The two updates are combined.


The invitation from the niece's daughter-in-law was clearly directed at her daughter. Liang Xiaohong was not unkind, she immediately nodded gratefully to Chu Xia and pushed her daughter: "Nan Nan, go talk to your third sister-in-law, second sister, and fourth sister. "

Zhou Nanping didn't expect that Chu Xia would invite her, so after the other party finished speaking, she kept standing in a daze. After being pushed by her mother, she came to her senses and immediately agreed and went with Zhou Jiping and Zhou Xiangping. Upstairs.

Although Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang do not live in the ancestral house, their bedroom is cleaned every day. Therefore, although it has been vacant for a long time, there is no dust or damp smell in the room.

After a few people sat down, Chu Xia smiled at the somewhat reserved Zhou Nanping: "Sixth sister, we haven't had much contact with each other in the past and are not very familiar with each other. We should keep in touch in the future, okay?"

"Okay..." Zhou Nanping nodded repeatedly, stood up quickly, and bowed solemnly to Chu Xia, "Thank you, third sister-in-law, for your generosity. I will never do anything wrong again in the future."

"We are all a family, why are you so polite?" Chu Xia smiled and pulled her to sit down. "You will know after we have been together for a long time that I will say whatever I say. If I don't care, I won't care. It's definitely not a show-off. The appearance is for others to see. On the contrary, if I am still angry, nothing you say will be of any use, so Liu Mei, please stop doubting my sincerity, okay?"

Zhou Nanping looked at Chu Xia with guilt in her eyes: "Third sister-in-law, of course I know that you have stopped blaming me, but if I don't say it myself, I will feel uneasy for the rest of my life!" These days, she has been looking for someone like this. A chance to properly apologize to my third sister-in-law.

If it weren't for the generosity of the third sister-in-law, she would definitely not be able to live freely now. She is very clear about the importance the third brother attaches to the third sister-in-law. Based on what she has done, if the third sister-in-law hadn't asked for her, the third brother would never have done it. Forgive her.

At first, she was still a little skeptical, thinking that even if she was not held accountable, she would definitely be criticized in other aspects - such as work, but it turned out that she was really a villain.

So, when she says this now, it's not that she doesn't believe it or that she's doubtful, but that she sincerely wants to have the opportunity to express her attitude face to face!

"Okay, okay, don't be polite..." Zhou Jiping smiled and patted Zhou Nanping, "After you have been together for a long time, you will understand who your third sister-in-law is. Compared with us, she is really generous and reasonable. So, your third brother has really good taste!"

Zhou Xiangping immediately agreed: "That's right, third brother has been smart since he was a child and can make the right choice in everything!"

Zhou Nanping looked at the two of them with envy.

She was so happy to have a brother like that. Unlike her, her brother was unwilling to even look at her. She even suspected that even if she died in front of her brother, he probably wouldn't even look at her.

"Don't be anxious, your brother is in over his head right now, just wait until he figures it out..." Sighing, Zhou Jiping took Zhou Nanping's hand and looked at her sincerely, "Although we are brothers Sisters, but since we were young, this is the first time we sit together and talk so closely.

I remember when we were young, Xiaosi and I wanted to talk to you, but you would always look at us indifferently, and then walk away without saying a word. The more times this happened, we no longer wanted to get close to you.

Thinking about it now, we are not good either. We are obviously older than you, and we know that you feel comfortable because you have been fostered in other people's homes, but we did not relieve you in time. Otherwise, maybe today would not be like this..."

"Second sister, don't say that. I don't blame you for this, it's all my fault..." Zhou Nanping interrupted Zhou Jiping hastily and sighed with regret, "I was crazy at that time, as long as you tell me If you say nice things, I feel like you are watching my jokes, and I will become more indifferent to you.

Looking back now, I realize that both my elders and my brothers and sisters have given me so many opportunities, but I didn’t know how to cherish them, and I blamed my family for not caring enough about me. Therefore, I was rejected by the Fang family. Taking advantage of me, I deserve to be in this situation. "

"What happened in the past is over, so we don't have to do self-examination, okay?" Chu Xia looked at a few people with a smile, "No matter what happened in the past, it's enough for everyone to be united now, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Jiping responded solemnly and looked at Zhou Nanping, "Xiao Liu, your third sister-in-law called us all over here, definitely not just to recall the past and reflect on each other.

The past is past, the top priority is to take the future well, you and Fang Tao have been delaying it for so long, do you have a decision in your heart now?"

"I..." Zhou Nanping frowned in confusion, "I haven't decided yet."

"What else is there to think about that kind of person?" Zhou Xiangping rolled her eyes, "After treating you like that, you still want to live with him. Do you think that even if he is willing to continue with you, if something happens again, Can you guarantee that he won't run away?

