One update.


"Of course you are not someone who lets people sit on your neck and shit, but after having been sister-in-law with Li Xinwei for so many years, no one knows better than me how mean and shameless she is..." Jiang Xinwan smiled bitterly and looked at Lin Yanqiu, " It’s not like you don’t know the reviews from the outside world. Which one doesn’t say that she is generous and that I don’t understand the general situation?”

This was true. If she hadn't known Jiang Xinwan for a long time and knew her personality, she might have been misled by public opinion. However, this was what she despised Jiang Xinwan the most. Why would she let such a person do that? Son?

With this thought in her mind, Lin Yanqiu said it straight away.

Jiang Xinwan's smile became even more bitter: "You really don't feel hurt when you stand and talk. Think about it, am I a master who is willing to be wronged? But why can't I understand clearly?

Let me put it this way, if it weren't for the fact that you were Chu Xia's mother-in-law, based on your experience of dealing with her, wouldn't you think she was a particularly forthright and easy-to-talk person? "

Thinking back carefully, Lin Yanqiu nodded. Indeed, she had a good impression of Li Xinwei before she got married in Chu Xia. Moreover, Jiang Xinwan never spoke ill of others, so she couldn't see the true nature of Li Xinwei.

"When she and I are together, if there are outsiders, she will be particularly enthusiastic, and keep saying that although we have different surnames, we have the same character in the middle of our names. This is fate. Therefore, after marrying into the Lin family, , she and I are particularly close.

You said, if it were you, would you be able to say such a thing when facing Liu Lingmei? "Jiang Xinwan spread her hands. "I just have this ability, as long as there are benefits in front of me. She is no longer her, she is still blowing her beard and glaring at me. She can smile sweetly at me from behind, but I am not good at pretending. Over time, will it become that she is generous and I am stingy? "

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to smile and say how good our relationship is when facing Liu Lingmei, but I will definitely expose the other person, and I can't let the other person always step on my shoulders and slander me..." Sighed . Lin Yanqiu looked at her seriously, "In general, there is something wrong with your own character. Why do you let her act when you know she is like this? Yes, you have your own principles of life and never say anything. Human affairs are different, but when faced with such people, your principles will only become the knives others use to stab you."

Old Mrs. Zhou answered: "Yanqiu is right, Xinwan, you have such a gentle temper, and Chu Xia is not an outsider. I won't deny what I said, old lady. You didn't like Lin Zhidong back then, but .Since you chose to marry him, you should focus on living a good life with him.


You are indifferent to the affairs of the Lin family, and you are also indifferent to the Lin family. Didn't it leave some bad impression? Although you changed a bit later on, by chance you met a younger sibling who was so good at acting, and she really stepped on you.

As an outsider, I don’t know the details, but you know it all too well. Not only for yourself, but also for the sake of your husband, children, and the harmony of the entire family, you should also make some corresponding counterattacks, right?

But what I saw and heard was your way of doing things, hiding away if you can't offend me. You should know that in our circle, your way of doing things is the most unacceptable.

Even if some people know what is going on between you, your high-minded attitude will make people put the balance in their hearts on the wrong side, and over time, they will no longer feel that it is wrong.

Old lady, I can understand why they are like this this time. Don't they just think that Xiaomi is not at home and there has been no news for several months, so they have inappropriate thoughts in their hearts?

They are using their own thoughts to judge the Zhou family. Not to mention that my grandson has always been blessed with great fortune. Even if he does have something, our Zhou family will always protect my grandson-in-law. If anyone dares to bully her, let me start with my old lady. Let’s crawl over the corpse! "

"Mom, what you said..." Lin Yanqiu looked at her mother-in-law who looked a little excited with a dark look. Sure enough, her mother-in-law's character was still so fiery. She didn't say anything for a long time. She thought that the old lady had really changed her temper. She dared to love her. I have been holding it back...

"Grandma..." Chu Xia also looked at the old lady with embarrassment. She didn't know what to say. Generally speaking, people in this era are a bit superstitious and don't say such unlucky words. Why doesn’t this old lady have any taboos at all?

However, it would be false to say that she wasn't moved. If it weren't for protecting her, how could the old lady be so excited?

The behavior of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law really made Jiang Xinwan feel relieved, and she stopped pretending: "To tell you the truth, there has been no news about the children since they left. It would be a lie to say that I am not anxious. of.

