Second update.


"Sister Meili..." Chu Xia looked at Zeng Meili speechlessly, "Although you say you are open-minded, in fact, you have been thinking about you and your brother's affairs in your heart, always thinking about the worst. no?"

"I can't help but think about the worst..." Zeng Meili spread her hands, "What your brother has shown is his rejection of this relationship, how can I not think more about it?

It's one thing to look away, but after all, he is the person I like. If possible, I still don't want variables to happen between us. Relationships are not like faucets. You can turn them off when you want, and turn them on when you want. "

"I do know some things, but it's really not what you think. Now, my eldest brother probably hasn't figured out how to tell you yet. Give him time and I believe he will tell you personally.

As for me not saying it, it’s not that I don’t believe Sister Meili. It’s because I feel that it’s better for me to say this kind of thing than for the eldest brother to say it himself. Moreover, I also promised him not to tell anyone. Sister Meili didn’t want to Did I miss the date? "

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it..." Zeng Meili looked at her helplessly, "You said you are just trying to titillate people. You just started, but then you came up with so many explanations, ugh!"

"I just want to give you some reassurance first because I see you in a hurry. Okay, let me reveal a little more. The eldest brother's feelings for Sister Meili have not changed at all. What he wants to live with is psychological. Kaner.

Of course, this hurdle is not about the fired doctors and nurses as mentioned before, but it is also related to feelings. As long as Sister Meili gives him enough confidence, you will definitely be able to be together. "

"The more you talk, the more confused I become..." Zeng Meili rubbed her forehead. "Forget it, I won't ask you any more questions. Since you said so, I'll just let it be."

Although she said so, Zeng Meili was always worried about this the next time. Early summer was also very helpless. I could only think of calling Jing Zhe again in the evening and asking him to explain things clearly to him as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it would be Zeng Meili's current situation. With internal and external troubles, I really can’t say whether I can learn anything from this study.

The classroom of the part-time class is located in the northwest corner, and the seats are all casual. After arriving at the classroom the next day. Zeng Meili discovered that only some of her classmates looked at her strangely. Now, all her classmates looked at her strangely.

You know it without asking,

Everyone else was living on campus, so it must have been that classmate Wang Meiling who gave her a bad beating. Everyone has nothing to do, but they just like to listen to gossip, and then...

Sighing secretly. Zeng Meili found an empty seat and sat down, and the girl next to her moved to the side. Stay away from her.

Do you dare to think of her as a scourge?

Zeng Meili was completely speechless.

When she went back in the evening, she told Chu Xia what happened during the day, and Chu Xia was also speechless: "Are those people stupid? We just met, and you believe everything when someone gossips?"

"Believe it or not..." Zeng Meili sighed, "Originally I wanted to go back to school to experience student life, but now it seems that I am still too naive. No matter where I am, these messy things are inevitable.

Chu Xia, I really envy you, because the third brother is so good to you, so no one dares to bully you whether he is convinced or not, but I am different. Jing Zhe is also considered a good match in the eyes of many people, so he and I are After getting together, the female colleagues inevitably felt a little sad.

However, I have always been the one to look for Jing Zhe. He has never taken the initiative to look for me. When he is with me, I lead the conversation. If I don't speak, he will remain silent.

In the eyes of others, it was natural that I was trying to please him and fawn over him, and naturally they respected me less. There were many times when I wanted to let go, but in the end I still couldn't.

I believe what you told me yesterday, but I have also figured it out. If he is still so lukewarm towards me after he figures it out, I might as well let him go completely to avoid making everyone sad. "

"Sister Meili, do you think you are biased? That's how big brother's character is. When he was in the hospital, when did you ever see him chatting with others?"

"If that's the case, when has Third Brother ever had a casual chat with anyone?" Zeng Meili spread her hands, "So, let alone a personality problem, the key is whether there is a problem in your heart."

Chu Xia said helplessly: "Okay, I won't say more. Anyway, you have determined it this way now, and you won't listen to anything I say."

"I'm sorry..." Zeng Meili looked at Chu Xia with an apologetic look, "I also know that it's not good for me to look like this, but I really can't control my temper. I'm sorry..."

"You said sorry to me, and you didn't get angry at me. You just said your true thoughts. Is it possible that just because I'm pregnant, I don't want others to have the freedom to speak in front of me?

Sister Meili, your current mentality is indeed quite contradictory, and I can understand it, but you can only adjust this matter by yourself and look more at the people and things around you.

