Happy New Year’s Eve to everyone~


"She dares!" After hearing Jiang Xinwan's guess, Lin Baohe frowned tightly, "If she really dares to pick a fight when my grandson turns 100, I will definitely beat her until she can't walk or speak. !”

"What he said is true. =Ding=Dian=小-说He can do any shit."

"Dad is not acting like a fool by doing this..." Chu Xia argued for her father with a dissatisfied look on her face, "My dad is called manly, right?"

"Yes." Jiang Xinwan nodded solemnly, "I admire men like this the most. They are responsible and dare to do what they do..." She turned her eyes to Lin Baohe, "In this regard, your eldest brother is not as good as you."

"Sister-in-law, don't say that. Brother is a person who does big things. He must think more about everything. As for me, I have no other prospects, just brute force. To be honest, it's thanks to Xia's good luck that I met him. Xiaomi, otherwise, with my abilities, it would really be difficult for me to protect her.

I won't deny it to you. When Xia was not married, her mother and I were worried a lot. I am not praising our children, but Xia's appearance is really too eye-catching.

Isn't the Xue family an example? If it hadn't been for Xiaomi, I probably wouldn't have been able to escape that move. Of course, her mother and I couldn't just watch her fall into the fire pit, but with our abilities, we might have lost our lives in the end, and she There is no one to rely on either.

Sigh..." With a heavy sigh, Lin Baohe shook his head. "Looking back now, it feels like a dream. I didn't expect it, so I was worried. This will be the result.

However, because of this matter, Yulan and I have figured out that when we encounter something that cannot be solved, don't worry about it. God will always provide a way.

For those people with bad intentions, you don’t have to worry if they don’t get retribution now. It’s not that you don’t report it, the time has not come. Look at my father and mother in Dalin Village. Isn’t this a living example?

Of course, it is a bit unfilial for me to say this. Anyway, it is because of them that I can survive, marry a wife and have a family. But..." After a pause, Lin Baohe shook his head, "If I really had to choose between them, I really can't find anything..."

Zhao Yulan glared at him and interrupted him: "Look at you. Why did you talk about the old sesame seeds and rotten millet in those years? Are the people we face now the same as those we faced before?"

"I'm just making an analogy..." Lin Baohe smiled sarcastically.

"We have never lived in Dalin Village, and we have only met those people. After we came to the city, the Zhou family helped us with everything. It is difficult to meet these unseemly people."

"Dad, Mom. Now look back and think about it, was it really a good choice to be so eager to give me to Brother Hongqi back then?" Chu Xia looked at her parents with a smile, "Honestly, if I hadn't met As for Zhou Mikang, will your actions like this harm Aunt Fat and Uncle Gangshun?"

"Now that I think about it, that's what happened, but at that time, the most capable person your parents knew was your Uncle Gangshun. Who else could you ask for if not him?" Sighing, Lin Baohe shook his head, "Speaking of which, dad and Mom will owe you Uncle Gangshun and Aunt Fatty for the rest of her life."

"Dad, you can't say that. Didn't we all help Uncle Gangshun's family later on? Besides, as long as it's within my ability, I will definitely take care of Xiaoqiong's affairs.

Brother Hongqi is also protected by Zhou Mikang. Although he went with him this time, it is not a bad thing. When he comes back from the mission, he may be able to improve several levels at once.

Isn’t Uncle Gangshun the most envious of boys from other families who have a chance to make a living? If Brother Hongqi becomes an officer, do you think Uncle Gangshun won’t be able to close his mouth when he smiles? "

"That's true." Lin Baohe smiled helplessly, "Speaking of which, your Uncle Gangshun is still a bit patriarchal. Xiaoqiong is obviously very promising, but he just can't be happy.

If Xiaoqiong hadn't married Qiliang, he might have told me directly that no matter how capable my daughter is, she belongs to someone else. If you want to honor your ancestors, you have to have a son. I told him about this not once. Unfortunately, it can't be changed. ! "

"Dad..." Chu Xia looked at her father with a smirk on her face, "When you persuaded Uncle Gangshun, were you also feeling annoyed that I am not a son?"

"Nonsense!" Lin Baohe glared at his daughter with an unhappy look on his face, "Tell me with your conscience, does your father dislike you for being a girl? To him, as long as it is his own child, men and women are the same.

Of course, in those years, your mother and I were quite annoyed because we didn’t have another son. It wasn’t because we envied other people having sons, but because we felt sorry for not giving you a companion. We were worried that if we had a son, you wouldn’t be able to have one. Personal care.

