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"Baohe, you are really rare visitors, Magnolia, Yanqiu, Chuxia, come on, come on in..." Uncle Lin greeted the group of people warmly, and couldn't help but frown when he saw the second daughter-in-law who was following behind with a face. He frowned, but ignored the other party.

"Dad, I was wrong!" Li Xinwei said hello and knelt down with a plop, which shocked Grandpa Lin. He knew that the second daughter-in-law liked to play some petty tricks, but what kind of trick was this? ?

After all, it was in front of outsiders, so Grandpa Lin had no choice but to ignore her and glanced at her lightly: "What's wrong?"

"Didn't you promise to let Zhidong and Zhiliang Baohe compete fairly? I just wanted to tell the third brother and the third younger brother and sister the good news. Then I thought about it. The third brother and the third younger brother and sister have never been interested in these things, so I thought about it. Why don't I ask them to help me more? I was anxious and what I said was not very good, which made my third brother and sister-in-law angry. Chu Xia even disowned me as my second uncle.

Dad, I really didn’t mean it. Please don’t be angry with me. Please also advise my third brother and sister-in-law. No matter what, we are all a family. If you feel uncomfortable if you have a dispute, don’t say it. Let outsiders see the joke.

Moreover, for the sake of good early summer, the whole family should not be in chaos. Dad, these words of mine don’t sound nice, but they are all true, don’t you think? "

"You go back to the room first..." Uncle Lin, who knew the second daughter-in-law's character very well, could not know what was going on. He immediately turned cold and chased Li Xinwei back to the room.

"Dad..." Li Xinwei took two steps forward with a pleading look on her face, "You must believe me. I really do it for the good of the Lin family. Don't be deceived by some people."

"Who are the second younger siblings talking about?" Jiang Xinwan, who happened to be downstairs, heard her words and smiled contemptuously, "You have been doing this for so many years, why don't you change it?

Whenever something goes wrong, you throw dirty water on our heads, and when something goes wrong, you ask us to help wipe your butts. How do you think you are so embarrassed? Why can you be so calm? "

"Sister-in-law, did I say something?" Li Xinwei stared at her with an unconvinced look on her face, "You answered so hurriedly, don't you feel guilty?"

"Then tell me, why do I feel guilty?" Jiang Xinwan looked at her calmly, "I have been to the home of my third brother and sister before, but ask them, did I say anything to solicit votes?"

"No wonder!" Li Xinwei looked astonished, "It was you who went to slander us first. No wonder they didn't believe what I said today.

Sister-in-law, you have done such a thing and yet you dare to say it so openly. You are really eye-opening! She turned to look at Uncle Lin, who looked uncertain, and said, "Dad, did you see it?" My sister-in-law has always been good at pretending to be nice, but how can she be so honest-minded like me? If I say anything, I will offend others! "

Grandpa Lin sighed and asked, "Xinwei, I just want to ask you, have the Lin family ever treated you badly in the years since you married into the Lin family?"

"Dad, what do you mean by this?" Li Xinwei looked surprised, "You know, I am very lucky to have parents-in-law like you and mom, so why do I feel that the Lin family has treated me badly?"

"Then why are you making such a fuss?" Uncle Lin sighed again, "Before you got married, the relationship between the eldest and the second was quite good, but over the years, how much love do they still have between brothers?

If you hadn't thought about the boss's efforts to turn the tide back then, you would have forced me to change the head of the family, right? As a human being, you should always ask yourself with your conscience in mind, how have the boss and his wife treated you over the years? Do you really have no idea?

Okay, you are the daughter-in-law of the second child, so you should think that the second child is good, but we have to be realistic about some things, right? Based on the results achieved by the eldest and the second child, you should know which one of them is more capable, right?

Your mother and I have always been impartial in our treatment of you and Xinwan. Sometimes, we even let you go more or less because of your petty nature. Do you think your sister-in-law didn't notice? She just doesn't want to argue with you.

When you brought up the matter of re-electing the head of the family that day, I only said that I would consider it and did not agree to it. Then you went out and caused such a mess. Li Xinwei, you really gave me a new perspective.

Today, in front of Baohe and Yulan, I will tell you clearly, why did I agree to consider the re-election of the head of the family? It's not that I'm dissatisfied with the boss, it's because I feel indebted to Bao He!

When the position of the head of the family was determined, Bao He was not here. He passively accepted the matter. Although he knew that due to his temperament, he might not be interested in the head of the family, it does not mean that we can deprive him of his power.

