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Among the four younger generations of the Lin family, Chu Xia had the worst impression of Lin Wenhang. He had a good heart, but he was a little indecisive and lacked responsibility. But at this moment, when he explained the reason why Li Wenwei did this with a sad look on his face, She suddenly felt sorry for him.

She had always felt that Li Wenwei's actions were stupid and retarded. Even if Li Wenwei was not as grand as Jiang Xinwan, she would not be so small-minded. Now, she finally understood the reason.

In order to keep her son, she resorted to this extremely self-destructive method. In fact, if something happened to the other three people, Lin Wenhang would be the only heir to the Lin family.

Different paths lead to the same destination, her ultimate goal and the result of her making such a fuss are the same.

Anyway, as long as Lin Zhidong is around, the possibility of Lin Zhiliang becoming the heir is almost zero. So, without affecting the outcome, it is absolutely worth it to get his son to stay.

With Li Xinwei's mentality, Chu Xia can be sure that her guess is absolutely correct!

"What did the second brother think?" When Lin Wenhang apologized, Mrs. Zhou and Lin Yanqiu were also there. As soon as Chu Xia's words came out, everyone's eyes turned over.

Of course, the answer may not be what he really thinks, but if it is too fake, you can hear it, so everyone still has expectations for his answer.

"I am really hesitant about the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety..." After a pause, Lin Wenhang said, "However, my elder brother and younger brothers have already made their choices, and I must stand on the same front as them."

"Wenhang!" Li Xinwei looked at her son with a sad look on her face. She had used this method to completely destroy her image. If her son still insisted on his original choice, what was the point of all she had done?

Although she didn't lose much compared to the original, it was too stupid to make a deal with losses but no gains!

"That's enough!" Lin Zhiliang glared at his wife, stood up and bowed deeply in the direction of Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan, "Second brother, I can't help you anymore. I don't want to tell lies. I know what she did. Yes, I didn't stop her, it was indeed selfish.

I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again in the future. Otherwise, I would rather break up my little family. Please trust my second brother this time, okay? "

Without waiting for Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan to reply, Uncle Lin answered: "Believe it or not, it is not something that comes out of your mouth, but if you do something wrong, you can't just let it go.

I will give you two options now. One is to move out of the Lin family, and the other is to give up 2% of the Lin family's shares to the third family. You can make your own decision as to where to go. "

As soon as Li Xinwei opened her mouth, she was glared at by Lin Zhiliang. She was so frightened that she quickly stopped, "Dad, I am willing to give up 2% of Lin's shares," Lin Zhiliang said.

Uncle Lin nodded: "Okay, Lawyer Su is still here, let's go through the transfer now."

Lin Baohe looked at Chu Xia inquiringly. Chu Xia shook his head slightly, and he understood what his daughter meant: "Uncle, I can't have this. Even if you want to punish the second brother, don't let the benefits fall on us. It belongs to us. , we accepted it, we don’t want any of it that doesn’t belong to us, this is the opinion of our family.”

"It's not up to you to say this. He allowed your second sister-in-law to go through all this trouble, and he must make compensation. Whether you are willing or not, you must accept it..." Mr. Lin turned to look at Chu Xia, "Xia, You don’t want your father to become a thorn in your second uncle’s side, right?

Don't worry, uncle can guarantee you that if your second uncle dares to do anything that is sorry for your family again, the Lin family will not have a son like him. "

"Grandpa, you are serious. I really don't have that worry. The second uncle said it to this extent and took such a clear attitude. How could I not believe him?

I don't want my father to accept it because I don't want to break the balance. At the same time, I also want to show our attitude. We got the things back, but we really don't want the extras.

Whether it is the head of the family or the management of the Lin family, we will not interfere, so..." Chu Xia glanced at Li Xinwei, then at Erbo Lin, and then said, "Don't get us involved in this kind of thing in the future. .

If the great grandfather really wants to compensate us, please agree to my request. His honey is my arsenic. I believe that the great grandfather will understand our appeal. "

"Okay..." Sighing, Grandpa Lin looked at Lin Zhiliang, "Since the third child and his family are so insistent, you can make up your own mind."

Lin Zhiliang looked at Uncle Lin with firm eyes: "Dad, let's put this 2% in your name. From now on, you can distribute it however you want. Anyway, I must pay for my mistakes this time." Pay the bill.”