Now it seems that our worries are unnecessary. With Xiaomi here and the Zhou family here, no matter what happens to your mother and I, you will never be in trouble. Hey, speaking of it, your mother and I are both fools and fools. blessing. "

Zhao Yulan looked at her husband speechlessly: "Look at you, you can't stop nagging. My sister-in-law is still here."

"Aren't I just answering sister-in-law's questions?" Lin Baohe looked at Jiang Xin, who was smiling, "Sister-in-law, are you relieved now?"

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Jiang Xinwan nodded repeatedly, "Actually, I have always known that the third brother and his sister-in-law understand and attach great importance to their children, but sometimes it is inevitable to think that you are too kind.

Of course, I don't mean that you are not kind. I think that although you are kind-hearted and talkative, you are not the kind of person who cares about other people's opinions in everything and has no principles. "

"I've never been like that." Lin Baohe shrugged, "If you don't believe me, you can go to Dalin Village and ask. Aunt Zhong still gets trembling in her calves when she sees me."

"Do you think that is an honorable thing? You asked sister-in-law to inquire..." Zhao Yulan rolled her eyes at her husband and then looked at Jiang Xinwan, "Sister-in-law, I just said that he is a bastard in another sense, so, You absolutely don’t have to worry about him being sold by someone else. When he really wants to sell him, he can sell him back to the person who sold him, do you believe it?”

"Believe it, believe it, of course I believe it..." After a pause, Jiang Xinwan smiled, "Look at it this way, some things in human bones are really interesting. I heard my parents-in-law say that the second uncle and second aunt are the kind of people who look easy to talk to. But he is a very thoughtful person and is not afraid of trouble. It seems that the third brother's character is the same as theirs."

After Jiang Xinwan left, Lin Baohe looked at Chu Xia with a serious face: "Xia, dad has decided to go to the Lin family early tomorrow morning and ask your uncle to transfer the things that belong to our family to your name.

Anyway, this yard has been bought, so just bring the things over here. All the shares and the like should be signed with your name. It would have been done easily earlier, so that your second uncle won't have to worry about it. "

"Okay." Chu Xia agreed happily. After all, she is the only daughter of her father and mother. Even if she disagrees, the couple will definitely insist on this. Moreover, they will feel uncomfortable because of her rejection, so why should she be pretentious?

She has to live with her parents for the rest of her life anyway, so why does it matter whose name the property is in? For her parents, this approach is to increase her status and make them live happier under the care of the Zhou family. So why doesn't she cooperate?

As a result, early the next morning, before Lin Baohe left, Li Xinwei arrived first. As soon as she entered the door, she put on a smile. After greeting everyone, she looked at Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan and apologized, saying that she had been He was fooled by lard, so he did such a thing, saying: "Third brother, third brother and sister, there are many of you adults, don't be the same as me, I am just worried about my children, that's why I can't control my emotions. "

"We weren't angry to begin with..." Lin Baohe looked at her indifferently, "Second sister-in-law doesn't need to take it to heart. For us, if we take everything to heart, we will really be angry to death."

With a sly smile, Li Xinwei glanced at Old Mrs. Zhou and coughed softly: "Aunt Zhou, I was so rude last time. You sir, don't be the same as me."

"What did you do here today?" Old Mrs. Zhou looked at her indifferently, "If you came here to apologize, there is no need. The matter has been done. If you say something gentle or not, you will be asked to forgive you. , a bit overwhelming.

Of course, when I say this, it doesn't mean that we all hate you. It just illustrates this fact. Also, our Zhou family does not welcome you. No matter what happens in the future, you should not come over.

Or if you want to say that all the people living here are the Lin family and we, the Zhou family, have nothing to do with it, then my old lady would like to add that to us, the Zhou family and the Lin family are one family. Of course, which family is this Lin family referring to? You should know very well. "

The old lady's words were absolutely rude, and she slapped her face with a big slap. If ordinary people were to be so disliked, they would definitely leave, but Li Xinwei could still smile brightly. He joked: "Aunt Zhou, you are so funny. I have heard before that you are not a rigid person, but now I believe it.

You must have misunderstood me. I came here today because I really wanted to resolve my relationship with my third brother and my whole family. When Zhiliang found out about what happened last time, he scolded me severely. A meal.

He said that the third child had suffered so much outside and finally returned home. Not only did I not care about him, I also unreasonably caused trouble for them. If I didn't come to apologize, he would divorce me.

I was still a little aggrieved at the time and felt that what I did was right, but after being treated coldly by him for a few days, I finally thought about it. If the brother Zhiliang valued so much had lost his life because of me, then I would really be a loser. It's the sinner.

So, no matter what everyone thinks of me today, I have to show my attitude and let my third brother and sister-in-law see my sincerity and believe that we will be able to get along very harmoniously in the future!" (To be continued. .)\u003c/dd\u003e

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