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The third update has arrived.


"Meili..." Zeng Meili, who was walking and chatting with several classmates, looked at the familiar face standing in front of her with an expression of disbelief. When the other person called her again, she was pushed by the people around her and asked who it was. When she realized what she was doing, she ran a few steps excitedly and threw herself into the other person's arms...

Since coming to the capital, the two of them have not been in contact. She thought angrily, since you ignored me, there is no need for me to talk to you. Jing Zhe, on the other hand, hoped that after he figured it out, he would come with a new look. Face your fiancée.

Everyone knew what was going on when they saw this scene. A girl who had a good relationship with Zeng Meili these days laughed and joked: "Meili, why don't you introduce me?"

Realizing that she was still in public, Zeng Meili quickly let go of Jing Zhe, turned around, and looked at the others with an embarrassed expression: "He is my fiancé Jing Zhe..." Then she introduced several classmates one by one. Get to know Jing Zhe.

When she finished speaking, she saw Wang Meiling running over with an angry look on her face. She straightened up unconsciously, frowned and glared at her. Sensing something strange about her, Jing Zhe also looked over.

Wang Meiling ran over angrily, wanting to throw dirty water on Zeng Meili.

But when she saw Jing Zhe, she was speechless... This man is so good-looking! Then, she stood there steadily, motionless.

Seeing her like this, Zeng Meili naturally stopped arguing with her. She said goodbye to several classmates with a smile, and pulled Jing Zhe away.

"Who is that man?" Wang Meiling came to her senses and asked a girl, "Is he from our school?"

"I don't know if he is from our school. But I know he is Meili's fiancé."

Wang Meiling looked unbelieving: "She has a fiancé?"

"Yeah, didn't you always say that someone stole your boyfriend, and then you kept dating him after your boyfriend got married? I think with her fiancé, if Meili is dating your ex-boyfriend, unless Not in his right mind."

At this moment, Wang Meiling regretted showing everyone her ex-boyfriend's photos.

to be honest. Compared with the man just now, Wang Guozheng is really nothing interesting.

When she thought about it, she felt even worse. Why can't she get what she wants, but Zeng Meili can always easily get what she desires and cannot ask for?

"Is that the woman?" Lin Mengran asked Chu Xia in a low voice, pointing at Wang Meiling who looked jealous. "You look like a bear, how dare you compare with Sister Meili?"

"Song Qian..." Chu Xia looked at a girl beside her. "You should stop following me during this period and pay more attention to that woman. Judging from her appearance, it might be detrimental to Sister Meili."

"Sister-in-law..." Song Qian hesitated. Because the teacher's wife was about to give birth, the three of them were transferred to help. If it was because of her departure. Something happened...

"I'll talk to Zhou Mikang first. What about Zhao Xue and the others? What are you worried about?"

"Okay." Song Qian had no choice but to agree. Her teacher valued her sister-in-law so much that she really didn't dare to go against her wishes.

When Chu Xia and her group returned home, Zeng Meili and Jing Zhe were already sitting in the hall. Seeing a few people, Zeng Meili waved with a smile, "Why are you so late today?"

"I went to your place to inspect the situation..." Chu Xia looked Jing Zhe up and down and said with a smile, "Brother, are you here to apologize to Sister Meili?"

"Will he bear the thorn and plead guilty?" Zeng Meili curled her lips, "Can you please stop trying to flatter his face? It's already a blessing to come and see me."

"No, I really came to apologize to you..." Jing Zhe looked at her seriously, "Now that I say this in front of everyone, it means that I am absolutely serious.

Meili, please forgive me for my hesitation before. I know that you have been doubting whether I don’t have enough feelings for you, but I never said anything. Now, I tell you clearly that I like you and will marry you in this life. It’s decided! "


"Yo ho!"


Chu Xia glanced at Lin Mengran and Yang Xiaoli, who were making noises, and they quickly stopped talking, allowing Wu Jingbo, who originally wanted to shout, to swallow the rest of his words.

She was Jing Zhe's apprentice, so when she saw her master's perfect relationship, she wanted to express her feelings, but Chu Xia glared back.

Zeng Meili's face turned red, especially when she saw Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe coming out of the kitchen, she didn't know where to put her face.

"What's so shy about this kid?" Zhao Yulan stepped forward with a smile, "I see that your heart has been wilting these days. My aunt is almost worried about you. Now it's better. I'm finally relieved and you can feel at ease." Learned."

"Thank you, auntie..." Zeng Meili looked at Zhao Yulan with an apologetic look, "I'm so sorry that my uncle and aunt have been worried all this time."

"To say such polite words seems far away..." Zhao Yulan smiled and looked at Jing Zhe, "Xiao Zhe, we can't cause such things again in the future. This is because Meili has a good temper. Otherwise, there will be You regret it."

