Tongzi, "At this time, you and the baby are the most important, how could I miss the opportunity to see you?

As for Jing Zhe's matter, I don't need to go and verify it myself. Don't worry, this matter won't come out, so don't worry about it, you know? "

"It sounds like I am willing to worry all day long..." Chu Xia snorted dissatisfied, "If it weren't for the fact that Brother Jing has helped so much and is my godbrother, would I have worried?

Besides, I have something to worry about so that I don’t always think about having a baby. You don’t know, when my mother accompanied me for a prenatal check-up a few days ago,

I happened to meet a pregnant woman giving birth.

That look..." After a pause to calm down, Chu Xia said, "That look was really scary. When she was not yet born, the doctor asked her to take a walk, and then she He put his hand on the wall, screamed, and his eyes almost popped out.

If my mother hadn't pulled me so hard, I might have been able to catch her. I looked like I was just one step away from going crazy. I asked Director Qiao specifically, and she said that it varies, and some women do. It hurts to the point of hallucinations.

Zhou Mikang, you have to treat me well in the future. If you feel sorry for me, you have no conscience, you know? "

"I know, I know..." Master Tongzi's voice immediately became softer, "Don't worry, I will hold you in the palm of my hand for the rest of my life. Even my baby can't compare with you."

"It sounds nice now, but who knows what it will be like then?"

"Xia, it's wrong to doubt me like this anymore..." After a pause, Zhou Mikan said, "I have to tell you something. Lin Wenjie has been transferred to my side. It just so happens that he can supervise you, how about it? "

Chu Xia asked in surprise: "What is he being transferred here for?"

"I asked him to come here. Otherwise, he would really have to follow me to the front line. By my side, he can still take care of him. I didn't mean to protect him. With his ability, running to the front line would have cost him his life." .

I have also discussed this matter with the Lin family, and they unanimously agreed..." Sighing, Zhou Mixang said, "I used to think that Lin Wenjie's personality was quite easy-going, but I didn't expect him to be more stubborn than anyone else.

In order to make him change his mind, the old man and the old lady of the Lin family even went on a hunger strike. As a result, this guy went on a hunger strike even more. You went on a hunger strike, and I also went on a hunger strike, and even trained hard.

In the end, the old one felt sorry for the young one, and he compromised because he was afraid that something would happen to him. He also had some objections about coming to my side, saying that he wanted to build a career by relying on his own abilities, and didn't want others to say that he relied on connections.

He asked me to kick him out. He didn't even look at how much he weighed, and he dared to come to me to negotiate terms. I also warned him. If he plays any tricks again, I will lock him up and let him Can't go anywhere. "

"What kind of monster is he making trouble?" Chu Xia looked speechless, "When he told me at the time, he said that he didn't want his second uncle and his second wife to laugh at him, but even if he was trying to win, there was no need to joke with his own life, right? "

"He didn't tell you the truth. The real reason is that he heard someone say that he relies on his family for everything. Now he has to rely on his wife to find a wife. When he was hit, he had to prove himself.

It's a pity that the method of proof he chose was too biased, and he couldn't listen to other people's advice. Now he has decided that in this era, if he can't go into battle to kill the enemy, he is not a man.

If he calls you later and asks you to help and beg for mercy, just reject him directly. He is not clear-headed now and thinks he is bringing honor to his family. In fact, he is simply selfish. "

"I know." Chu Xia smiled, "If outsiders hear what you said, it will be in trouble, hehe..."

"When outsiders hear what I say, of course I feel that the country is in trouble and every man is responsible. However, every man must also look at his own abilities and specialties. If you ask literati to go to the front line, isn't it clear that you don't want to live a long life... …”

"Okay, do you still need to explain this to me?" Chu Xia smiled helplessly, "Of course I understand your thoughts, and I also know that the third brother is a little unclear, so you can beat him more.

To be honest, out of selfishness, I don’t want any of you to participate in the mission, but as you said, if everyone hides at this time, no one will have a good life in the future.

Don't worry, I can think openly. If you have anything to do, just do it. Don't worry about me. My mentality is quite good. I like to worry a little, just to distract myself. "

"Take good care of yourself..." After a pause, Zhou Mikang added, "Remember, no matter when the time comes, you are the person I love most. Everything I do is to give you a good life." s future."

Chu Xia especially wanted to say, actually, I don't mind being looked down upon by others occasionally, nor do I mind living an ordinary life, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

What’s the point of saying this at this time?

Because of her, and because of Zhou Mikang's position, he was destined to go all the way, and she couldn't really selfishly stop her. She believed that as long as she persisted, the teacher would compromise, but really If you do that, neither of you will be happy in this life.

As long as the other party knows her heart, cares about her, and protects herself well, that's enough.

After hanging up the phone, she was stunned for a while. Chu Xia rubbed her cheeks vigorously. Maybe it was because she was pregnant. She felt like she almost didn't recognize herself anymore.

Zeng Meili didn't see Chu Xia when she came back from get out of class, so she came to the room to look for her. She happened to see her rubbing her face, so she hurried forward: "What's wrong? Your face doesn't feel good?"

"No, I'm just trying to show off my face..." Chu Xia quickly put on a smile, "Isn't it said that giving birth to children can make people grow older easily? I have to take precautions in advance."

Zeng Meili said with a black line: "How old are you that you dare to talk about 'old'? According to you, when I give birth to a baby, it won't be a big problem?"

"Sister Meili, did your class go well today?" Chu Xia quickly changed the subject for fear that the other party would continue to discuss this issue.

"It's not bad, it's just..." Zeng Meili shook her head helplessly, "I just didn't expect that there was a classmate in the class who I had a relationship with before, and he targeted me everywhere."


"Yes." Zeng Meili nodded and said with a wry smile, "She came a few days late because her work relationship was not handled well. Otherwise, she would have met her a long time ago."

"Is it because of a business relationship or a romantic relationship?"

"Both." Zeng Meili stroked her forehead with a headache, "When I first started working, she and I were colleagues. Because I received more praise than she received, she didn't like me.

Fortunately, later on, a male doctor expressed his affection for me. It happened that that man was her neighbor. She had liked him for many years, so he completely hated me.

Later, I was transferred to 401, and we lost contact with her. I didn't expect to meet her again here, and I didn't expect that she was still thinking about what happened back then, and she would look coldly at me when she saw me.

And they have already started spreading rumors that I stole her boyfriend back then. Anyway, this afternoon, many girls started to look at me with something wrong.

As you know, some girls didn't like me because I was the youngest in the class, but now it's better. I guess I will spend this year being ostracized.

Fortunately, I don't plan to live on campus, otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to survive this day. Hey..." Sighing, Zeng Meili looked at Chu Xia with a look, "Xia, no matter what happens to me and your brother, you can You can't leave me, otherwise, I will really be alone. "

"What are you talking about..." Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, "Even if you have nothing to do with Jing Zhe, you are still Zhou Mixang's cousin. How could I ignore you?"

"Did Jing Zhe say something to you? Are you really not planning to be with me anymore?" After hesitation, Zeng Meili looked at Chu Xia and asked.

"No, no..." Chu Xia quickly waved her hands to deny, "I was just making a metaphor, why did it make you think of that?"

Zeng Meili looked at Chu Xia seriously: "Don't worry about not being able to bear it, just tell me the truth." r1152

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