Therefore, I thought about voting for the election again. No matter what the result is, I will keep my promise. For this reason, I also discussed this matter with your mother, and she also agreed with my opinion.

Unexpectedly, I haven't announced the results yet, but you have started to take action. If I had known you would be like this, I would have directly announced that the second child has no right to stand for election. "

"Dad, you can't do this, it's unfair to us!" Li Xinwei yelled without thinking.

"Then what you have done, is it fair to the boss? Is it fair to the third child?" Uncle Lin looked at her intently, "You keep saying it is for the good of the Lin family, but if you have the good of the Lin family in your heart, you should not Do something like this!"

"Dad, I am here to give Zhiliang more confidence. You also know that as long as the eldest brother is around, no one will pay attention to Zhiliang. But in these years, hasn't Zhiliang been taking care of the family's property?

Why can't anyone see his efforts at all? Also, do you think I really have no brains? Just go to the third brother and the third brother and sister to make trouble like this?

I can't help it. I know that if I use a gentle method, I won't attract your attention at all, let alone make you pay attention to Zhiliang. I had thought of this result before going to Sandi's house.

But why did I go anyway? Dad, I was really forced into this. Originally, I was interested in Xiaomiao and Wenhang, but Wenhang chose Huang Suai.

The background of the Huang family is indeed very eye-catching, but Huang Suai is already an abandoned son of the Huang family, and marrying him back home will not help Wenhang at all.

Wenxiu and Shao Min were together, which was quite satisfactory, but his temperament didn't know who he was following, and he always did things that made people angry when he looked at the gentle man.

If there is something to him, who can we expect? Li Xinwei sniffed, "I'm not a person who doesn't care about good things. I know that my eldest brother and sister-in-law have been kind to us over the years, but people are selfish, and we can't not think about ourselves at all." "

"What are you worried about?" Uncle Lin looked at her with a headache. "I have already given you your share. What else do you want?"

"Brother's abilities are there. No matter he is the head of the family or not, no one dares to underestimate him..." Biting her lip, Li Xinwei raised her head and looked at Uncle Lin solemnly, "Dad, don't worry, we will definitely do it." I will be filial to you and mom, and carry forward the Lin family!"

This means that it is only fair to pass the position of the head of the family to Lin Zhiliang, and can the Lin family really develop? What on earth is this woman’s brain made of? !

Grandpa Lin looked at Li Xinwei speechlessly, really not knowing what to say.

The second son and second daughter-in-law have somewhat selfish personalities, but they have never done such unreasonable things before. This time, it really refreshed his understanding of them.

Without the support of the second son, the second daughter-in-law would definitely not dare to make such a fuss. Obviously, the second son also realized that it was impossible to influence the outcome through normal channels, so he simply let Li Xinwei do it.

Anyway, that's the original result. What if a miracle happens?

"Uncle, I really didn't know you had such thoughts..." Lin Baohe looked at Uncle Lin solemnly, "If it's my thoughts that matter to you, then you don't have to.

I didn't grow up in this kind of circle. Even if you force me to be the so-called head of the family, I can't do it. So, it makes no sense to make a new decision without me.

I came here today because I want to tell you that the share you gave me should be taken back to me, so as not to make the family less like a family because of this. "

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Grandpa Lin said the word "good" three times in a row. To be honest, he had been worried that Lin Baohe would insist on not accepting the family property that should have belonged to him. What, how do you explain it to your second brother and younger siblings?

He believed that the eldest son would not embezzle, but what about the younger son? The biggest obstacle is Lin Baohe's refusal to accept it. As long as he accepts it, all problems will disappear and no one will even think about it.

Lin Zhidong, Lin Zhiliang, Lin Zhiling, and Lin Zhihang were all called back. The things had been allocated originally, and they only needed to be signed by Lin Baohe to claim them under the witness of a few people.

As for the shares, Lin Baohe directly wrote the transfer agreement, and under the witness of a lawyer, it was transferred to Chu Xia's name.

All this was done in just three hours.

"Third uncle, third aunt, little sister..." After all the procedures were completed, Lin Zhihang walked up to Chu Xia's family with an embarrassed look and apologized, "I apologize to you for what my mother did, but I hope you will Don't blame her, in fact, she did this mainly to keep me."

Sighing, he looked at the others sadly, "According to the plan, I will go on a mission next month, but in the entire Lin family, three of the four juniors have already gone, and my mother really doesn't want me to get involved anymore.

She tried to persuade, cry, and threaten, but nothing worked. She deliberately used this method because after this incident, my grandfather would definitely punish my parents. She knew that I couldn't bear to abandon them. ..."r1152

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