"I know, I know..." Jing Zhe nodded repeatedly, "I promise that I will never mess around again in the future. This time, I really figured it out, and the hurdle in my heart has finally passed."

After dinner, Jing Zhe told the story between him and Zhuang Yuning without going behind everyone's back.

The facts are not much different from Chu Xia's guess.

Jing Zhe and Zhuang Yuning were childhood sweethearts back then. In Jing Zhe's opinion, there was absolutely nothing to worry about or doubt about this relationship. However, when he went to the capital to study, Zhuang Yuning and Du Aimin actually came together.

The key issue is that Du Aimin also has a fiancée who held a ceremony.

If Jing Zhe hadn't bumped into her by chance, this underground affair would probably have continued.

When the incident happened, Jing Zhe and Jing Monian were together, so everyone in the Jing family knew about it. Of course, they all disapproved of him being with Zhuang Yuning again.

How can you let go of a relationship that has lasted for many years?

Jing Zhe was in great pain at the time. Fortunately, the Jing family members were open-minded and did not force him. They only asked him to come out as soon as possible.

After they really broke up, Zhuang Yuning couldn't let go, so she always came to Jing Zhe.

After all, what happened between Zhuang Yuning and Du Aimin was a scandal, and the Jing family did not reveal it. Therefore, if Zhuang Aimin came to find her, the Jing family could not always keep her out.

To put it bluntly, the Jing family still had good intentions and did not want to ruin her life.

Because of this, Zhuang Yuning felt that there was still a possibility between him and Jing Zhe.

Then on the other side, Du Aimin broke off the engagement with his fiancée and asked to be with Zhuang Yuning.

At that time, Zhuang Yuning had understood that Du Aimin's persistence was entirely due to her family background, not the depth of his true feelings for her.

Later, when she couldn't stand Du Aimin's entanglement anymore, Zhuang Yuning told Jing Zhe that if he was willing to face Du Aimin with her and make the other party give up, she would never bother Jing Zhe again from now on.

If she keeps facing it, she will continue to feel sad, so Jing Zhe agreed to her.

When they met, Zhuang Yuning told Du Aimin that she loved Jing Zhe from beginning to end. The reason why she was with Du Aimin was simply because she had been with Jing Zhe for a long time, which made her ignore her true feelings in her heart.

Of course Du Aimin was unwilling.

The conversation became more and more urgent, and a physical conflict broke out between the two parties.

In fact, Zhuang Yuning wanted to push Du Aimin into the river, but in the end, he knocked the unprepared Jing Zhe down. Then, she jumped into the water and tried her best to pull Jing Zhe up.

Yes, Jing Zhe can't swim.

Therefore, Jing Zhe's life was indeed saved by Zhuang Yuning.

After the incident, Du Aimin left alone.

And because Jing Zhe lost the memory of that period, the matter was just sealed in the dust.

As for the diary buried in the yard, it was indeed written by Jing Yi, and she did it without telling Jing Monian. She just hoped that in this way, Zhuang Yuning, who was alive in heaven, could let go of her little brother and wake him up. come over.

But she didn't expect that one day, her little brother would have to face this matter again.

Jing Zhe also said that after recovering his memory, he also understood that he had deliberately forgotten that paragraph because when Zhuang Yuning rescued him, he had no business.

Or, what Zhuang Yuning said was true. She didn't really want to betray Jing Zhe. She just ignored her feelings and took the wrong path. When she wanted to go back, she found that that kind of mistake could never be made. Forgiven.

In Jing Zhe's heart, there was a mixture of hatred and love for Zhuang Yuning. This feeling was too torturous. When he passed out, he reminded himself to forget that episode.

As for the feasibility of this kind of thing, both Mr. Yuan and Mr. Qi said that sometimes, when people have strong intentions, they can indeed do things that cannot be explained by common sense.

In fact, Jing Zhe has been afraid to move forward emotionally because he still has memories of the hurt in his subconscious. Even if he didn't see the diary and didn't know the truth, there would be no peace between him and Zeng Meili. Coming together without any waves.

Now it seems that this twists and turns are a good thing. Both he and Zeng Meili will cherish this hard-won fate.

The investigation to restore the truth was conducted by Zhou Mikang.

After Chu Xia learned the truth, she immediately called Zhou Mikang to settle the score: "Didn't you tell me as soon as you got the news? Why don't you keep your word?"

Zhou Mikang on the other end of the phone smiled bitterly: "I did call you right away, but you were in class. If you don't believe me, ask grandpa, he answered the phone."

"Forget it, I won't pursue this matter with you. I just want to ask, won't you have such an ex-girlfriend suddenly one day?" Chu Xia coughed lightly, "Don't blame me for doubting you. It was you who clearly showed up before. Everyone knew it, but they kept it from me, so you can’t blame me for overthinking it!”

Teacher Tongzi: "..." To mention this kind of thing for no reason should be something that someone with a brain problem would do, right? (To be continued)

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