"I'm finally home. I'm almost suffocated these days." Three days later, when Chu Xia returned home from the hospital, she felt her breathing became much easier as soon as she entered the house.

"Go inside quickly and lie down..." Zhao Yulan pulled her daughter towards the bedroom. "Try to go to the ground as little as possible before the full moon. If something really goes wrong, if you are young and don't notice it now, it will be too late to regret it when you get older."

"Mom..." Chu Xia looked at her mother speechlessly, "Director Qiao said that I have recovered very well. I can do some proper activities when I come back."

"Then let's wait a few days before we talk." Zhao Yulan glared at her daughter, "My mother listens to you on other matters, but you have to listen to her on this matter. If you don't believe me, ask grandma and grandma if what mother said makes sense. .”

Mrs. Zhou hurriedly said: "Xia, listen to your mother, go back to the house and rest, let Xiaomi chat with you. When he leaves, grandma will accompany you, and grandma, your mother, your mother-in-law..."

Listening to the old lady Zhou listing a long list of escorts, Chu Xia had a black line. Is it possible that in the eyes of the old lady, she was no more than an ignorant child?

"Let's go." Zhou Mikang smiled and rubbed her head. "The elders are all experienced in this area. It will definitely be beneficial to listen to them. Besides, a month goes by quite quickly."

"Isn't it nice to not have to lock you in the house every day..." She muttered unconvincedly, but her actions were submissive, and Chu Xia let Zhou Mikang hold her shoulders and return to the house.

The two babies were held in the arms of the two old men, and no one else was too smart to follow them. Therefore, there were only the young couple in the bedroom.

"Going back today?" Chu Xia sat down on the bed and leaned against the cushions. She looked at Zhou Mikang and asked, with a hint of reluctance in her eyes. Zhou Mikang felt so weak that she took her into her arms lovingly. , "When I go back in the afternoon, I will try to finish the accumulated things as soon as possible and spend more time with you during this time."

Knowing how busy he is now, Chu Xia doesn't want him to be distracted all the time, so he said: "Don't worry about me all the time. Business is important. Besides, there are enough people with me. You just need to remember to call me every day." That’s it.”

"It's business to spend time with my wife and son. Don't worry, I'm in good health. Don't worry about me. It's you. If your ideas conflict with your elders, don't get angry.

Although the elders are sometimes a little too cautious, they have all come from this step after all. It is precisely because they have suffered hardships that they especially don’t want you to suffer hardships too.

As for what you told me before about foreigners running around after giving birth, it doesn't apply to you. Think about it, people have been like that for generations, and their bodies have long adapted to it.

Our Chinese nation has had confinement for generations, and our bodies have naturally adapted to it long ago. If you go against it, you will definitely suffer in the future. "

"I know." Chu Xia looked at him funny, "I was just saying it for fun. Do you think I would really run to school so stupidly? Besides, I just can't adapt to being locked up in the room all of a sudden. After a few days, Enough."

"As for the two little ones, don't look at them if you don't want to. Anyway, the elders are here, and the nanny is also there. When you like them, you can take them with you and take them with you, okay?"

"Uh..." Chu Xia stared at Zhou Mikang speechlessly. She just hadn't adapted to the fact of becoming a mother, and she didn't dislike the two little guys. How could the baby not be with the mother when it was just born? If she really did this, her grandma and mother wouldn't say anything, but what about her mother-in-law and old woman?

No matter how much you love her, if you misunderstand that she doesn't love their grandson/great-grandson, you will still be dissatisfied. No matter how ignorant she is, she will never do such a thing.

Seeing his wife's thoughts, Zhou Mikang explained with a smile: "Don't worry, I will explain it clearly to grandma and mom, and I won't let them think too much. Besides,

At such a young age, it is normal for you not to adapt to your role as a mother.

If it weren't for me and the Zhou family, you wouldn't have had a child so early. Since you have sacrificed so much for the Zhou family, the Zhou family will naturally give you enough understanding.

Xia, I don't mean it in a nice way, I really feel this way. Don't make it difficult for yourself in anything, and don't worry about your relationship with the Zhou family. I'll take care of everything. "

It is indeed a very happy thing to have such a husband who always thinks about herself, but she cannot really ignore everything just because of this.

Everything is mutual, including respect. If the other party gives her enough respect, she will naturally give the other party the same return. She sighed secretly, Chu Xia smiled and squeezed Zhou Mikang's palm: "Don't worry, I won't force myself. Yes, you don’t need to explain this matter to grandma and mom, let me solve it myself, okay, I can promise you that I will never let myself suffer any grievance."