It was for this reason that the second daughter-in-law kept jumping up and down. Now she wished that there would be no news forever, so that even if Zhidong became the head of the family, she would still have to pass it on to Wenhang. "

Lin Wenbin, the younger generation of the Lin family, had already decided to go together. Lin Wenjie and Lin Wenxiu both went secretly. Therefore, the only one who stayed behind now was Lin Wenhang.

When it came to this topic, Lin Yanqiu's face also darkened. There was no news about her youngest son so far. It would be a lie to say that she was not worried. It was just that in order not to worry her daughter-in-law, she had been pretending to be fine. Now Someone actually thought of making a fuss about this matter, so how could she be in a good mood?

"Don't worry, the children will be fine. You have to learn to adapt to this kind of thing. Didn't you worry less back then? Aren't the results all good?" Old Mrs. Zhou glared at the two of them dissatisfied, "Little Chu Xia The younger ones are better than you."

"Mom, I'm angry about what Li Xinwei did..." Lin Yanqiu quickly explained for fear that her daughter-in-law would overthink it, "It's not like I don't know Xiaomi's abilities. Wen Bin and Wen Jie are also smart, so nothing will happen. Absolutely."

"Yes, Aunt Zhou. Actually, I'm not worried about the child. I'm just angry that Li Xinwei is taking advantage of this time to cause trouble. After all, we are a family. What she did is so chilling."

"Is this the first time she has done something Hanxin?" Old Mrs. Zhou looked at her lightly, "You guys all know what kind of character she is, but you still insist on letting her lead the way. This is not what you are looking for. Upset?

In fact, we all know that such a task is risky, but whether we worry or not, things will not change. So, when we stay at home, we should adjust our mentality and let the children not worry.

As for Li Xinwei's little tricks, now that we have seen it clearly, why are we still influenced by her? Anyway, I won't give her any face here in the future.

Xia, next time she comes to see you or your parents, you don't need to pay any attention to her. I'll just use a stick to drive her out. Anyway, my reputation in the circle has always been like this. I don't mind others gossiping.

He actually wanted to take advantage of my grandson-in-law. I think she is really tired of living. Is it true that I have become a toothless tiger because of my age?

Hum, I want to let her try, what does this toothless tiger look like when it shows off its power? There is no regret medicine in this world! "

"Aunt Zhou, you are still the best..." Jiang Xinwan looked at Mrs. Zhou with admiration, "You are the one I admire the most. You are not pretending at all. I feel most comfortable when I am with you."

"Okay, no need to put a high hat on me. Do you think I don't know what is being said in the circle?" Old Mrs. Zhou snorted coldly, "I don't eat or drink their food, so there is no need for them to meddle in their own business. ?

I don’t matter whether I’m a slut or a virtuous person, I don’t have to live with them, so I can say whatever I like. Anyway, as long as my family is safe and not wronged, others can say whatever they like. "

"Grandma, I want to learn from you..." Chu Xia looked at Old Mrs. Zhou with admiration, "You are really the wisest old lady I have ever seen. No one else can compare with you."

"Well, my child, you are very lively and have the right ideas at critical moments, but sometimes you are too kind and easily influenced by others..." Sighing, Mrs. Zhou looked at Chu Xia seriously, "Grandma, didn't you say Kindness is wrong, but it depends on who is right. For some people, the nicer you are to her, the more she will treat you as a fool.

Whether it's your mother's family's background, your husband's family's background, or your own abilities, you definitely have the capital to be arrogant. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, don't tolerate it at all, do you understand? "

Chu Xia nodded repeatedly: "I know, I know, if I really get into trouble, my grandma will support me. What should I be afraid of?"

It happened that Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao pushed the south, north and north in from the outside. When they heard Chu Xia's words, they couldn't help but smile, "Just spoil her. Xiaomi can't stand her when the time comes, but she wants to find you." Support me." Mrs. Zhao said.

"Sister-in-law of the Zhao family, please rest assured. No matter what happens in early summer, Xiaomi will never change her feelings..." After laughing twice, Mrs. Zhou continued, "Say something. It is no exaggeration to say that if we dare to offend Chu Xia now, that boy will definitely cut ties with the Zhou family immediately."

Chu Xia Buyi's defense: "Grandma, how can it be so exaggerated?"

"Grandma, this is not an exaggeration..." Mrs. Zhou looked at her grandson-in-law seriously, "It's not like you don't know that before I met you, the child couldn't go home several times a year, and he was not good to his family. Look at your face now, it looks like you have completely changed. Hey, it’s really sad to say that we, the whole family, can’t stand up to you.”

"Grandma..." Although he knew that the old lady's words were mostly joking, Chu Xia still looked embarrassed... (To be continued...)


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