There are too few people with a personality like Zhou Mikang's. If you use him as an example, then you..." Chu Xia spread her hands, "I don't mean to show off, I just talk about things. "

"I understand." Zeng Meili looked at her funny, "In fact, you are indeed worthy of showing off. You have introduced countless girlfriends to the third brother in the past, but no matter which one, he didn't wait to look at them.

I really didn’t expect that I would fall into your hands. I believe that if those people see you, they will definitely kill you with their eyes and knives. But so far, apart from Ye Meiru, there seems to be no one else. People come to trouble you.

The question turns back to what I said before. Both my third brother and the elders of the Zhou family particularly like you and value you. Those who are not discerning will naturally not dare to offend you.

I'm just looking forward to when Jing Zhe will be half as kind to me as my third brother is to my third sister-in-law. As for my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I really can't fault them. They are so good to me. "

"Hehe..." Chu Xia laughed, "Sister Meili, are you afraid that I will file a complaint?"

"Whatever, if you want to complain, just complain. Am I afraid of you?" Zeng Meili glanced at her sideways, "I don't believe it. You can really be cruel and see me alone."

"Are you feeling better now?" Chu Xia suppressed her smile and looked at Zeng Meili seriously, "Sister Meili, don't pay attention to those people. If you are happy, they will find it boring."

"I know, I'm just too lazy to talk to her. Then why is Wang Meiling holding on to me? Isn't it because she chased her a lot but failed to win Wang Guozheng's heart?

I heard that Wang Guozheng was married to the daughter of the dean of our alma mater. To be honest, such a utilitarian man has made her obsessed with him to this day and even directed her anger at me. I felt that she deserved it for not being able to find a suitable man. "

The two of them talked about it for a while, and the anger Zeng Meili was holding in her heart really disappeared.

In the next few days, as Chu Xia said, although everyone's attitude towards her was still lukewarm, it was not as hostile as it was at first.

In fact, the reason is very simple. More than half of those who come to study are married. Regardless of men or women, they are very disgusted with people who interfere in other people's emotional lives. Therefore, when Wang Meiling first said it, they were very dissatisfied with Zeng Meili. Naturally, there was more disgust.

But as time went by, they discovered that Wang Meiling was always targeting Zeng Meili, but Zeng Meili said nothing and went to and from school happily every day, not even taking any moves.

The contrast between the two people's temperament is so sharp that anyone with a brain can roughly guess it.

No, on this day, a female classmate in her thirties finally came to chat with Zeng Meili and asked her what exactly what Wang Meiling was talking about was going on.

Zeng Meili's lack of explanation before did not mean that she was willing to cover up for the other party all the time, so she told the other party exactly what happened that year. Then, within half a day, everyone's attitude changed drastically.

As a result, Wang Meiling really couldn't sit still. Originally, she thought that she dominated the direction of public opinion and could make Zeng Meili continue to be disliked by everyone.

And eventually one day, Zeng Meili will be unable to bear it and quit the class.

This is what she wants.

At that time, because the other party made her unhappy, now, she hopes that the other party will be unhappy. Being able to study off the job is a very precious opportunity. If Zeng Meili quits on her own after her reputation is ruined, what will happen to her life in the future? Sample?

Just thinking about it made her feel happy, but now, how could she be the one who was rejected? In fact, several single male classmates with wretched images in the class always approached her intentionally or unintentionally. Could it be that in their hearts, she became an old girl who could marry anyone but could not get married? !

Although she thought so in her heart, she did not dare to fall out with her classmates. After all, she still had to live on campus. If she really fell out, her life would be even more difficult to live in the future.

Since she couldn't attack other classmates, she turned her target to Zeng Meili.

That day, as soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, she greeted Zeng Meili with a smile and extended her hand: "Meili, let's get along and be friends, okay?"

Being caught off guard by her move, Zeng Meili was stunned for a moment, stretched out her hand to pinch her fingertips and shook them: "Okay, actually I haven't cared about it. It's you who are always hostile to me, and I can't be shy. My face is in front of yours, right?"

The smile on Wang Meiling's face froze there. Based on her understanding of Zeng Meili, the result at this moment should be that the other party pushed her away and left angrily...

Isn’t it said that what is easy to change is hard to change? Why is this person's character so different from before?

When she came to her senses, she was the only one left in the empty classroom. In the distance, she could still hear Zeng Meili's laughter. She frowned, and Wang Meiling gritted her teeth and chased out... (To be continued)


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