After looking at his little wife for a while, and seeing that she was not joking, Zhou Mikang had to compromise: "Okay, I will listen to you, I won't tell them, but you must also do what you said. If I find out when I come next time, You look a little bit bad, so you must listen to me on this matter."

"You are simply trying to force others to do something difficult..." Chu Xia looked helpless, "The two little guys have to feed and get up at night. If I occasionally look bad or become a little thinner, it is normal. "She said while pinching a small lump of fat on her belly, "Besides, I've heard people say before that if you don't lose time to lose this kind of fat during confinement, it will become increasingly difficult to lose it in the future. I don’t want to turn into a yellow-faced woman with a fat belly from now on.”

"What do you mean by having a fat belly?" Zhou Mikang looked even more helpless than his wife, "This is just because the baby has just been born, and the stretched skin has not fully recovered yet. As long as you have a good rest, it will be the same as before soon." of.

Moreover, even if you are really fat, you will always be the most beautiful in my eyes. Remember, I only want you to be healthy and safe, and nothing else matters. Don't force yourself, you know? "

"I know, I know, I found that you are very wordy..." Chu Xia stretched out her hand to rub her forehead, "I'm tired and want to sleep for a while. You can go out and talk to Grandpa and the others."

"Okay." Zhou Mikang carefully helped his little wife lie down, tucked her in, and then walked out gently.

"You can't always dominate Nannan. Give me a hug."

"I just hugged you for a little while, let me enjoy it again."

"You have been holding me since I came back. When will you be able to get enough of it? Look at Brother Zhao. As soon as my sister-in-law opened her mouth, she immediately held Beibei in her arms."

"Brother Zhao will live here during this period. I have to go back tomorrow. Can it be the same?"

"You can stay a few more days, and no one will let you stay. Hurry up and give me Nannan."

"Honey, you stay a few more days and let me have a good time today. It's best..." Mr. Zhou chuckled twice, "It's best to let them leave some souvenirs on me. I'll go find those few in the afternoon. When they were old guys, they were jealous to death!”


Zhou Mikang looked at his grandfather with a dark look on his face. Is this his stable and dignified old man? He also left some souvenirs to make people jealous... He was really convinced. Fortunately, the old man could think of it.

"Xiao Mi, come here quickly..." Seeing his grandson, Mr. Zhou waved happily, "Look, Nan Nan looks the same as you did when you were a child, this nose, these eyes..."

"You haven't seen the baby open its eyes yet..." Mrs. Zhou interrupted her husband and said with a look of contempt, "What are you bragging about?"

It's interesting to say that when the baby opened his eyes, Mr. Zhou was not there. When the baby fell asleep, Mr. Zhou appeared... Therefore, until now, the old man has not seen the true appearance of his two grandsons. Regarding this, the old man expressed that he was also very depressed. When he was busy, they would wake up, and when he was idle, they would fall asleep...

In the afternoon, Zhou Mikang left the capital and returned to City A with a look of reluctance.

Before she could get over her sadness, Lin Mengran, Yang Xiaoli, Wu Jingbo and Li Xinli rushed over. In the past few days, Chu Xia was in the hospital and they visited her every day. Therefore, the first thing they did when they arrived was to go See if Nan Nan Bei Bei has grown up a little bit more than before...

Listening to a few people muttering about how much taller and fatter they have grown, Chu Xia rubbed her forehead helplessly, what did they think she was giving birth to? If you can still see the sky, wouldn't that scare people to death...

However, after being nagged by several people, she felt a lot more comfortable. She was not a clingy person. The reason why she was in a bad mood because of Zhou Mixang's departure was that she was worried that one day the other party would go on a mission...

Her premonition was indeed accurate. After confinement, Lin Yanqiu told her with a serious face that Zhou Mikang left with the army on the fifth day after his last return.

Because he was worried about affecting her mood, he deliberately did not notify her. As for calling her on time every day, he tried every means to do it.

Of course, this is also because the superior leaders are deliberately making things convenient. After all, it is extremely inappropriate to let Zhou Mikang leave at this time, especially since Zhou Mikang is willing to set off with the large army...

"Now, where are you?" When she received Zhou Mikang's call again, Chu Xia sighed quietly and asked, "I already know about your mission, tell me the truth."

"We'll reach our destination in two days..." After a long silence, Zhou Mikang continued, "By then, I may not be able to call you every day. Take good care of yourself and wait for me to come back."

Sighing, Chu Xia said: "I will, Zhou Mikang, don't worry about me, I am stronger than you think, and you have already vaccinated me for this matter, and I have been mentally prepared for it." ”R1152

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