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Second update.


"The two little guys are so cute..." Looking at the two fat boys lying in the stroller, Jiang Xinwan looked envious, "Yanqiu, you are so lucky, I am one year older than you. , you are already a grandma, but I don’t even have a daughter-in-law yet.”

Lin Yanqiu couldn't help but roll her eyes at her: "Who said it's not possible? Aren't Wen Bin and Yuan Hui already settled? When Wen Bin comes back, they will get married immediately, and you will be a grandma in the blink of an eye."

"We still don't know when we will come back..." Jiang Xinwan sighed and patted her forehead fiercely, "Jing has been worried about all these messy things these days. When Wen Bin left, I promised him that I would help take care of Yuan. An old couple.

As a result, my children have been gone for so many days, and I haven’t even gone there once. How disappointing would it be if my children knew about this? He stood up quickly and said, "No, I'd better hurry over now..." After taking two steps, he turned back and told Chu Xia, "Xia, your parents are back. You need to inform them first, and I'll come over in the afternoon." "

Chu Xia quickly nodded in agreement: "Okay, don't worry, auntie, I will talk about this as soon as they come back."

"This child's personality is quite similar to Xinqin's." After Jiang Xinwan left the house, Mrs. Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Yanqiu nodded: "It's a bit similar, but she is easier to get along with than Zhu Xinqin. Both of them are more straightforward, but Jiang Xinwan is gentle and Zhu Xinqin is fiery. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been at odds with Zhu Xinqin for so many years. compatible."

Mrs. Zhou rolled her eyes at her daughter-in-law: "The incompatibility between you two is all an illusion. Look at when did Xinqin do anything that was wrong to our family? In fact, if you really want to talk about it, you have to thank her. she.

If she hadn't always acted like she was at odds with you, there would have been a lot of information about our family that would have been impossible to find out. If we really talk about it, our family owes the Jing family, hey! "

Seeing that the topic was about to come to him, Chu Xia hurriedly left: "Grandma and mom are chatting first. It's time to have dinner. I'll take them back to the room."

"Mom, you scared Chu Xia..." After the daughter-in-law returned to the room, Lin Yanqiu deliberately approached Mrs. Zhou and joked, "According to your wishes, I should have let Chu Xia marry me. To Jing Zhe?"

"Do you have the final say?" Mrs. Zhou rolled her eyes at her, "I just said that our family owes the Jing family.

But I didn't say that I had to give in to this kind of thing. The fact that Chu Xia and Xiaomi can be together is the result of Xiaomi's own efforts. Neither you nor I have any effect. "

"That's true..." Lin Yanqiu continued to tease her old lady, "According to your wishes at that time, Chu Xia really couldn't become our wife."

"Yanqiu, do you dislike my old lady?" Old Mrs. Zhou glared at her daughter-in-law, "Why are you targeting me everywhere? Brother Zhao and Sister-in-law Zhao have misunderstood me. Let me see what you do."

"No way..." Mrs. Zhao waved her hands repeatedly, "We won't misunderstand, right, old man?"

"That's right, no one will misunderstand you. If you don't say anything else, we have been here to stay for these days. How do you treat early summer and our whole family?

It's not like I don't know. If I misunderstand you just because of a few words, wouldn't I be a white-eyed wolf? "

Near noon, Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe came back with two baskets of vegetables, followed by Sister Yin Wanlao and Mr. Yu and Aunt Yu.

"Not only did we collect the dishes, we also came with us to share the meal." Mr. Wan said as soon as he entered the door. Aunt Yin and Aunt Yu smiled sheepishly while saying hello. They had no choice but to follow them. As a woman, there are still some psychological barriers to this kind of thing.

"There are so many people and the meal is so lively. It's not too late for us to welcome them." Old Mrs. Zhou smiled and asked a few people to sit down. She then told Aunt Qin and Li in the kitchen, "Just leave the dishes that have been cooked like that, and put away the uncooked dishes first." Come on, wash some fresh vegetables and take out the mutton rolls and beef rolls from the refrigerator. Let's make hot pot for lunch."

Aunt Qin and Ma Li responded and took the time to start working.

Mrs. Zhou turned to look at Lin Yanqiu: "It's better that you go invite your Uncle Yuan and Aunt Yuan."

"Okay." Lin Yanqiu agreed happily. Yuanlao was not as familiar with them as Wanlao and Yulao. If a nanny was sent there, the old couple would never come.

When Chu Xia put the two little ones to sleep, she found that the hall was full of people. She greeted them one by one, and then rushed to the kitchen to find her father and her mother.

"Why did you come in?" Zhao Yulan looked up at her daughter, "No matter how clean it is, there is still oil smoke. Didn't Xiaomi say that you can't smell the oil smoke now? It's not good for your health."

Knowing that his daughter would not run in for no reason, Lin Baohe quickly took over his wife's words, "Xia, listen to your mother and go out first. If you have anything to do, wait until after dinner."

