Second update.


"That's right, of course my sister is the most amazing..." Realizing that he had been neglecting something important, Lin Wenbin looked at Zhou Mixang and asked, "Has the child's name been chosen yet?"

"Yes." Zhou Mikang nodded, "Zhou Ailin and Zhou Aixia."

Lin Wenbin had a black line on his head: "Did you take this?"

"Of course!" Zhou Mikang said matter-of-factly, "This is my right!"

"Um..." Lin Wenbin coughed lightly and continued, "Grandpa Zhou, Grandma Zhou, Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou didn't express any disagreement?"

"No!" After a pause, Zhou Mikang added, "I've told them about this a long time ago. Both boys and girls are called Zhou Ailin and Zhou Aixia."

"Brother-in-law, I'm convinced by you." Lin Wenbin immediately smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, "If I approved of you 100% just now, I already approve of you 200% now.

I know that the next generation in your family should be the literary generation, but you can make your elders follow your wishes, which is definitely not something ordinary people can do. "

"I am not an ordinary person, how about marrying Chu Xia home?" What the teacher Tongzi was thinking was, how do you know that the daughter-in-law I chose is different from others?

Of course, even if he was killed, he would not tell anyone about this matter. This was a secret that would always belong only to him and his little wife. As long as he thought that his little wife had only told him about this matter, he felt proud from the bottom of his heart. !

Without true recognition and trust, how could you tell him alone?

Even though his little wife hadn't completely fallen in love with him at that time, she had completely recognized him and believed in him. And now, with her whole-hearted love, he is the happiest man in the world.

One after another, the elders came back and persuaded Zhou Mikang to go see the baby. He shook his head firmly and said that he would wait for his little wife to wake up and watch it together.

When Chu Xia woke up, it was already seven o'clock in the evening. When she opened her eyes, she saw her teacher, Tongzi, sitting on the bedside, holding her hand and staring at her unblinkingly.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Seeing his little wife wake up, the teacher Tongzi stood up nervously and looked at her face worriedly while asking.

Chu Xia blushed: "It's okay." How dare she say that the pain was in a certain part?

Seeing her daughter looking around, Zhao Yulan hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Grandpa, grandma and grandpa are staying here, but we forced them back. Come back tomorrow.

The people from the Lin family were also forced to go back. It was useless and inconvenient for so many people to stay here anyway. Your father-in-law and mother-in-law went to the hospital cafeteria to make food for you. Your father had just gone to fetch water.

The babies are still in the insulated room. Director Qiao said that when you wake up, you can bring them over to you for a look. However, for the time being, they still have to be taken care of by the nurses. After all, they have more experience. "

Chu Xia nodded and said, "Mom, you, dad, father-in-law and mother-in-law will all go back in a while. Come back tomorrow morning."

"No, we can't sleep even if we go back. Why don't we stay here with you? This ward is so big anyway, it's okay to sleep a few more people."


"Xia, dad and mom must stay with you at this time."

Helpless, Chu Xia had no choice but to agree. She knew the tempers of her mother and father very well. Now that her mother had said so, if she persisted, she would only make them sad and think that she was not as close to them as before.

"I want to stay too. I can sleep on the bench outside." Lin Wenbin also came over. "I just inspected it. The chair outside the door is just right for me to sleep on."

"Brother..." Chu Xia looked at him with a dark look, then turned to Zhao Yulan, "Mom, please bring Ailin and Ai Xia in and take a look." She couldn't help but frown as she said that.

He glared at Zhou Mikang and said, "The name you gave me is so awkward, especially for Ai Xia. People who don't know better think I'm narcissistic. The most important thing is, it's too tacky!"

She has protested countless times about this, but unfortunately, Teacher Zongzi obeys her in everything except this matter. He is determined not to compromise. He said that he chose the name so that the children should be loved well when they grow up. Mom, whether she is married to a daughter-in-law or a husband, she must put her mother first - I say this without knowing whether the baby is a boy or a girl.

She was very touched by how much her teacher, Tongzi, valued her, but she really felt that the name was rubbish. Moreover, no matter how bad Zhou Aiping was, she was also the aunt of two children. It was really good for the children to use the same word as their aunt. What?

Helpless, all the reasons could not sway the teacher Zhuangzi, so she had no choice but to comply with his wishes. However, what worried her was that if she wanted to get intimate and call her baby in the future, Ailin would be fine, but how should Ai Xia ask her to call her?

The teacher, Tongzi, didn't care about these entanglements in early summer. After holding the two babies, he said seriously to the little guy with his eyes closed and a twitching face: "I tell you, you must listen to your mother in the future, otherwise, your father will kill you." My butt was beaten to a pulp!"

Everyone has black hair... Is there such a father? Is it too unkind to say this to a baby who is less than a day old?

"How about giving them a nickname." After hesitation, Chu Xia suggested, "I'll use the name you give me as your first name, and use the names given by the elders as your nickname, okay?"

Zhou Wennan and Zhou Wenbei are the names given by the elders. The ancestors of the Zhou family lived in the south, but later developed in the north, which is where the name comes from.

After thinking for a while, the teacher, Tongzi, didn't want to disappoint his little wife, so he reluctantly agreed: "Okay, I'll listen to you. The older one will be called Nannan, and the younger one will be called Beibei." After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but mutter, "Ai Lin Ai Xia sounds so nice..."

Chu Xia pretended not to hear his muttering, stretched out her hand and pulled the two little ones together: "Nannan, Beibei, I am mother, and under my protest, you finally have normal names."

Zhou Mikang: "..." Isn't the name he chose abnormal?

"They say your heart melts when you look at a baby. Why don't I feel anything when I look at them now?" Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan and scratched her head in confusion, "When I look at them now, I feel like It’s so strange, mother, did you feel the same way when you gave birth to me?”

"No, you are too young. You are not looking forward to having children as much as your mother, so your feelings will naturally fade away. However, when they grow up for a few more days, your feelings towards them will be different." Zhao Yulan said as she spoke. He stepped forward and stared at the two grandsons with a doting look on his face, "Our family is so beautiful from north to south. When we grow up, we will definitely not have to worry about finding a wife!"

The black line at the end of early summer, given the Zhou family's family background, no matter how ugly they are, they won't be able to find a wife, right? R1152

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