Or to put it more bluntly, you know that he was using you before, are you willing to let him continue to use you in the future? Pretend to be nice to you? "

"It's not..." he sighed,

Zhou Nanping looked confused, "He used to be very good to me, and he was my first love and the only person I ever loved. Even though I knew he had taken advantage of me and asked me to let go, I would still be reluctant to let him go.

I don’t know if anyone will be willing to marry me if I leave him. If the next one marries me, will he marry me because I am the daughter of the Zhou family?

Also, I am not willing to let him marry another woman. Why can he find someone younger and prettier than me to help him after he separates from me?

Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt like a needle pricking me. Even if I spend the rest of my life like this, I don't want him to have his way!"

"Didn't he and that woman break up?" Zhou Xiangping looked at her speechlessly, "Why are you still trying to get into trouble? If you continue like this, it will only be bad for you, do you understand?"

"I understand, but I can't let go,

Moreover, the two of them were secretly going back and forth again, and I bumped into them!"

Zhou Xiangping: "..."

"You are only in your twenties..." After a pause, Chu Xia looked at her helplessly, "If he is someone worthy of your doing this, we will definitely not advise you.

If you weren't Zhou Mikang's cousin, I probably wouldn't forgive you for what you did in the past, and I didn't forgive you just to make you look down on me.

Compared with the parents-in-law and the third uncle and the third aunt, the life of the second uncle and the second aunt is too difficult. Neither of you can make them worry. Now, you have finally figured out something. Shouldn't you be more filial? Give them some money and let them worry less?

If you continue to be entangled like this, and your brother is like that, your uncle and aunt will be worried until their heads turn gray. Do you think this is the case?

As for the girl who is good with Fang Tao, since she is willing to continue to associate with Fang Tao without telling her family, then one day when she suffers a loss, she will not be able to blame anyone, and there is no need for you to pay for her fault! "

Zhou Nanping looked up at Chu Xia fiercely: "You mean, it's impossible for her to marry Fang Tao?"

"I can't guarantee this kind of thing, but it's a fact that the girl's parents don't agree with her marrying Fang Tao. If she has the courage to marry Fang Tao secretly, then maybe she really loves Fang Tao.

But as for Fang Tao, do you think that if he remarries his wife, it will not help him at all, or even his wife becomes a drag on him? What do you think he will do?

You are just unwilling to let the person you once loved marry someone else. You don’t really still love him and you can’t let him go. I can guarantee that if you really get back together, you will definitely regret it!”

"I..." Zhou Nanping's face became even more conflicted. In fact, she understood these truths, because Fang Tao knew very well that even if he continued to be with her, the Zhou family would not give the Fang family any help. Therefore, even if Even if he reluctantly agrees to be with her, he will never treat her sincerely, let alone live with her wholeheartedly.

And she asked herself, was Fang Tao's relationship still the same as it was at the beginning? The answer was also no. More importantly, it was just because she was unwilling to be alone...

However, she is only twenty-five years old, is it worth giving up her life like this...

The more she thought about it, the more entangled she became, and the more she thought about it, the more contradictory she became. Several people stopped trying to persuade her, and the room fell into a long silence...

"I..." Zhou Nanping finally spoke, but she paused for a long time before continuing, "Fang Tao and I are divorcing!"

"That's right!" Zhou Xiangping slapped her face excitedly, "You should dump a man like this as soon as possible. Don't worry, I will help you find a better man so that you will never regret your decision today! "

"I will also ask your brother-in-law to help you pay attention..." Zhou Jiping looked at Zhou Nanping seriously, "As for whether you will be happy in the future and whether you will regret today's decision, the key still depends on you. According to your fourth sister’s assurance, she speaks indiscriminately when her brain gets hot and doesn’t consider the essence of the matter at all.”

"Yes, yes..." Zhou Xiangping also realized that what she just said was too irresponsible. If Zhou Nanping said she had let go, she still couldn't let it go. It would be impossible to be happy!

"Second sister, fourth sister, I understand that I won't rely on you..." Zhou Nanping looked at the two of them with a wry smile, "It seems that my impression in your hearts is too bad."

Zhou Xiangping smiled sheepishly: "You can't say that. We are just worried that you won't be able to get out in a short time. In fact, from this point of view, you are a person who values ​​emotions and perseverance. As long as you really think about it, you can definitely do it." If you live a happy life, your second uncle and second aunt will definitely be proud of you.

. "

"Third sister-in-law, thank you..." Zhou Nanping looked at Chu Xia and thanked her solemnly, "Without the generosity of third sister-in-law, second sister and fourth sister would never have invited me to sit here and say so much."

"Here we go again..." Chu Xia rolled her eyes helplessly, "It would be hypocritical to say it again. I don't want to repeat what I said before."