"Do you think her second uncle really figured it out?" On the way back, Zhao Yulan looked at her husband with some uncertainty, "Why do I think it's too easy to understand?"

"You..." Lin Baohe looked at his wife funny, "It's too easy to trust people. We've reached that point. If he doesn't show some sincerity, how can he manage the Lin family in the future?"

"Ah?" Zhao Yulan looked at her husband in confusion, wondering what this matter had to do with managing the Lin family.

Chu Xia explained: "If the second uncle doesn't say so, the uncle will take back his management rights. Then what position does he have in the Lin family?"

"Yes, he is different from us. We don't value these things in the first place. Moreover, even if it is left to us, we can't do it. Although in terms of status, we are now considered people in this circle, but , who really treats us as people in this circle?

Of course, we don't mind whether they respect us or not. In fact, compared with them, we are indeed inferior to them in many aspects.

But the second brother is different. He has grown up in such a circle. If you suddenly turn him into an idle person and lose his value, how can he accept it?

Therefore, he would rather give up the two percent and must keep his management rights over the Lin family. Although the uncle said that major decisions must be approved by the few of us, and the accounts will be checked every month, but outsiders It seems that the second uncle is still in charge.

Yulan, their thoughts are different from ours. For us, we are satisfied if we live with food and clothing and no one bullies us. But they are different. What they want is respect and recognition from this circle.

If they were really allowed to live the lives of ordinary people, they would probably rather not live anymore, right? Or, what I said is too serious, but it should be close to ten. "

"Dad is right, the second uncle probably thinks so, but he is still very talented in management. Even if the uncle takes it back now, there will be no suitable person to take over.

The uncle has reached the position he is today, and it is obviously impossible for him to do this. None of his brothers have any intention of developing in this direction. Which is strange to me. As a family, when cultivating successors, Shouldn’t everyone have a good seat?

But on the uncle's side, the development of the four children seems to be on the same track. What if the second uncle is older? I didn't really think about this before, but when I thought about it today, I realized that this was too abnormal.

Moreover, I absolutely do not believe that the great grandfather did not think of the seriousness of this matter, but why did he not take countermeasures and let the juniors make such a decision? "

"This, I seem to know a little bit..." Wang Zhongliang, who was driving, couldn't help but interjected, "Originally, Mr. Lin planned to let two of his four children go into politics and two into business, but later because of the disaster, he had to change They all decided to become soldiers."

"Oh oh oh..." Chu Xia looked stunned. How could she have forgotten this? Given the special nature of this era, it is not surprising that the juniors are arranged in this way. Choosing between life and development, of course It’s time to choose life!

Moreover, the uncle is not like her from another time and space. He knows the future development trajectory very well, so of course he must choose a safe way.

No wonder later generations say that in our country, it is basically impossible to find large enterprises that have been inherited for a hundred years. Many of them have either moved away from the country, or they have shrunk to bankruptcy after developing.

First of all, policy is one aspect. On the other hand, concerns also play a decisive role.

She thought about the situation of her brothers and found that Lin Wenjie and Lin Wenxiu were actually quite talented in this area. Perhaps, when they came back, she could persuade them.

Being a soldier is of course an honor, and protecting one's home and country is also the responsibility of every citizen. However, if a country wants to develop, it needs all aspects, and the strength of business is also fundamental!

After Li Xinwei and Lin Zhiliang returned to their room, the smile that had been on Li Xinwei's face completely disappeared. She frowned and looked at her husband: "Is this really your decision?"

"What can I do if I don't decide this way?" Lin Zhiliang sighed, "I'll let you go. I just wanted to test the old man's intention. Now it seems that I really guessed it."

After hesitating, Li Xinwei looked at her husband: "If it really succeeds, what will happen to Wenhang and Wenxiu?"

"What can we do?" Lin Zhiliang glanced at his wife indifferently, "They are all the grandsons of the old man. What do you think the old man will do to them?"

"But if you don't have children together, what's the point of doing all this?"

"Why is there no point?" Lin Zhiliang stared at his wife with cold eyes, "If you regret it, you can quit. I won't force you to go with me."

" could you do this?" Li Xinwei gritted her teeth while staring at her husband, "Tell me the truth, do you have another woman outside?" r1152

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