Helpless, Chu Xia had no choice but to obey the couple's instructions. Although her father and mother doted on her, they would never let her go as Zhou Mikang ordered things that were good for her health.

Sometimes I find it funny when I think about her. What sin didn't her mother suffer when she gave birth to her? Now it was her turn, and she was frightened to death at the slightest thing. Even in future generations, many pregnant women did not receive that much care.

However, she quite enjoyed this feeling. If she didn't attach great importance to it, how could she care so much?

When the hot pot was served, the original couple, Lin Yanqiu, and Jiang Xinwan also arrived.

Jiang Xinwan looked at Chu Xia questioningly, and Chu Xia smiled helplessly and shook her head.

Noticing the little moves between their daughter and Jiang Xinwan, Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe looked at each other and walked over. They first greeted the original couple, and then greeted Jiang Xinwan affectionately: "Sister-in-law, I haven't seen you for a long time. We sit next to each other, so we can chat."

After all, it was in front of a large table of people, so Jiang Xinwan would not mention the troubles at home. Therefore, even though she was sitting next to Zhao Yulan, they were chatting about interesting things about the north, south, south, and north.

The two little guys' little faces have grown, and they are as cute as they are white and tender. As long as Zhao Yulan mentions her two little grandsons, Zhao Yulan's mouth will never close.

At the beginning, Jiang Xinwan just wanted to find a topic to get closer to Zhao Yulan. But later on, she was really attracted. Halfway through the meal, she ran to the room to entertain the baby...

Li Ma was playing with Nannan and Beibei with a small colorful flag. When she saw Zhao Yulan and Jiang Xinwan entering the room, she quickly stood up and said hello with a shy smile.

Zhao Yulan smiled at her: "You go to eat first, the little guys will get angry when my sister-in-law and I are watching."

Li Ma thanked her and left.

The two little ones were only three months old, and their facial expressions were basically nothing except crying and laughing. Therefore, after making the two little ones laugh happily for a while, Jiang Xinwan reluctantly left her when she saw that the boredom was about to turn from sunny to gloomy. He stopped his hand.

"Sister-in-law, why did you come here today?" Zhao Yulan asked, patting the two little ones who were a little tired.

"Yes." Jiang Xinwan nodded, "I came here in the morning. I was entrusted by your elder brother to say hello to you and Baohe first. But when you were not here, I told Chu Xia first. Originally, I wanted to She revealed the information to you first, but unexpectedly, before she could say anything, I was back again."

After a moment of hesitation, Zhao Yulan asked, "Is it still about her second uncle's affairs?"

"Yes." Jiang Xinwan nodded, "I just want to remind the third brother and younger siblings to be more careful about them..." Sighing, she continued, "The third younger brother and sister have been really crazy during this time."

The door opened and Chu Xia and Lin Baohe came in. They smiled at Jiang Xinwan and said, "Auntie, I've brought dad here too."

Now that both the couple were here, and Chu Xia was also there, Jiang Xinwan told Lin Baohe and his wife what they had said before in detail, and Chu Xia also chimed in with a few words.

When Jiang Xinwan finished speaking, Lin Baohe immediately expressed his opinion: "Sister-in-law, originally we had no requirements for anything. We never thought it would be like this. Come on, it's luck. No, we have to live as usual.

But now that my second brother and sister-in-law have such an idea, my mind will naturally change. You guys don’t know me well enough. I don’t care about anything.

But..." After a pause, Lin Baohe's face became serious, "If anyone dares to have a wrong idea about my wife and daughter, I won't let him have his way even if I die.

I had this temper before when we were still in Dalin Village and had nothing. Now, I am even less likely to let others bully my wife and children.

This belongs to us. Please discuss it with us and we can agree on anything. If you are playing this kind of heresy, don’t blame me, Lin Baohe, for being unkind. I treat them as second brother and second sister-in-law, so I call them politely. I don’t treat them like them. They are the second brother and the second sister-in-law, they are nothing!

Sister-in-law, I just want to ask what the uncle and aunt's mother think. They are making trouble like this, but the uncle and aunt's mother haven't made it clear.

manner? "

"Dad was so angry with them that he had a heart attack. Mom has been busy taking care of dad, so I didn't bother them. It's precisely because the house is in such a mess and Zhidong is so busy that we are in such a hurry to find you. of.

If our predictions are good, they will definitely come over in the next two days. In five days, it will be a hundred years for South, South, North and North. It is impossible for them not to take advantage of this opportunity.

Therefore, I came here to talk about this in advance because I want you to make good preparations so that you don't get caught by her when the time comes. That woman has never been a shameless person, and she likes to pick troubles when others are in trouble.

Of course, it is possible that we guessed wrong, but it is always good to be prepared. If I really wronged them, I will personally apologize to them at that time. "r1152

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