"Okay, I won't say such things anymore, but I promise my third sister-in-law, second sister and fourth sister to settle things between me and Fang Tao as quickly as possible. From now on, I will be filial to my parents and live a positive life." , don’t let them worry about you anymore!”

"That's right." Zhou Jiping took her hand affectionately and said, "I have been hoping that our children can be united as one. The result now is great!"

"It would be great if Zhou Zhongkang and Zhou Aiping could also figure it out..." Zhou Xiangping sighed, "There is something that my uncle didn't tell his family, but Liao Hui happened to meet it.

The third uncle went to see Zhou Aiping, but in the end, Zhou Aiping pretended not to know the third uncle. No matter what the third uncle said, she refused to admit that she was Zhou Aiping. Even when the third uncle mentioned Yinger, she did not react. It seemed that she was impossible. came back. "

"When did this happen?" Zhou Jiping looked at her sister in surprise, "How did you meet Liao Hui?"

"It was just a week ago. Didn't Liao Hui participate in a cadre exchange? The exchange happened to be in the town where Zhou Aiping lived. Then, when he went out for a walk, he happened to see his third uncle and Zhou Aiping.

In order not to embarrass his third uncle, he did not show up in front of his third uncle. When he came back, he hesitated before telling me, saying that he wanted me to find a suitable time to talk to his family and that his appearance was quite shocking. . "

"Is it possible for the family to beg Zhou Aiping to come back?" Zhou Jiping snorted coldly, "If at this time, she still blames the family, then it doesn't matter whether she comes back or not."

"I think so too, but the third uncle is her biological father. Especially after divorcing the third aunt, he feels guilty for her. Even if he is disappointed with her behavior, it is still impossible to really let her go.

I have also talked about this matter with Liao Hui. In fact, we both agree that this matter is unsolvable for the time being. Not to mention the elders and juniors in the family, it is impossible for her to come back.

With her character, if she is really let down, she will become the Supreme Emperor and walk away sideways in the future. Moreover, a person who can even ignore his own daughter is not worthy of our consideration at all!"

As the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family, Chu Xia would not interrupt such a topic. No matter how bad Zhou Aiping was, no matter how much she hated the other party, she could not interfere with this issue. Therefore, no matter how much the sisters said, Filled with indignation, she remained silent.

Zhou Nanping was embarrassed to say anything now because she had not done well before.

The two sisters suddenly stopped talking, looked at each other, then looked at Chu Xia and Zhou Nanping, and then laughed helplessly: "You two, do you want to be so cautious?"

Zhou Nanping smiled coquettishly: "It's not because I'm cautious, but because I'm not qualified to say it."


"What do you agree with?" Zhou Xiangping looked at her third sister-in-law speechlessly, "Why are you not qualified to say it?"

Chu Xia spread her hands: "Because my surname is Lin."

"Are you really only eighteen years old?" Zhou Jiping couldn't help stroking her forehead, "Sometimes I feel that you are almost as wise as grandpa."

"Really?" Chu Xia's eyes widened in surprise, "Second sister, we don't want to lie to others, but I will take it seriously. If I am misled, you will be responsible!"

Zhou Jiping: "..."

That night, Zhou Nanping did not rush back to Fang's house. Early the next morning, accompanied by Liang Xiaohong, she directly filed for divorce from Fang Tao.

In the past few months, Fang Tao has been reluctant to look at Zhou Nanping. He almost hates Zhou Nanping because of her shamelessness. Therefore, when he suddenly heard that he was about to be freed, he had a look on his face. Unbelievable.

"I said we are getting divorced. Today, we will complete the formalities..." Zhou Nanping looked at him and said word by word, "Don't worry, I will never have anything to do with you again in this life, no matter you marry I won’t be jealous of anyone, and I won’t get involved with them!”

Fang's mother, who was sitting on the side, curled her lips and looked at her son: "Go quickly, don't stand there any longer. If someone regrets it, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"I'll go back to the work unit to issue the certificate, and you can also go back to the factory to issue the certificate. We'll meet at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau in two hours." After saying this, Fang Tao ran out of the house like a gust of wind, leaving Zhou Nanping and Liang Xiaohong there.

At this moment, the little nostalgia in Zhou Nanping's heart finally dissipated completely.

It turns out that I am really like a rag in the other person's heart, and I want to throw it away immediately. Unfortunately, she is still dreaming. She is really stupid...

For other families, divorce is a sad thing, but for the Zhou family, Zhou Nanping's divorce is a happy thing. That night, the whole family got together again.

Liang Xiaohong went to find Zhou Zhongkang in person, so he came over again, sat at the table, and looked at his sister with cold eyes. On the surface, his mood did not fluctuate at all.

"Have you ever seen such a cold-blooded person?" Zhou Xiangping was so angry that she moved closer to Chu Xia and whispered, "I really feel that Xiao Liu is quite pitiful now. It would be better not to have such a brother!"

"Hey..." Chu Xia really didn't know what to say other than sighing.

However, at this moment, Zhou Zhongkang stood up: "I have something to say to everyone..." After a pause, everyone turned their attention to him, and then he continued, "Don't mention Mei Xiaofeng in front of me in the future. She is already with someone else, and we will go through the divorce procedures in a few days!"

"What?" Liang Xiaohong stood up suddenly and looked at her son in disbelief, "Who did you listen to? How could Xiaofeng get along with someone else? I went to see her a few days ago, and she was still called Where is my mother."

"Before we get divorced, what's wrong with calling you mom?" A sarcastic smile appeared on Zhou Zhongkang's lips, "If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have come back no matter what you said. Now that I can accept Zhou Nanping's divorce, Of course she has to accept my divorce. Is it possible that her divorce is honorable but my divorce will be shameful?"

"No..." Liang Xiaohong hurriedly walked around her son and took his arm, "Zhongkang, you must have misunderstood. Xiaofeng is not that kind of child. You should comfort her and stop hurting her heart, okay?" good?"

"Mom, why don't you always believe in your son?" Zhou Zhongkang sighed in disappointment, "Well, even if you don't believe me, the facts will soon make you believe it.

I have made an appointment with her to apply for a divorce certificate in three days. At that time, my mother can ask her. If she dares to say that she didn't find it, I won't divorce her, okay?"

When he said this, Liang Xiaohong actually believed 80% of it. She knew her son's character, which was stubborn and unreasonable, but she would not lie by confusing right and wrong.

However, it was really difficult for her to accept this result for a while. Both her children were divorced... Is there any mother more failed than her? The joy that was originally due to the liberation of her daughter disappeared completely in this moment. …

In fact, everyone had thought about this outcome for a long time, but when Zhou Zhongkang actually said it, everyone felt uncomfortable. After all, Mei Xiaofeng was not Fang Tao. Although she didn't get along well with everyone when she first married into the Zhou family. In this way, she even thought about competing with Chu Xia for favor. However, after the miscarriage, she seemed to be a completely different person, and everyone really fell in love with her...

The party eventually broke up unhappy.

"I think we shouldn't call Zhou Zhongkang back for family gatherings in the future. As long as he's around, there will be no happy moments..." Finally, Zhou Xiangping couldn't help but drag Zhou Jiping and Chu Xia to complain.

"Okay, don't be angry. The two uncles and aunts are the most angry. We can't help, so don't add fuel to the fire. As for Xiaofeng, don't ask. …”

"Second sister..." Zhou Xiangping interrupted Zhou Jiping with a speechless expression, "Am I so inconsiderate in your mind? If Zhou Zhongkang is decent, I will go to Mei Xiaofeng for advice.

He's like that, and no one who marries him will have a good life. If Mei Xiaofeng really chooses someone else, I can only bless her, so how can I possibly pull her into another trap?"

"Actually..." After hesitating, Chu Xia looked at her eldest sister and sister-in-law, "I think Zhou Zhongkang's character is really problematic. If you think about it, when Mei Xiaofeng was not close to us, he actually still treated Mei Xiaofeng. Yes, later on, Mei Xiaofeng became closer to us, but his relationship with Mei Xiaofeng became weaker and weaker, right?"

After thinking for a while, Zhou Jiping and Zhou Xiangping nodded together, "Third sister-in-law, when you say this, why do I think his psychological problem is quite serious, will he develop into a psychosis?" Zhou Xiangping looked at Chu Xia worriedly and asked.

"I don't dare to say this. Anyway, he is too moody. There was a time when we all thought he had figured it out. As a result, he fell out right away..." Chu Xia spread his hands and said, "My identity is not the same. There’s a lot to say, you two should try to persuade the second uncle and the second aunt.”

"Understood." This time, the two sisters did not tease Chu Xia and responded solemnly. Indeed, as a daughter-in-law, it was not convenient for Chu Xia to express her opinions on such things.

The next day, Chu Xia, Zhou Jiping, Zhou Xiangping, and Yu Tao were taking Nan Nan Bei Bei, Yan Yan, and Xiao Yingzi outside to bask in the sun. Fang Tao came over to find them. He pretended not to see them, but he actually had a look on his face. Laughing, after saying hello one by one, he asked, "I want to talk to Nannan for a few words. Can you let me in?"

"No!" Zhou Xiangping glanced at him coldly, "We're already divorced, why are you still looking for her? Don't you think you've done enough harm to her before? Get out!"

Fang Tao's face turned dark for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, he put on a smile again and raised his hands to Zhou Xiangping: "Fourth sister, please spare my brother-in-law, okay?"

Everyone: "..." How can there be such a shameless person? Whose brother-in-law is he? Please, get out of here as far away as possible?!r1152



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